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John Richards

Artist 'Roger Davis' is NOT John Richards although Richards did use the name 'Davis' on several covers. Roger Davis is a real person, not a pseudonym for John Richards. The only other name used by Richards was 'Rik' on BLACK-WING OF MARS - Vargo Statten (Scion 1953); DE BRACY'S DRUG - Volsted Gridban (Scion Feb 1953); DRUMS ALONG THE AMAZON - Victor Norwood (Scion Mar 1953); REVERSE UNIVERSE - Volsted Gridban (Scion Dec 1952). —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Clockrocker (talkcontribs) .

Adding image credit , please

Good day,

I need help.

I would like to have an INTERIOR ART CREDIT added for Author record # 269730 ; Carl Lavoie.

It’s in the recent

Vastarien: A Literary Journal. Vol. 6, Issue 1

and it’s the frontispiece illustration, ‘The Evil Eye'.

Here’s a link to a sample of the issue, the illustration is right after the cover page:

And here’s a link to the publisher, listing the content of the recent issue:

Thank you. And have a wonderful day.

-Carl Lavoie

This has been updated here. ···日本穣 · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 11:23, 7 May 2024 (EDT)

PVR; Palie von is actually Palle von per contents page photo online, novel is not genre from what I can gather online, Palle Rosenkrantz story is not genre per online reviews, neither really belong here, didn't notice this until I'd already entered bio info for Rosenkrantz, cancelled my edit, I think both names should be deleted, probably other contents from 1960 omnibus and Martin Edwards anthology are not genre and should be removed, too (there's a note in the anthology's record mentioning this). --Username (talk) 14:30, 2 November 2023 (EDT)

Do you have links to the reviews you read? I'm having difficulty finding any reviews or summaries of either. ···日本穣 · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 11:59, 7 May 2024 (EDT)

Science Fictional Solar System; The UK HC & book club editions say Martin H. Greenberg on their cover, 2 eBay copies of book club don't show title page, does anyone own either edition who can verify what his name is on title page? --Username (talk) 22:28, 4 November 2023 (EDT)

All but one have PVs, and 2-3 of the PVs are currently active. Have you asked them? ···日本穣 · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 12:06, 7 May 2024 (EDT)

Suspect book listed on Amazon.

Someone on Facebook's Terran Trade Authority group posted a link to this publication which looks decidedly iffy. Book is 30 pages of well known illustrations presumably culled from the Cowley pictoral volumes and maybe other sources. The one image viewable is unhelpful but isn't a very good illustration either. If anyone happens to come across a copy somewhere (like a library or bookshop) a quick leaf through and appraisal would be welcome. --Mavmaramis (talk) 15:07, 5 November 2023 (EST)

The author's name is listed as "Aderyn Alexander". Amazon UK lists 202 photo books and coloring books with this credit. Since adult coloring books were massively popular a few years ago, I suspect that the publisher decided to capitalize on the trend, grabbed some images and put a bunch of books together. Here is what a reviewer says about the same author/publisher's 70’s Sci-Fi Art Photo Book: Amazing Artworks Science Fiction Colorful Pictures For Fans:
  • I thought this was going to be a great book. Turns out it is a print on demand piece. The images are not credited. You don't know who did the art work. They are cropped all wrong. Normally art books have information on the art work. This has none. I feel they did a Google search found high resolution images from the 70s and made this book. Very disappointed.
On the plus side, the books apparently do exist and even have ISBNs, so they are apparently eligible for inclusion even if we don't know what they reprint. Ahasuerus (talk) 16:11, 5 November 2023 (EST)
Looking through the entries by this person, I suspect at least some of the work is AI generated, and I doubt the known IP coloring books are properly licensed. The wording on the titles Amazon uses are too marketing-savvy, too. For example the entry for the 70’s Sci-Fi Art Photo Book is "70’s Sci-Fi Art Photo Book: Eroticism Colorful Pages For Adults Men Boys To Relax And Unwind | Ideal Gift For Birthday". I'd be cautious about entering anything from this "Aderyn Alexander". ···日本穣 · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 14:27, 6 November 2023 (EST)
The general concenus on the TTA Facebook group is that the "sci-fi" books listed by this author are highly suspect at best. Cover images use art from Peter Elson, Tim White and Fred Gambino. They are not publications I personally will be spending money buying so won't be entering those publications here. --Mavmaramis (talk) 16:12, 6 November 2023 (EST)

St. Martin's The Light Fantastic; I was doing some edits for the few St. Martin's editions of Terry Pratchett's novels and I think this last one,, doesn't exist. It should probably get the unpublished code for the date. --Username (talk) 11:46, 6 November 2023 (EST)

I'm not finding anything online about it outside of this listing on the Italian Amazon (which indicates it's not available). It's very possible it was announced and then cancelled or replaced by another ISBN. ···日本穣 · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 12:14, 7 May 2024 (EDT)

Alan Burns; I added cover image to Dreamerika a while ago and today added archived link to US Babel edition; SFE says "Babel" in New Worlds is an excerpt so I've added that word to the title. The issue now is SFE thinks all the other short stories are by a different Alan Burns (and probably the poems and essay, too). Does anyone know for sure? --Username (talk) 11:31, 7 November 2023 (EST)

Geta; I added a link to 1984-00-00 in a PENDING edit; 1985 2nd printing was edited by Hauck, while RTrace cloned the 1984-06-00 but that date can't be right because the price is higher than 1985. There are 2 identical notes about name of publisher in 1984-00-00 and 1985 but neither was edited by the same person/people so some cloning/copying happened there, too. So publisher should either be Granada or Panther / Granada for all 3 and 1984-06-00 should either have a new date or all 0's for unknown; it also says TP, not PB, and likely has the same cover as the others so cover artist should be imported. --Username (talk) 23:48, 9 November 2023 (EST)

