Annual Page Views - 2006

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Top 100 Author Views

  1. Stephen King ISFDB Wiki
  2. Ray Bradbury ISFDB Wiki
  3. Isaac Asimov ISFDB Wiki
  4. R. L. Stine ISFDB Wiki
  5. Philip K. Dick ISFDB Wiki
  6. C. S. Lewis ISFDB Wiki
  7. Arthur C. Clarke ISFDB Wiki
  8. Terry Pratchett ISFDB Wiki
  9. Robert A. Heinlein ISFDB Wiki
  10. Michael Moorcock ISFDB Wiki
  11. Ursula K. Le Guin ISFDB Wiki
  12. Orson Scott Card ISFDB Wiki
  13. L. Ron Hubbard ISFDB Wiki
  14. Roald Dahl ISFDB Wiki
  15. Harlan Ellison ISFDB Wiki
  16. Poul Anderson ISFDB Wiki
  17. Margaret Peterson Haddix ISFDB Wiki
  18. J. K. Rowling ISFDB Wiki
  19. Anne McCaffrey ISFDB Wiki
  20. H. G. Wells ISFDB Wiki
  21. George R. R. Martin ISFDB Wiki
  22. Gene Wolfe ISFDB Wiki
  23. Vernor Vinge ISFDB Wiki
  24. Harry Turtledove ISFDB Wiki
  25. Larry Niven ISFDB Wiki
  26. R. A. Salvatore ISFDB Wiki
  27. Frederik Pohl ISFDB Wiki
  28. Dean R. Koontz ISFDB Wiki
  29. Terry Brooks ISFDB Wiki
  30. Samuel R. Delany ISFDB Wiki
  31. Jack Vance ISFDB Wiki
  32. Robert Silverberg ISFDB Wiki
  33. Andre Norton ISFDB Wiki
  34. Neil Gaiman ISFDB Wiki
  35. Alfred Bester ISFDB Wiki
  36. Melissa Scott ISFDB Wiki
  37. Tracy Hickman ISFDB Wiki
  38. Gardner Dozois ISFDB Wiki
  39. Jane Yolen ISFDB Wiki
  40. Richard Matheson ISFDB Wiki
  41. Kevin J. Anderson ISFDB Wiki
  42. Connie Willis ISFDB Wiki
  43. Roger Zelazny ISFDB Wiki
  44. H. P. Lovecraft ISFDB Wiki
  45. Charles de Lint ISFDB Wiki
  46. Dan Simmons ISFDB Wiki
  47. Octavia E. Butler ISFDB Wiki
  48. David Eddings ISFDB Wiki
  49. Marion Zimmer Bradley ISFDB Wiki
  50. Mercedes Lackey ISFDB Wiki
  51. Ben Bova ISFDB Wiki
  52. Stephen Baxter ISFDB Wiki
  53. Terry Goodkind ISFDB Wiki
  54. Stephen R. Donaldson ISFDB Wiki
  55. Timothy Zahn ISFDB Wiki
  56. Gordon R. Dickson ISFDB Wiki
  57. Simon R. Green ISFDB Wiki
  58. David Weber ISFDB Wiki
  59. James Patrick Kelly ISFDB Wiki
  60. Theodore Sturgeon ISFDB Wiki
  61. Laurell K. Hamilton ISFDB Wiki
  62. Lloyd Alexander ISFDB Wiki
  63. Robert Jordan ISFDB Wiki
  64. Kim Stanley Robinson ISFDB Wiki
  65. William Gibson ISFDB Wiki
  66. Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. ISFDB Wiki
  67. Iain M. Banks ISFDB Wiki
  68. Gregory Benford ISFDB Wiki
  69. John Barnes ISFDB Wiki
  70. Geoff Ryman ISFDB Wiki
  71. Brian W. Aldiss ISFDB Wiki
  72. Jules Verne ISFDB Wiki
  73. Boris Vallejo ISFDB Wiki
  74. Christopher Pike ISFDB Wiki
  75. Robert Sheckley ISFDB Wiki
  76. Jack Williamson ISFDB Wiki
  77. Brian Jacques ISFDB Wiki
