User talk:PeteYoung

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Archive of older discussions.

Genre status of "The Night Cache"

Please join this discussion when you get a chance. Thanks. Mhhutchins 18:55, 4 January 2015 (UTC)

The Silmarillion

You have verified publications of this title so this discussion should be of interest. Thanks. Mhhutchins 20:36, 12 January 2015 (UTC)

Ansible #191

Re this record. Either the date of the publication or the date of the content is incorrect. The issue linked to the record doesn't show a cartoon, unless it refers to the illustration below the title. Untitled illustrations should be given the title of the work they illustrate, in this case, the title of the publication itself "Ansible 191, June 2003". Thanks for checking. Mhhutchins 07:44, 26 January 2015 (UTC)

Corrected author of reviewed title

I changed the author of the title reviewed in this record from "Patrick Kelly" to James Patrick Kelly. If he is credited that way in the review, the name should be corrected to that given in the title of the reviewed work. You have the option to note the discrepancy in the review and the actual author credit. (This came up in a clean-up report which finds authors in the database because of a review and don't have a title in the database.) Thanks. Mhhutchins 08:20, 14 February 2015 (UTC)

Thanks. That was a tweak I missed when tidying up SFC #82. PeteYoung 13:11, 14 February 2015 (UTC)

Werner Koopman and Werner Koopmann

Can you determine whether these two authors are possibly the same person and if pseudonym and variants are required? The only credits are letters in SF Commentary. Thanks for checking. Mhhutchins 20:55, 1 March 2015 (UTC)

It's Koopmann: checking the issues I see "Koopman" was my typo on two different occasions. Corrected now, thanks. PeteYoung 16:21, 6 March 2015 (UTC)

Tod Pauls or Ted Pauls in SF Commentary

Do you still have a copy of this publication and can determine if "Tod Pauls" may have been a typo for Ted Pauls, a regular reviewer for Locus at that time? Thanks. Mhhutchins 18:12, 11 March 2015 (UTC)

It is Ted. The type is so washed out the crossbar of the e is barely visible. Corrected. PeteYoung 08:26, 15 March 2015 (UTC)

"Tom Turritin" or "Tom Turriton"

Can you confirm the credits of this record and this record? We even have a record for Tom Turrittin! Thanks for checking. Mhhutchins 00:00, 12 March 2015 (UTC)

As Taral Wayne is hospitalised at the moment it might be a while before I can check with him, however I have found a few other online references to Tom Turriton of Winnipeg fandom, which matches the content of his letters to Broken Toys. Also he's a notable Canadian 'Furry', so I fully expect the "Tom Turrittin" in the Furry anthology is him as well. I'll make the pseudonym for Turriton/Turritin, and try to establish the correct anthology credit for Turrittin. PeteYoung 18:11, 12 March 2015 (UTC)

Progress Report Loncon 3

Most of the contents in this publication are dated after the date of the publication. Mhhutchins 07:54, 14 March 2015 (UTC)

Thanks. PeteYoung 08:17, 14 March 2015 (UTC)

Greg Hill/Hills

Is there a way to confirm whether the author of this review is the same person who reviewed in other issues of this periodical as Greg Hills? Thanks for checking. Mhhutchins 17:54, 14 March 2015 (UTC)

It's Hills not Hill, in SFC #69/70. PeteYoung 08:28, 15 March 2015 (UTC)

More SFC comments

Hi Pete. I just entered SFC #100 and wanted to run something by you. In the same way that Richard Curtis's "Agent's Corner" column info is entered in Locus per this example, p.11. I've entered Marvin Kaye's Nth Dimension similarly (p.46), with the column title instead of the header (where it appears), followed by the series "Marvin Kaye's Nth Dimension". I've seen it this way in other personal columns that have titles. What are your thoughts? If you agree, do you want to change your Issue #82 to match it?

Also, I saw that D'Ammassa's review column started to be titled "Don D'Ammassas's Critical Mass" so I entered it as a separate content, figuring it's not just the generic "Reviews" name. Do you think that's okay or should we stick with no separate content title for the review column no matter what it says? Thanks, Doug / Vornoff 06:43, 7 April 2015 (UTC)

Thanks Doug, I'll be able to look at this in a few days. Have had to head up-country where internet connections are fewer and farther between. PeteYoung 07:14, 8 April 2015 (UTC)
Yes, "Marvin Kaye's Nth Dimension" should have been a column header in #82 and I overlooked the essay title. Thanks for picking that up – apologies if it led to confusion.
Re. "Don D'Ammassa's Critical Mass", I don't have any issues in which it appears immediately to hand, but my feeling is that if ALL the content is already included in the individual review records, that ought to be sufficient. Ultimately, it's probably a question of how much work we want to create for ourselves. I can only partially see the reasoning behind adding an ESSAY record, as yes, the series header is visible in the publication, but essentially that's all there is: a header, no essay. If there's not even a few lines of preamble present, it's essentially a redundant record for each publication. The review column itself hasn't changed and D'Ammassa simply gave it a more identifiable title other than just 'Reviews'. My own preference would be to simply add to the Note something like: "Don D'Ammassa's review column appears without introduction and is titled 'Don D'Ammassa's Critical Mass'", which records that the column title is there, and if there is an introduction or preamble to the review column that's worth recording then an ESSAY record would be justified. But as I say, that's my preference, and other editors' opinions on the matter may differ from mine, depending on the nature of the publications they work on. It's usually a judgment call.
However, as I offered to help YOU index SFC as a project, I don't wish to overrule or enforce my own point of view, I'm simply stating my preference and remain flexible. How strongly do you feel about including it as an essay record? PeteYoung 23:52, 12 April 2015 (UTC)
Not really that strongly, Pete - I'm flexible. After I'd entered the column header, I thought more about it and remembered, I think, that you or Michael had made that same point about not having the column header if there is no separate essay material for it, but I guess I was so programmed to automatically enter in non-generic titles, if there, it got the better of me. I'll probably just remove the one I put in and stick to the way we've been doing it as you mention above. I just entered #92 today (hasn't been accepted yet) and did the same thing with "Pohlemic" as I did with "Marvin Kaye's Nth Dimension", though it looks like I'm going against the grain with the other members of the Pohlemic series. Too bad there's no standardization that when a personal column routinely has its own header/title that that should be entered as the title and that the name of the series of essays NOT be in the title but made a series instead. Clumsily put but I think you get the idea. To me it looks redundant to have Pohlemic: Gosh! [Pohlemic], e.g., as a content in a pub. Thanks, Doug / Vornoff 04:35, 19 April 2015 (UTC)

SF Commentary #8

Would you still have access to this issue and be able to confirm that the credit for "Phil Collass" is correct? We also have records for the Australian author Phil Collas in the db. Thanks for checking. Mhhutchins 01:49, 28 April 2015 (UTC)

Without a response, I've proceeded to make "Collass" into a pseudonym of Collas. If the original entry was in error, please remove the pseudonym and variant. Thanks. Mhhutchins 18:35, 4 May 2015 (UTC)

Sorry for the delay. I returned all the old issues of SF Commentary to their owner last month, so I passed on the query and I'm still awaiting the reply. I'll revert any changes if necessary. Thanks. PeteYoung 04:48, 5 May 2015 (UTC)

Vector 279

Can you confirm the credit for "Toby Jones" in this issue? He was credited in the previous year's round-up as "Tony Jones". Thanks for checking. Mhhutchins 06:55, 6 May 2015 (UTC)

I'm away from home for a couple more weeks so I'll check upon my return. PeteYoung 05:50, 10 May 2015 (UTC)

The Helmet of Horror

It turns out that your verified The Helmet of Horror is part of Canongate Myth, a project run by "Canongate Books". We currently have 4 other Canongate Myth books organized as a regular series while your publication is listed as part of a publication series ("The Myths").

After reading the Wikipedia description of the project (linked above), I am inclined to agree that it's more like a publication series than a regular series. One way or the other we presumably want to have just one series for these books, be it a regular series or a publication series. Would you agree? Ahasuerus 23:00, 9 May 2015 (UTC)

The 'Canongate Myth' series is certainly a publication series and not a title series. However, it appears that unless you referred to their web page or the Wikipedia page, Canongate were inconsistent about delineating which titles were actually part of the series. For instance, my verified first edition hardcover of Ragnarok by A.S. Byatt contains no mention anywhere that it's part of this series (I've just checked; maybe the paperback edition makes mention of it – I'll try to find one). And the only indication that the UK paperback of The Helmet of Horror is part of a series is the "IV" on the spine, with no mention of the name of the series anywhere. So with certain titles we may need to be explicit about the source for the inclusion in the series. Also, I see we have another title series called "The Myths" with just one title in it, Jeanette Winterson's Weight (all unverified pubs). I have one or two other books in this series, so I'll dig them out. PeteYoung 05:44, 10 May 2015 (UTC)
Sounds good; thanks for looking into this! Ahasuerus 06:01, 10 May 2015 (UTC)

Number Lines

Further to a discussion on my talk page and my noob-nes when it comes to number line series. this book states first edition yet number line ends on a 2. If the last number of the line is an indication of edition then how can this be a first ? Am I confused ? --Mavmaramis 14:48, 10 May 2015 (UTC)

Actually it doesn't, it ends with 2 but it starts with 1, the first printing! There's a very simple logic behind the arrangement of number lines.
Quite a few publishers put all the type on their copyright pages centred down the middle of the page. You will often see printing lines like 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2, as this string of numbers has all from 1 to 10 alternately on the left and right, centred symmetrically. When a publisher wants to do a second printing they just erase the 1 from the printing plates and all the type will still appear to be centred, so progressively this will be the same when they remove 2 from the right, 3 from the left, 4 from the right, etc., and the symmetry is therefore preserved and the collapse of civilisation is averted for yet another day.
So from your example, if 1 is the lowest number visible on the line, then it's the first printing. And if the copyright page type is 'range left', you will see the number line 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1, so that by progressively removing the 1, 2, 3 etc. the type can still look 'range left' and end with the most recent printing. That's really all there is to it. :) PeteYoung 15:54, 10 May 2015 (UTC)
Your quote "symmetry is therefore preserved and the collapse of civilisation is averted for yet another day" gave me a good chuckle (a rare thing in an Aspie). As Ta'lon said in an episode of Babylon 5 "a sterling reply, but since all answers are replies not all replies are answers." Which end of the number line series should I be looking ? --Mavmaramis 16:06, 10 May 2015 (UTC)
Either end, wherever the lowest number is. PeteYoung 16:08, 10 May 2015 (UTC)

Duplicate ISBNs

You have primary verified two publications with the same ISBN, according to this cleanup report. Is it possible that the publication which has two ISBNs (according to your note) may have the correct ISBN on the back and the ISBN on the copyright page is a misprint? BTW, if you have secondary evidence that the publication appeared in 2013, you can date the record and give the secondary source in the Note field, even if there is no stated publication date. Thanks. Mhhutchins 07:42, 16 May 2015 (UTC)

That's an interesting catch. I only have my copy of Jasmine Nights to hand, and I suspect its copyright page text was adapted from that of The Other City of Angels but the ISBN was not changed. I'll change it to the barcode ISBN, and I'll be able to compare both pubs a week from now. At the moment I have no secondary evidence that this edition appeared in 2013 other than my own recollection from where and when I bought it, which isn't sufficient. PeteYoung 07:59, 16 May 2015 (UTC)

Toby and Tony Jones

Could the Toby in this record of Vector be the same person as Tony in this issue? Thanks for checking. Mhhutchins 01:43, 20 May 2015 (UTC)

I replied to your earlier query on this. Just a few more days... PeteYoung 04:23, 20 May 2015 (UTC)
Sorry, I was going over the report of near-matched names and forgot that I'd already inquired about this pair a couple of weeks back. No rush. Thanks. Mhhutchins 04:38, 20 May 2015 (UTC)
It's "Toby" in #279 but I'm advised it's meant to be Tony. They're grateful it was spotted and will be issuing a grovelling apology to Tony Jones in the next issue. PeteYoung 13:30, 25 May 2015 (UTC)

Tales of the Marvellous and News of the Strange

A quick question about this pub. The Notes field says "Publication date from the publisher's website as of 2015-03-18", but the publication date is 0000-00-00. A cloning artifact, perhaps? Ahasuerus 23:46, 8 June 2015 (UTC)

Yep, a line I omitted to remove from the clone, now corrected. Good catch, thanks! PeteYoung 00:48, 9 June 2015 (UTC)

"Goblin Market", by Christina Rossetti

You verified the 2015 edition of "Goblin Market", including a poem titled there "A Pause for Thought". Could you verify that this is the correct title? The poem was originally title "A Pause OF Thought", and I'd like to make sure that the name change was deliberate, and not a data entry typo. Thanks, Chavey 07:02, 10 June 2015 (UTC)

Similarly, could you check "Song (She sat and sang away)", which is presumably the same as the 1865 "Song (She sat and sang alway)". Chavey 07:10, 10 June 2015 (UTC)

I'll be able to check on this in a couple of weeks as I don't have it to hand... thanks for your patience. PeteYoung 12:14, 10 June 2015 (UTC)
"A Pause for Thought" was indeed a typo: variant removed, corrected and merged. Regarding "Song (She sat and sang away)", that poem is not in this Penguin collection. Both titles ("away" / "alway") are in pubs verified by yourself. Thanks. PeteYoung 08:38, 5 July 2015 (UTC)

Yefremov - Andromeda

Replaced the somewhat garish (overly bright) version of the cover art for this book with one scanned from my own copy. --Mavmaramis 17:22, 11 June 2015 (UTC)

The Blue Octavo Notebooks

Hi, Pete! I'm afraid that due to various obstacles presenting themselves in the course of time there were only enough resources to enter the contents of notebooks 'A'-'G' (as they are named in the editions following Kafka's handwriting) before the upcoming summer vacation. Note that these new editions have a different chronology than the one used by Max Brod, so that the still missing notebook 'H' was the fourth notebook in Brod's counting.

If you like, just go ahead and enter the contents for the English edition, I'll do any necessary varianting for the missing notebook after my return; note that the Brod edition and the later ones do publish some mutually exclusive titles: Brod included some passages marked by Kafka for deletion that were not included by Pasley & Schillemeit, but he also omitted some material not marked in this way. Christian Stonecreek 20:09, 24 June 2015 (UTC)

I've been doing some work on matching contents of each Notebook in the English edition before varianting, and so far the contents of English notebooks 'A' to 'C' match Brod's order. I'll make a note to do the rest as soon as possible, however I won't be able to work on it for a month as I too am now away from home – I was cursing myself on my flight yesterday for not packing the English edition in my suitcase. Onwards to July... ;) PeteYoung 06:10, 25 June 2015 (UTC)
Yes, the different ordering should have been present with these first notebooks; only notebook 'E' and the fifth notebook take the same place in the respective editions. So, this edition most likely relies on Brod's version. Christian Stonecreek 06:27, 25 June 2015 (UTC)
Okay, finally all the varianting for the Blue Octavo Notebooks is done (I hope). Now to the bigger part of material written in other journals and on sheets of paper. Christian Stonecreek 15:24, 25 September 2015 (UTC)


Replaced cover of this book with full wraparound version albeit with somewhat sun faded spine. --Mavmaramis 17:08, 30 June 2015 (UTC)

Naked Lunch

This publication was entered under the wrong title record. Unless the author is credited as "William S. Burroughs" on the book's title page, you'll have to unmerge the pub from the title and make a variant. Thanks. Mhhutchins 06:41, 8 July 2015 (UTC)

Sandra Underman and Sandra Unnerman

Can you confirm the credits for these two authors to determine if they're the same person or if one is a typo? Thanks. Mhhutchins 23:23, 22 July 2015 (UTC)

Thanks, a typo. Corrected. PeteYoung 04:07, 23 July 2015 (UTC)

Tim Miller

Do you know if the "Tim Miller" credited in this publication is one of the four other "Tim Miller"s? Thanks for checking. Mhhutchins 18:43, 23 July 2015 (UTC)

Chris Garcia informs me it's Tim Miller (III). Now amended. PeteYoung 02:37, 28 July 2015 (UTC)

Murakami's 1Q84

Can you confirm the subtitle given in this record? I see the cover states "Book One and Book Two", but the Amazon Look Inside gives "Books One and Two" on the title page. I ask because someone has created a variant using the latter title and I'm wondering if they should be under the same title record. Thanks for checking. Mhhutchins 19:10, 27 July 2015 (UTC)

It's "Books", now corrected. Thanks for picking that up. We also seem to have variants that use either commas or colons inconsistently, where neither may appear on title pages (eg.) I've standardised my pubs to the use of colons, which seem to be both more appropriate and more prevalent. PeteYoung 02:34, 28 July 2015 (UTC)

Science Fiction Chronicle

Hi, Pete! You may want to check out this discussion over in my playground. Doug / Vornoff 05:55, 8 August 2015 (UTC)

Well, it looks like Doug already notified you about this series. I would like to help out on this if I can. - John Syzygy 12:34, 8 August 2015 (UTC)

The Long Utopia

Hi, Pete! Have cloned [this] record as the [edition] just arrived has a different page count [likely due to the missing 'extra' chapter] and has a CDN price on the jacket as well as the UK one [you usually note such]. I have not copied the cover 'artist' as I never really consider someone's use of photographs not their own as really artistry. If Shuttershock had noted the photographer[s] they would get the credit as artists, not the designer .... As for the extra chapter, the last one in the edition I have is 56, last line ending with .... I'll be in with the Oort cloud. Maybe this will help identify where the extra chapter is in your edition??? If not we can do a more detailed comparison? Cheers! --~ Bill, Bluesman 22:02, 16 August 2015 (UTC)

Thanks for the feedback. I've had a closer look at my 'Waterstones exclusive edition', and the extra chapter is tagged onto the end after Chapter 56: 'Stan Berg in the Wilderness'. I presume a shortfiction entry is appropriate for this.
Re. the cover art, I agree first and foremost it's a judgement call, and the question of attribution lies in the artistry and/or complexity of the finished work. I'd agree with credit being assigned to an artist/photographer if it is, say, one or two images, with the cover design credit being given to someone else, but when a larger assemblage of separate, uncredited images comes together, someone has to take overall credit for that (an extreme case: think of the Beatles' 'Sgt. Pepper' cover by Peter Blake). As Richard Shailer has created all the covers for 'The Long Earth' series (as well as the interior art) I reckon it's right to credit him. YMMV! PeteYoung 21:00, 16 September 2015 (UTC)

Dave Heren and Dave Haren

Could this be the same person? Thanks for checking. Mhhutchins 20:49, 22 August 2015 (UTC)

Have you had the chance to check on this yet? Thanks. Mhhutchins|talk 23:54, 17 September 2015 (UTC)
Taral Wayne advises me it's Dave Heren. Pseudonym now created. PeteYoung 10:48, 22 September 2015 (UTC)
I thought this was sorted, but I've just received mail from "Dave Haren". Pseudonym reversed, and I'm now silently cursing Taral Wayne for wasting me half an hour. PeteYoung 06:37, 22 January 2016 (UTC)

The Disinheriting Party

I added notes to your verified copy of Clute's The Disinheriting Party. Thanks. --Ron ~ RtraceTalk 12:42, 29 August 2015 (UTC)

Gillespie's Scratch Pad

Are you certain of the dates given to the first 20 issues of this fanzine in ebook format? I have some serious doubts that they were published electronically in the early 1990s. If they are reproductions of earlier print issues, then they should be dated the date of the ebooks releases, not the date of the original publications. Mhhutchins 02:13, 8 September 2015 (UTC)

Same situation with "For Dickheads Only". It looks like the ebooks are just scans of the print edition, and should have a different publication date (or blanked). Mhhutchins

Also "New Toy" (1986 & 1988). Mhhutchins 03:25, 8 September 2015 (UTC)

All done. I'll work through the remainder of my fanzine records to see if there are any other similar errors. PeteYoung 21:17, 16 September 2015 (UTC)

The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction Movies

Hi, I've added a couple of things to your primary verified The page count uses Roman and Arabic numerals in the same total, and I put in a note about the additional essay "The Science Fiction Film in Perspective" which follows the Preface; not sure whether it qualifies as Content or not?Astrodan 01:26, 14 September 2015 (UTC)

Thanks. I'll be able to look at that pub a month from now (my collection is currently split in two, thousands of miles apart). PeteYoung 06:39, 14 September 2015 (UTC)
My submitting editor suggests changing the page number entry to just read '408', with the Pub. note explaining the mixed numeral usage. Would you prefer to wait until you see your own copy, or will I go ahead and change it? Astrodan 15:26, 14 September 2015 (UTC)
Sure, please go ahead, and from your note it also looks like the additional essay is something that should appear, and I'll take a look at the pub when I'm able. Thanks. PeteYoung 14:29, 15 September 2015 (UTC)

Default display of non-English translations

When you get a chance, could you please review this discussion? The proposal basically boils down to changing the behavior of the Summary Bibliography when the viewing user is not logged in. Currently only English translations are displayed for unauthenticated users. The proposal would change it to displaying all translations. The downside is that the Summary page could get longer and harder to navigate.