Arthur Barker Edition of The Restaurant at the End of the Universe; No idea why that obviously incorrect cover artist data was approved by a mod but I removed Kay and the word "Illustrations" from Litherland's credit. I assume the Amazon cover is the correct one because there's a few non-Amazon sites that show the same cover for that ISBN but the problem is Open Library has a 1985 date for the Arthur Barker edition (the only one out of 85 editions) but editor here has 1980 and ISFDB page for that publisher ends in 1980. This edition seems rare so if anyone owns it can you check to make sure date, price, page count (Open Library says 188, not 187), etc. are correct? I left PV a message but they don't seem to answer any questions. --Username (talk) 10:01, 10 November 2023 (EST)

Who Is Lewis Pinder?; MLB recently PV Signet PB and I just replaced faded Amazon cover with nice Bookscans cover but I can't find a cover for the HC anywhere. If anyone else can, can you upload it? --Username (talk) 23:29, 10 November 2023 (EST)

Bellows; I added FantLab photo in a PENDING edit, says Jeffrey, not Jeffery, and has "Kent" in quotes like it's a nickname but the grave says Kent Bellows, and what does the G. stand for? --Username (talk) 09:24, 14 November 2023 (EST)


[1]; I was going through the old horror webzine Rosewort, adding links (yes, I found ANOTHER D. F. Lewis story, "Aspen"), and the Ken Goldman story "Going Potty" had a dead link. Then I noticed that the Bizarrocast link in that story's record leads to a log-on page because the original site is gone, but the archived site hardly has any archived pages; I tried one from 2013, "How the Isle of Cats Got Its Name", and after waiting a long time for the page to load all I saw was Arabic (?) writing so even that seems to have been captured after the site was already dead. My link above searched for all title webpages with Bizarrocast in their URL and there's quite a few so if anyone knows whether there's a new site, say here. Otherwise, all those links should probably be deleted. --Username (talk) 13:16, 14 November 2023 (EST)

Bloodlust and Fangers; Today I was adding links to any stories on the old Bloodlust-UK horror site that are on ISFDB and they seem to have redesigned the site some time after 2005 because there were a couple of links that had different URL's for the same stories. I did get quite a few links, including at least one that was published earlier on Bloodlust than what the note on ISFDB says and two by the same author that were supposedly original to one of her collections but were actually published on Bloodlust more than 10 years earlier, and was feeling pretty good about all that until tonight when I decided to see if the authors who got links had any other stories online nowadays, non-archived, and while looking for stories by Denise Sodaro this site came up,, where they dumped most/all of the original site's stories without any note that I can see that these stories are nearly 2 decades old. I nearly cried at how much faster I could have added links from Fangers instead of trawling through the old site. Anyway, it seems they were collected in some recent Fangers anthologies; I feel bad for people paying money for these old stories that mostly shouldn't have been published the first time when online editors were hungry for content and would accept almost anything. However, there is one thing that could lead to something interesting; this guy,, seems to have plagiarized at least one story, "Jumpers", which I added a note to some time ago with an explanation of who actually wrote the story. His other ISFDB story is in an anthology that I read via Interlibrary Loan years before I was an editor here and I can't remember a word of it so no way to tell if that's original. Bloodlust had a story by Michael Steinberg, "Life, or Something Like It", but this Fangers site calls him M. O. Steinberg even though he was already using the M. O. name back when the original site was active so why he went by Michael is anyone's guess. I typed a line of text from "Life..." on Google but got no hits so I'm not sure if it's original or another plagiarism. So if anyone owns the anthology Dreaming of Angels and can read Steinberg's story or reads "Life..." and recognizes it as being by someone else, can you let us know? --Username (talk) 20:11, 16 November 2023 (EST)

SFWA Bulletin; I was doing Bruce McAllister edits and there's 1 Bruce McAllaster credit here (along with a correct spelling elsewhere in it) but says McAllister so probably a misprint by PV. Also, Gatherng should be Gathering, Nores should be Notes, etc. If anyone can see a real copy all of those can probably be fixed. I assume there are many other mistakes in the other issues of this bulletin since the same PV worked on most/all of them. --Username (talk) 11:11, 20 November 2023 (EST)

Book of Ballads Dates; Does anyone agree with me that the 2004 contents should be November instead of October? They say they're original to this book in their notes. --Username (talk) 17:39, 21 November 2023 (EST)

Lecrivain; 2017 zine has no period after the C in her name, 2020 webzine does, story's title page will need to be seen to determine if 2017 really doesn't have it, then there should be a merge or a variant. Her other story in that zine doesn't have a period, either, according to ISFDB. --Username (talk) 18:25, 21 November 2023 (EST)

Ormazoids; Since PV is deceased if anyone wants to add/fix anything mentioned in my note to mod, feel free. EDIT: Seems logical UK edition would have been first for a Who book so title date should probably be 1986-00-00 unless anyone can determine exact UK date. --Username (talk) 18:56, 21 November 2023 (EST)

Philip K. Dick Reader; I cloned an 11th printing and publisher is Citadel+Kensington like 2016 but cover is same as 1997 which says publisher is Citadel Twilight; does anyone own a 1st printing who can say whether it says Twilight or if 1997 should be changed to Kensington? Twilight books had a certain bluish look about their covers and they say Twilight on the cover which this book doesn't. Per note on ISFDB Twilight ended in 2000 so it's possible it was a Twilight book and it was only mentioned inside. --Username (talk) 10:46, 24 November 2023 (EST)

Salt Is Not For Slaves; I can't find a copy of 1931 Ghost Stories issue where it says E. W. supposedly, can confirm it's G. W. in Book of the Living Dead (added link in a PENDING edit from OL-only no-search copy). --Username (talk) 12:19, 25 November 2023 (EST)

Rustin Parr; Title was entered in 2011, I've made 3 edits (one in each of the last 3 years), and only today noticed the title was wrong; it's Confession, not Confessions. Fixed that in a PENDING edit and while doing so noticed there are 2 foreign editions,, in case anyone fluent wants to enter those. I also have an edit adding UK Boxtree 4th printing of The Blair Witch Project: A Dossier by the same author; there is a HC book club (?) edition of the Onyx edition on but I didn't bother with that. --Username (talk) 21:29, 26 November 2023 (EST)

Eichner; While adding links and other stuff to E. Everett Evans books I noticed Eichner shows up twice as an illustrator and I assume those are the same people which would mean a variant is needed. Also, Eichner's birth date is off by 10 days from Wikipedia and most sites seem to agree it's 9, not 19, so the day may need changing. --Username (talk) 00:38, 30 November 2023 (EST)

Julie Novakova/Nováková

The page for this author has "Novakova" in her name, and states uses accentless spelling of her surname for foreign publications.. However I just checked her collection and an anthology she contributed a story to, and an anthology she co-edited, and all use "Nováková". I assume these should at least be a variant, but I don't have the privileges to see who might have added that author note, in case they can shed any further light?