  78. Frank Herbert ISFDB Wiki
  79. Bruce Sterling ISFDB Wiki
  80. Neal Stephenson ISFDB Wiki
  81. Henry Kuttner ISFDB Wiki
  82. Lois McMaster Bujold ISFDB Wiki
  83. James Patterson ISFDB Wiki
  84. Steven Erikson ISFDB Wiki
  85. Clive Barker ISFDB Wiki
  86. Chris Claremont ISFDB Wiki
  87. Harry Harrison ISFDB Wiki
  88. Fritz Leiber ISFDB Wiki
  89. Robert Bloch ISFDB Wiki
  90. Douglas Adams ISFDB Wiki
  91. Greg Bear ISFDB Wiki
  92. Joe Haldeman ISFDB Wiki
  93. William Sleator ISFDB Wiki
  94. James Blish ISFDB Wiki
  95. David Brin ISFDB Wiki
  96. Julian May ISFDB Wiki
  97. Robert Asprin ISFDB Wiki
  98. Edgar Rice Burroughs ISFDB Wiki
  99. Alastair Reynolds ISFDB Wiki
  100. Tanith Lee ISFDB Wiki

Top 100 Novel Views

  1. A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
  2. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - C. S. Lewis
  3. The Shining - Stephen King
  4. Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
  5. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - Philip K. Dick
  6. Hyperion - Dan Simmons
  7. Starship Troopers - Robert A. Heinlein
  8. The Postman - David Brin
  9. Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson
  10. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
  11. Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
  12. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress - Robert A. Heinlein
  13. Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert A. Heinlein
  14. A Canticle for Leibowitz - Walter M. Miller, Jr.
  15. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J. K. Rowling
  16. Ilium - Dan Simmons
  17. God Emperor of Dune - Frank Herbert
  18. The Rise of Endymion - Dan Simmons
  19. The Fall of Hyperion - Dan Simmons
  20. Endymion - Dan Simmons
  21. The Dispossessed - Ursula K. Le Guin
  22. Prince Caspian - C. S. Lewis
  23. The Last Battle - C. S. Lewis
  24. The Puppet Masters - Robert A. Heinlein
  25. To Sail Beyond the Sunset - Robert A. Heinlein
  26. Friday - Robert A. Heinlein
  27. Perdido Street Station - China Miéville
  28. Out of the Silent Planet - C. S. Lewis
  29. The Iron Dream - Norman Spinrad
  30. A Wizard of Earthsea - Ursula K. Le Guin
  31. Dune Messiah - Frank Herbert
  32. Rainbows End - Vernor Vinge
  33. A Deepness in the Sky - Vernor Vinge
  34. A Fire Upon the Deep - Vernor Vinge
  35. Watership Down - Richard Adams
  36. The Bonehunters - Steven Erikson
  37. The Horse and His Boy - C. S. Lewis
  38. Farnham's Freehold - Robert A. Heinlein
  39. The Magician’s Nephew - C. S. Lewis
  40. Reaper’s Gale - Steven Erikson
