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created 2019-03-11 by import from User:Pwendt#Lovell's Library

New York

John W. Lovell, and other publisher/imprints

Lovell's Library

Publication series Lovell's Library

[1] NYT 1910-10-01 p16 : The Boy Aviators, 6 volumes all now ready, illustrated, 50c each postpaid

WorldCat search se:"Lovell's library" (803 hit) --from #41-50 where real-time chron listing begins

v1 n14 (1882-06-30) Robert Houdin, o[2] o[3]
v5 n295
v8 n438
v9 n453

Official dates

1882-04-06 v1.2 Outre-mer o[4]
1882-06-30 v1.14
1882-08-24 v1.22
1882-09-14 v1.27
1883-04-05 v3.94 ("New and rev")
1883-05-17 v3.112
1883-08-13 v4.166 = 20,000 Leagues
1883-08-22 -- 176 = Pelham
1883-11-01 -- 274 = Christmas Carol
1883-11-19 v5.291
1883-11-22 -- 295 = Random Shots
1884-05   386 = Childhood of the World o[5]
1884-08-12 v8.418
1884-10-02 v8.440
1884-10-18 v8.447 = Rue Morgue
1884-11-01 v9.453 = Black Poodle
1885-02-02 v10.532
1885-02-20 v10.531 (apparently out of sequence)
1886-04-05 v14.724
1887-02-21 v17.846
1887-04-09 v19.917
1887-05-06 v20.964
H. Rider Haggard in Lovell's Library

WorldCat (9 records)

848, 1887-01-26 (c)1884, She : a history of adventure o[173821258] 227 pp
876, [188-?], The Witch's Head o[81794628] 300 pp ; 18cm, wrapper
900, 1884, Jess o[81064902] 242 pp ; 18cm, wrapper
19.941, [1887], Dawn o[7521628] 416 pp
21.1020, [1887], Allan Quatermain: ... o[894907277] 226 pp ; online
1100, 1887, A Tale of Three Lions o[29943127] 58 pp
1183, 1888, Mr. Meeson's Will o[29943146] 190 pp
1306, [1888], Colonel Quaritch, V.C. o[48713177] 280 pp
1306, 1901 Colonel Quaritch, V.C. o[660327516] 341 pp ; Longmans, New impression, 20cm
Florence Marryat

WorldCat (14 records) -- lacking those announced #1453 1456

late issues (highest number listings
search WorldCat for all =>#1421)
1421, 1889-08-20 [1889?], The Silence of Dean Maitland o[54084516] 352 pp ;
1426, 1889-08-31 [1889], Toilers of Babylon o[908390123] 294 pp ; "Entered ..." 1889-08-31
1433, 1889-09-11, Uncle Piper of Piper's Hill : an Australian novel o[1085352736] 348 pp ; --11 and 22 days after #1421, 26
1448, 1889, "Sheba" o[62414985] 302 pp ; by "Rita" as #1778
1450, 1889-10-25, o[52059442] 202 pp ; Frank F. Lovell & Co. --44 days after #1433
unique hit (Frank F. Lovell; se:"Lovell's library")

5 issues as 11 days; 7 as 11; 17 as 44 = net 29 numbers as 66 days

Lovell's Library

#295 (Rtrace) User talk:Rtrace#Lovell's Library P408361 Max Adeler, Random Shots cover dated-1883-11-22 subscription price illegible $40?
295 Random Shots, as "[1889]" o[6]
#438 (Chris J) User talk:Chris J#Lovell's Library Assignation
#453 (Pwendt) The Black Poodle and Other Tales, F. Anstey o[7]-micro --near-duplicates P704043 P704045
[1884] us Lovell "Lovell's Library" Tri-Weekly v9 n453 dated-1884-11-01, annual $30.00; with catalogue #1-185 ; no Contents, no Preface, p[7]-239 ; p228 "Accompanied on the Flute: A Tale of Ancient Rome"

(?) The title page of this Lovell edition, in the LC copy, is stamped "Library of Congress Copyright JAN 11 1892 Washington" (view at