(Also, "foreign publications" seems a bit Anglocentric, especially in conjunction with a Czech author?) ErsatzCulture (talk) 19:38, 2 December 2023 (EST)

Ghosts of the Chit-Chat; Contents #1, #4-7, #9, and #12 are not original; they're much older stories with at least one (Tatham) being under a different name (H. F. W.) and title ("Phonograph Bewitched"), plus a couple of authors that are not already on ISFDB (although J. K. Stephens may be James Stephens who is). If anyone owns this or knows where to get a look at the full text some fixing/merging is needed after determining what names and titles are actually used in it. --Username (talk) 21:02, 2 December 2023 (EST)

Best of John W. Campbell; I have a PENDING edit adding link to '76 US PB and another edit adding month to intro but the afterword has a variant with neither having a month. PB doesn't actually say afterword on that essay's title page so this may be a false variant that needs merging into one. --Username (talk) 19:26, 4 December 2023 (EST)

Best New Romantic Fantasy;; Re: this series, I don't think #3 was ever published like a lot of announced Juno books. There's almost no info online, nobody ever entered contents, etc. I think it should get an unpublished date here. --Username (talk) 13:58, 5 December 2023 (EST)

Sanjulian; Should this be changed to Sarjulian and made a variant of his parent name? Because it's supposed to be what's on the page, not what PV thinks it should be. --Username (talk) 19:03, 5 December 2023 (EST)

Dutch Plot; '79 Plot doesn't belong with the others. --Username (talk) 10:50, 6 December 2023 (EST)

Twice Twenty-Two; 2 copies, one searchable and one not, searchable one has a gutter code on p. 405, "03 N", which is not in the book club edition's note about gutter codes on ISFDB. Non-searchable one has no code. So if anyone knows how to identify dates from the code they may want to enter at least the copy that has a code. --Username (talk) 11:58, 8 December 2023 (EST)

Pan Mystery Walk; Someone just uploaded a foreign cover for Baal, one of Robert R. McCammon's novels, which led me to do some edits for other of his books (there's a lot left to do even though I've done many previously). There's a $75 Subterranean Press signed limited edition of The Night Boat which has been on since April of last year which I somehow never noticed before so I added a link to that but the Pan edition of Mystery Walk only has a 2nd printing uploaded; the question is whether the 1st printing also says Stephen Crisp on back cover instead of Steve Crisp, which is what's on ISFDB. So if anyone owns a 1st printing (I don't see anything online except 1 eBay auction where they took photos of everything EXCEPT the copyright page) and it says Stephen then that needs fixing. --Username (talk) 17:38, 11 December 2023 (EST)

International Polygonics Edition of Liars and Tyrants and People Who Turn Blue; I've made a few edits for this before but noticed today a copy was uploaded to earlier this year so I added a link, replaced postage stamp-sized Amazon cover with their cover, and added LCCN (their site screwed up entering the title). However, the copy has a big thick sticker obscuring the cover art credit on the back; it seems to start with Kev so probably Kevin; no other books on ISFDB from the publisher have that in the artist's name so if anyone has/can find a copy can you let us know what the artist's name is? --Username (talk) 19:51, 12 December 2023 (EST)

Brennan's Riddle; Been doing some Joseph Payne Brennan edits and this one is odd; there's no content. Is it possible that it contains his 1964 poem "Riddle"? It's likely not a collection but a chapbook or something similar. I added cover image and FantLab ID in a PENDING edit. --Username (talk) 12:29, 13 December 2023 (EST)

Pocket Pulse;; Should these very old entries by the late PV be changed to Pocket Pulse as the publisher so they merge with all the many others on ISFDB? --Username (talk) 13:08, 14 December 2023 (EST)

Martha Wells / All Systems Red - Code P1

Some copies of the original tp of All Systems Red have a code "P1" underneath "First Edition: May 2017" on the copyright page. Other copies have no code; the corresponding area is blank. Does anyone know the meaning of this code? Some online booksellers says this code denotes the first printing (or first state of first printing) but this seems to be their opinion. Is there any independent, documented, verifiable evidence of its meaning? Secondly, how should this be recorded in the ISFDb? We have two records: PoD and non-PoD. Should I create a new pub record for the P1 code version or should I just add a pub note to an existing record stating that some copies have this code? Teallach (talk) 18:41, 14 December 2023 (EST)

Rich Grote; I added, in a PENDING edit, archived site (online now is dead) and Behance page and article which revealed he's from New Jersey. There is a Rick Grote credit,, but his bio at various sites online says he started in 1976 while this book is from 1975. Also,, where one actually says Grote in the book while the other was not named but editor entered it from cover signature. So if anyone can say for sure that Grote or Rick Grote are Rich Grote then those can be made variants. --Username (talk) 19:42, 14 December 2023 (EST)

Ash of Stars; I was doing a bunch of James Sallis edits recently (links to several short stories, archived link to Shores Beneath, adding a massive collection from 2007 titled Potato Tree) and noticed this book about Delany. I don't do many edits for Delany because I can't stand him personally but I'm sure many people here like his work so I'll mention that the copy on,, the copy on and the copy on Google Books all have the same ISBN on back cover with the barcode saying 53950 which means price is $39.50 but ISFDB says $42.50. Also, ISBN is for HC supposedly but archived copy looks like TP to me. So if anyone wants to add a link to the copy and fill in anything else or change anything, please feel free. --Username (talk) 08:58, 15 December 2023 (EST)