I am trying to get a sense of how widespread the support for this change is. TIA! Ahasuerus 01:03, 20 September 2015 (UTC)

Improperly uploaded file

This cover image file was uploaded directly to the ISFDB server, so it's missing some important data, including the requisite license tag. Please use the link on the publication record to upload it again, and then delete this one. Thanks. Mhhutchins|talk 06:03, 2 October 2015 (UTC)

Cheers, done. PeteYoung 06:36, 2 October 2015 (UTC)

Di Fillipo or Di Filippo?

Hi Pete. I came across a misspelling of this author here. Is it a typo or does it appear that way in the fanzine? Thanks for checking. Syzygy 15:15, 2 October 2015 (UTC)

Well well. There was me thinking I'd typoed Paul's name yet again, when in fact it is spelt that way. Good catch, I've made the variant. PeteYoung 00:05, 3 October 2015 (UTC)

Disch's 334

This record came up on a clean-up report because it didn't have contents. I've imported them from my verified record, but since the pagination is probably different, you'll have to add the correct page numbers for the contents when you get a chance. Thanks. Mhhutchins|talk 03:41, 3 October 2015 (UTC)

Ògbójú Ọdẹ nínú Igbó Irúnmalẹ̀

This title has invalid unicode characters. Please fix it when you get a chance. Thanks. Mhhutchins|talk 08:02, 5 October 2015 (UTC)

Cut and paste from Wikipedia, but I'm told the same without all the accents is acceptable and searchable. Fixed. PeteYoung 10:20, 5 October 2015 (UTC)

Richard E. Geis

Hi, Pete. In your verified SF Commentary Reprint Edition: First Year 1969 you've got a letter from Rochard E. Geis on p.84. Shouldn't that be "Richard"? Thanks, Doug / Vornoff 01:19, 24 October 2015 (UTC)

Good catch, it is indeed Richard. Thank s fr sptting th etypo. PeteYoung 11:00, 24 October 2015 (UTC)
That response made my morning :-) Chavey 15:26, 24 October 2015 (UTC)
Excellent! Doug / Vornoff 16:47, 25 October 2015 (UTC)

Wolf Star

Added notes to your transient verified Wolf Star.SFJuggler 04:59, 9 November 2015 (UTC)

Queued submissions

Two of your submissions have been sitting in the queue the last few days. They appear to be duplicate submissions that were overlooked. Mhhutchins|talk 19:23, 21 November 2015 (UTC)

Cheers. No idea how these subs became duplicated. PeteYoung 01:19, 22 November 2015 (UTC)

Ron Salomon / Solomon

Can you confirm the credits for these two authors, which have letters published in Broken Toys? Thanks. Mhhutchins|talk 19:48, 22 November 2015 (UTC)

That's how they both appear, and "Solomon" is certainly a typo of "Salomon". Made the pseudonym. PeteYoung 06:39, 23 November 2015 (UTC)

Margaret Hooper-Lofton

In your verified Flag fanzine, there are two letters credited to Margaret Hooper-Lofton and two letters credited to Margaret Hooper Lofton. I have made the latter a pseudonym of the former (since it was the first credit). You may wish to double check the presence/absence of the hyphen in the publications in case this is a database typo vs. a credit difference. Thanks. -- JLaTondre (talk) 17:52, 6 December 2015 (UTC)


This title is showing up on a clean-up report which finds NOVEL-typed records of less than 80 pages. It's very likely this is not a NOVEL and should be changed to SHORTFICTION, with the publications changed to CHAPBOOKs. Mhhutchins|talk 09:22, 12 December 2015 (UTC)

Yeah, agreed. Will do. PeteYoung 09:38, 12 December 2015 (UTC)

David Hughes mix-up

Hi, Pete! I think that the three David Hughes we have in the database somehow get mixed up. While this one has also some screenplay credits, per Wikipedia he is a novelist, with not much affiliation to modern cinema and tv shows. This other we only have identified as author of two shortfiction pieces, while the third one is largely unidentified and his works may actually be attributable to the other two. Are the two essays 1 & 2 already part of your verified The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made from 2001, or were they possibly later added to a revised and expanded edition? Stonecreek 19:34, 12 December 2015 (UTC)

There's certainly some confusion over the number of David Hughes we have in the db, and I reckon there must be several mis-attributed titles on all the various 'David Hughes' pages we have. About ten years ago I had some brief e-mail communication with Hughes over The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made, and a couple of years ago I got in touch with him again, asking him to look at his ISFDB biblio page to advise us on what should not be there. I didn't hear back, unfortunately, but yes, I too am sure TGSFMNM is under the wrong David Hughes at present.
I wasn't aware of the translated essays, and 'Profits of Dune' is certainly in TGSFMNM. 'Get Carter!' is not in the hardcover, at least not under that title, and I don't know if it's in the paperback edition – which film is the essay discussing? If a few individual essays have appeared elsewhere it may be worth creating separate records for them (19 in the hardcover). What do you think? I suggest everything is grouped under "David Hughes (I)".
Hughes also wrote a sequel: Tales from Development Hell which we don't have in the database yet, and I don't know how much it focusses on science fiction movies. PeteYoung 20:11, 12 December 2015 (UTC)
There's an essay from that sequel in Das Science Fiction Jahr 2014; 'Get Carter!' is on the filming of E. R. Burroughs' John Carter novels, but both of the former two essays are only attributed to the 2008 edition. As the only biographical information stated in Das Science Fiction Jahr is that this Hughes is a journalist, maybe we should establish 'David Hughes (Journalist)' for the film review titles? Stonecreek 04:01, 13 December 2015 (UTC)
With my god-like powers I have now created David Hughes (journalist). I've included the Farscape 'companion' title in that biblio as, while I'm not certain he is the same Hughes we are talking about, he is also published by Titan Books which may be a pretty good indicator.
I must track down a copy of Tales from Development Hell and read it. TGSFMNM really was an excellent book. PeteYoung 07:28, 13 December 2015 (UTC)
Yes, it most certainly is. All three essays published in German are great! I'll see if I can obtain a later printing/edition of TGSFMNM. Stonecreek 13:41, 14 December 2015 (UTC)

Reginald B. Birch pseudonym

Hi. I wonder whether I did something wrong or left the matter incomplete when yesterday I added "Reginald B. Birch" INTERIORART for the 1901 and 1902 editions of The Wouldbegoods, which you approved (one of them).

I had expected these would show up at Reginald B. Birch along with other works credited "as by" or "only as by" Reginald B. Birch such as Interior Art: The Admiral's Caravan (1920) --which now displays second from bottom at Reginald Bathurst Birch. But when I select "Reginald B. Birch" from listings on that main page I find only the Wouldbegood INTERIORART listed for Reginald B. --Pwendt|talk 19:06, 15 December 2015 (UTC)

You did nothing wrong, but you after the edit was accepted you then needed to create a title record for the interior art under "Reginald Bathurst Birch" – this edit will then make it appear as "only as by" or "also as by" on Reginald Bathurst Birch's page.
If any edit you have made is credited to a pseudonym, you will need to make it a variant of an identical record under the author/artist's canonical name. To do so, select the record then under Editing Tools choose "Make This Title a Variant Title or Pseudonymous Work". The second half of this page has "If the parent title does not exist, enter the title information below to create it." Just change the author/artist's name to the canonical name, click "Create New Parent Title", and the new parent record will be created. This will make it appear as "only as by" or "also as by" on the canonical author's page, and the title record on the pseudonym's page will disappear.
Sorry for the short delay getting back to you, I was between continents (occupational hazard); in the meantime I see Michael has made the necessary variant for you with this edit. I hope the above instructions will help in future. Thanks. PeteYoung 09:03, 16 December 2015 (UTC)

Exhibition Hall#2 / Leon Bennett

Hi, Pete. In your pv'd Exhibition Hall, #2 the artist for the cartoon on p.14 credited by the mag as Leon Bennett is actually Léon Benett (note accent and one 'n'), a Verne artist. I've submitted a pub for an old Jules Verne book Clovis Dardenor with the artist credited to "L. Benett" and I eventually wanted to variant and pseudonym him to the right person. Is it possible to variant "Leon Bennett" (since it's credited that way) to "Léon Benett" even though Benett doesn't have credits as of yet? Thanks, Doug / Vornoff 04:37, 24 December 2015 (UTC)

I see Michael has added a note to the INTERIORART record regarding the canonical name (although "Benet" is spelled with one t – does this need correction?). I've also now made Leon Bennett a pseudonym. Thanks. PeteYoung 09:54, 24 December 2015 (UTC)

Possible Typos

Would you mind double checking these possible typos?

As spelled in the pub.
Can check this in a couple of days => As spelled in the pub.
Typo, corrected.
As spelled in the cartoon.
Can check this in a couple of days.
As spelled in the pub, it's leetspeak.
Typo, corrected.

Thanks. -- JLaTondre (talk) 16:24, 1 January 2016 (UTC)

And Happy New Year! PeteYoung 00:49, 2 January 2016 (UTC)
Thanks. I added notes to the ones that are 'correctly' misspelled. Happy New Year to you also. -- JLaTondre (talk) 13:58, 2 January 2016 (UTC)
'Curioser and Curioser' is as spelled in the pub, note added. The 'occurence' will need a little longer as my wife has completely rearranged our house in my absence and several authors have now gone AWOL, including Kafka. PeteYoung 07:34, 7 January 2016 (UTC)

Broken Toys and Journey Planet

Happy New Year, Pete. In your verified Broken Toys #7, you have all the references to the Letters as "Broken Toys 6", not "7". ??? Also, for your Journey Planet #10, for both the ebook and the A4 mags you have letters by several different authors that need to be disambiguated. Thanks, Doug / Vornoff 06:28, 7 January 2016 (UTC)

Thanks, Broken Toys now fixed. As for JP #10, the only one I agree needs disambiguating is Philip Turner. The two early letters from 1933 now appear under "Philip Turner (I)", and I've also made an enquiry to the editors of Banana Wings asking if the letter correspondent is the same guy who wrote the three short stories. But which other authors do you think need disambiguating? I'm pretty familiar with all of them and am 99.9% confident there's no further tinkering needed, unless you can point me to something I've missed. Cheers, and Happy New Year :) PeteYoung 07:29, 7 January 2016 (UTC)
I didn't explain myself well enough - surprise! I meant the LETTERS (some of them) should be disambiguated, not the authors. E.g. I think Lloyd Penney's second letter should be titled Letter (Journey Planet 10) [2] so it won't show up as a duplicate. Same with several others. Doug / Vornoff 13:45, 7 January 2016 (UTC)
OK, done now. And if you hadn't made me look at Philip Turner I'd probably have missed that problem as well, so thanks on both counts. :) PeteYoung 14:06, 7 January 2016 (UTC)

Brad W. Foster

Hi again, Pete. You might be interested in this message I left for RTrace about duplicate records for Brad W. Foster art. Most of the dupes were from Foster's art in various Ansibles you entered that may be duplicates of the ones he entered in Sasquan: The 73rd World Science Fiction Convention. Doug / Vornoff 23:21, 7 January 2016 (UTC)

Thanks. I've taken care of all except the 'Heinlein' and 'Resnick' duplicates, as I have no familiarity with either of the publications in which they appear. PeteYoung 00:53, 8 January 2016 (UTC)

Broken Toys #10

Hi, Pete. In your Broken Toys 10 there's a letter by "Alan D. Burrows". I've just made that a pseudonym of "Allan D. Burrows". When you get a chance can you check if that's how it's spelled in yours? I've had it spelled both ways in the same magazine, I've found. Thanks, Doug / Vornoff 03:07, 18 January 2016 (UTC)

Yes, it's "Alan", so I've made the variant. Thanks. PeteYoung 03:13, 18 January 2016 (UTC)
Also noticed that duplications were showing up for letters in Broken Toys 37 (Milt Stevens) and Broken Toys 44 (Eric Mayer). Thanks. Doug / Vornoff 03:24, 18 January 2016 (UTC)
Thanks, fixed. PeteYoung 06:35, 18 January 2016 (UTC)

Metropolitan Books

I added the publisher at the end of this imprint's name in this publication to distinguish it from the early 20th-century publisher with the same name. Mhhutchins|talk 02:35, 20 January 2016 (UTC)

Celan's Shadowlight

Hi, Pete! Since the book Mohn und Gedächtnis this piece was included in, is described at Wikipedia as a collection of poetry, could Shadowlight also be a (prose) poem? Christian Stonecreek 16:51, 21 January 2016 (UTC)

Christian, sorry this reply is very belated. I'll be able to have another go at locating the book when I'm home next week, and be able to answer your query. It's as if not only Kafka has gone missing in my house, but all German books! :) PeteYoung 12:25, 21 February 2016 (UTC)
Sorry it's taken 5 months, but Tales of the German Imagination has finally resurfaced today! Shadowlight might read as a 'prose poem' in parts, particularly at the beginning and end where it is composed of single sentences separated as paragraphs, but not really in the middle section where it reads more as just 'prose' with longer, unseparated paragraphs. I'd call it a borderline case, at least as it appears in English. However if you wish to change it from 'shortstory' to 'poem' I'd have no objection, particularly as this title was originally contained in a book of poetry (and he was much better known as a poet). Hope this helps, but as I've not read it in the original German I should allow you to make the final call. :) PeteYoung 05:27, 24 May 2016 (UTC)
Thanks for the dig, Pete (I know just to well that some books crawl by themself into some dark corner, only to resurface when they think they need some daylight). I'll hunt down a copy with this title in it (it wasn't in the one from Celan's collected works I lended from a library) and then try to determine what it is in the original. Christian Stonecreek 07:12, 24 May 2016 (UTC)


This publication showed up on a cleanup report which finds PV'd records that don't have a format/binding. It's not likely that it would be entered as "unknown" for a PV'd publication. But if you're working from a PDF, you don't actually have the publication itself. So I personally wouldn't have done a primary verification of it, or the whole meaning of PV is distorted. I suggest either changing the date of the publication to "0000" and enter "ebook" as the format, or remove the PV flag for the record. That's the only way to remove the record from the cleanup report. Thanks. Mhhutchins|talk 08:01, 4 February 2016 (UTC)

Don't know why I PVed that after working on it – makes no sense. Removed now, thanks. PeteYoung 12:14, 5 February 2016 (UTC)

The Book of Imaginary Beings

Hi Pete. I've left a reply at User talk:Marc Kupper#Borges's The Book of Imaginary Beings. --Marc Kupper|talk 09:42, 19 February 2016 (UTC)

Thanks for letting me know. Looks good now. PeteYoung 12:22, 21 February 2016 (UTC)

Unibook date 'codes'

There may be a date code on the last page of text in [this] Unibook edition. Others seem to have them. Cheers! --~ Bill, Bluesman 23:58, 21 February 2016 (UTC)

Sorry I don't have that edition any more, but thanks for letting me know. PeteYoung 12:05, 22 February 2016 (UTC)
The two I just came into have the same code, and there seem to be only a half-dozen titles from this publisher. I'll just add a note for the next PV to check for a code, see what shakes ... Cheers! --~ Bill, Bluesman 00:45, 24 February 2016 (UTC)
Sneaky! Beat me to it! --~ Bill, Bluesman 00:46, 24 February 2016 (UTC)

The Martian

I have updated your transient verified The Martian to add a note and title for the map and to fill in more detail on the date. One puzzle is you left the price blank and did not include a note on why the record has no price. reports that it's R$44,90 which if that's accurate we'd record on ISFDB as R$44.90 and to add a note that the currency is in Brasilian real. --Marc Kupper|talk 09:10, 29 February 2016 (UTC)

Thanks for the detailed additions. I do normally note if the cover displays no price but clearly omitted to do so on this occasion. PeteYoung 23:37, 8 March 2016 (UTC)

John Huntingdon or Huntington

Can you confirm the author credit of this piece? Thanks for checking. Mhhutchins|talk 20:36, 15 March 2016 (UTC)

I'll be able to check this next week. PeteYoung 12:47, 16 March 2016 (UTC)
Sorry for the long delay, this one slipped my mind. It's correctly entered as John Huntington. PeteYoung 19:03, 20 April 2016 (UTC)

Possible Typos 15-March

Here are two more possibly typos:

I'll be able to check this next week. PeteYoung 12:46, 16 March 2016 (UTC)
Corrected. PeteYoung 08:31, 29 March 2016 (UTC)
Definitely "Toke". PeteYoung 12:46, 16 March 2016 (UTC)

Thanks. -- JLaTondre (talk) 23:20, 15 March 2016 (UTC)

You're welcome. PeteYoung 12:46, 16 March 2016 (UTC)

Bill Plot and Bill Plott

Could these be the same person? Mhhutchins|talk 04:44, 18 March 2016 (UTC)

Indeed they are (and entered correctly), based on the identical e-mail address. Variant created, thanks. PeteYoung 05:23, 18 March 2016 (UTC)

Tag for ふしぎな図書館

Hi, Pete. There do exist two similar tags, 'libraries' (one occurrence) and 'library' (seven occurrences). If you don't object, it'd be somewhat easier to change the one tag for the Murakami shortfiction. (or perhaps there's a special reason to keep them apart). Christian Stonecreek 10:02, 5 April 2016 (UTC)

Done. I'm all for consolidating tags where possible. Thanks. PeteYoung 11:26, 5 April 2016 (UTC)

Possible Typos 10-Apr

Here is a possible typo:

Thanks. -- JLaTondre (talk) 20:18, 10 April 2016 (UTC)

Yes it's a typo. Thanks for spotting it. PeteYoung 21:37, 10 April 2016 (UTC)


Replaced the Amazon image for this pub and this pub that you both verified (transient) with an ISFDB cover scan. I also added some notes to the first the two pub records (the one I have PV'ed) and changed the record to use the 13-digit ISBN. Cheers, Patrick -- Herzbube Talk 22:40, 10 April 2016 (UTC)

Cover art for Shadowboxer

Can you confirm the cover artist credit given in this record? According to the Amazon "Look Inside" of the ebook edition, it's credited to Erik Mohr. Thanks for checking. Mhhutchins|talk 22:45, 18 April 2016 (UTC)

Thanks, I'll be able to check this in a couple of days. PeteYoung 01:03, 19 April 2016 (UTC)
The credit appears as "Eric Mohr" on both the copyright page and back cover. I'll make all editions "Erik Mohr" and mention the typo in the Note for the UK tp edition (I don't see much point in creating a pseudonym). Cheers. PeteYoung 18:23, 20 April 2016 (UTC)
I agree that's the best way to handle it. When I see pseudonyms and variants created for obvious typos in art credits, I cringe. Just because that's the way we do it for fiction and other text works doesn't mean it should be done the same way for art. After all, we credit cover art even when it's not credited in the publication based on secondary sources, and we correct miscredited cover art too. Nothing in the rules explicitly state that credits for art have to handled the same as other works. 18:39, 20 April 2016 (UTC)