  41. King Rat - China Miéville
  42. A Feast for Crows - George R. R. Martin
  43. A Game of Thrones - George R. R. Martin
  44. Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said - Philip K. Dick
  45. Gardens of the Moon - Steven Erikson
  46. The Door into Summer - Robert A. Heinlein
  47. The Scar - China Miéville
  48. Glory Road - Robert A. Heinlein
  49. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - C. S. Lewis
  50. Telempath - Spider Robinson
  51. Lest Darkness Fall - L. Sprague de Camp
  52. The Forge of God - Greg Bear
  53. Perelandra - C. S. Lewis
  54. The Female Man - Joanna Russ
  55. Tunnel in the Sky - Robert A. Heinlein
  56. The Silver Chair - C. S. Lewis
  57. In Death Ground - David Weber Steve White
  58. Double Star - Robert A. Heinlein
  59. Raiders of the Lost Car Park - Robert Rankin
  60. Starman Jones - Robert A. Heinlein
  61. The Legacy - R. A. Salvatore
  62. Sixth Column - Robert A. Heinlein
  63. Iron Council - China Miéville
  64. Behold the Man - Michael Moorcock
  65. Carrie - Stephen King
  66. The Demolished Man - Alfred Bester
  67. Methuselah's Children - Robert A. Heinlein
  68. Citizen of the Galaxy - Robert A. Heinlein
  69. Among the Hidden - Margaret Peterson Haddix
  70. Summer of Night - Dan Simmons
  71. That Hideous Strength - C. S. Lewis
  72. Red Planet - Robert A. Heinlein
  73. Maia - Richard Adams
  74. Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes
  75. Pyramids - Terry Pratchett
  76. Farmer in the Sky - Robert A. Heinlein
  77. Midnight Tides - Steven Erikson
  78. The Day of the Triffids - John Wyndham
  79. Time for the Stars - Robert A. Heinlein
  80. The Frankenstein Papers - Fred Saberhagen
  81. Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea - Ursula K. Le Guin
  82. The Robots of Dawn - Isaac Asimov
  83. The Genetic General - Gordon R. Dickson
  84. A Scanner Darkly - Philip K. Dick
  85. A Case of Conscience - James Blish
  86. It - Stephen King
  87. Variable Star - Robert A. Heinlein Spider Robinson
  88. The Stainless Steel Rat - Harry Harrison
  89. The Beginning Place - Ursula K. Le Guin
  90. Good Omens - Neil Gaiman Terry Pratchett
  91. Rocket Ship Galileo - Robert A. Heinlein
  92. Solar Lottery - Philip K. Dick
  93. Dune - Frank Herbert
  94. The Rolling Stones - Robert A. Heinlein
  95. The Age of the Pussyfoot - Frederik Pohl
  96. The War of the Worlds - H. G. Wells
  97. Solaris - Stanislaw Lem
  98. Gridlinked - Neal Asher
  99. The Star Beast - Robert A. Heinlein
  100. The Number of the Beast - Robert A. Heinlein

Top 100 Short Fiction Views