Conan the Valiant;; Added a few archived links to some of Roland Green's Conan novels, went backwards so first novel was looked at last, it already had a link added by someone last year, as can be seen in my edit above the cover is not the same as the later editions, any Ken W. Kelly experts who know his style can say if both are his work in which case art needs unmerging or if Tor mistakenly carried over Kelly's credit for the later art by someone else. --Username (talk) 21:07, 16 December 2023 (EST)

Présence du Futur

Ex-editor Hauck entered some entries in this endless French series but only basic info. I came across a manual which I added as a link,, although I have no idea if it contains anything useful, then I entered several missing bits of info for Gravité à la manque from Open Library, I then came across a title with an actual copy, but rather than stumble my way through entering info from books in a language I'm not fluent in I'm just going to list this,, so if anyone can find anything useful to enter from those they can do so. --Username (talk) 00:34, 19 December 2023 (EST)

Napoleon; I added archived links to Minstrel Boy and ...Overhead and fixed formats to TP for both; publisher was also changed to Napoleon Publishing for those 2 and ...Yard because Napoleon & Company, as explained on the copyright pages, is a parent company and Publishing is the actual imprint. The problem now is the 2 e-book Gargoyle editions don't actually show a copyright page on Amazon and, more importantly, Time Thief's beautiful Napoleon cover is nowhere online and ISBN defaults to the Dundurn Press edition's less beautiful cover. Looking at Dundurn's Wiki page they bought Napoleon in 2011 which makes sense because Blogspot page linked in Napoleon's record on ISFDB ends in February, 2011, a month before their Time Thief edition was supposedly published. So maybe someone can say whether Time Thief Napoleon edition should get an unpublished date of 8888-88-88 and whether that and the 2 e-books should have their publisher changed to Napoleon Publishing just to keep everything together. --Username (talk) 19:13, 19 December 2023 (EST)

Stateham Banners; Archived copy uploaded in 2020 so I added a link in a PENDING edit; note about frontispiece is wrong as it is credited on copyright page (an editor of Canadian edition noted this correctly) so maybe one of the active editors (Willem, GlennMcG, Spacecow) can fix note so it says the same as Canadian edition. --Username (talk) 19:23, 20 December 2023 (EST)

Speedy In OZ; Oz fans, a request. I saw a lot of Oz edits in the queue recently and discovered many of R.P. Thompson's books were reprinted in PB in the eighties. I added archived links to the 4 I found but Speedy has a missing cover and most online ones are of the weird $19.00 reprint that nobody seems to know much about; the archived cover sucks because it has 3 huge stickers on the bottom obscuring things and a cover on is shot too far away, has a Barbed Wire Books business card in front of it, and has some plastic holder or something at the bottom of it. So if anyone can find a clear and clean cover, can you upload it? Thanks. --Username (talk) 19:45, 21 December 2023 (EST)

The Dread; Year and subtitle (Allen, seen on different than other ISFDB record; poem here,, says Allan. --Username (talk) 16:16, 22 December 2023 (EST)

Yesterday We Saw Mermaids; Cover is the Tor edition but it's on the Wiki so the Pan cover would need uploading to replace it; problem is I can't find it because all eBay copies are Tor. So either it's rare or vaporware. Help, if you can. --Username (talk) 18:00, 25 December 2023 (EST)

Finding forgotten horror story

Hi, all. I hope you all had merry Christmases (if you celebrate). Someone on Goodreads is trying to find a horror story he or she read in the '70s about gentle hand-shaped creatures who live in a forest near a town or village. But then several people are found strangled with hand-shaped bruises on their throats. (Spoilers ahead.) The creatures are rounded up and killed. But the killings continue, and the townspeople realize the creatures were all shaped like left hands, while the bruises on throats are from a right hand (or vice versa). Does this story sound familiar to anyone? Thanks! —Rosab618 (talk) 01:40, 26 December 2023 (EST)

Sidgwick & Jackson Prices; I was looking at the Science Fiction Specials (added a couple more links because a few of them were hiding on using a title of one of the contents instead of the overall title) and also am adding links and other stuff to books from the publisher by the authors in the Specials. I've noticed their prices on the front flaps are a mess with some being old pre-decimal prices and others being stickered with decimal prices. In this Asimov case you can see a pre-decimal price under the sticker that looks like 35s to me but I can't find any copies online that show the flap. So if anyone knows what the original price was, thinks it should be cloned, etc. let us know. --Username (talk) 09:29, 27 December 2023 (EST)

Pandora Effect; I added link in a PENDING edit, do any of the active PV think an August month should be added to dates as notes say? --Username (talk) 11:10, 31 December 2023 (EST)

T W Brown (author) Dead anthology

Hello, Is this the correct section to find out whether an author's death has been recorded? His books are still available on Amazon. As one of the books is dedicated to me (and I am in poor health), it is a matter of some urgency. Thanks in anticipation.