The Great Shadow (and other stories)

Hi, I had varianted the english titles of Mário de Sá-Carneiro to their original portuguese titles ( later i will add publications to them), and i noticed that you had given the original date (1915) to the translated titles in your verified publication . Shouldn't they have the year of the english publication instead? As it is, it seems they were translated in the same year they were created. Can you please have a look to this? Thanks. Wolland 00:57, 19 April 2016 (UTC)

Yes, you're correct. IIRC that was actually one of the first pubs I entered into the ISFDB and I clearly still had plenty to learn! I'll switch the dates back to 1996, and thanks for bringing it to my attention. PeteYoung 01:03, 19 April 2016 (UTC)

Paul Barnett / John Grant

Someone in the past had created a disambiguation of "Paul Barnett" (two in fact) to distinguish them from the John Grant pseudonym (actually his real name, is it complicated enough yet?) They had credited the artwork in Argosy to "Paul Barnett (I)" and the pieces in Ansible to "Paul Barnett (II)". So when you entered some issues of Ansible recently with letters by Barnett, I assumed they were by "II" and created variants. Now I'm not so sure. There's a lot of evidence to indicate that all of the pieces are by the same person. In Ansible Langford actually mentions Paul Barnett is the author John Grant. Also, the Argosy issue contains a short novel by John Grant! Would you agree that it's possible that all of these Paul Barnetts are the same person? Mhhutchins|talk 05:45, 19 April 2016 (UTC)

I'll e-mail Dave... Mr. Langford knows where all the bodies are buried. PeteYoung 10:13, 19 April 2016 (UTC)
I've long been aware of the Paul Barnett/John Grant connection, and I've always correctly pseudonymed (is that a word?) his Ansible letters to John Grant. So, as expected, Dave's reply indicates that "Paul Barnett (II)" is also the same Paul Barnett who writes as John Grant.
Where and how Paul Barnett (I) crept in is a different matter: Paul Barnett is "highly unlikely" to have ever done any cover art, but Dave also points out that Argosy says on its own cover that the art is by Joan Hall – it's visible in big letters below the story credit to John Grant. So, how it came to be credited to "Paul Barnett (I)" is anyone's guess.
Further, "John Grant (II)" is also Paul Barnett. The one story listed was formerly at Infinity Plus but is no longer there, but the linked page plugs other Paul-as-JG works.
I'll make the necessary reverts and corrections. Cheers. PeteYoung 11:22, 19 April 2016 (UTC)
Thanks for taking care of the matter. Mhhutchins|talk 18:37, 19 April 2016 (UTC)

Font normalization in Romanian

Hello Pete. As some Romanian characters are being normalized in this db (Ş / ş / Ţ / ţ becoming official Ș / ș / Ț / ț, as per this exchange), this affects Dănuţ Ungureanu's name in your verified, which has become Dănuț Ungureanu. Thanks ! Linguist 15:11, 12 May 2016 (UTC).

Also changed the name of Frăţilă-Cristescu to Frățilă-Cristescu in the notes. Linguist 21:13, 12 May 2016 (UTC).

Marian Truţä or Truță

Hello again. Could you please confirm the spelling Truţä (and not Truță) in your verified International Speculative Fiction #1 ? There is normally no ä in Romanian, so that it looks like a typo. TIA, Linguist 16:02, 12 May 2016 (UTC).

You're correct, it is Truță, and thanks for picking this up! PeteYoung 01:28, 13 May 2016 (UTC)

Dave Gullen

re Dave Gullen: The shorty story under this name is by the same author as David Gullen. Is there anything in the interview (from your verified Vector 281 Winter) to indicate it is the same author? Trying to figure out if it should be disambiguated. Thanks. -- JLaTondre (talk) 13:45, 15 May 2016 (UTC)

There's nothing specific that would indicate they're the same guy, although I'm 99% sure they are: another interview for Vector is by David Gullen, who was also writing short fiction around 1998. I shall make some enquiries. PeteYoung 00:35, 16 May 2016 (UTC)
I've been informed by someone who does writing workshops with him that they are one and the same. I'll make the pseudonym. PeteYoung 21:32, 16 May 2016 (UTC)

Through My Glasses Darkly

Hi. Regarding your verified, the record says book was published in June. But last page of my copy says, "This first trade paperback printing of the Author's preferred text, published May 2002, ...." Seems we should change the publication month to May. You agree? Markwood 17:03, 11 June 2016 (UTC)

I don't have my copy to hand to check, but sure let's make the change, and thanks for spotting it. Incidentally I had a chat with Frank Robinson at Corflu in San Francisco in 2005, and he couldn't even remember this being published at all, let alone which month! :) PeteYoung 22:00, 11 June 2016 (UTC)

Titan Dead Man's Brother

I changed the date of the Titan edition of The Dead Man's Brother to that given on their website; they couldn't have published simultaneously with Dorchester in 2009 when they didn't partner with Hard Case until 2011. MOHearn 17:42, 14 June 2016 (UTC)

Thanks for adding that detail, looks good. PeteYoung 12:46, 15 June 2016 (UTC)

Importing content

Hello, when importing content from a more recent pub into an older one as you did with Wine of Wonder please remember to correct the dates (in this case note that's it's quicker to do this before importing). I've had to individually modify 79 poems' title that appeared on our cleanup report. Thanks. Hauck 09:42, 30 June 2016 (UTC)

My apologies, and yes of course you are correct... if it happens again just remember that unlike Boris Johnson I'm more than happy to clean up my own mistakes. :) PeteYoung 04:25, 1 July 2016 (UTC)
No problem, I was not sure if you were one of the moderators that have a fondness for our numerous cleanup reports. Hauck 06:33, 1 July 2016 (UTC)
I have been wondering about Boris Johnson lately. Back in 2013 he said:
  • “I may take up my pen,” he said. “I would love to write a genuinely brilliant rip-roaring airport book, embossed with sinister looking orchids on the cover”.
  • Mr Johnson joked that he would use a pen name like J K Rowling did for her crime novel, “The Cuckoo’s Calling”.
He went on to say "It would be fair to say there is virtually no genre that I have not tried. Romantic fiction, that could be next."
A year later he sent a letter to Loncon 3.
So... If we combine the following elements:
  • "there is virtually no genre that I have not tried"
  • "a pen name like J K Rowling"
  • the Loncon 3 letter
then what are the chances that "romantic fiction" was a red herring and that one of our recently added "undisclosed pseudonyms" is no other than Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson? (Admittedly, the Loncon letter may have been something that his office decided to send, but you never know!) Ahasuerus 21:22, 1 July 2016 (UTC)
You may be onto something here. Perhaps he asked Ken Livingstone, his predecessor as Mayor of London, to ghost-write it – Red Ken still reads SF and even interviewed Iain M. Banks in 2009. I'm trying to imagine what a Boris Johnson SF novel would look like – something that has plenty of betrayal and double-crossing in it, with a protagonist who realises he's not up to the job of fixing the huge mess he created while trying to take Earth out of the Galactic Federation, and becomes a Trappist monk instead.
Actually, now I think about it, another leading Tory politician has already written a fairly decent science fiction novel (at least according to Andy Sawyer, SF Librarian at the University of Liverpool): The Ambassador by Edwina Currie. And we've even got bloody Jeffrey Archer in the database. If they all wrote something together they could be the new Kuttner/Moore! PeteYoung 23:14, 2 July 2016 (UTC)

Doc Smith's Triplanetary

I've made several changes to E. E. Smith's Triplanetary. I've added the subititle, price and interior art credit. I've also adjusted the notes linking Worldcat, adding Reginald and LOC numbers and indicating that my verification is of the trade edition. Of course, you can alter that comment based on which edition you've verified. Thanks. --Ron ~ RtraceTalk 20:48, 3 July 2016 (UTC)

International Speculative Fiction, #4

Could you please double-check that Serbia is really spelled "Serrbia" in your verified International Speculative Fiction, #4? Ahasuerus 22:52, 20 July 2016 (UTC)

Good catch, comrade. Corrrrected. PeteYoung 03:54, 21 July 2016 (UTC)
You can never have too many r's -- just ask any Scotsman! Ahasuerus 04:25, 21 July 2016 (UTC)

Budayeen Nights

Added the story Introductions by Barbara Hambly to [this] as they are all titled, not generic. Cheers! --~ Bill, Bluesman 00:18, 25 August 2016 (UTC)

The Acolytes

Hi Pete. In your verified Time Grows Thin can you check the p.99 "The Acolytes" poem. The same titled poem in The Acolyte #14 starts "The Elder Ones are stirring as the red..." and ends four quatrains later with "And I - and I - am curiously glad". Thanks for checking. Doug / Vornoff 04:57, 30 August 2016 (UTC)

Will be able to catch up on this in a few days... thanks for your patience. PeteYoung 04:41, 31 August 2016 (UTC)
Yes, it's the same poem and is titled correctly "The Acolytes" in Time Grows Thin. Cheers. PeteYoung 13:03, 1 September 2016 (UTC)
Thanks, Pete. Merge submitted. Doug / Vornoff 00:32, 2 September 2016 (UTC)

Science Fiction Chronicle

FYI - I've created a wiki page for the Science Fiction Chronicle with general information and entry (non-)standards. It's located under magazines or here

Doug H 00:20, 8 September 2016 (UTC)
Thanks Doug, that's useful! PeteYoung 02:36, 8 September 2016 (UTC)
Hi Pete. I've been going thru some of the SFC's that you became Transient Verifier and submitted some adjustments (page numbers, adding a few contents) and took over PV, unless you have an objection. Doug / Vornoff 23:50, 10 September 2016 (UTC)

Banana Wings, #14

Hello, in this pub, I've recreated this essay and its parent because it was entered as an EDITOR record~and appeared in our cleanup report. Can you check that the result is conform to your intentions? Hauck 10:37, 17 September 2016 (UTC)

Hansen's Then

I've added the introduction and interior artwork to the hardcover edition of Rob Hansen's Then, which I cloned from your ebook edition. I'm letting you know in case you'd like to import the contents into your copy. I removed the cover artist from my copy as that appears to be a photograph. I didn't see a credit for who may have done the mural pictured in the photo. I also did not include the INTERIORART record for Hansen. Again, I'm not seeing any artwork that should be attributed to him. There are 4 covers of what I assume is his fanzine, THEN, but as those aren't credited in their caption, and they appear to be collages of artwork from earlier zines, I left them uncredited. Thanks. --Ron ~ RtraceTalk 12:24, 21 September 2016 (UTC)

Thanks very much, that's excellent. The e-book edition I used for this record had no interior art or photographs at all, and was also a little different in many places – Hansen removed a few good fannish anecdotes for the print edition (I actually proof-read both versions!), and I wonder if the latest/current ebook version is now more like the print edition. I may therefore have to revise my ebook record to what's currently available. I've also bought the hardcover, and will be able to look into the details more in a few days time. Dave also gave me a tp edition from Lulu, but IIRC I think that one lacks the full index at the back.
You can blame me that this book exists at all – there were no plans for a print edition until I told Dave I'd pay good money for one, and he went off and suggested it to Rob, who went and expanded it to what we see now. It really is a work of almost lunatic scholarship. PeteYoung 21:34, 21 September 2016 (UTC)
Thanks for ensuring that the book exists! --Ron ~ RtraceTalk 01:44, 22 September 2016 (UTC)

The Stainless Steel Rat Goes to Hell

As you've added the essay to The Stainless Steel Rat Goes to Hell then shouldn't the Page Count be 245? --AndyjMo 15:56, 24 September 2016 (UTC)

Yes! Corrected, thanks. PeteYoung 15:58, 24 September 2016 (UTC)

All the best wishes ...

... and hope you'll have (or had?) a good day! Cheers, I'll drink one for you, Christian Stonecreek 16:11, 24 September 2016 (UTC)

Thanks Christian! Life's especially hectic today with my 82-year old father now in a care home, and I'm having to clear out his house full of books (plus a few boxes of mine) before his house is sold. He has everything by Iain Banks, Al Reynolds, Stephen Donaldson... and he wants it all to go to the local charity shop. :( Otherwise, yeah, life's pretty good, but I sure miss my family when I'm back in the UK. Thanks again! PeteYoung 16:20, 24 September 2016 (UTC)

HI, i've replied to you. Check here. Thanks.Wolland 09:31, 29 September 2016 (UTC)

The SEA Is Ours

Can you check your verified copy if the publication name is indeed The SEA Is Ours: Tales from Steampunk Southeast Asia and not "The SEA Is Ours: Tales of Steampunk Southeast Asia"? Thanks Anniemod 06:48, 2 October 2016 (UTC)

And I just went to the PV1 page to leave a note there and saw that you already asked them that in April. Not sure about the etiquette and how long it is a good idea to wait. Anniemod 06:50, 2 October 2016 (UTC)
5 months is plenty long enough, I'd say. I've made the correction and left a message for the PV1. Thanks for flagging this! PeteYoung 15:41, 2 October 2016 (UTC)

Flandry of Terra

Hi, I've imported content for your (transient) verified copy of Flandry of Terra.--Dirk P Broer 00:54, 5 October 2016 (UTC)

Whoops... thanks! PeteYoung 06:52, 5 October 2016 (UTC)

Date of Penguin We

Hi -- where did you find the publication date for the copy of We that you did a transient verification for? That was a twelfth printing; according to the copyright page of the 8th printing copy I have, this Penguin Classics edition was first published in 1993 and I can't find any indication of the dates of later printings. --Vasha77 07:33, 9 October 2016 (UTC)

The date should have been zeroed out, and I've updated the Note. Thanks for picking that up! PeteYoung 12:04, 9 October 2016 (UTC)
More issues: it is standard around here (I just learned) to put the date of a translated work as the first publication of that translation; so you ought to change where you have 1924 in the Contents. And there are actually 226 pages, the last one unnumbered. I'm going to add the 8th printing because it's a different price and also I think I should change the title of the introduction to "Introduction: Zamyatin and the Persian Rooster." Details, details! --Vasha77 14:50, 9 October 2016 (UTC)
And here is information on how to shift that edition to the correct title record for the translation --Vasha77 01:35, 10 October 2016 (UTC)
I agree with the above – I added my pub long before the decision was made to record different translations under different title records. As there is also an unverified publication record for Penguin's 1993 edition (with a precise publication date from a secondary source, Amazon), I've put all three publications under the same 1993 title record, which seems sensible. However it's worth pointing out that Amazon's cover for that original 1993 edition must be incorrect, as that cover template style only appeared after the style that we have on our two books. Amazon rarely (if ever) pays attention to details like this.
Regarding the Translator's Notes on the unnumbered page, different editors handle peripheral texts differently, some including this kind of small item and others not, although I see no harm in defaulting to your preference here. I've added a record for the Notes which you may wish to import into your edition also, and I've altered my pagination to "xxx+225+[1]", which is a tad more accurate than just "226". Thanks, what do you reckon? PeteYoung 14:10, 10 October 2016 (UTC)
Look what I found: a post about different covers of We that shows (among lots of fascinating things!) that our cover was already used in 1993. I'm going to remove the date from that entry pulled from Amazon (the price shows that it's later) and create a new stub-record for the first printing. I bet if I request a copy by ILL it'll be the first printing, that's what libraries usually buy. --Vasha77 15:35, 10 October 2016 (UTC)

A Universal History of Iniquity

Query about the copy of A Universal History of Iniquity that you verified. One of the items in the index is "Et cetera". Now, that is actually a compilation of very short stories, some of which have been published separately. The way I've been handling that is to add both "Et cetera" and the individual stories to the contents of editions of this collection. Is it okay if I import them into your verified copy too? --Vasha77 02:26, 20 October 2016 (UTC)

Sure, please go ahead! Thanks. PeteYoung 03:26, 20 October 2016 (UTC)

Journey Planet

Hello Pete,

I had been looking at the page for Journey Planet (this one) and even if I know what I am looking for, I won't be able to find it. Having the years as EDITOR records makes sense when the editors do not change that often - here we have 7 records for 2015. It feels almost like obfuscation. And then on the grid we have duplicate numbers (paper/e-book) and 3 different entries for #12. I wonder if that whole thing does not need some rework (for example remove the editors from the EDITOR or leave "Editors of Journey Planet" or even dispense with the year notation and have all entries in the master list... Thoughts? And what is with the 3 different versions of 12? :) Thanks! Anniemod 21:01, 24 October 2016 (UTC)

Annie, thanks for your suggestions, which I'll attempt to address...
  • Annual records vs. individual records: I think having grouped 'annual' records is a good idea when the editorship of a publication changes, and particularly when it comes to Awards, but as with many things it's a case of 'what you lose on the swings you gain on roundabouts'. I don't believe the software is able to group as one annual record titles/publications with different groups of editors under a single yearly entry. There also used to be a unwritten 'standard' about only combining into annual records publications with more than four (or was it six?) issues per year, but that was a grey area and caused a different set of problems when individual issues are listed separately instead: to which issue # do you ascribe an award nomination or win, when the nomination/award is for the whole year's output? The unwritten standard today seems to be to group all issues annually regardless of how many issues were produced in a given year, and it certainly makes author biblio pages tidier (especially where previously some issues were grouped annually and others weren't). But this still doesn't solve the problem highlighted by the case of Journey Planet when it won the fanzine Hugo in 2015: to which combination of editors for 2014 do you then ascribe the Hugo award? Not being a software guy I don't know the answer to how this could be solved, but I'm the first to agree that Journey Planet is a bit of an extreme case, and having seven different groups of editors for 2015 is pushing it a bit when it comes to compiling an easily researchable list of publications. But that's just the nature of how James Bacon and Chris Garcia operate, pulling in people from all branches of fandom to express their enthusiasms in a fanzine. It's just inconvenient that it pushes some limits to our software when we attempt to present it all informatively.
  • "Editors of Journey Planet": I'm not in favour of this: I think this would only work if were to be applied to every issue, and I'm not keen on using it as a catch-all for editor records purely because editors change. It is used for non-genre publications that occasionally produce genre work, so the records would also, therefore, not show on the actual editors' biblio pages which would defeat the object of the ISFDB's purpose: these editors are genre people who ought to be credited in the ISFDB. Yes it would simplify the display, but I think we would lose more in accuracy than we would gain in simplicity by doing this. There are other publications where editors comprise of more than three people, eg. Foundation, and being known genre names they all deserve to be listed individually – I wouldn't recommend the catch-all "Editors of Foundation" for the same reason.
  • #12: I agree this could be simplified by removing the A5 publication record and simply making a note of its existence in the A4 record (guess I was just being too thorough ;)). I make similar notes when recording the 2 different PDF editions of issues of SF Commentary, so thanks for pointing that out.
So in summary, I'm all for simplifying displays of information, but until someone can suggest a workaround which will still credit editors I would like to keep these editor records as detailed as they are.
Please let me know if I've missed the point of your enquiry entirely and any further thoughts you may have! Cheers. PeteYoung 06:44, 25 October 2016 (UTC)
The Editors of Journey Planet really makes no sense. Not sure what I was thinking - or typing faster than thinking I think. How about going the other direction: Add ALL editors of all yearly volumes to the main title. This way the Journey Planet - 2015 will have the editors of all 2015 issues on the title level and then on the publication level will have the proper set of them. As a fanzine it is always nominated as a whole year anyway... (unless if I am missing an award that is given to an issue but then this will be a problem with all fanzines/magazines). This way under a single 2015 entry, carrying the names of everyone (so it appears on everyone's pages), you will have the full year listed. That would simplify Christopher J. Garcia's page a lot as well. And if I am looking for what was nominated for 2015, I won't need to know that I have multiple titles to open. Thoughts? If you are fine with it as it is now, tell me to go find something else to do :) Anniemod 19:29, 25 October 2016 (UTC)