  1. "Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman - Harlan Ellison
  2. The Langoliers - Stephen King
  3. "All You Zombies..." - Robert A. Heinlein
  4. Gulf - Robert A. Heinlein
  5. The Variable Man - Philip K. Dick
  6. Integration Module - Daniel B. James
  7. The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag - Robert A. Heinlein
  8. The Electric Ant - Philip K. Dick
  9. Let the Finder Beware - James Blish
  10. Roog - Philip K. Dick
  11. The Brass Monkey - John Sladek
  12. The Wind Between the Worlds - Lester del Rey
  13. Call Me Joe - Poul Anderson
  14. The Discarded - Harlan Ellison
  15. She Unnames Them - Ursula K. Le Guin
  16. Opening Problem - J. A. Lawrence
  17. In the Ancient Way - Harry Walton
  18. The Man Who Did Not Fit - Algis Budrys
  19. The Last Ten Micro Novels - Walter Jon Watkins
  20. Philtre Tip - Robert Bloch
  21. The Net of Shamlegh - Edgar Gardiner
  22. A Sound of Thunder - Ray Bradbury
  23. The Screwfly Solution - James Tiptree, Jr.
  24. Not All the Gay Pageants - John Brunner
  25. By His Bootstraps - Robert A. Heinlein
  26. The Road Not Taken - Harry Turtledove
  27. The Marching Morons - C. M. Kornbluth
  28. Watchbird - Robert Sheckley
  29. Faith of Our Fathers - Philip K. Dick
  30. Jerry Was a Man - Robert A. Heinlein
  31. Autofac - Philip K. Dick
  32. A Clean Escape - John Kessel
  33. The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas - Ursula K. Le Guin
  34. The Machine That Won the War - Isaac Asimov
  35. Trouble in Time - Frederik Pohl C. M. Kornbluth
  36. The War with the Fnools - Philip K. Dick
  37. Waterspider - Philip K. Dick
  38. The Hemingway Hoax - Joe Haldeman
  39. How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later - Philip K. Dick
  40. The Lake - Ray Bradbury
  41. The Golden Man - Philip K. Dick
  42. The Soul Selects Her Own Society: Invasion and Repulsion: A Chronological Reinterpretation of Two of Emily Dickinson's Poems: A Wellsian Perspective - Connie Willis
  43. The Second Kind of Loneliness - George R. R. Martin
  44. Beyond the Door - Philip K. Dick
  45. Red Sun of Danger - Edmond Hamilton
  46. The Other Foot - Ray Bradbury
  47. Death's Dimensions - Victor Koman
  48. Eggsucker - Harlan Ellison
  49. Mr. Spaceship - Philip K. Dick
  50. Sitting Around the Pool, Soaking Up the Rays - Frederik Pohl
  51. Impostor - Philip K. Dick
  52. The Sound of Summer Running - Ray Bradbury
  53. Adjustment Team - Philip K. Dick
  54. Norby and the Queen's Necklace - Isaac Asimov Janet Asimov
  55. The Eyes Have It - Philip K. Dick
  56. Planet for Transients - Philip K. Dick
  57. A Piece of Wood - Ray Bradbury
  58. The Long Rain - Ray Bradbury
  59. The Voices of Time - J. G. Ballard
  60. The Indefatigable Frog - Philip K. Dick
  61. Pay for the Printer - Philip K. Dick
  62. Foundation - Isaac Asimov
  63. Bootstrap Enterprise - Victor Koman
  64. Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes
  65. Fair Game - Philip K. Dick
  66. The Minority Report - Philip K. Dick
  67. The Screaming Woman - Ray Bradbury
  68. Second Variety - Philip K. Dick
  69. Building Block - Sonya Dorman
  70. Peter O. Henry - Gene Wolfe
  71. Trends - Isaac Asimov
  72. Human Is - Philip K. Dick
  73. The Man Who Traveled in Elephants - Robert A. Heinlein
  74. Definition - Damon Knight
  75. A Saucer of Loneliness - Theodore Sturgeon
  76. Two Minutes Forty-Five Seconds - Dan Simmons
  77. Black Destroyer - A. E. van Vogt
  78. Intent to Deceive - Larry Niven
  79. A Game of Unchance - Philip K. Dick
  80. The Face on the Barroom Floor - Eleanor Arnason Ruth Berman
  81. Have Not Have - Geoff Ryman
  82. Remembering Siri - Dan Simmons
  83. What Is This Thing Called Love? - Isaac Asimov
  84. The Pedestrian - Ray Bradbury
  85. Little Brother - Walter Mosley
  86. Strange Eden - Philip K. Dick
  87. Everywhen - Dominic Green
  88. Chatting with Anubis - Harlan Ellison
  89. The Great C - Philip K. Dick
  90. Null-O - Philip K. Dick
  91. Hornets' Nest - Lloyd Biggle, Jr.
  92. Think Like a Dinosaur - James Patrick Kelly
  93. Nine Lives - Ursula K. Le Guin
  94. The Little Movement - Philip K. Dick
  95. That Share of Glory - C. M. Kornbluth
  96. The Food of the Gods - Arthur C. Clarke
  97. The Scythe - Ray Bradbury
  98. Lazarus Come Forth - Ray Bradbury
  99. The Eye of the Sibyl - Philip K. Dick
  100. Sales Pitch - Philip K. Dick
  101. Beyond Lies the Wub - Philip K. Dick