Thanks for letting us know. I have added the date of death to the ISFDB author record using as the source. Ahasuerus (talk) 11:11, 6 April 2024 (EDT)

An Interview with Brian Lumley; Which of the 1984 entries should be the parent? The Nightscapes online reprint,, says by Robert M. Price at the top but interview says Crypt which I assume the CoC issue did, too. --Username (talk) 17:42, 20 April 2024 (EDT)

Katherine Blake (I) / Katherine Blake

Hi! With two new titles for Dorothy J. Heydt from 1968 having popped up in ISFDB recently, it seems likely that Reginald3 was right in stating that both Katherines are one and the same. Katherine Blake / Dorothy J. Heydt began her publishing within the Star Trek fandom in the late 1960s according to Meg Creelman's afterword to "The Territory of Rigel". So, maybe the two authors should be merged ?! Christian Stonecreek (talk) 11:00, 21 April 2024 (EDT)

I just added a link to an archived copy of Heydt's novel A Point of Honor in an edit. Her earlier novels under Heydt and Blake already have links added by RTrace in 2021. --Username (talk) 11:44, 21 April 2024 (EDT)
Dorothy J. Heydt (1942-2022) was an active Usenet poster from the mid-1990s until her death two years ago. She frequently talked about her novels and never mentioned Night Stands at the Door. Moreover, her Web site, which we link to, has a comprehensive bibliography page, which doesn't mention it either.
Checking a scan of the back flap of Night Stands at the Door, I see that it says:
  • Katherine Duer Blake was born in Paris of American parents, and has lived most of her life there and in New York and Washington. After her debut in New York, she worked on Vogue, and in 1942 joined the Red Cross and was stationed in Cairo. She married an Austrian-born American diplomat who was also a great hunter; they spent most of their holidays in Emperor Frantz Joseph's shooting lodge. Miss Blake's half-sister is Mrs. Irving Berlin (Ellin Mackay); another sister is a Baroness. Since the death of her husband, Jan Libich, she has lived in New York City. Night Stands at the Door is her fourth novel.
I am going to update the two author records' Notes fields with what we know. Ahasuerus (talk) 14:33, 21 April 2024 (EDT)
Done. Also, please note that we now have ISFDB:Research Assistance, a special page for these types of requests/proposal. Ahasuerus (talk) 14:39, 21 April 2024 (EDT)
I made an edit for Heydt, --Username (talk) 18:40, 21 April 2024 (EDT)

Ace Edition of Peregrine: Primus; This copy does not have the printing info mentioned in record's note,; cover was scanned badly and any info on top/left side is unreadable. Several active PV so does anyone know what printing this might be? --Username (talk) 11:02, 22 April 2024 (EDT)

More mystery; every copy on PicClick/eBay that I see that bothers to show the copyright page (not that many) all have the printing info. --Username (talk) 11:15, 22 April 2024 (EDT)

Moribito series; I made a try at an edit for the first book in the series from a 2011 upload but didn't enter interior art because it's not letting me borrow the book; if you can borrow it then you can see what's in there and enter it. The 2nd book in the series is also on, uploaded in 2012, in case you want to do anything with that, too. --Username (talk) 18:29, 24 April 2024 (EDT)

Probe, April 2002; I just added a link and story numbers to Dead Red Heart, Australian vampire anthology, which says all stories are original but Walus has a 2002 story in Probe with a longer but similar title; also, the Rogers story is oft-reprinted as "The Dead Boy at YOUR Window" as by BRUCE Holland Rogers. So if anyone can see a copy of this Probe issue the Walus story can be compared to the anthology and the Rogers name can be verified, with appropriate variants/merges as needed. --Username (talk) 11:17, 26 April 2024 (EDT)

Red Cap of Mara; I saw the Fantasy Crossroads contents page online and it says "The Red Cap of Mara" by Clifford M. Eddy, Jr., it was entered on ISFDB as "Red Cap of Mara" by G. M. Eddy, Jr. and as "The Red Cap of Mara" by C. M. Eddy, Jr. for his 2008 collection (editor did enter the original year so that's good although not the month), if anyone can find out what name/title is on title pages of both the zine and the collection then some merge/variant may be needed. No PV for one and late PV for another. --Username (talk) 21:05, 27 April 2024 (EDT)

Nicholas Blake; Very likely not THAT Blake, the famed mystery writer of yesteryear, but I can't find any info on the new guy, so if anyone can they should add something to his name to separate the story from the old Blake's record here. Also, there's a single edition of the old Blake's novel Smiler with the Knife on, a '78 Perennial paperback, but before adding that I'd like to know why this novel out of all the ones he wrote is genre. Or is it a case of a non-genre book being entered here in the early days that should be deleted? --Username (talk) 08:31, 29 April 2024 (EDT)

According to Goodreads, the anthology that this story appeared in is "a unique concept in short fiction, all eighteen original stories are part of a common narrative". Since it's a "common narrative", this "Nicholas Blake" is clearly not the same person as C. Day Lewis, who used "Nicholas Blake" as a pseudonym in the 1930s-1960s. I have added "(I)" to the new author's name and removed the variant title.
As to whether The Smiler with the Knife is speculative fiction, well, this review states that the novel is about thwarting "powers trying to shatter Parliament and control the country by a coup", so I guess it's a near future thriller. I have added a tag ("near future") and a brief synopsis. Thanks. Ahasuerus (talk) 13:12, 29 April 2024 (EDT)
OK, thanks, I've added the '78 edition. --Username (talk) 18:18, 29 April 2024 (EDT)
Approved, thanks. Ahasuerus (talk) 18:46, 29 April 2024 (EDT)

Science Fiction: A Critical Guide; I have PENDING edits adding links and ID to both '79 eds. and wonder which PV is correct, the one who added x to page count even though intro pages aren't numbered except starting page in contents or the one who didn't enter x? --Username (talk) 18:37, 30 April 2024 (EDT)

Continent in the Sky; An eBay photo of front flap verifies UK cover artist as Janet Duchesne; US edition says the same on ISFDB but art is different and not in the same style so likely is not by the same artist. If anyone owns/can find US copy maybe they can say whether an artist is credited in the book and fix if needed. I just merged the interior art in a PENDING edit. --Username (talk) 10:59, 3 May 2024 (EDT)

Gordon Davies; The thing here is that since he's not credited in the books and one editor entered his name from Pulp Covers site where they got the cover image and the other doesn't specify but likely got it from Reginald1 shouldn't the parent name Gordon C. Davies be used for both of these? Also, Mars has a note that one source says count is one page higher and I saw an eBay photo that shows the last page of Mutants Rebel and there doesn't seem to be a page number so count for that might be one page higher, too, in case anyone owns a copy of either. --Username (talk) 08:58, 7 May 2024 (EDT)