The Time Machine

Trying to clear your verified The Time Machine. Can we get the pub title and the title to agree one way or another? :) Thanks! Anniemod 23:00, 25 October 2016 (UTC)

Done. IIRC, back in 2012 when I added this pub Thai was not supported by the software. It also helps that I now have a Thai keyboard. :) Thanks for bringing this to my attention. PeteYoung 00:04, 26 October 2016 (UTC)
Figured - language support had been coming slowly to the DB :) Thanks for the fast reaction (and filing in my memory that you have a Thai keyboard in case another record needs fixing the same way) Anniemod 00:07, 26 October 2016 (UTC)
PS: The Publication title needs transliteration :) Anniemod 00:08, 26 October 2016 (UTC)
Done. PeteYoung 00:20, 26 October 2016 (UTC)

Change to verified publication

In this copy of a book by Haruki Murakami, you have the author credits in the Japanese spelling instead of how they appear in the book. I'm just going to change those and make variant records, as is the usual practice (I think I've talked to you enough times to believe you would prefer I did it rather than asking you to do it, right?) --Vasha77 18:59, 6 November 2016 (UTC)

Thanks, that's fine if you want to correct such things when you find them in my verified pubs, and they look fine now with "[as by Haruki Murakami]" at the end of each (I see you did the pseudonym edits yesterday). When I added the book it became a collaboration with Uzume for the titles (see here for the history), and I certainly used "Haruki Murakami" for the author name when it was not in the db as a pseudonym. There are bound to be a few unintentional knock-on effects like this as we go about changing the language of some canonical names, so thanks for spotting this one and notifying me. PeteYoung 01:44, 7 November 2016 (UTC)

That Thai keyboard

I did say that I will remember that you have it and know how to use it :) Can I interest you in getting a few transliterations on existing Thai records hiding in the various "Other reports"? A few here, here, one here, a Thai name needed here if you can find it and one name needing transliteration here (and that guy needs his Family name adjusted based on the Transliteration? I would say that Thai is all Greek to me so I cannot get these fixed but I can read Greek so... Thai is just all Thai on me. Apologies if it is a bad etiquette around here to just drop by and ask for help - I am just tired of seeing these couple of entries staying there in the reports :) Anniemod 17:56, 8 November 2016 (UTC)

Grr - the last one is not Thai of course but Hebrew - sorry, got on a roll here and messed it up. :) Anniemod
The Thai titles/pubs/publishers in the first 3 reports are now cleared, except for:
  • No. 11 in the publishers list ("Rōngphim ʻĀrap Rātrī") which is an anglicised version of the Thai name and will need a bit more research to nail the Thai accurately.
  • The publisher of Metro 2033 is Post Books who state their name in English on all publications, which I therefore reckon makes the Thai and anglicisation unnecessary for our purposes (I've already entered one other pub for Post Books). I've also added the cover.
  • The Thai name Wiwat Lertwiwatwongsa is someone whose pub I added only last week and finding him online with his full name in Thai (plus other biographic details) ain't easy. Getting names right isn't always straightforward so I'll need a little more time for this one.
  • Still to do the anglicised Arabian nights title "Arap Rātrī: Rūang Pralōm Lōk".
Will let you know here when everything's sorted. Thanks for the heads-up – no apology necessary, it's not bad etiquette at all! PeteYoung 18:53, 8 November 2016 (UTC)
Thanks! Well - sometimes I worry that I am a bit pushy when I get to people's talk pages to ask for help (had not been here long enough to know some of the subtle etiquette). But I do hate seeing the same records on reports I check daily (chasing the issues with the languages I can work on) so thought I should reach out. :)
Yeah, I know that the names are not always straightforward - the Eastern/Central European languages that I am playing with are as bad in that. For Metro 2033 - make sure you put a note in the record that it is in English indeed (if you had not yet) so that someone do not help and fix it again back to Thai :)
Now let me find someone that reads Herbew, Korean and Arabic to get these lists cleaned... :) By the way there are a few more standing Thai names and Thai titles that can use some attention if you have the time and the desire to get them sorted out. :) Anniemod 19:07, 8 November 2016 (UTC)

Bradbury's Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed

I've responded to your comment at User talk:Marc Kupper#Bradbury's Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed chapbook. --Marc Kupper|talk 03:51, 13 November 2016 (UTC)

The Long Mars

Would you still have a copy of this pub of The Long Mars by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter? I have a copy and most information matches except the page numbers. The entry claims 354 pages. I have the single paged chapter 46 on page 357, followed on unnumbered pages by Acknowledgements and About the Authors, then a list of Terry Pratchett books with the second page numbered 363, but none of the other three pages are numbered, nor are the three pages with Stephen Baxter's books.

In the event that you no longer have a copy, do you think it possible you were mistaken and I should update the entry based on this information? Doug H 01:58, 20 November 2016 (UTC)

Hi Doug, yes I still have it, but it's currently about 7,000 miles away. I'll be able to look into it mid-December, so thanks for your patience! PeteYoung 07:02, 20 November 2016 (UTC)
Not wanting to be pushy, but hoping you'd just lost sight ... Doug H 19:04, 7 January 2017 (UTC)
Hi Doug, sorry about this delay. I wasn't able to return home in December after all (and thereupon check on the book) because my father had died and I had a funeral to arrange/house to sell, etc. which kept me away from home. I'll now be returning at the end of January, so I'll keep you posted on this as soon as possible. Cheers for your continued patience! PeteYoung 19:11, 7 January 2017 (UTC)
My father-in-law passed away in October. Day after I got kidney stones. They passed a week later. I'll put a later date on the reminder. Thanks. Doug H 22:09, 8 January 2017 (UTC)

(unindent) This note may have slipped your attention. Seems to be a hazard with Pratchett books. Doug H 12:26, 8 May 2017 (UTC)

It does indeed. Next visit home will be around the 22nd May, so please accept my apology and watch out for an update around then. Thanks for the prompt. PeteYoung 17:21, 8 May 2017 (UTC)
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Doug H 14:38, 9 July 2017 (EDT)
I've finally got a round tuit which means I can at last address this! Yes I agree the last page is 357, and I'm sorry that this simple slip has meant eight months of waiting for you. However did you notice there's also a numbered page 363 amongst the unnumbered endpapers? I've left it at 357 and added this small detail to the Notes. Thanks again for your estimable patience! :) PeteYoung 05:00, 18 July 2017 (EDT)
No biggie, the book now moves from the pile on my desk to the pile on the shelf. Doug H 08:45, 18 July 2017 (EDT)
And I've updated the entry with a scanned image. Doug H 08:54, 18 July 2017 (EDT)

A Load of Old BoSh: Serious Scientific Talks

Hi, I've changed the publication type of A Load of Old BoSh: Serious Scientific Talks from 'Collection' to 'Nonfiction' (it contains only essays) because it kept creeping up in Primary-Verified Anthologies and Collections without Contents Titles.--Dirk P Broer 00:11, 21 November 2016 (UTC)

Yes, that makes sense (particularly as the talks Bob gave were ALL TRUE). Thanks. PeteYoung 08:05, 21 November 2016 (UTC)

The Dechronization of Sam Magruder

Hi, Pete! Judging from a translation and the general length of the shortfiction this seems to incorporate a novella and thus should be maybe made into a CHAPBOOK? Christian Stonecreek 14:23, 23 November 2016 (UTC)

I'll be able to check on this one in a couple of days. Thanks for your patience! PeteYoung 21:14, 23 November 2016 (UTC)
If you're able to check the book then please also take a look at the cover artist: I'd think Bob Bakker may be very well identical with this author: Gould refers in his afterword to a Bob Bakker as a colleague of Simpson, and if the art in question is some kind of dinosaur drawing (I can't make it out exactly), this would settle it, I presume. Christian Stonecreek 16:04, 24 November 2016 (UTC)
I've done a rough word count for the german translation and I've come to a sum of just under 20,000 words. Stonecreek 16:06, 24 November 2016 (UTC)
As I've read the book where the translated piece was incorporated and I'm going to store it in the catacombs, I've stepped ahead and transformed the title to a CHAPBOOK (SFE3 also lists it as a novella). Christian Stonecreek 20:35, 1 December 2016 (UTC)
Thanks Christian, sorry I've had no time this week, and my father passed away yesterday. I'll need to take a couple of weeks off but should be back before Christmas. :( PeteYoung 09:56, 4 December 2016 (UTC)

J G. Eccarius

In your verified The Wild Palms Reader, I standardized J G. Eccarius to J. G. Eccarius (added period after the "J"). -- JLaTondre (talk) 15:49, 23 November 2016 (UTC)

Thanks. PeteYoung 21:11, 23 November 2016 (UTC)

Fanzines list - an update

I noticed you have done a lot of editing on the fanzines page. I just added a reference to Temple University's holdings. It seems they collect them and they are available for research. Ran across it looking for a source of FOSFAX information. Doug H 14:00, 14 December 2016 (UTC)

The Orbit Science Fiction Yearbook Three (minor edit)

I lowercased "and" and "of the" in this publication. --Vasha 17:55, 7 January 2017 (UTC)


I have changed the word "the" to lowercase in your verified publication Cyberpunk: Malaysia. In the future, do you want me to notify you about such regularizations of capitalization and punctuation? --Vasha 23:15, 10 January 2017 (UTC)

Thanks, and no need to notify me in future if you spot similar errors. PeteYoung 08:13, 11 January 2017 (UTC)

Please let me know when you edit my submissions

Hi Pete, yesterday when you approved my submissions for the anthologies "Heat", "Flesh", and "Trash" you decapitalized the titles without explaining why or even telling me you'd done so. I was confused and tried to resubmit the capitalization but Christian explained why it should be standardized. Anyhow, in the future, if you change something substantive like that (not just a typo or technical error), could you leave me a message telling me what you did? I'd appreciate it very much... --Vasha 03:58, 12 January 2017 (UTC)

Puzzled by this as I have not decapitalized any of the titles while approving your edits. For clarity's sake, the only further edits I made to Heat, Flesh and Trash were to:
  • capitalize "moribayu" to "Moribayu" as you had indicated needed to be done in your Note to the Moderator,
  • add two of the titles to the series you made, 'Southeast Asian Urban Anthologies',
  • remove the series number 1 from Heat (because the series is not numbered),
  • remove the $3.99 price you accidentally added to the Pages field of Trash.
All these minor edits simply saved you a job and could be seen as typo or technical error. It appears the decapitalization edits were made by Christian with the time stamps '2017-01-11 08:18:16' to '2017-01-11 08:21:28'. I have been doing similar capitalization/decapitalization of other titles, and always do notify Primary Verifiers of any edits such as changes to titles, as you can see here a coupe of days ago. Thanks. PeteYoung 08:02, 12 January 2017 (UTC)
Ah, okay, thank you. That is very reasonable. In the future is there any way I can see who changed my edits? Thank you, by the way, for taking time out of busy moderating for this discussion! --Vasha 09:04, 12 January 2017 (UTC)
Simply go to Recent Edits, which goes backwards in time by the page, and you can see who also changed anything on titles/pubs you are working on. Moderators can't actually change anything in a submission before we hit the 'Approve' button, any further tweaking has to be done in a separate edit. As for "busy moderating", it's all done as and when we have time available, just like regular editors, as with any unpaid work! Cheers. PeteYoung 09:36, 12 January 2017 (UTC)

Then: A History of Science Fiction Fandom in the UK: 1930-1980

Hi Pete, I received a mail from David Langford about the cover art credits for Then: A History of Science Fiction Fandom in the UK: 1930-1980 (in fact the whole of Then: A History of Science Fiction Fandom in the UK: 1930-1980, all editions)

"Dirk -- Thanks for fixing or arranging the fixing of Peter Weston's birth year on ISFDB.

Here's another: "my" author Rob Hansen <> is listed with a long-dead website at The current URL is (unfortunately the fiawol link seems as dead as a doornail too, dirk)

Rob Hansen created cover collages of contemporary fanzine art and documents for the four fanzine instalments of THEN (see SFE3), but the covers of the 2015 ebook and much expanded 2016 print edition (does ISFDB have a formula for distinguishing a heavily revised and expanded edition from a simple reprint?) were designed by myself, based on a 1963 photo taken by Bruce Burn. See where the cover credit to Rob is inappropriate. best: David"

Hi Dirk, have updated Rob Hansen's link and altered the cover image credit for Then to Bruce Burn. I've also notified Dave Langford. Thanks very much for passing this along. PeteYoung 22:26, 21 January 2017 (UTC)

Carpe Jugulum

I've added the Publication Month to Carpe Jugulum from Locus1. --AndyjMo 14:25, 21 January 2017 (UTC)

E. D. Webber vs Ed Webber

You have verified the pubs containing the records for E. D. Webber and Ed Webber. Since they are letter writers to the same magazine, I would assume they are the same person. Would you mind checking the "E. D." vs. "Ed"? Thanks. -- JLaTondre (talk) 15:15, 21 January 2017 (UTC)

Bruce Gillespie has confirmed they are the same guy. As Bruce believes he has passed away, I'll make the pseudonym with the canonical name as "E.D." as that is most prevalent. Thanks for the heads-up. PeteYoung 22:34, 21 January 2017 (UTC)

The Fifth Elephant

I've added the Publication Month to The Fifth Elephant from Locus1. --AndyjMo 15:46, 21 January 2017 (UTC)

The Sparrow

Hi. Does your verified have "First Edition" on the copyright page, in addition to the printing line ending in "2"? If it omits the "First Edition", it's a 2nd printing, as noted in the ISFDB listing. However, if it includes "First Edition", then it's actually a 1st printing. There are additional points for the 1st printing described by ABE booksellers: I've verified the ISFDB listing for the 1st printing, and will be editing it to note the printing line ending in "2", plus the other 1st printing points. If your verified copy omits "First Edition" with printing line ending in "2", you should add that as a pub note to your verified 2nd printing. Thanks. Markwood 18:33, 29 January 2017 (UTC)

Sorry for your long wait in receiving a reply... Yes, my copy does have "First edition" with the number line ending in 2, plus my copy matches with all other notes you provide. This makes my pub record a duplicate of yours so I've deleted it and made a PV2 verification on your record instead. Thanks for the useful information! PeteYoung 08:01, 21 February 2017 (UTC)

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell

I'm afraid I'm going to throw a wrench into the description of Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. I found a copy of the first U.S. edition tonight with the correct "1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2" on the copyright page with stark white endpapers. I bought it because it didn't match anything described in the first printing. The dustjacket is the black with white lettering. So there are two jackets and two endpapers for the first printing. I'll let you decide how you want to write it up. Photos/scans if you want.SFJuggler 04:48, 17 February 2017 (UTC)

Focus, #57

Hi Pete,

A quick question on one of your verified - why would an art piece with an English title (Anthropometries of the Blue Period in an English publication be French? If there is an explanation, I will ask the magazine to be ignored from the multilanguage report but I just cannot see why it cannot be just set to English. Thanks! Annie 00:21, 18 February 2017 (UTC)

I kinda knew a report would pick this one up, ;) because it was a toss-up between having the language as French displayed in the publication (as arguably Yves Klein's working language was French despite not actually writing) or, as I have just done now to illustrate the conundrum, set it to English and have the language displayed as such on Klein's biblio page, which also looks kind of odd as without it being varianted from the French title it would appear he created the art in English. I'll leave it as is now (English), but it's one of those occasions when I felt a 'blank' selection for language would be useful. Cheers. PeteYoung 04:04, 18 February 2017 (UTC)
I kinda operate under the "book decides art language" rule - there are a lot of artists that work for a lot of different publishers across the world and the language tells where it was published. So yes - it will show up on Klein's page so when I go there I will see that he worked for an English book without needing to open all his art. Annie 04:12, 18 February 2017 (UTC)

Cover of Central Station

Could you double check the cover artist for Lavie Tidhar's Central Station. Sarah Anne Langton was nominated for a 2016 BSFA award for the cover. It looks like you may have confused her with Elizabeth Story who is credited with Interior Design on the copyright page per the Amazon look inside feature. Thanks. --Ron ~ RtraceTalk 00:15, 20 February 2017 (UTC)

Checked my copy and it states "Cover and interior design by Elizabeth Story", which until now is all we have had to go on. Looks legit and the PS webpage for the book also states Langton, so I'll change my record. Thanks for the heads up. PeteYoung 01:28, 20 February 2017 (UTC)

The Long Earth

Hi, Several people verified records for Terry Pratchett's A Blink of the Screen in which it is stated that "The High Meggas" is a novelette. But in your record for The Long Earth you have it as a short story. Could you recheck that, and figure out which one it is? Thanks! --Vasha 20:38, 22 February 2017 (UTC)

This note may have slipped your attention. It's about "The High Meggas" in The Long Earth. Your edition seems to be the only one with the extra story. A rough word count of the story in my edition of A Blink of the Screen comes to 7900 words, so there it's a novelette. Can you check the length of your copy, and if neccesary merge with the other one? Thanks, --Willem 19:51, 7 May 2017 (UTC)
Thanks for the prompt, yes it had slipped my mind. Length now agrees and they're merged. PeteYoung 21:24, 7 May 2017 (UTC)

The Crucible of Time

Hello, in your message about this publication, you evoke an US price on my copy the $9.65 is for Australia. Is it the same for yours? Hauck 18:09, 24 February 2017 (UTC)

Apologies, more fake news trying to make America great again. Yes, it's Australia. Cheers. PeteYoung 06:57, 25 February 2017 (UTC)

MacFaddin vs MacFadden

Is it just a coincidence, or are Lee MacFaddin and J. J. MacFaddin related to Lee MacFadden and J. J. MacFadden?--Dirk P Broer 14:34, 3 March 2017 (UTC)

Quite possibly. I'll ask James Bacon. Cheers. PeteYoung 14:49, 3 March 2017 (UTC)
I looked at the signatures (there is also a piece by them on page 22 for you to add) and made the two MacFaddins alternate names for the two MacFaddens. They are clearly presented in the TOC as 'MacFaddin', but sign as 'MacFadden'.--Dirk P Broer 23:28, 7 April 2017 (UTC)
Thanks, I'm still awaiting a response from James Bacon... he must be on holiday celebrating his Hugo nomination. ;) PeteYoung 03:45, 8 April 2017 (UTC)


Should the publisher be คุณพ่อ, as shown here? ···日本穣 · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 19:25, 24 March 2017 (UTC)

I'll be able to check on this in a couple of days. Thanks for your patience. PeteYoung 21:05, 24 March 2017 (UTC)
No problem. Thanks! ···日本穣 · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 21:17, 24 March 2017 (UTC)
Yes, that's correct, and we also have one other publication (Children of Dune) by the publisher คุณพ่อ (translates as "Father"). I've amended the note and used Mild Publishing as the cover credit, which is accurate... my Thai has only marginally improved since entering this record. ;) Thanks. PeteYoung 08:01, 30 March 2017 (UTC)
Thanks for checking. ···日本穣 · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 19:00, 30 March 2017 (UTC)

Diary of a Spaceperson

I would like to add content to Diary of a Spaceperson by Chris Foss that you verified. I will add only illustrations that are found either as COVERART or in other Foss art books, but that includes a great many items. Do you have a problem with this? Bob 20:19, 30 March 2017 (UTC)

Fine by me, Bob. PeteYoung 09:26, 31 March 2017 (UTC)

Contents for God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian

Hi, Pete! I have added the contents for a later edition / printing. If the titles do fit your printing of the first edition they could be imported (provided you still have the book at hand, of course - else let's wait for Bill's (Bluesman) doings). Regards, Christian Stonecreek 04:56, 1 April 2017 (UTC)

Thanks Christian, I believe I still have this book but I'm not sure which country it's in :\ ... I'll go hunting for it soon! Cheers. PeteYoung 22:54, 1 April 2017 (UTC)
If you don't find the book (things like that happen in every fine-ordered household) I think that given that the publisher is the same Seven Stories Press it's somewhat likely that they stayed with the text format. I have transferred the contents to Bill's first edition & printing, and they should be quite easily importable from that source (alas, the beginning pages have to be different from the later edition, so I just ordered the contents). Have nice and sunny Easter days (I'll do some actual weird stuff: reading a novel or two). Christian Stonecreek 19:05, 7 April 2017 (UTC)
Thanks, I'll be able to get to it probably next week. Am currently attempting a short family holiday in Krabi, not nearly as sunny as we'd hoped... unseasonal rain every day, in fact! PeteYoung 19:59, 7 April 2017 (UTC)

Another Vonnegut thing: I think most of his shortfiction is nongenre, it's quite certainly true for the majority of pieces in Bagombo Snuff Box. Would it be okay to change them accordingly? Alas, I'm reading through the german edition, which omits a few pieces, so that The Package, Custom-Made Bride, The Powder-Blue Dragon, Der Arme Dolmetscher, Runaways & Lovers Anonymous are unknown to me and possible nongenre candidates. Do you have the opportunity to reach your copy? Christian Stonecreek 09:49, 2 April 2017 (UTC)

I do, it's... somewhere here at home, I think, probably boxed up in storage. ;) But please go ahead. I've been through the two collections Look at the Birdie and While Mortals Sleep and annotated each story as 'genre' or non-genre', so I consider those two are done.
I wonder if we ought to add a note to title records for stories in mixed-content collections such as these, stating who did the 'genre/non-genre' labelling and when, in case any editor in the far distant future disagrees and wants to discuss it. PeteYoung 01:54, 3 April 2017 (UTC)
Yeah, good idea. I'll do it for the stories enclosed in the german edition of Bagombo Snuff Box. Christian Stonecreek 03:49, 3 April 2017 (UTC)


I added a new cover scan and a note to your verified pub.