Lovell's Library in early 1885 newspapers: #461 Socialism
Advance -10-16 Life of Grover Cleveland 20c
Sat Eve Post 64.8 -09-06 p11 How He Reached the White House, or a Famous Victory [he unidentified] 25c
LCJ -09-05 p4 "Worthington, New York, $1; Lovell's Library, 20 cents"
Det Free Press -07-31 p6 How He Reached ... fictional story of a type, not caricature; instructive; #402
The Critic 2, Iss. 27, (Jul-Dec 1884) p4 -- A Fair Device, 20 cents
2 earlier

MUST BE $30.00 annual subscription

Some titles from the Lovell's Library Catalogue from list #1-185 or from WorldCat records

Author search

Anstey, 3 titles
Poe, 4 titles --inclg Complete Poetical Works not listed here
Verne, 5 titles
5. 10c. Frankenstein --Mary Shelley o[8] [1882?] 19cm
11. 10c. The Coming Race --Lord Lytton o[9] [1882] v1.11, 19cm
ISFDB holds Pelham #176 o[10] dated-1883-08-22 402p 19cm; and Godolphin #289 o[11] 1883 19cm; and Pompeii #59 o[12] [1883?] 20cm
30. 20c. Vice Versa --F. Anstey o[13] [189-?], 12mo
34-35 The Giant Raft... -Verne o[14] [1882] v2.34-35 pt. 1. 800 leagues on the Amazon.--pt. 2. The cryptogram.
47. 10. Baron Munchausen --uncredited o[15] "[1886?], ©1882", 125p 19cm
68. 20. Gulliver's Travels --Dean Swift o[16] 1883 19cm --"by Lemuel Gulliver"
154. 20. Tour of the World ... --Verne o[17] [1883] v4.154, 19cm
166. 20. 20,000 Leagues ... --Verne o[18] dated-1883-08-13 v4.166, 19cm
185. 15. Mysterious Island, Pt. I --I II III, 3 vols as #185, 15c each
???. Household Stories, Grimm, illus. Crane o[19], 1883, 18cm
179. A Little Pilgrim, Mrs. Oliphant T1575707 EoF o[20] ©1883 19 cm
"Cover title: Lovells Library. Inside cover title: The Little Pilgrim."
"The booklet was published with paper covers, and the cloth cover was made up separately, to hold any volume in the Lovell's library series."
+? 326. Wizard's son EN o[21] [1883]
274. A Christmas Carol, &c o[22] dated-1883-11-01 [1883?] 19cm
320. The Rose and the Ring --Thackeray EoF o[23] [1883] v6.320 "165-243 pages illustrations 19 cm"; "by Mr. M.A. Titmarsh"
342 Goethe's Faust, in two parts o[24] [©1884] 405p 18cm
432 Gold-Bug o[25] 1884 (9 stories) 169 19cm
v8.438 Assignation o[26] 1884 (18 stories) 192p 19cm
v8.447 Rue Morgue o[27]-micro dated-1884-10-18 (12 stories) 182p 18cm
v9.480 Wonderland o[28]-online [©1885], illus. Tenniel
481 Looking Glass o[29] Trow's Printing and Bookbinding Company) ©1885, 19cm, illus. Tenniel
v15.755 Fallen Idol --Anstey o[30] [1866], 19cm
793 New Arabian Nights T39148 [1886] o[31]
v21.1020 Allan Quatermain (Allan Q #18, 1887) o[32]-e [1887] 226p
1100 A Tale of Three Lions (Allan Q #4, 1887 non-genre) o[33] 1887, 58p 19cm
Allan's Wife (Allan Q #2, 1889) --dnf WorldCat
1222 Puck ... related by himself --ed. Ouida o[34] [1888?]
1232 The Flying Dutchman o[35] [1888]
1294 From the Earth to the Moon o[36] [1888] 19cm
1300 Around the Moon o[37] [1888]

Gustave Aimard, rev. and ed. Percy St John o[38]