Penny Dreadful; RTrace entered this a few years ago using Supernatural Index; I made an edit long after adding cover and FantLab ID. As I learned a while ago, FantLab has bigger images as "original" and smaller ones as "big" which makes no sense but as I come across the many images I've added from them in the past I'm replacing the "big" ones with "originals". As I did so for this book I fixed several obvious mistakes using FantLab contents photos but, surprisingly, there is no archived copy so if anyone owns one there are probably other mistakes that need fixing which would require looking at essay/story title pages because it's a very odd anthology with essays and weird titles galore. --Username (talk) 21:08, 11 May 2024 (EDT)

Barron's; Anyone familiar with this publisher, is that 9 8 on copyright page how they noted the year? If it is "date unknown" could be changed to 1978. --Username (talk) 18:29, 15 May 2024 (EDT)

I found a copyright page picture of another Barron's Educational Series pub copyright 1972 and with a 74-xxxxx LCCN that had "M 5 4 3" to the right of a 2nd printing number line. Seems like that could be 1973. --MartyD (talk) 17:22, 21 May 2024 (EDT)

Endless Frontier; I added 2 archived links to first in series, 1979 printing, and 1 archived link to second, 1982 printing, which now leaves this mysterious book,, which looks like a dog chewed on it and also has a 395 price code on back cover but says printed in the USA on copyright page. Badly framed front cover makes it impossible to see price on left side so if anyone has a copy that has same barcode and front cover where price can be seen maybe you can say what's up, might be one of those cases where it's Canadian but printed in USA with a blacked-out cover price and a Canadian price written next to it. --Username (talk) 11:08, 23 May 2024 (EDT)

A. J. Ryan to be differenced into two?

Hi! I just submitted Ein Fluss so rot und schwarz by Anthony Ryan, for which I wondered that there was no English original title in the database, but only until I found the original "Red River Seven" was issued in English as by A. J. Ryan. Now, I tend to think that the other titles by this author in the database weren't written by the Scottish Anthony Ryan, but since most of these titles seem to have vanished from Amazon, I'm not sure about this. Christian Stonecreek (talk) 10:02, 26 May 2024 (EDT)

Also, for this anthology I see no evidence to implement 'Anthony Ryan (I)' (and no evidence for 'Richard Morgan (I)': per Amazon's Look Inside it is Richard K. Morgan for the introduction). Christian Stonecreek (talk) 11:26, 26 May 2024 (EDT)

I found this on
A. J. Ryan is a pseudonym for Anthony Ryan, the New York Times bestselling author of the Raven's Shadow, Draconis Memoria, and Covenant of Steel series. He previously worked in a variety of roles for the UK government, but now writes full time. His interests include art, science and the unending quest for the perfect pint of real ale.
I also found yet another Twitter X handle for him. Looks like maybe he's going to try using Anthony Ryan for fantasy and A. J. Ryan for thrillers, but it's hard to tell. --MartyD (talk) 11:59, 26 May 2024 (EDT)
Yes, the author of "Red River Seven" is Anthony Ryan: Amazon states "from bestselling author Anthony Ryan" for it and the photo supplied on the back flap of the German edition shows his image (shot around the same time as the one supplied at Amazon). I just do think that the other titles were not written by Anthony Ryan.
And looking closer at The Grace of God (only as by Sam Cross) might even be written by another author, with Sam Cross living in Australia, according to the website at Christian Stonecreek (talk) 12:43, 26 May 2024 (EDT)
I'll wait on the outcome of the research before varianting the German "Ein Fluss so rot und schwarz". Christian Stonecreek (talk) 12:49, 26 May 2024 (EDT)
I have gone ahead and submitted the varianting. I also think that the English version needs to be differenced from the other titles by 'A. J. Ryan' and submitted A. J. Ryan (I) as author of "Red River Seven". Christian Stonecreek (talk) 12:15, 3 June 2024 (EDT)

Time Injection; Been doing more Robert Hale edits and there's a few pre-1971 books that have decimal price entered instead of old price. I fixed one but this book couldn't be found so if anyone knows what the old price is it should be entered and the one there now should be moved to notes. --Username (talk) 15:14, 27 May 2024 (EDT)

Permabooks; I just added a link to a 2020 Archive copy and it says Perma Star on the back, which was entered as publisher for 2 books here, The Keyhoe flying saucer book and all his other related books should probably be removed and just reviews left but certainly the Clarke book belongs, so should Perma Star be added to Simak's book as a pub. series and Clarke's book publisher be Permabooks and pub. series be Perma Star? There are probably many other Perma Star series books and most of those are likely PV so they may want to check and fix as needed. --Username (talk) 07:56, 1 June 2024 (EDT)

French SF/Mystery; Robert Sheckley's "Change from a Silver Dollar" is on in a French translation of The Saint magazine where it first appeared; the uploader has many other French books/magazines, some of which are eligible but not yet on ISFDB,, in case anyone fluent wants to enter any of them. --Username (talk) 09:12, 1 June 2024 (EDT)

Malcolm Forbes; I added Amazon photo to Malcolm S. Forbes in a PENDING edit, Malcolm Forbes Omni interview is him but review is not, reviewer should get a differing number or something similar added and I think there's a rule here that interview names need to be the same as the interview title so I'm sure someone will know about that and what to do with it. --Username (talk) 12:19, 1 June 2024 (EDT)

The interview requirement is that the interviewee field always have the canonical name regardless of how credited in the publication. The title is entered as per the publication. I have changed Interview: Malcolm Forbes so that the interviewee is Malcolm S. Forbes (along with the note about the publication credit). This means Malcolm Forbes only has the essay listed and does not need to be disambiguated. Though I did add a author note that they are not the same person. -- JLaTondre (talk) 13:42, 1 June 2024 (EDT)

Sleepless; "Sleepless Nights" reprinted in print edition of Bone Whispers, Kindle edition says "Sleepless Eyes" on contents page, if anyone can see the whole Kindle and verify what it says on story's title page a merge or variant is needed. --Username (talk) 16:10, 3 June 2024 (EDT)