Lontar: The Journal of Southeast Asian Speculative Fiction, #6

This pub and this pub appear to be duplicates. -- JLaTondre (talk) 22:24, 25 April 2017 (UTC)

I can't figure how that happened, but the one not sharing it's title with the ebook is gone now. Thanks. PeteYoung 03:29, 26 April 2017 (UTC)

Mr. Bliss

I've added the Cover Art for Mr. Bliss. Also added the Price as the dust jacket has a sticker - A&U £4.95, and added a few extra Notes. --AndyjMo 09:39, 3 May 2017 (UTC)

Men Without Women/Homems sem mulheres

You verified the Portuguese translation of Haruki Murakami's Men Without Women, adding all the stories in it to the database. Now, I have just finished reading the English translation, and it seems to me that only two stories are speculative, "Samsa in Love" and (marginally) "Kino". Have you read it, and would you agree? If so, should we mark the other stories nongenre or delete them entirely? Vasha 04:21, 11 May 2017 (UTC)

Thanks. I've not read these stories yet, so I've created or imported English-language titles for the Alfred Knopf edition and varianted them to the Japanese titles, plus marked all but the above two as non-genre as per your assessment, as opposed to deleting them – I'd say Murakami is certainly 'above the threshold', and I've been working my way through Murakami's short fiction to determine genre/non-genre status.
All we need to do now is assign the ss/nt/nv lengths to these stories. As you've read them, can I leave that to you? PeteYoung 23:04, 13 May 2017 (UTC)
Yep, I am just getting around to verifying the Knopf edition and adding that info. --Vasha 23:55, 13 May 2017 (UTC)

A batch of nongenre stories - if you disagree please comment

Currently there are numerous non-genre horror stories that are in the database because it's natural to just enter a book of horror or "tales of terror" without figuring out which stories are supernatural. I don't intend to systematically hunt for them, but when I spot one, I like to mark it nongenre. (In the case of classic stories, marking is better than removing it from the database because it'll just get re-added with some new anthology.) At the moment, I've spotted the following stories that I think need such a change, and I'm consulting people who have them in their verified pubs.

Firstly, there's Great Tales of Terror and the Supernatural (verified copies: (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7)), which contains "A Terribly Strange Bed," "The Three Strangers," "The Most Dangerous Game," "Leiningen Versus the Ants," "A Rose for Emily," "Taboo," and undoubtedly other non-supernatural ones that I'm not noticing at the moment. Here are verified publications for those and some other stories:

Are there any of those stories you think ARE genre? Vasha 15:04, 30 May 2017 (UTC)

ADDENDUM: Discussion moved to the Community Portal. --Vasha 01:05, 31 May 2017 (UTC)

External identifiers

I am moving data from Notes to the new fields so here is the running list of your PV-ed ones that got changed:


Please see User_talk:Kraang#Sundiver. --Marc Kupper|talk 07:56, 13 June 2017 (UTC)

Money Talks

Hi, Pete! This is just a question on the genre / nongenre category for said story, and I can live with either outcome. It's just that I think this story would have been genre if published in a genre magazine (MFSF, for example). Obviously, the interceptions by the heritage of $12,000,000 are meant only as a metaphor, but still the place of publication seems to make the difference (or does it?). Christian Stonecreek 15:17, 19 June 2017 (UTC)

An interesting question about a true borderline case... I re-read the story yesterday, and it shows how both awkward and clever Vonnegut could be. So I started by asking myself the question "How much is that 'voice' an actual 'presence' in the story?" Vonnegut has created a 'voice' that is not the voice of a spirit or ghost but more of a voice of conscience, so I was inclined to say OUT rather than IN, but then I acknowledge that Vonnegut has created something new and different that has equal weight with that of a more recognisable 'presence' in delivering his message, therefore I'd go for IN rather than OUT. Then I asked myself "Couldn't the voice's perspective be created within the bounds of mainstream/non-genre fiction?" and yes I believe it can which again led me to say OUT rather than IN, but at the same time I think Vonnegut's intention is to get us to think speculatively: the title is 'Money Talks' after all, and he has made it talk so again I'm down with IN rather than OUT.
Thanks for the exercise in mental gymnastics and for making me think a little harder about the story. Vonnegut himself would probably say 'Stop overthinking this!" and laugh at we who need to categorise his work as one thing or another, and he'd probably be right. More than just about anyone else he deserved to win most of his arguments. :) PeteYoung 03:57, 24 June 2017 (EDT)
You're right on Vonnegut: I also think that this is one of his most clever stories and I wonder why it wasn't published during his lifetime (who had the nerve to reject it?). Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Christian Stonecreek 05:30, 24 June 2017 (EDT)

Anthology of European Speculative Fiction

Hello Pete,

In your verified Anthology of European Speculative Fiction, the story by Aranev on page 90 is listed as a single story in the contents and then presented as a single story with 3 almost not related parts in the text. In reality, these are 3 separate stories in Russian (the "story" title in the English version is actually the series name in Russian - Королевская библиотека. Свитки сочинителей (which if you translate very poetically gives you "The Royal Library. Scrolls of the Bards/Collectors" and the section names are actually the stories names. So I would like to list the 3 stories separately so I can link them to their originals and build the series. FantLab over here also lists them as separate stories (which kinda helped me untangle which is that story that I cannot find anywhere). What do you think? Annie 20:36, 23 June 2017 (EDT)

Please go ahead, it sounds like the kind of attention to detail that users want us to have! Thanks. PeteYoung 03:58, 24 June 2017 (EDT)
That had been done. Plus a few more changes so here is the full list:
* Removed the single entry on page 90 and replaced with the 3 separate stories. And deleted the old title.
* Changed the Notes to explain the situation (feel free to rewrite if you want)
* Fixed the dates on all 2013 entries - apparently at some point the publication was changed from 2013-00-00 to 2013-04-00 but none of the titles was. So all that were 2013-00-00 are now 2013-04-00.
* Linked the translations for these 3 stories. I will see what I can find on the other non-English stories and if I can link them as well.
I think that was all :) Annie 12:57, 26 June 2017 (EDT)

The Girl in the Road

Hello Pete,

Can you look at your verified The Girl in the Road? We have the same cover in the hardcover The Girl in the Road. Reading the notes, it seems like you and the other verifier (who is not around) recorded the same data differently. Which way matches what the books better (I kinda want to merge the two covers) :) Annie 19:44, 25 June 2017 (EDT)

I won't have the book at hand for another two weeks so I can't see what images are on the back cover or precisely what the back cover says in this instance. The images appear to be stock art/clip art, some of which are credited, so I'd say my description is more concise yet S. Qiouyi Lu's description is more detailed. I don't mind either way what the credit appears as and I won't object if you want to add Eduardo Jose Bernardino's credit to my cover. It's also worth noting that the two cover designs are subtly different: the tp edition has the Blackfriars logo in the lower right corner and there is a slight rearrangement of the design elements. Both covers are Amazon scans so shouldn't necessarily be trusted, but if there are differences between the tp and hc editions both should be kept in the interests of accuracy. I'll have a proper look when I'm able but in the meantime make whatever changes you feel are necessary! Thanks. PeteYoung 00:36, 26 June 2017 (EDT)
It can wait until you get to the book. I do not mind keeping them separate if that is what is the best thing - we just need to make sure there are some notes explaining why (so someone else does not wonder). Annie 00:44, 26 June 2017 (EDT)
Able to address this now. The Amazon scan of my cover is accurate, however there is no 'artwork' as such on the back cover, and the drawing of the snake only extends to the spine. The issue we have here is the credit for "Photograph" given to Eduardo Jose Bernardino: there is no photography anywhere on my tp, but the photo credit is still there which implies there may indeed be a photo on the back of the hc that ain't on the tp. I've added a note to my pub about this and contacted the original verifier asking for clarification, so until it can be clarified it may be best to leave alone. What do you think? PeteYoung 05:20, 18 July 2017 (EDT)
Sounds like a plan. Annie 12:24, 18 July 2017 (EDT)

Beasts of Gor

Hi, the cover artist of this is Walter Wyles, see Todaysinspiration blog. Horzel 11:03, 31 July 2017 (EDT)

Thanks, will credit and note the source. PeteYoung 11:09, 31 July 2017 (EDT)

B. W. Clough

In accordance with discussion on Moderator Board, I changed the canonical name of B. W. Clough to Brenda W. Clough, which affected this, this, and this verified publication of yours. --Vasha 02:20, 12 August 2017 (EDT)

The Eternal Adam

You verified this publication of The Eternal Adam by Jules Verne. There is a story in it - The Humbug: The American Way of Life - that has the date as the same as the book - 1999. I have in hand a copy of The Jules Verne Encyclopedia which claims that they have the first (1996-05) English translation of the story, by Edward Baxter. I'd like to merge the two publications, but would need to change the date for the story on your verification. Is there anything in your copy to suggest this would not be appropriate? Thanks. Doug H 23:15, 26 August 2017 (EDT)

Hi Doug, I don't have this collection any more but your proposed amendment makes sense. And thanks for checking in first. PeteYoung 08:18, 27 August 2017 (EDT)
Date changed, doing title merge. Will update with translator notes and move on to other things Verne. Doug H 14:34, 27 August 2017 (EDT)

Author name change

I have changed the canonical name of Esther Saxey to E. Saxey, which affected this verified publication of yours. --Vasha 00:01, 5 September 2017 (EDT)

Photo Addition


Updated here. ···日本穣 · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 14:44, 14 September 2017 (EDT)

verification request

Could you please take a look at Focus, #66 and see if DJ Tyrer's name is spelled "D. J." or "DJ" in it? If necessary, please change the records to the correct form... thanks! --Vasha 00:52, 22 September 2017 (EDT)

All my issues of Focus are currently 6,000 miles away, so I'll be able to check on this in a couple of weeks. Thanks for your patience. PeteYoung 20:42, 22 September 2017 (EDT)
It is correctly listed as "D. J. Tyrer" in the record. Thanks. PeteYoung 07:53, 5 October 2017 (EDT)

Orbit Science Fiction Yearbook

Cover artist of Yearbook 1 is Brian Waugh, see The Last Castle / Nightwings (Tor Double).
Cover artist of Yearbook Two is also Brian Waugh, according to Sztuka Science Fiction Art. Horzel 08:10, 28 September 2017 (EDT)

Thanks for those! PeteYoung 09:13, 28 September 2017 (EDT)

Wanderers of Time

Replaced cover scan of this with full wraparound cover. --Mavmaramis 07:53, 7 October 2017 (EDT)

Price check in Science Fiction Chronicle, #86

Hi. If you have Science Fiction Chronicle, #86 November 1986 somewhere you can get to it, would you do me a favor and see if Don D'Ammassa's review of The Leopard of Poitain on p. 48 lists a publication price for that book? And, if it does, what? Thanks. --MartyD 07:33, 8 November 2017 (EST)

If I still have that issue, I'll be able to look around the end of November as all my SFCs are still in the UK. TIA for your patience! PeteYoung 17:44, 8 November 2017 (EST)
Marty, sorry but I don't have that issue any longer. Good luck finding it elsewhere! PeteYoung 07:39, 11 December 2017 (EST)

"Hearing Aid" by David Langford

In your verified publication Different Kinds of Darkness, "Hearing Aid" by David Langford appears. There was a note with a recent anthology publication of this story: "David Langford's 'Hearing Aid' first appeared in SF in Practical Computing (London, October 1982) in a badly mutilated form; reprinted in full in Phoenix magazine (Wantage, August 1983)." (But I have not seen the story itself to be able to make a comparison of texts.) Is there any information in Different Kinds of Darkness that would allow you to figure out whether it is reprinted from SF in Practical Computing or in full there? --Vasha 21:52, 12 November 2017 (EST)

OK, here's a thing: I thought it best to run your query past The Man Himself and here's his reply in full, which I hope simplifies things:
"The problem with "Hearing Aid" seems to be that someone involved with the Tripping anthology misread my bibliography page at Ansible. "SF in [ITALICS START]Practical Computing[ITALICS END]" seems clear enough to me, but they managed to conjure up a nonexistent publication by putting the the whole phrase in italics. All reprints use the full text, not the mess resulting from the PC technical editor subbing it according to the magazine's nonfiction house style."
So basically there is no such publication as SF in Practical Computing, and there are no variations to the text. Hope this gives you enough to work on! PeteYoung 02:17, 28 November 2017 (EST)
Thanks a lot! I've submitted an updated note. --Vasha 10:12, 28 November 2017 (EST)


Hi Pete,

Had to adjust the dates on the cover and the Note in Intercession as both were after the publication date. As I edited the titles and not the publication, it may not popup in the changed report so decided to drop you a note. If you have correct dates for them, can you adjust the publication date when you change them again? Thanks! Annie 18:14, 15 November 2017 (EST)

Palm-of-the-Hand Stories

I believe this is the same collection as was published by North Point Press in July 1988; that one was also translated by Lane Dunlop and J. Martin Holman, at any rate. If so, please update the title record (I've already added the month to the story date). --Vasha 17:23, 2 December 2017 (EST)

Thanks, done. PeteYoung 01:15, 3 December 2017 (EST)

Tanaka's Legend of the Galactic Heroes

My understanding of our policy for titles is that when the series name appears on the title page of a book, we do not include it in the title in our records. There was a discussion about this several years ago as I recall. Consequently, I've removed the series names from the titles in Legend of the Galactic Heroes by Yoshiki Tanaka. However, I did not do this for the two publications in this series that you have verified ([1] & [2]). If you agree, you may want to update these records. I can also do that if you'd prefer, but I wanted to check with you first. Thanks. --Ron ~ RtraceTalk 09:50, 10 December 2017 (EST)

Thanks, Ron: agreed and done. PeteYoung 03:26, 11 December 2017 (EST)

Peter Schlemiel

Based on another discussion and some research, I've converted what was the novel by this title to a novella. I also merged the German novella and novelette titles into a single novella title. My thoughts are that unless Chamisso wrote two different versions of differing lengths, we should only have one title record for the original story. Your verified copy in this anthology may indeed be a novelette and that's fine. The word count can certainly change with a translation. Gutenberg has both the German and the Bowring translation which both come in at over 20,000 words. Your record doesn't mentin a translator. If it matches the Bowring translation, then it's long enough to be a novella. If not, your length may be correct and is just a result of the particular translation. Thanks. --Ron ~ RtraceTalk 21:52, 13 December 2017 (EST)

Ace Science Fiction Classic[s]

While assigning a publication series to another Ace pub, I found we have Ace Science Fiction Classics (plural), where the only publication using it prior to my adding mine is your verified Gulliver of Mars. I also found Worldcat uses the singular. Any objection to my changing the series name to use Classic instead of Classics? --MartyD 14:15, 14 January 2018 (EST)

Fine by me, Marty. PeteYoung 19:21, 14 January 2018 (EST)
Thanks. Done. --MartyD 21:53, 14 January 2018 (EST)

The Warlord of Mars

You verified this publication of The Warlord of Mars as transient. I have a copy and like most of the printings from 22 to 32, it is printed in Canada. This copy makes no reference to it. The cover is Amazon, so might (no longer) match what it was when you verified. Would you have any objection to my marking as Canadian, loading an image and reversing the prices? Doug H 23:35, 15 January 2018 (EST)

That pub is long gone from my shelves so I can't really discuss it with complete confidence, and I'm not 100% sure what you mean. Wouldn't this change make the verified details for this pub inaccurate, does your copy have a $5.99 Canadian cover price, and on your cover is the price different to that on this image? Because the price in my verified pub certainly matches the cover: "U.S. $4.99". There is also this unverified 1992 pub which uses the same Amazon image that does have a $5.99 price listed – could this be the pub you have? PeteYoung 03:33, 16 January 2018 (EST)
My 30th matches the image from Amazon, with the $4.99 US and $5.99 Canadian prices. The only difference between my copy and the one listed is that mine has Printed in Canada on the copyright page. So for my copy, it would be the same entry but with the Canadian price listed as the official price and the US price listed as an alternate. Living in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada means I see more Canadian editions than most people and tend to look for it. I guess my question boils down to - might you have missed this if it had been there? I believe that the 22nd to 32nd printings were all done in Canada, making a US 30th an oddity, although not an impossibility. As for the unverified $5.99 - the $5.99 price was on the 32nd and 33rd printings - both undated, one Canadian and one US, making the 1992 one you mention difficult to deal with as well. I have both and may subsume it as one of them, but I'll have to figure out which one gets the date. Doug H 09:45, 16 January 2018 (EST)
Okay, I see what you are doing now. Sure, go ahead. :) PeteYoung 19:25, 17 January 2018 (EST)

Polymorphism (Indira Chandrasekhar)

I am adding the previous publication credits to Polymorphism from the author's website, but sometimes the information given there is imprecise. Could you check my work against whatever is stated in the book itself? Thanks! --Vasha 17:27, 17 January 2018 (EST)

Thanks for adding those details... many do differ and those in the book do appear more precise. I've altered details for almost every story and added a note to the pub to this effect. Cheers! PeteYoung 19:23, 17 January 2018 (EST)

The Moon Maid

In your (transient) verified copy of this pub, you state that "◦Cover artist credited on copyright page, mistakenly to "Lawrence" Schwinger". Should the credit not go to Lawrence and it be made into a pseudonym? I'm willing to do it as a permanent verified but wanted to check. Doug H 13:50, 18 January 2018 (EST)

Strictly speaking yes, and some editors do it, but I've always preferred to keep 'spelling-mistake pseudonyms' (such as "Samuel R. Delaney") restricted to written works – While we're not strictly a database of artists, I'm not averse to making proper pseudonyms to an artist's name (eg. "Dave Hardy" for David A. Hardy), and a spelling mistake of one letter hardly seemed worth bothering with. What do you think about it? But I see there is now a pseudonym created for "Lawrence Schwinger" so we might as well use it. Sure, let's go ahead. :) PeteYoung 19:10, 18 January 2018 (EST)

The Art of Discworld

I'm adding individual interior art for The Art of Discworld which you have a transient verification on. I'm primarily doing this because many of the items are reprinted in The Discworld Imaginarium and I'd like to capture that. Thanks. --Ron ~ RtraceTalk 07:26, 12 February 2018 (EST)

No problem, Ron. PeteYoung 08:06, 12 February 2018 (EST)

Dark Stars: The Year's Best Science Fiction Short Stories

It looks like this is an incomplete duplicate of this? At least all the information matches except the contents. -- JLaTondre (talk) 14:33, 19 February 2018 (EST)

Thanks for spotting this: gone now. No idea why this was indexed a second time. PeteYoung 14:56, 21 February 2018 (EST)

Chapter House Dune

Re Chapter House Dune: The publication title and the container title (Chapterhouse: Dune) don't match. Either the publication title needs to be updated or the current novel record needs to be removed and Chapter House Dune imported instead. Thanks. -- JLaTondre (talk) 13:04, 11 March 2018 (EDT)

Done. As I don't have this pub any more I've used "Chapterhouse: Dune", as appears in this earlier printing. Thanks. PeteYoung 20:49, 11 March 2018 (EDT)

Submission queue and stuck submission

Pete, do you mind stopping by and either rejecting or accepting the edit you have pending since March 8? Thanks! :) Annie 13:49, 13 March 2018 (EDT)

Whoops! Thanks for the heads-up. PeteYoung 17:13, 13 March 2018 (EDT)
You have two of them stuck again :) Annie 20:58, 9 April 2018 (EDT)
Thanks... used hard reject. Clearly I sometimes forget to check after a long session. :) PeteYoung 21:02, 9 April 2018 (EDT)
Everyone does now and then I suspect. And these things tend to fall off the wagon in the weirdest times :) Annie 21:17, 9 April 2018 (EDT)

"Lionel Fanthorpe and Patricia Fanthorpe writing as ..."