Florence Warden (71) --several novel maybes (22 publ by Lovell, three as Westminster series 15 30 34, two as F.F. Lovell, International Series 9, 18 , Lovell #1073 , Lovell
Seaside Pocket #1037 o[39]
Fantastic Fiction

2019-02-19\24 skimmed all WorldCat record headindgs #41-#600 and gathered data here.

dime novel


LCSH su:Dime novels, American. (3850) AND se:Lovell's library (22)
LCSH su:Dime novels, American Specimens. (2055) AND se:Lovell's library (22)
274 A Christmas Carol ; and, The Chimes o[40]
v15.751 King Arthur: Not a Love Story, Miss Mulock o[41] 1886-06-11 216p 18cm; o[42] 216p 19cm
"Dime novels, American -- Specimens."
Dime Novel Collection [library catalogue?]
v11.776 1886-08-11 Wandering Jew o[43] 2vol 18cm
1222 [1888?] Puck: ... o[44] 2vol 20cm

Lovell's Library in newspapers

'2019-03-29 "same" refers to The American Bookseller
1878 to 1880 (0)
1881 (1) The Literary World -12-30 index cites p355
The American Bookseller 1.8(?) 1882-04-15
p165 Communications, concerning copyright dispute [45]
p167 Prospectus ; now ready #1-3 ; in press #4-6 [46]
p167 "The volumes are 12mo, printed from clear type, with an attractive paper cover, and sold at 10 and 20 cents, for single and double numbers respectively." [47]
same 1.9 (1882-05-01) p219 "Additions to the Libraries" [48] lists Lovell's Library #1-4 at 20 20 10 20 cents
same 13.15 (1882-08-01) p402 #6-14 [49] (Clytie as prev #4)
same 13.15 (1882-08-01) p416 announces two more series, both fortnightly, The Sunday Series (European works) and The Centennial Series (American, mainly non-fiction)
p429 [50] Lovell's Library #1-18 (18 "Just Ready")
Phi Inq -08-15 p5, John Wanamaker lists #1-18 at 9 and 18 cents "It doesn't seem possible that these books (for they are books in paper covers) can bring cost to their makers. The size is 12mo."
Chi. Tribune -08-27 p1 [front page, all adverts], E. J. Lehmann, "The Fair", lists "Lovell's Library, 8c and 18c"; This is the cheapest library in the market. The books are printed on good paper in large type. These books being 12mo, in size are very convenient for the pocket or the gripsack."
same 13.19 (1882-10-02) p585 #15-30 [51] --#28 John Halifax, #30 Life of Marion
same 13.21 (1882-11-01) p659 #31-40 (John Halifax repeats as #28, #33; Vice Versa not listed) [52]
same 13.24 (1882-12-01) p891 #41-50 [53] --#47 Munchausen
same 14.5 (1883-03-01) p186: Advert #68-79 with listing #1-79 [54]; Just Published Early Days of Christianity hc cloth $1.00, half calf $2.50 (already Lovell's Library 50a,b 20c each) --#68 Gulliver

American Bookseller: no subsequent hits (to end 1884)

Cin Enq 1883-04-08 p4 #85-99

done all thru April 1883; thereafter daily newspapers only (not listed here if mentioned/reviewed without series #)

Det FP -07-28 p8 notes #111, 113
NY Times -09-17 p3 "New Books Received" #134? 169 130 113 110 179 (all non-genre?)
N-Y Trib -12-22 p6 "Christmas Books" #304 with Thackeray's own illustrations
NY Times 1884-01-21 p3 "New Books Received" #260 (non-genre)
DFP 1884-07-31 p6 How He Reached the White House; or, A Famous Victory --reissue #402 "a neat paper covered book of convenient pocket size"
LCJ 1884-09-05 p4 The Life of Grover Cleveland (Worthington $1, Lovell's Library 20c)
2019-03-29 unknown whether this reports from search ("lovell's library") or search ("additions to the libraries")

1885/1886 (62 hits)