I found it on Google Books, and it's "Sleepless Eyes". --MartyD (talk) 18:42, 3 June 2024 (EDT)
The bibliography on Waggoner's website says: "Sleepless Eyes." Horror Library vol. 4. Cutting Block Press, 2010.. So looks like perhaps a word-o in the 2013 edition's entry, if we can find the inside of that somewhere. --MartyD (talk) 18:49, 3 June 2024 (EDT)

Invasions; I just added an archived link to the novel and I think these covers don't belong together. Looks like Mhhutchins merged them and he's not really around nowadays so if anyone agrees they may want to unmerge them. --Username (talk) 19:37, 3 June 2024 (EDT)

I agree, they are not the same. I've separated out this one from the other two. ···日本穣 · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 20:26, 3 June 2024 (EDT)
I'd even doubt that the cover artwork for the Nancy Holder novel was done by J. K. Potter, as it seems to be totally not in his style. Should the credit be removed & deleted? Christian Stonecreek (talk) 02:16, 17 June 2024 (EDT)
While it is not Potter's typical style, Nancy Holder's Invasions is available via the Internet Archive and the copyright page states "Cover art by J. K. Potter". -- JLaTondre (talk) 19:45, 27 June 2024 (EDT)
Yeah, unless we can find evidence that the cover art wasn't by Potter, we have to go with the credits found in the book. if we do find evidence the publisher gave the credit incorrectly, we can create an "in error" version of the credit and point it to the correct artist. ···日本穣 · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 11:33, 5 July 2024 (EDT)
Looking at this cover, this cover, this cover, and this cover, they are obviously the same artist. For this cover, I think it probably is Potter. He seems to be a photo montage and manipulation artist, with embellishments. The roulette wheel with the galaxy does have the same feel (at least to me) as others we know are his, even though there's no obvious "JK" that I could see on the cover. ···日本穣 · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 11:51, 5 July 2024 (EDT)

Orange Is for Anguish; While doing some edits for David Morrell's collections I noticed the Warner edition of Black Evening (one of those OL-only no-preview ones) has this as "...Blue for Insanity", the Horror Hall of Fame does have it as "Blue Is for Insanity", so if anyone can check the CD and e-book editions and they also have no "Is" in the title then it can be merged with the parent title. Then the only question will be if the other books it appears in are correct as is. --Username (talk) 17:00, 16 June 2024 (EDT)

Weapons and Warfare; Ragged archived copy that seems to be missing Christopher Lee's foreword and, says the uploader, some pages were missing in the original book, so if anyone owns a copy of this maybe you can improve on my edit after it's approved, adding foreword starting number, adding Roman numerals to page count that the other ISFDB edition has which are probably the numbers used for the foreword, etc. --Username (talk) 08:30, 27 June 2024 (EDT)

The Fourth of July War; An appropriate title for this date but I can't find any cover image except the current one which was taken on someone's bedspread, it seems, while hiding in a distant closet and has a big "autographed copy" thing on it. Can anyone find and upload a big and clean cover? --Username (talk) 22:26, 4 July 2024 (EDT)

I uploaded a new one, though it has a camera flash. It doesn't have the giant sticker, though. ···日本穣 · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 11:29, 5 July 2024 (EDT)
Thanks. I wonder why a book from a mainstream publisher is so hard to find a cover for. Maybe the subject matter was controversial and the print run was cancelled or something. --Username (talk) 10:40, 9 July 2024 (EDT)

California Bloodstock;; I added a bunch of stuff to the HC in a PENDING edit but this PB is odd; date is off by several months and copyright page credit for cover artist has last name cut off, eBay seller says Matt Mahuris but Matt Mahurin is a well-known artist, however there are a couple of online Mahuris mentions for other books so possibly his name was misspelled in some of his earlier books. If anyone can get a clear name on the copyright page or knows whether ISFDB editor entered date wrong or if there was a later printing with this date, respond here. --Username (talk) 22:28, 6 July 2024 (EDT)

The Ghost Story Awards; For some reason this is not on the current Wormwoodiana site. If this counts as an award eligible for ISFDB someone may want to enter it. --Username (talk) 10:39, 9 July 2024 (EDT)

Of Berserkers; HC and PB have archived links, both say &, not and, in title, PV of TP seems to be MIA so if anyone can see its title page and it's & then title, cover art, and intro should be fixed. --Username (talk) 18:57, 10 July 2024 (EDT)

Gene Simmons;; Someone decided to enter a separate record for what is supposedly another name for Gene Simmons. If anyone is sure Klein is the same person then a variant or something similar can be made. --Username (talk) 19:44, 10 July 2024 (EDT)

It looks pretty straight-forward to me, so I've merged them. ···日本穣 · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 21:34, 10 July 2024 (EDT)

Blackstone Publishing - Version Number

Recently, in a real bricks and mortar bookshop, I saw the tp and hc formats of Ellison's Dangerous Visions books just released by Blackstone Publishing. They have no statement of printing or numberline. In the copies I saw, the copyright pages stated "Version 1" in the tp and "Version 2" in the hc. Does anyone know and have evidence for the meaning of these version numbers? Are they Blackstone's eccentric way of denoting printing number? Or does "Version 1" mean "tp format" and "Version 2" mean "hc format"? Or do they mean something else entirely? Any assistance much appreciated. Teallach (talk) 18:40, 11 July 2024 (EDT)

For what it is worth, the Kindle says "Version 1" or at least Look Inside does. I wonder if this is not just version of the text files - if you have hands on the books, can you look at the back to see if they happen to be POD editions and if so, if there is a printing date or batch mentioned there? Annie (talk) 20:08, 11 July 2024 (EDT)
I'm afraid I don't have either book to hand. I saw them in a bookstore but did not buy them. Teallach (talk) 06:54, 12 July 2024 (EDT)

Nimersheim; I can find no evidence that A Whole in the Space of Time was ever published; if anyone can prove it was I'll enter it as a new collection. I added a bunch of stuff to his first collection in a PENDING edit using Google Books. --Username (talk) 23:24, 11 July 2024 (EDT)

Merging *almost* identical titles

Hello. A moderator redirects me here to post a general question: do the texts of two publications have to be totally identical to merge their titles? Practical example follows. I just submitted the 1995 edition of the translation of Mary Poppins Comes Back, and ISFDB already contains a 1965 edition. The 1995 pub credits the translation to Letizia Bompiani, who first translated this book in the 1930s. The 1965 pub does not credit the translation. I compared a small sample (first page of 3 chapters) of the two books, and the result is that I am confident that the last edition is the same translation than the others, with a few small differences that show how the translation was revised to adapt it to the language evolution through the decades.