A quick note re: the recent Fanthorpe reprints that you have been working on. Many of them use the "Lionel Fanthorpe and Patricia Fanthorpe writing as ..." form of credit, both on the cover and on the title page. As per Help:

  • If the title page shows both an original and a subsequent name, use the original name. For example, Isaac Asimov's "Lucky Starr" books were originally published under the pseudonym of Paul French, but later reprints were given both names: "by Isaac Asimov, writing as Paul French". In these cases you should still enter Paul French as the author and record the dual credit in the notes. If the cover shows both names but the title page shows only one name, use the name from the title page -- no matter which it is -- and record the discrepancy with the cover credit in the notes.

It would appear that these pubs and their reference titles should be entered using the stated pseudonym and then varianted to a parent title credited to "R. L. Fanthorpe and Patricia Fanthorpe". Would you agree? Ahasuerus 16:05, 24 March 2018 (EDT)

Agreed, and thanks for pointing this out. I had always understood the "writing as..." part to be discarded when a canonical author replaces the pseudonym, but I see it's not always as straightforward as that when both names are present on the title page. You live and learn. But I've found a few editorial errors with regards to the entering the correct Fanthorpe variants/pseudonyms, and these have also needed to be untangled. I suspect we may have dozens of incorrectly-entered ebooks in the Gateway series: one example is John S. Glasby/Rand Le Page's Zero Point. The title page of the ebook states "John Glasby writing as Rand Le Page", yet the publication is recorded as being by "John Glasby", another pseudonym replacing the original pseudonym. And so on. I'll work on them. Anyway, thanks for keeping an eye. PeteYoung 10:24, 25 March 2018 (EDT)
Sounds good, thanks! Ahasuerus 11:10, 25 March 2018 (EDT)

Mis-matched quotation marks

Hi. I think there are three titles with mis-matched q-marks in the record of Chunga, #2 P607037; namely, titles by Gunn, Foster, and Hooper. But you should double-check my scan of the Contents list. --Pwendt|talk 14:05, 6 April 2018 (EDT)

Good catch! Now corrected. Thanks. PeteYoung 14:10, 6 April 2018 (EDT)

I'm with the Bears

Hi Pete,

I fixed one of the stories in your verified - the original of Arzèstula is in Italian and the translation is copyrighted 2011 (and I cannot find an earlier publication) so I varianted the title and set the English title date to this collection date. Annie 04:53, 11 April 2018 (EDT)

PicadSwimmer Among the Stars

I suspect title of this pub is in error. Can you check? MagicUnk 01:07, 13 April 2018 (EDT)

Well how did that happen?! Fixed, thanks. PeteYoung 02:24, 13 April 2018 (EDT)

Wedding Preparations in the Country

I added "|" numbers to your verified publication Wedding Preparations in the Country so that the contents would be displayed in the right order. --Vasha 20:08, 17 April 2018 (EDT)

Thanks. PeteYoung 03:10, 18 April 2018 (EDT)
Also an update to Metamorphosis and Other Stories: Separated the titles (a few) that had been wrongly merged with other translations. --Vasha 06:26, 18 April 2018 (EDT)

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Hi. You verified 1925 publication of this novel as from publisher John Lane, The Bodley Head / Dodd Mead and Company. We have five other records with that publisher name, created by moderators Chavey and Rtrace. As four of them are PV permanent by Rtrace, I posted primarily there User talk:Rtrace#John Lane, The Bodley Head / Dodd Mead and Company.
--Pwendt|talk 17:33, 25 April 2018 (EDT)
Rtrace has vacated the publisher name with explanation. --Pwendt|talk 14:47, 27 April 2018 (EDT)

The Annotated Snark

Hi, Pete. You verified our record of the 1967 Penguin 1st UK ed. P393916. At a university library I have a copy of the 1973 Penguin, which I expect to add that to the database this week. For now let me report that the copyright page (no ISBN) adds a third line to what you quote, namely (quote three lines):

First published in the USA by Bramhall House 1962
Published in this country by Penguin Books Ltd 1967
Reprinted with revisions 1973

And then

Copyright (c)Martin Gardner, 1962

Presumably it's very close to the 1967, and the original 1962, or there would be some other copyright statement. Perhaps nothing but corrections by the publisher.

I see that one long section p33-96 containing the 1876 poem and illustrations is entitled The Hunting of the Snark (no subtitle), p[33], whereas the book is The Annotated Snark, or perhaps full title The Annotated Snark: The Full Text .... Your record shows "((The Hunting of the Snark: An Agony in Eight Fits)" for all of contents with disambiguated titles. Do you recall borrowing those from elsewhere in the database? I expect to use "(The Annotated Snark)" for the ones that precede and follow the big section, at least.

That's all for now. And no more until I take a close look concerning what may be different from the 1967. --Pwendt|talk 19:08, 25 April 2018 (EDT)

This was verified by me a long time ago, and the pub came from my father's collection when he was still alive. His collection is no longer so I've changed my verification to 'transient'. I don't recall anything (sorry for sounding like Jeff Sessions) about where the contents were derived from so feel free to make whatever changes you see fit. I doubt I can provide any more useful help for this pub. Thanks. PeteYoung 02:28, 1 May 2018 (EDT)
Hi. Thanks for getting back to me. I spent the last six weeks mainly looking for somewhere to live, sorting/planning/packing/cleaning, and moving to a new apartment.
I found a university library copy of the 1st ed. (1962, now in progress, first submission now in the queue). I'll work on your 1967 and the above 1973 editions later. Where the 1973 does differ from the 1962, I'll note concerning 1967 something like "Unknown whether the Bibliography is updated from 1962". --Pwendt|talk 16:44, 18 June 2018 (EDT)

Thai help needed again

Hello again Pete,

Do you think you can figure out the Thai spelling of this title? The Romanized version of it is in the notes. Thanks in advance for any assistance. Annie 00:05, 27 April 2018 (EDT)

The German title is not a perfect translation, being "From the heart of the galaxy to the Earth", and I was puzzled by the romanized word "Klarnk": if it is "klarng" the whole title then translates as "From the heart of the middle galaxy to the earth". Then I found this page about the author, and in the text the story's title is stated as above ("middle galaxy"). I've created the parent title thus. The webpage also includes a photo of the Contents page from Science Fiction Story Reader 20 where you can see the romanized version of the Thai, although it is a bit blurred. Cheers. PeteYoung 02:04, 1 May 2018 (EDT)
Always fun with romanizations, transcriptions and translations, isn't it? Thanks for tracking this one down. Annie 02:11, 1 May 2018 (EDT)
By the way the "Transliterated Title" field is for transliteration (romanization - letter by letter - this is not transcription but just transliteration), not for translation). So I pulled the translation into a note and removed it from the transliterated field; if you had a chance to add a transliteration, that would be awesome. :) Annie 13:50, 1 May 2018 (EDT)

Omenana #1

I have been looking at the online version of Omenana #1 and have some questions-- do you still have the ebook edition to compare? 1. "Hostbods" by Tendai Huchu is consistently printed "HostBods" on the website. Please update if it is in the ebook also 2. The artwork for "HostBods" and "Crocodile Ark" is credited to David Motutu on the website. --Vasha 18:21, 4 May 2018 (EDT)

The ebook unhelpfully has the title and page header in all caps "HOSTBODS" (hence my "Hostbods"). However I see the story text has "HostBods" so I've changed it. Also added the artist credits and mentioned the source in the note, as per your notification. Many thanks. PeteYoung 06:48, 5 May 2018 (EDT)

"Blueprints of the Afterlife " publisher

I am about to change the publisher of your verified pub Blueprints of the Afterlife to simply "Black Cat" to Match all the others by that publisher. --Vasha 21:48, 20 May 2018 (EDT)

DogFellow's Ghost

FYI, the SFE3 crew has discovered that Gavin Smith the author of your transient-verified DogFellow's Ghost is not the same person as the Scottish author Gavin G. Smith. They have been disambiguated. Ahasuerus 19:38, 22 May 2018 (EDT)

Thanks. That was my initial assumption when I indexed the book some years ago, and IIRC used the name "Gavin Smith (I)". Another editor must have merged the two authors. PeteYoung 19:48, 22 May 2018 (EDT)

Matrix, #78

Hello Pete,

Are these letters at the bottom of Matrix, #78 really short fiction? Annie 01:25, 8 June 2018 (EDT)

Strangely, none of them! Thanks. PeteYoung 01:39, 8 June 2018 (EDT)

Stuck submission again :)

Hello Pete, You have another one stuck since June 9th. Would you like to either approve or reject this one so you can get it off the board? Thanks! Annie 13:27, 14 June 2018 (EDT)

Done, thanks. PeteYoung 23:54, 15 June 2018 (EDT)

Add a Variant Title

Hi Pete,

We were having a conversation about using AddVariant and then adding a publication vs adding the publication first and then varianting over here and you are one of the users that still uses AddVariant. Is there a specific usecase that is only (or much easier) handled by it? Do you mind if this option disappears altogether? Thanks! Annie 15:57, 3 July 2018 (EDT)

Planned Project Scope Expansion

(I am leaving this note on the Talk pages of some of the more active editors to make sure that we are not missing anything. If you have been following this Rules and Standards discussion and agree with the proposal, please ignore this note.)

As per this discussion, ISFDB:Policy#Rules_of_Acquisition is about to be expanded to include:

  • Speculative fiction webzines, which are defined as online periodicals with distinct issues
  • Special speculative fiction issues of non-genre webzines
  • One time speculative fiction anthologies published on the Web

If you believe that this scope expansion may cause unforeseen and/or undesirable consequences, please share your thoughts on the Rules and Standards page. TIA! Ahasuerus 11:19, 4 July 2018 (EDT)

Double Star updated

Hi, wanted to inform you I've replaced Amazon cover art of Double Star with uploaded scan, as well as moved OCLC and added notes on artist & price. MagicUnk 14:00, 10 August 2018 (EDT)


Info on artist & pricing added to notes of Jem MagicUnk 14:29, 10 August 2018 (EDT)

Dead Brigade

A quick question about your verified Dead Brigade: would you say that it contains over 40,000 words? Fixer has added this ebook edition, which is apparently only 69 pages long. Also, reviews claim that paper editions which are over 120 pages long use large fonts. TIA! Ahasuerus 13:23, 16 September 2018 (EDT)

I'd agree it's certainly more a novella than a novel, so chapbook it is... if I knew what I was doing back in 2012 I'd have fixed it then! Thanks for the heads-up. PeteYoung 07:43, 18 September 2018 (EDT)
Updated, thanks! Ahasuerus 07:46, 18 September 2018 (EDT)

'Arena of Antares' and 'Fliers of Antares'

Please see User talk:Willem H.#'Arena of Antares' and 'Fliers of Antares' --Marc Kupper 23:56, 15 October 2018 (EDT)

Under the Radar ...

Hi. I have a submission on hold for your verified copy of Under the Radar ... where the author User:Davidredd001 wants to change the content in the note field from "A collection of 11 fake reviews of imaginary books and music" into "A collection of 11 reviews of sf/fantasy-related books, plays and music". He has not reacted yet on my suggestion to contact you, perhaps you can give it a try?--Dirk P Broer 15:54, 25 November 2018 (EST)

Thanks Dirk, I'm in regular contact with David – he's contacted me by email as well and I'd say we accept his edit. PeteYoung 21:42, 25 November 2018 (EST)

My edit to The Great Wall of China

The reason I am editing your verified publication The Great Wall of China is that I'm separating the various translations of its stories into separate title records. Currently the title records in the contents are a mix of (correct) ones translated by Malcolm Pasley and (incorrect) ones by a variety of translators. So I will 1. add the Pasley records 2. check that their titles and page numbers are the same as what you entered 3. delete the incorrect records. --Vasha (cazadora de tildes) 11:18, 22 December 2018 (EST)

Yes, I saw your chat with Stonecreek about this, yesterday. No problem and thanks for separating these strands, however unfortunately I don't have the book to hand presently to be in a position to offer you any help. If you hit a problem please let me know anyway. Cheers. PeteYoung 21:12, 22 December 2018 (EST)

Cartoon: Non Art

Here are some records in your verified pubs that start with "Cartoon:", but are not interior art:

Would you mind double checking if these should be interior art? Thanks. -- JLaTondre (talk) 13:03, 23 December 2018 (EST)

Thanks, good catch. Seems no matter how diligent I am some always slip through. PeteYoung 17:54, 23 December 2018 (EST)

The Tea Master and the Detective

Wanted to let you know I submitted a change and added details to the notes on end page of novella, and added excerpt to the contents. Let me know if you disagree. Regards, MagicUnk 14:30, 27 January 2019 (EST)

No problem, and thanks. How was I not aware of the excerpt?! PeteYoung 17:14, 27 January 2019 (EST)

Kahless Added note about the "Acknowledgments" if that's OK. gzuckier 17:32, 28 February 2019 (EST)

The Eternal Adam and Other stories

You had verified (transient) this publication of the title. Based on an assertion at, this translation would be the one from The Strand magazine of 1892. It is the first publication and may be the only one. I have updated the title record with the translation. If you are able to verify whether this is the noted translation or not, it would be appreciated. ../Doug H 16:35, 3 March 2019 (EST)

I'm not sure if I still have this pub (possibly not, hence transient) but if I come across it soon I'll certainly let you know. Thanks. PeteYoung 16:41, 3 March 2019 (EST)

Shambling Towards Hiroshima

Hi. Just FYI … Re: your PV'd, this story is classified as a novella by all the awards committees, so I'm going to correct the story record, and change the book to a "chapbook". Markwood 12:11, 23 March 2019 (EDT)

I noticed Hitspacebar has PVed another edition. I pointed him here to comment. --MartyD 12:35, 23 March 2019 (EDT)
I just did a word count on one of its pages, which resulted in 213 words, which makes approx. 35000 words for the whole text. Therefore it's indeed a novella and should be changed. Jens Hitspacebar 13:23, 23 March 2019 (EDT)
Fine by me guys, good catch. PeteYoung 18:30, 23 March 2019 (EDT)
Thanks, all. I accepted the submission and did the chapbook conversion. Please double-check. --MartyD 07:15, 24 March 2019 (EDT)

Signal Red

This from the paperback printing of Signal Red Penguin_Global.jpg at Amazon. Same publisher can also be found on Goodreads. I hope this helps. MLB 00:35, 3 April 2019 (EDT)

I, Robot - Asimov

Hi, I have personal confirmation from the artist and it is Chris Moore here. I will add the art credit if that's ok with you. Thanks Kevan BanjoKev 12:34, 20 April 2019 (EDT)

Thanks. Did you see Chris at Eastercon this weekend? PeteYoung 01:38, 22 April 2019 (EDT)
No, it was by email ;) BanjoKev 11:06, 22 April 2019 (EDT)


Wanted to let you know I just submitted an update to the notes of your PV'd pub. Let me know if you disagree. Regards, MagicUnk 14:54, 25 April 2019 (EDT)

Dr Bloodmoney

Hi, You've transiently verified Philip K. Dick's Dr Bloodmoney (and here too). Are you OK to replace the long contents title with the correct shorter variant title Dr Bloodmoney? There's no mention on title page nor anywhere else of this longer title in my 3rd printing. I've already submitted corrections for my copy. Regards MagicUnk 12:21, 7 May 2019 (EDT)

หนึ่ง-เก้า-แปด-สี่ (1984)

I changeed the author's name George Orwell in Thai as seen on front cover here: จอร์จ ออร์เวลล์. --Zapp 15:43, 18 July 2019 (EDT)

Thanks, I had been intending to do that but it had slipped my mind! PeteYoung 19:58, 18 July 2019 (EDT)

Singularity Sky

Expanded notes and added some external IDs to your PV'd Singularity Sky.Jim 23:14, 31 July 2019 (EDT)

Ken Liu's 'The Paper Menagerie'

Hi. Re: your PV'd, my copy has a bound-in signature page signed by Ken Liu following the front end paper, and a bound-in orange fabric ribbon marker. If yours has both, I'll 2nd verify the listing and add that info. If yours is different, I'll create a new listing. Thanks. Markwood 15:49, 7 August 2019 (EDT)

Sorry it's taken a while, I've been away from home for a month. My copy has no bound-in signature page and a black ribbon marker, so it looks like yours has to be a new listing! Cheers. PeteYoung 06:32, 6 September 2019 (EDT)


Hi Pete,

Hope you are doing well ;) Just a reminder to use {{Tr|name}} when adding translators or the books end up in the cleanup reports and someone needs to edit them again. And while we are at it, don't forget to add a translator to the short story in a chapbook as well, not just to the container (or it ends up on a report again...). I fixed it here (transformed in the chapbook, added to the story). Thanks! :) Annie 14:37, 4 September 2019 (EDT)

Thanks for your attention to detail Annie, will do. :) PeteYoung 06:33, 6 September 2019 (EDT)

Edit stuck in the queue

One of your edits had been sitting on the queue for a few days. Do you mind approving (or rejecting) it? Thanks! Annie 23:35, 13 September 2019 (EDT)

Done. Thanks. PeteYoung 23:58, 13 September 2019 (EDT)


Hi Pete,

If the book is credited to both and we record is a novel, shouldn't the novel aslo be credited to both here? It popped up on a report. Thanks for checking it! Annie 01:20, 26 September 2019 (EDT)

It was a few years ago, but I recall not adding Tormé as a co-author because he's credited as translator on the title record (despite the "in collaboration with" in the pub record), although I may be in error there. I don't have the book anymore, but I'd be more inclined to remove him. What do you think? PeteYoung 07:22, 26 September 2019 (EDT)
I wonder who changed what to put that on the empty a few days ago. Maybe if the name was prominent enough on the title page, we should add it and just carry it that way. Or leave it to notes only. How is that title usually credited in bookstores? I tend to consider the title a carbon copy of the pub title outside of magazinesAnnie 11:01, 26 September 2019 (EDT)

The Dark Millenium

Hi Pete, the cover art for The Dark Millenium was used for a German digest in 1980 - and there the artist's signature is clearly visible. I will be making the corresponding change to the pub. Cheers, John. JLochhas

Thanks for the notification! PeteYoung 21:30, 27 September 2019 (EDT)

Too Many Dave Higgins out there

Added a differentiator to one of them in your verified. No matter how I look at it, it is not the same person :) Annie 21:15, 14 October 2019 (EDT)

This Is How You Lose the Time War

Hello, could you check your copy of This Is How You Lose the Time War and see whether there's any mention of Gallery as publisher (and Saga Press as imprint)? See also this discussion. Thanks! MagicUnk 12:29, 24 October 2019 (EDT)

Will do, ASAP. PeteYoung 13:17, 24 October 2019 (EDT)

Thai help

Will you see if you can help here? Thanks! ···日本穣 · 投稿 · Talk to Nihonjoe 15:54, 1 November 2019 (EDT)


I added the missing essay by Sarah Monette (page 43) to you verified Concussed --Willem 17:08, 9 November 2019 (EST)

A Maze of Death - Philip K. Dick

Hi, as you are a PV here perhaps you'd like to link to the cover scan I've just put up here, if indeed it is the same. Kev. BanjoKev 22:29, 12 November 2019 (EST)

Sure, thanks. Done. PeteYoung 02:16, 13 November 2019 (EST)

A Scanner Darkly - Philip K. Dick

Hi, you are PV here. Would you mind if I reformatted the Notes, adding detail from my copy, pagination to [4]+219, 'Gollancz' to 'Gollancz / Orion' and incorporating your existing Notes text? I also have a cover scan to add. Many thanks, Kev. BanjoKev 16:08, 13 November 2019 (EST)

Hi Kev, I don't have the book to hand, but what is on the [4] pages that you want to add? 217+[2] covers the Author's Note on unnumbered pages at the end. Also, I recall editors had a discussion a while ago about "Gollancz" vs. "Gollancz / Orion" and other references to so-called imprints where the imprint is in fact a going business concern and/or already a major genre player. I recall that leaving it as "Gollancz" won the day, but contrast this with "Gateway / Orion" which to me seems a proper description of an imprint, ie. one that is not incorporated as a company in its own right. What do you think? PeteYoung 02:19, 20 November 2019 (EST)
Hi Pete, you're right, it should be 217+[2] - I misread the context. As for the [4], I include those pages as editor's choice. There's nothing in there that would be included in the Contents page but I do it consistently as sometimes, for instance, but not here, there are extended story copyright details that do need recording. The Help doesn't seem to be prescriptive, saying that "There is no need to record these unnumbered pages if they contain no content that needs to be recorded."
I'm with you on the imprint / publisher angle. An imprint is only a brand so it seems illogical to me to leave out the owning legal entity (Publisher). I also think that being a bit more precise with the publisher's details can be helpful to researchers trying to pin down those dern "date unknown"s through the various incarnations of the publishing house ownership. Does all this sit right with you? Thanks, Kev. BanjoKev 09:17, 26 November 2019 (EST)
I've now submitted the changes. Thanks, Kev. BanjoKev 18:46, 10 January 2020 (EST)

A Scanner Darkly : Philip K. Dick 2001 printing

Hi Pete, you are transient PV1 here, so you might not have access to the book now. I noticed Bluesman's scan is on your 3rd printing and wondered if there's a possibility that the cover might actually be the same as this 2nd printing (see the "N.B." in the Notes). What do you think? Thanks, Kev. BanjoKev 20:30, 15 November 2019 (EST)

Yes, it is the same, and I think your scan is a better reproduction of the correct colours. I gained a great familiarity with the series while doing these fanzines in 2014, but unfortunately I regret not keeping copies of all the books! PeteYoung 02:37, 20 November 2019 (EST)
Thanks and in that case, shall I edit your 3rd print image URL to point to my 2nd?
I'm lucky to have over a hundred Masterworks copies and as more than half of them are not on the database at all or data could be added from mine, we'll probably meet again on these books :) Awesome review listings! Kev. BanjoKev 19:37, 20 November 2019 (EST)
That's fine, go ahead and replace the image. PeteYoung 22:21, 20 November 2019 (EST)
Done, thanks. Kev. BanjoKev 15:11, 21 November 2019 (EST)

A Chart Korbjitti story

Hi Pete,

As you did some digging on this one, do you mind stopping by again here - we have a new update pending which changes that one completely again and I do not read these languages well enough or had done all the legwork. Thanks! Annie 13:50, 18 November 2019 (EST)

Panther Granada

Hi, with regard to the conversation here [3], you are transient PV here. Is it possible that you cloned it from this earlier pub and that that's where the publisher configuration comes from?

Could you please let me know whether you agree to a publisher change to "Panther / Granada". Thanks, Kev. BanjoKev 23:37, 4 December 2019 (EST)

Andrew Wiener

Hi, Pete! Do you have access to the publication of this title? Could this be Andrew Weiner? Christian Stonecreek 04:51, 5 December 2019 (EST)

Corrected! Thanks. PeteYoung 09:41, 5 December 2019 (EST)

Bill Wright

Hi, there appear to be three Bill Wrights (a US Artist, an Australian fan and a bloke from Wales). Can you please check which of the three wrote the letter in Banana Wings, #67?--Dirk P Broer 08:39, 16 January 2020 (EST)

99% sure it's the Australian fan, but I'll double check. Give me a few days. PeteYoung 08:48, 16 January 2020 (EST)
The Australian fan may have died in 2014, if this is him...--Dirk P Broer 10:24, 16 January 2020 (EST)
No, that's a different Bill Wright. This Bill Wright, definitely an Australian fan, was alive in 2017. I've removed his death date and the link. I'll still double check with the Banana Wings editors, but I'm now 99.5% certain it's him. PeteYoung 17:47, 16 January 2020 (EST)
The Banana Wings editors tell me it is certainly the Australian fan. He was 82 in April last year. I'll correct his DOB too to that month. PeteYoung 00:06, 18 January 2020 (EST)
Purrrfect!--Dirk P Broer 19:08, 20 January 2020 (EST)


Hi, I had a discussion with Rtrace about a change I made to his verfied copy of Relapse, Spring 2013 (and your Relapse, #19). I had tried to make the entry for Giles (Artist) more consistent and had chosen to make a combinatio of your styles of entering Relapse, making them Relapse, #19, Spring 2011 and Relapse, #21, Spring 2013. This was not quite to the liking of Rtrace and he also pointed out that it was against our standards, and reverted my edit. Now we are left with three styles: your Relapse, #20; Rtrace's Relapse, Spring 2013 and your Relapse, #19 that I changed to Relapse, #19, Spring 2011. Would you like to have them entered all in the same way? --Dirk P Broer 21:56, 8 February 2020 (EST)

Thanks for the notification Dirk, and apologies for the late reply. I've altered my issues to 'title, date' to keep eveything standard. Cheers. PeteYoung 18:37, 12 February 2020 (EST)

Inquestor Tales

Hi Pete,

Fixer found the fourth of these and while looking at how we added the previous ones, I saw that you added them as fanzines (and verified them). I will be more than happy to follow your lead and add this one the same way but wanted to make sure that this designation is indeed what we need. Additionally, according to the Amazon write-up for this one, the "new" content is actually a serialized novel and not individual stories. Do you concur with that? If so, these will need to become SERIALs at some point. Any thoughts will be appreciated. Thanks!:) Annie 17:03, 25 February 2020 (EST)

Yes, they will need to be serialised, but I think he may not have established the actual title of the whole novel yet. I think FANZINE is right. Somtow himself has always referred to Inquestor Tales as a fanzine, and the contents do mostly follow the fanzine format with other essays (some non-genre), contributions and the occasional letter, despite mostly being a perfect-bound vehicle for installments of the novel he is completing. (He says he can make more money this way by copying John Scalzi ;) ). I have the epub of #4 and will probably pick up a print edition if I see Kuhn Somtow sometime this month – I prefer to work from the print editions rather than their epub counterparts, although I may not have knocked all issues into shape yet. Also, he's doing all the Diplodocus Press cover art himself even though it usually remains uncredited. I'll keep an eye out for the pub if you add it. Cheers. PeteYoung 23:32, 25 February 2020 (EST)
Thanks! Fanzine it is then. I will add it based on what I can see in Amazon; you can massage and fix when you get your hands on it. Annie 00:06, 26 February 2020 (EST)
Number 5 just showed up. Just heads up for when you get your hands on it. I filled in what I could - but if you want to give it a once over, it will be appreciated. And it misses a lot of contents of course. Hope you are doing well (still stuck in UK I suspect though :( ) Annie 08:01, 6 August 2020 (EDT)

The Sweeper of Dreams

Hi Pete, could you have a look here and comment whether it makes sense to update from POEM to SHORTFICTION? Thanks! MagicUnk 12:18, 26 February 2020 (EST)

Corvus / Atlantic Books

ErsatzCulture would like to combine Corvus / Atlantic Books with Corvus. His rationale is:

"There are only 4 records for "Corvus / Atlantic Books" vs 157 for "Corvus". The Wikipedia page for Atlantic Books indicates Corvus has always been part of that organization, so having these two different publisher entries seems an accident of inconsistent data entry rather than anything meaningful."

As these impact your verified pubs, I wanted to run by you first. Thanks. -- JLaTondre (talk) 09:13, 28 March 2020 (EDT)

No problem here if he goes ahead. Thanks for the notification. PeteYoung 11:00, 28 March 2020 (EDT)
Apols for not reaching out to you first. (BTW, I've re-read those SF Masterworks issues you did of Big Sky loads of times, so thanks for those! ;-) ErsatzCulture 12:00, 28 March 2020 (EDT)
Wow. You're most welcome! PeteYoung 12:01, 28 March 2020 (EDT)

The Cabinet of Light

Hi Pete,

This is a bit too short to be a novel from what I see (and it is in the Telos novellas series - which would be irrelevant if it was long enough of course). A reprint just showed up. Would you mind if I convert this to chapbook while I am around it? I will be checking the rest of this series as well... Annie 18:07, 1 April 2020 (EDT)

No problem. Thanks for the notification. PeteYoung 05:43, 2 April 2020 (EDT)
Thanks! This one is fixed. I saw you verified some of the others as well - so you will see them getting converted in the next few days as well - just heads up. Annie 14:22, 2 April 2020 (EDT)

Solar Lottery - PKD

Hi Pete, the image for your PV 1st printing has recently been changed. I've submitted two subsequent printings 3rd printing and 6th printing and, as we've seen with other PKD titles, the covers are slightly different - check the "Note:" in both instances.

Could you please check to make sure that your current cover image is the correct one. For your convenience here are the two direct image links for you to switch between to see movement: 3rd & 6th. Thanks, Kev. BanjoKev 12:30, 2 April 2020 (EDT)

Hi Kev, I can't and probably won't be able to for a few months! I'm currently stranded in the north of England under lockdown, while my family and library are 7,000 miles away in Thailand. Sorry, it will have to remain on my 'To Do' list for the foreseeable future. :( PeteYoung 13:30, 2 April 2020 (EDT)
Sorry to hear that Pete, what rotten luck! I'm in London and it's like a ghost town here, reminds me of Nevil Shute's On the Beach - very post-apocalyptic. Just ping my page when you get round to it. Many thanks and keep safe. Kev. BanjoKev 18:14, 2 April 2020 (EDT)

All Judgement Fled

Cover art of this is John Harris - same as the previous Orbit/Futura edition. --Mavmaramis 15:23, 12 April 2020 (EDT)

Thanks, updated. PeteYoung 16:12, 12 April 2020 (EDT)

Jules Verne Translations

I have been documenting the various translations of Jules Verne's works and trying to identify a piece of text from each translation so editors can position their publications under the correct title record. You are on record as a primary verifier for one or more publications for which I am looking for text or which are placed under a generic translation title. I would be grateful if you could assist in this by checking your copies, as listed below, and providing the initial text for missing translations or an indication of the translation for those unspecified. These are listed on the Jules Verne Translations wiki. Thank you. ../Doug H 14:54, 18 April 2020 (EDT)

Just noticed your reply to an earlier post about being stranded. I've been at this for about 2 years now, so no rush. Best of luck. ../Doug H 14:58, 18 April 2020 (EDT)
Thanks Doug. Learned yesterday it could be September before I get home if the Thai visa/C19-testing situation doesn't improve. But don't worry, I will look when I am able. Cheers. PeteYoung 05:10, 20 April 2020 (EDT)
Do you need anything to read while you're waiting? ../Doug H 08:56, 20 April 2020 (EDT)
I'm fine here, enjoying the generous hospitality of Farah Mendlesohn and Edward James. They have 67 bookcases in this house! PeteYoung 09:42, 20 April 2020 (EDT)

The Word for World Is Forest - Le Guin

Hi Pete, here's another one for your return... I've just put up a cover scan that might fit yours as well. Thanks, Kev. BanjoKev 10:10, 3 May 2020 (EDT)

Cheers. No nearer to getting home, unfortunately! PeteYoung 14:59, 3 May 2020 (EDT)

The Black Cloud

Hi, since I found two pv pubs with the same cover arts but different cover artists, I wonder how it comes. Is it possible to check Your transient copy of this and compare with the other one? Maybe we can solve that mystery. --Zapp 04:08, 6 May 2020 (EDT)

Highway of Eternity

Cover art for this confirmed as Chris Moore by artist himself via email correspondance. Removed the note containing a dead link to a Tumblr site. --Mavmaramis 18:10, 8 May 2020 (EDT)

Machine of Death

Hi Pete, I added some contents to the first printing of the anthology, which surely should be also in your verified printing. I didn't know about the exact beginning pages, so please take a look at those if you find the time. Christian Stonecreek 02:33, 20 May 2020 (EDT)

Ah, I just saw that it was a transient verification, so I took the step to include the missing contents.
I do hope things look better for you! Christian Stonecreek 08:05, 24 May 2020 (EDT)
Thanks Christian, life's still uncertain right now stuck here in England, and I probably had an encounter with Covid-19 a couple of weeks ago but I'm fine now. Won't be able to see the family until July, but by then I might not have a job either. Feel like I'm just waiting for the axe to fall. :( PeteYoung 06:04, 29 May 2020 (EDT)
Oh, shit! That are certainly no good news to hear! All I seem to be able to do from here is to keep my fingers crossed and wish that all turns out well! And if there's anything that might be a help: please let me know of it! Christian Stonecreek 10:37, 29 May 2020 (EDT)

Cover artist / Ghastly Beyond Belief

Hi Pete, I've just come across the cover art on Alan Craddock's Twitter account and I have added him to the publication. Cheers, John JLochhas 07:59, 28 May 2020 (EDT)

Thanks, well spotted! PeteYoung 05:59, 29 May 2020 (EDT)

Science Fiction: Filipino Fiction for Young Adults

Hi Pete,

Way back when, you updated the publisher for this one to Rocket Kapre Books. I stumbled on it while working on books with unknown formats and found some more about the book (it had title, editors and publisher and nothing else before I started on it) - except that it seems that we either have two publishers (this one and University of the Philippines Press ) on the book or the book came out from two different publishers at the same time. I am sure it is the same book because one of the stories already had the title as a credit for its first publication. Do you have any idea what is the case with the publisher in this book? Thanks! Annie 01:03, 2 June 2020 (EDT)

Thanks for the heads-up. I'll ask Dean Francis Alfar. PeteYoung 03:24, 2 June 2020 (EDT)
If he can also scare a contents page and/or title pages from somewhere so we can fill in the complete contents, that will be even better. I am looking at reviews in internet to see if I can find any more titles but... :) Hope you are doing (reasonably) well considering that you got stuck away from home for so long... :) Annie 03:30, 2 June 2020 (EDT)
Dean confirms the publisher is the University of the Philippines Press, but because of lockdown he can't get to his office where his copy of the book is to photo the contents page. Watch this space! PeteYoung 04:12, 2 June 2020 (EDT)
I've updated the publisher in the book. When he gets it, either add them or I will if you post the list here :) Thanks Pete! Annie 04:26, 2 June 2020 (EDT)

This Is How You Lose the Time War length

This Is How You Lose the Time War has multiple award nominations and a win as a novella. However, we have it entered as a novel. Would you mind doing a word count check? I will point the other two verifiers here as well. Thanks. -- JLaTondre (talk) 08:56, 12 June 2020 (EDT)

It's ~36100 words according to this. Kobo says 36k - although it may well have been the source for the aforelinked comment.
Is there some way to easily determine word count from an ebook, other than getting a DRM-less version, stripping out the markup, and doing a word-count on the plain text? ErsatzCulture 11:06, 12 June 2020 (EDT)
We don't need to count words. When I originally verified the stub I left it as a novel. Since then, the authors & the awards committees agree the story is a novella, so the book is a chapbook. I just submitted edits to change the book to chapbook and the title to novella. Markwood 13:21, 13 June 2020 (EDT)

SF Commentary, #76

Hello, in Your pv pub I found a review that is varianted to an essay. Could this be a mistake? It is listed in Cleanup Reports 'Variant Title Type Mismatches'. --Zapp 06:21, 16 July 2020 (EDT)

I've alerted SFJuggler here and will await his input! Thanks for bringing it to my attention. PeteYoung 16:11, 22 July 2020 (EDT)

One Billion Years to the End of the World

Hi Pete,

A couple of questions about this one

  • Did you happen to note who the translator is?
  • Amazon UK gives me the ISBN 9780241472477. Do you mind me adding it?
  • Amazon UK has the whole series with size of 11.1 x 18.1 cm which will put it in the pb range, not the tp technically. Are these that small or are the Amazon UK guys drinking something interesting again? :)

Thanks! Annie 00:33, 21 July 2020 (EDT)

Thanks for the heads-up, I've added the ISBN and changed the format. Nothing online about the translator... it may be Antonina W. Bouis who translated the edition I read last month, but we will probably have to wait until it's published in August. I'll certainly be buying it. Which makes me wonder why I verified it if it's not been published... maybe I'm the one who's been drinking something interesting. PeteYoung 01:39, 21 July 2020 (EDT)
Perfect - I will go tell Fixer that we have this one and he does not need to add it. I wondered if you did not have your hands on an ARC or something - it does happen (thus me asking about the translator) :) You are probably right on the translator - the rest of the books in the series are with their old translations (or the ones I added so far anyway) but who knows so better wait it out a couple of weeks. Annie 02:13, 21 July 2020 (EDT)
Sorry to intrude, but a vaguely related point: the publisher site says the series is called "Penguin Science Fiction", not "Penguin Classics Science Fiction" as we currently have them listed. (The imprint is listed as "Penguin Classics" though?) Possibly something else to check when these come out... ErsatzCulture 12:05, 21 July 2020 (EDT) EDIT: although I see there's already a 1960s pub series of that name
The back cover says "Penguin Classics Science Fiction" though - at least one of the books has a back-cover visible in Amazon... Thus my decision to name the series this way. The book takes precedence to the site. Once one of those is out, we will see what is INSIDE and decide on the name -- but from the back and front cover views visible now, "Penguin Classics Science Fiction" seems more correct than whatever the site wants to show. Annie 13:41, 21 July 2020 (EDT)

The Gurkha and the Lord of Tuesday

The Gurkha and the Lord of Tuesday has multiple award nominations as a novella and the publisher refers to it as a novella. We have it entered as a novel. Since you verified it, do you want to do a work count check? Or can we convert it over? Thanks. -- JLaTondre (talk) 09:09, 1 August 2020 (EDT)

Sorry for the delay getting back to you. I don't have the book to hand unfortunately so can't do a word count, so yes let's just convert it for now. Thanks. PeteYoung 08:11, 7 August 2020 (EDT)
I have converted it. Thanks! -- JLaTondre (talk) 11:21, 9 August 2020 (EDT)

Washer of the Dead: A Collection of Ghost Stories

For Washer of the Dead: A Collection of Ghost Stories, the publication title (no leading "The") and the collection title record don't match (has leading "The"). As the cover shows a "The", the publication record incorrect? Or if the title page differs from the cover, it would be good to add a note. Thanks. -- JLaTondre (talk) 11:19, 9 August 2020 (EDT)

I don't have this one to hand but I've added "The" to the pub and the cover art, as per Amazon's Look Inside for the book. I'll double-check the pub itself when I get home (but that's possibly months away). Thanks. PeteYoung 03:14, 11 August 2020 (EDT)

seige vs siege

Is the spelling of "seige" in the following two records original to the publications or a database typo of "siege"?