  • the title of chapter 1 changed from “cervo volante” to “aquilone” (both mean “kite”, the first is seldom used today);
  • the character of Bert was first called “lo Spazzino” [street sweeper], and became “lo Spazzacamino” [chimney sweeper];
  • “pronostici sul tempo” becomes “previsioni del tempo” [the latter is the only used today for “weather broadcast”];
  • a couple more words replaced by synonims.
  • Biggest difference, a sentence starting “And so violently that...” becomes “And it shook so violently that...” (much more meaningful).

So, small differences and no indication of who revised the 60-years-old Letizia’s text.

  • 1. Can I credit to Letizia the 1965 translation?
  • 2. Should I specify in the notes that the translation was revised (by an unknown hand)?
  • 3. Would the two titles be mergeable? (IF the author name was spelled the same, which is not - but the question wants to be general), and most important:
  • 4. Since one seldom has at hand the two books, can we say that, in absence of reasonable causes for doubt, having the same translator is sufficient to merge two titles, even with no PV?

.Thanks for hints, and excuse the wordiness! --Fantagufo (talk) 16:34, 14 July 2024 (EDT)

Just to recap, merging is allowed where the title and author credit(s) are identical and the works are "the same" (my paraphrasing -- I can't find the reference at the moment). Translations must have been done by the same translator. "The same" does not necessarily mean "identical". Editions differing in minor wording changes or even addition/removal of a small amount of material can still be considered "the same". We usually leave the judgement of sameness to the person editing the records. I would view what you describe as "minor" editorial changes if the rest of the text appears to coincide word-for-word and note the general nature of the differences. I also found this on the Italian National Library Service catalogue, which credits Bompiani as translator. The combination of that and your comparison of samples from the two editions seems sufficient evidence to record Bompiani as the translator for that 1965 edition via secondary sources. --MartyD (talk) 16:25, 16 July 2024 (EDT)
Thanks, Marty, that is what I thought; just wanted to share this instance as guideline for future submissions. I'll edit as you say. --Fantagufo (talk) 17:06, 16 July 2024 (EDT)

William Ferguson; While adding photos and bio info to some of the mainstream authors in The Literary Ghost anthology this one looked suspicious; I added a link to the dopey Mars book (sacred-texts copy, not the actual 1955 edition) and I have a feeling the 1984 story and the art are by other Fergusons. If anyone can find out they can be separated. --Username (talk) 12:23, 16 July 2024 (EDT)

I've poked around a little bit, and I can't really find much on Ferguson, including whether these are two different people, or possibly three. I think we should leave them as is until we can find more information. ···日本穣 · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 14:18, 16 July 2024 (EDT)

Asgard's Secret; Supposedly title is Secrets in Five Star, Secret in later books, no title pages can be found by me, if a difference really exists unmerge should be done. Anyone know/can find out? --Username (talk) 00:15, 18 July 2024 (EDT)

No title pages, but I found an eBay listing with an actual picture of the book, and the cover has "Secret", not "Secrets" (no title page, and just a snippet from the copyright page showing it's the 1st edition). All occurrences I could find of the image with "Secrets" looks like a marketing poster board; I couldn't find anything with "Secrets" that was clearly a picture of a physical book with that cover. And I did find on Google Books the image used there looks like the "Secrets" one but has "Secret" instead. The difference between these latter two and the eBay book photo is that one has "The Asgard Trilogy * Book 1" above the title, which these others do not. My Male Answer Syndrome guess is it was announced as "Secrets" and changed to "Secret" by the time it was released. --MartyD (talk) 13:55, 18 July 2024 (EDT)

Jeu Cruel

1994 edition not on ISFDB,, with same cover as 1990,, but says Don Maitz on back; AlainLeBris entered 1990 here and isn't really around anymore so if anyone can see the 1990 and it really says Franz de Jong then some variant is probably needed. It looks like a typical Maitz cover; almost no info online for de Jong. --Username (talk) 09:26, 19 July 2024 (EDT)

Nemo Press Edition of The Armageddon Rag; The essay mentioned in the note wasn't entered so I did that; there seems to be no mention online of its title except on ISFDB but, as seen in the eBay link, it is mentioned on the copyright page. Both PV are long gone so verification of title on its title page, page number it starts on (if any), and whether the author is only credited as Parris is needed. Parris McBride was Martin's companion for decades and they got married in 2011 so I assume she's the one who wrote the essay. Nemo Press is also called a "co-imprint" of Poseidon Press on copyright page so maybe publisher needs tweaking, too. --Username (talk) 21:21, 20 July 2024 (EDT)

Deadly Streets; I added page numbers from eBay but the co-written "Sob Story" is not on contents page so if anyone owns a copy is it in this edition and, if so, please add the number after my edit is approved. --Username (talk) 11:01, 25 July 2024 (EDT)

New Writings in SF 20; I just added an link to the PB in a PENDING edit but it's missing title page and last page (Luminist copy is the same); 5 PV, all deceased or missing, if anyone owns a copy and the last page is unnumbered can you add a note about that? Also, someone wrote an extensive note for the HC about it not being found anywhere but it's odd the foreword is dated May 1970 when the book was published in 1972. Maybe the HC was printed but not released. Evidence of existence? It is listed here,, with a January date. --Username (talk) 23:53, 26 July 2024 (EDT)