Thanks. -- JLaTondre (talk) 16:39, 30 August 2020 (EDT)

Both fixed. Thanks. PeteYoung 03:38, 31 August 2020 (EDT)

Novel -> Novella and the omnibuses

Hi Pete,

When converting novels to novellas, don't forget to look at the omnibuses containing the story as well - sometimes this novel is the only thing that still makes them omnibuses and they need a demotion to a collection/anthology post conversion (as was the case with this one. All fixed now but just a heads up. :) Annie 15:14, 4 September 2020 (EDT)

Hey, thanks for that. A reminder I needed! :) PeteYoung 18:28, 4 September 2020 (EDT)

The Iron Man

Hi Pete,

I am considering converting this one to a chapbook - there are no 40,000 words in this story (I am not that there are even 17K). Any objections? Any chance to do a rough word count? Annie 23:25, 23 September 2020 (EDT)

A while ago I was considering the same then got distracted. I don't have the book to hand so please go ahead. Another to consider is The Iron Woman, also of a similar length and currently a novel. PeteYoung 02:57, 25 September 2020 (EDT)
Fixer found a reprint yesterday - that's why I saw it at all. Converted now and while I was at that, I also converted "The Iron Woman". :) Annie 01:57, 26 September 2020 (EDT)

Journey Planet, #23

Hi Pete, would you mind having a look at this submission (and approve if it's ok for you) Thanks! Regards, MagicUnk 16:28, 30 September 2020 (EDT)

It looks legit: all the artists appear on the cover. It's already been approved, but I appreciate you bringing it to my attention. PeteYoung 03:17, 2 October 2020 (EDT)

Vector 258 Winter 2008

Cleaning a non-eligible non-genre book ("It's ONLY Rocket Science") so swapped the review for an essay in Your verified Annie 22:07, 5 October 2020 (EDT)

Winter Song / Colin Harvey

While PVing [4] I see the note 2nd printing with "Colin Harvey" in orange type on the cover, which if I'm reading the edit history correctly, was added by you. However, my copy has a full number line, and an orange 'Colin Harvey' cover. Thoughts? --GlennMcG 17:52, 13 October 2020 (EDT)

Hi Glenn, I don't reckon I have the book any more and I don't know why I didn't verify it 7 years ago (that edit was in 2013 when I was still in diapers here). I'll add a Note to the first edition with red type (which I did verify) saying that there are also '1st printing' covers which have the author's name in orange type. How does that sound? Thanks for bringing it to my attention.PeteYoung 00:00, 16 October 2020 (EDT)

The first printing you just edited has its price in pounds, not U.S. (and Canadian) dollars, so they're not the same printing. Perhaps it's the U.S. printings that have the orange author color. --GlennMcG 00:50, 16 October 2020 (EDT)

Upon further thought, I'd guess that there are two editions, one UK (with red title), and one US (with orange title), both first printings of their respective editions. And that your 2nd printing note was at least not clear. --GlennMcG 18:45, 17 October 2020 (EDT)

I made the edits that I suggested above. --GlennMcG 15:19, 23 October 2020 (EDT)

Saga Press vs. Saga Press / Gallery

Hello Pete. You've PV'd This Is How You Lose the Time War. In light of this discussion, would you be OK with checking the copyright page, and thus converting the publisher to just Saga Press? Thanks! MagicUnk 06:43, 14 October 2020 (EDT)

Given the complexity of S&S, I agree in this case we should simplify and just note the details. Thanks for the heads-up. PeteYoung 23:40, 15 October 2020 (EDT)

Wyndham's Sleepers of Mars

I'm going to change the author credit to your verified publication Sleepers of Mars from "John Wyndham" to "John Beynon Harris". this help section, indicates that these "writing as" credits should be entered as the original name. I suspect that this publication was entered before that policy was implemented. Thanks. --Ron ~ RtraceTalk 08:34, 18 October 2020 (EDT)

Sounds good to me. Thanks for the heads-up. PeteYoung 14:29, 18 October 2020 (EDT)

Middle initial for translator of The Fat Years

Hi Pete,

You have a PV on The Fat Years. I'm just adding/tidying up the ebook and a newer tp, and I noticed that the title pages on those pubs list the translator as "Michael S. Duke" (and this is how their name is shown in the pub note), but the Translator's Note is credited to "Michael Duke". Can you think of any reason why that author record shouldn't get changed to "Michael S. Duke"? They don't have any other titles, and "Michael Duke" seems a name where having the disambiguation of a middle initial might be useful? Cheers ErsatzCulture 08:06, 25 October 2020 (EDT)

Sorry I don't have my pub to hand to check it all. I would have it as his name is credited on the page the Translator's Note appears, and mention the "Michael S. Duke" title page credit in the Notes. Pretty sure that would be in accordance with ISFDB protocol. Thanks. PeteYoung 00:42, 28 October 2020 (EDT)
Thanks; I'll see if I can find a reference with the note - it's not in the Amazon or Google Books previews, so looks like I'll have to locate a copy. ErsatzCulture 06:02, 28 October 2020 (EDT)

Dr. Mark Brake

For the interview of Dr. Mark Brake on page p9 of Focus, #37, do they provide any information on this person? Is it perhaps Mark Brake who is a former science professor who has written quite a few "Science of..." books (more than we have in the database). Thanks. -- JLaTondre (talk) 09:56, 31 October 2020 (EDT)

I've sent an enquiry to that issue's editor Simon Morden, so will let you know when he replies. PeteYoung 05:24, 1 November 2020 (EST)
Sorry, should have replied to you a while ago: yes they are the same person. I've been able to make "Dr. Mark Brake" a pseudonym of Mark Brake, but unable to list him as such as an interviewee on Mark Brake's biblio page as there appears to be no field that enables the interviewee to be varianted. Will notify Ahasuerus, who can probably provide me with a perfectly good reason for this being so. PeteYoung 14:31, 7 December 2020 (EST)

ATom in Ansible

Dave Langford is reporting that the following cartoons attributed to ATom in your verified Ansible, #38 and Ansible, #42 are actually signed by Alexis Gilliland:

When you have a moment, could you please check the signatures and update the publication records? TIA! Ahasuerus 12:27, 7 December 2020 (EST)

Thanks for letting me know... I should be able to check this around the 15th Dec. PeteYoung 14:05, 7 December 2020 (EST)

Bleiler 78 Verfication of They Walked Like Men

I noticed that you have a Bleiler78 verification of They Walked Like Men which was published in 1967. Since Bleiler79 only covers publications through 1948, I suspect you may have intended a different verification. Thanks. --Ron ~ RtraceTalk 18:00, 8 December 2020 (EST)

Thanks, corrected. No idea how that happened, probably meant to do a PV as I do recall having that book once. PeteYoung 04:57, 9 December 2020 (EST)


Concerning edition:

This is what the cover of my edition looks like:[5], notice the beacon logo in the upper right corner.

Except from that, all other info seems to be the same. --Spacecow 03:57, 14 December 2020 (EST)

Spaceship vs Space Ship

Hi Peter - Could I get you to double check title page of this publication? The cover scan and the secondary references all have it as "Space Ship", whereas we list the title as "Spaceship". There's also a later printing with an active verifier of whom I'll be asking the same question. Thanks for checking. --Ron ~ RtraceTalk 12:22, 9 January 2021 (EST)

Thanks for the heads-up, now corrected. PeteYoung 01:21, 14 January 2021 (EST)

Introduction to "Memoirs Found in a Bathtub"

Hi Pete! Hope you're doing well (still or again)! I intend to add this introduction to the editions of Lem's "Memoirs Found in a Bathtub" (including your verified publication). It should be there, as it was there in the first English edition (per a review). Christian Stonecreek 08:17, 15 January 2021 (EST)

Thanks Christian. I don't have my copy to hand, but sure, go ahead. Hope you're well, safe and secure in what you're doing!
I'm just about doing OK, but no longer living in Thailand. I couldn't get home because they basically shut the country to foreigners while I was away, so instead after nine months of enforced separation I brought my family over to the UK and we're now living in Liverpool. A substantial (and to me the most valuable) part of my book collection is still over there and I have no idea when I will be able to ship everything back to England. I also managed to hang onto my job somehow, and I'm hoping very much things will improve this year, for everyone! PeteYoung 08:21, 19 January 2021 (EST)
Glad that things have brightened up for you a bit! There's light at the end of the tunnel and hopefully in the summer borders will begin to be opened again, and you'll be able to ship those missing items to home! Over here it's okay, as long as the family is healthy and there's something to do (and that's how it is right now, hopefully until we are vaccinated. Christian Stonecreek 05:06, 22 January 2021 (EST)

PI Editions

Hi Pete,

I did some cleanup around your publisher record.

I did a couple of small changes in the books you added (one on the price (wrong currency), another one to add the Catalog ID (the only one missing it and Amazon had the number so I followed your format to add it)) - the moderator notes explain what was changed and why. Feel free to reverse/change them but I am pretty sure that both are legit. Are the two books that are not in the pub series indeed outside of the series? Annie 16:14, 22 January 2021 (EST)

Thanks. Yes that's right. Big Sky Library is set up as a series for Asian speculative fiction. PeteYoung 13:51, 23 January 2021 (EST)

Tel Aviv Noir

Hi Pete,

I just added the non-genre checkbox to this one - as the anthology as a whole is non-genre. So just heads up. :) Annie 00:56, 2 February 2021 (EST)

Stephen Baxter intro(s) to Clarke Golden Age Masterworks

Hi Pete, FYI, I just posted this on Rtrace's page. You have The Sands of Mars PVed (but not the other two) - just giving you a heads up on this proposed merging of the common intro(s) to all three pubs, in case you have any objections. Thanks ErsatzCulture 14:52, 13 March 2021 (EST)

You Will Survive This Night

Hi Pete,

Fixer found the rest of the stories that belong with this one and I am organizing them into a Pub series so I added yours there as well. And I added the actual story to yours - you had only an empty chapbook :) Annie 21:10, 14 April 2021 (EDT)

And one more question - how is the publisher credited exactly? Macmillan has them all under "Tor Nightfire" (both audio and e-versions) but if Nightfire is nowhere in the book, I can adjust all the ebooks. Thanks! Annie 21:12, 14 April 2021 (EDT)
There is only a publisher credit for Tor. There is a big Nightfire logo at the end of the ebook, and for our purposes Nightfire would appear to be a publication series, if anything. Macmillan is not credited anywhere as publisher, although there are is a link to Macmillan for a newsletter sign-up. Hope this helps. PeteYoung 04:35, 17 April 2021 (EDT)

Darwin's Radio

Added pub notes and removed jacket designer from Coverart credit can for Darwin's Radio Scifibones 15:07, 16 April 2021 (EDT)


Just curious if you still have; I just added it as part of the Bantam New Fiction series based on the note, and noticed it had a British price. Is that correct or should it be an American price? --Username 10:21, 22 April 2021 (EDT)

No, the price is correct. Bantam printed a UK edition, and most copies were single-handedly sold by the legendary Birmingham bookseller Rog Peyton (or so he would have you believe), and from whom I got my copy! Cheers. PeteYoung 15:04, 22 April 2021 (EDT)

The Only Living Girl on Earth

Please see the moderator note on this submission. Thanks. -- JLaTondre (talk) 15:58, 1 May 2021 (EDT)


I am submitting an edit to Inferno to remove the cover art credit. Michael J. Windsor is just the jacket designer John Scifibones 07:44, 4 May 2021 (EDT)

Hammerfall & Forge of Heaven

Adding some pub notes and LCCN to Hammerfall John Scifibones 08:52, 13 May 2021 (EDT)

Same for Forge of Heaven 09:00, 13 May 2021 (EDT)~

Defender and Destroyer

Added pub notes and ext ID to Defender John Scifibones 16:35, 13 May 2021 (EDT)

Added pub notes and ext ID to Destroyer John Scifibones 17:48, 13 May 2021 (EDT)

State of Fear

I changed the date to date of first publication for all the content titles for State of Fear to 2004-12-00. I also appended "(State of Fear)" to the two appendix titles. You should change the date of publication for the novel. It is 2004-12-06. (At least change the month). I'll be glad to do it if you want John Scifibones 18:14, 22 May 2021 (EDT)

Survival, Migration, and Regeneration

Added pub notes, design credits, ext ID's to Survival John Scifibones 15:41, 23 May 2021 (EDT)

Added jacket design credit and ext ID's to Migration John Scifibones 16:03, 23 May 2021 (EDT)

Added design credit and LCCN to Regeneration John Scifibones 16:11, 23 May 2021 (EDT)

Mamatas; I added page # from full copy on Google Books to contents of Nick Mamatas' You Might Sleep, which has been untouched on ISFDB for nearly 10 years, and noticed his earlier collection 3000MPH has a 06-23 title date but a 07-00 publication date; since you last worked on this book in 2016 I thought you'd like to know in case you think it needs fixing so dates match. --Username 16:46, 24 May 2021 (EDT)

Tarun K. Saint and New Horizons: The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction

Hi Pete,

I saw you edited this author record earlier today. At the risk of putting 2 and 2 together and making 5, I don't suppose that's an indication that you might have acquired a copy of his long delayed (at least in UK pub form) anthology? That's supposed to be finally out today, after numerous reschedulings, and whilst Amazon and Kobo do have the ebook for download, Amazon has the tp now showing as "Usually dispatched within 1 to 2 months.", which makes me suspicious if it has indeed finally come out. Perhaps I'm being overly paranoid, as Blackwells, Waterstones and all claim they have it in stock, but before I edit the tp, I thought I might check in with you, in case you might have it?

Thanks! ErsatzCulture 14:19, 3 June 2021 (EDT)

I'm also hoping to pick up a copy soon... This has been a most elusive publication, even when it was first published by Hachette India in 2019 and I couldn't source a copy anywhere, even when I was in India. Tarun Saint was on Facebook saying yesterday was the publication day for this incarnation of his anthology, so let's keep the faith and hope for the best, eh?! I'll let you know when I have mine. PeteYoung 05:18, 4 June 2021 (EDT)
Thanks. Gollancz have tweeted a couple of times over the past 48 hours that it's out, but the image accompanying the tweets is just a CG mockup, and I think I'd rather wait until I see genuine photographic evidence of a physical copy, unless you or anyone else here beat them. Cheers ErsatzCulture 12:45, 4 June 2021 (EDT)

Earth Is Heaven

Cover artist for this confirmed as Fred Gambino by artist to me via Twitter. --Mavmaramis 12:54, 14 July 2021 (EDT)

Thanks, I'll add. PeteYoung 13:54, 14 July 2021 (EDT)

Solaris US publisher

You're one of the folk with a Solaris US PV [[6]]. Could you weigh in at [[7]]? --GlennMcG 14:48, 16 July 2021 (EDT)

Your transient PV of [[8]] was the only remaining use of the Solaris US, and as it was later printing of which the first printing recently got switched to just Solaris, I've submitted an edit to remove the 'US'. Hopefully, this is OK with you. --GlennMcG 16:05, 26 July 2021 (EDT)
Fine, and thanks for informing me; I was unable to get to my copy of the book. PeteYoung 03:11, 27 July 2021 (EDT)

More Tales of Pirx the Pilot

Replaced Amazon cover of this with one scanned from a recently acquired copy and added some notes. --Mavmaramis 14:11, 10 August 2021 (EDT)

Strange Beasts of China

added translator name gzuckier 00:07, 19 August 2021 (EDT)

Anything for a Buck

Hello Pete, a new editor wants to update one of your PV'd records - If you could have a look here, and provide your feedback? Thanks! MagicUnk 05:07, 26 August 2021 (EDT)

The new editor is entirely correct and you can release him from purgatory! Thanks for the heads-up. PeteYoung 13:48, 26 August 2021 (EDT)

Thuvia Maid of Mars

You are the PV for Thuvia Maid of Mars (no comma) which contains the title Thuvia, Maid of Mars (with comma). All the other Del Rey editions have a comma so I suspect a cloning error or typo. Any chance you can check? ../Doug H 21:17, 27 August 2021 (EDT)

Sorry, no chance I can check (book is 3,000 miles away and I can't get home), but certainly a typo. Thanks for the heads-up. PeteYoung 01:46, 28 August 2021 (EDT)

The Caltraps of Time

A quick note about your transient-verified The Caltraps of Time. The Notes line which read:

  • Masson's 'Foreword' is dated 2002 and according to Christopher Priest's introduction was written for the (as yet unverified) 2003 editions.

has been removed because the 2003 edition has been semi-verified based on a scan of the first few pages of the book. The 2012 foreword has been set up as a variant of the 2003 one.

Progress, one edition at a time :-) Ahasuerus 10:36, 29 August 2021 (EDT)

ParSec, #1

H,hello, in your pv pub there is the author Paul DiFilippo, but on cover Paul Di Filippo, same as the kanonical name. Could it be a typewriting error? Or has the short fiction to be varianted? --Zapp 16:42, 30 August 2021 (EDT)

The Chessmen of Mars

Your transient PV of The Chessmen of Mars gives both US and Canadian prices. All 8 of the printings (according to a reference] of ISBN 0-345-35038-3 were printed in Canada. Would you be all right with my setting the price to the Canadian one and putting the US price in the notes? ../Doug H 15:33, 31 August 2021 (EDT)

Sounds good, no problem! PeteYoung 19:15, 31 August 2021 (EDT)

Lavie Tidhar's The Escapement

Hi Pete, I'm a bit mystified by this title/pub you added a few months ago.

There's an extract on today, which says it's being published by Tachyon today. This seems to be backed up by the Tachyon site and a slightly weird author tweet. The ISBN listed on the Tachyon site (and on Blackwell's site) is the same as the "Global Publisher Services" pub we have recorded as being published on April 16th?!? Amazon UK have an ebook, within which the copyright page visible in the preview lists the same ISBN, but only Tachyon.

The pub note says "Data from the Big Sky Library as of 2021-05-22.", which at a guess is maybe a euphemism for your collection, but doesn't help resolve things. Any ideas? Thanks ErsatzCulture 11:16, 21 September 2021 (EDT)

For what it is worth, the ebook is out at least in some of its formats (EPUB for sure - just got it from the library; the MOBI had not been added to either the library or yet but that's not unusual for Tachyon sometimes) and its copyright page has both the ebook and the paper ISBNs listed. Annie 13:04, 21 September 2021 (EDT)
I know The Escapement was originally due out in 2020 but was pushed back... looks like no one told Lavie of the eventual release date but Tachyon did tell Tor and maybe a few others (obviously not including me, either, but then I wouldn't expect them to). I added it to my site (here) around December 2020 after I was puzzled to find it on Amazon UK with virtually no other information available elsewhere, but I felt it was still worth recording at my site although December was still a bit too early to add it to the ISFDB (where we usually have a 3 month cut-off). When I looked again in May the Amazon post was still showing "Global Publisher Services" but now with no UK cover price and no date, so I credited my site because it did have this possibly useful information, albeit erroneously. Looks like Amazon has finally updated things after April had come and gone. So yeah, I'll delete the April publication as it's now of no use to anyone. Thanks for the heads-up! PeteYoung 13:57, 21 September 2021 (EDT)
Nah - leave it. We can transform it into the tp that is coming out today under that isbn. :) Annie 14:10, 21 September 2021 (EDT)
And done. I left some of the history in the notes - split between the pub and the title records (where the pieces belong I think). I think we are all set with this one. Always fun to read these notes down the road (not so much fun working on re-dating) ;) Annie 16:29, 21 September 2021 (EDT)