The American Bookseller "Additions to the Libraries" --hits begin again 18.4 (1885-08-15) p89 #618-634 (non-genre)
" " 10-01 #635-53 (non-genre)
" " 10-15 #654-64
" " 12-01 #665-69
" " 12-15 #670-79

London: "American Book Piracy"

matches/mismatches with list #1-79 (Am Bk 1883-03-01

Clytie (6, 4, 7); John Halifax; Life of Marion

#1-6 (Prospectus) #4 Arne; #5 Frank.; #6 Clytie => Last of the Mohicans
#1-4 #4 Clytie => Arne (Clytie => #7)
#6-14 match
#1-18 match
#15-30 #28 John Halifax => Single Heart; #30 Life of Marion => Vice Versa
#31-40 match (33 John Halifax, 36 Life of Marion)
#41-50 match
#68-79 match

American Bookseller at HathiTrust

See also User:Pwendt/Publishers/Cassell#American Bookseller

The American Bookseller at HDL: catalog record

v1-2 1876
v3-4 77
v5-6 78
v7-8 79
v9-10 80
v11-12 81
v13 82 (Additions to the Libraries, 20)
"Additions" with Lovell's pp. 219 402 585 659 891 (see above, to #50)
v14 83 (Additions to the Libraries, 20)
Jan-Feb (missing Jan1 p19ff and none) pp. 49 #51-60; 87 #61-62; 124 #63-69 (68 Gulliver);
Mar-Apr (missing none) 163 #70-77; 203 #77-84; 258 #85-99; 291 #92-99;
May-Jun (missing May1 p305- and #100-110) found 329 #100-110; 363 #111-117; 397 #118-125; 427 #126-134;
Jul-Aug (missing none) 455 #133-145; 488 #146-160 (154 80 Days); --; 565 #161-66; 599 #165-169,73-74 (166 20000 Leagues);
Sep-Oct pp. 626 #167-180; 700 #181-188 (185abc Mysterious Island); 745 #188-206; 787 #207-221 (221 Grimm's);
Nov-Dec (missing Nov1, Nov15 and #222-249) 1055 #250-260; 1095 #261-286 (274 Christmas Carol)
One long Christmas number, 200+ pages, not indexed, "Additions to the Libraries" not found
v15 early 1884 Additions (11)
Jan 22 #287-317 (295 Random Shots 20c); 54 #310-17, 20-29 (320 Rose and Ring); --; 200 #336-46;
Mar 254 #340-46; 301 #342-46; 354 #347-53; 415 (5 unnumbered);
May 461 (6 unn.) 499 (4 unn.) 542 #368-75 (370 Twice Told Tales); 582 #376-81
v16 late 1884 Additions (11)
Jul 6 #382-93; 38 #394-405 (396 Iliad 30c, 397 Arabian 25c); 120 #406-13; 153 #414-26 (419 Andersen 20c, 426 Pym 15c);
Sep 184 #427-29; 230 #430-35 (432 Gold Bug &c); 336 #436-40 (438 Assignation 15c); 380 #441-50 (447 Rue Morgue 15c);
Nov 429 #451-59 (453 Black Poodle 20c); --; 669 #460-66; 710 #467-482 (480-81 Alice, 20c each)
v17-18 85 #670-679 [noted above]
v19-20 86 --now indexed as "Libraries, Additions to the" (12) and (10); finally #823-837
v21-22 87
v22.1 Jul1 p4 #1000-1020 ; Dec15 corrupt copy, lacks p497-98 ==inferred #1092
v23-24 88
v23.1 Jan1 p3 #1093-1105 ; ...
v24.1 Jul1 p5 #1181-1188 ; ... Dec15 p468/69 (none) ==inferred #1299
v25-26 89
v25.1 Jan1 p5 #1300-33, 35-36; -- -- -- Mar1\15 99 #1348-61; Apr1 125 #1348-50, 62-69; 144 #1370-76; May1 173 #1377-86 (1382 King Solomon's Wives, by the Author of "He", "It", etc =20c); 193 (none); Jun1 208 #1387-1403; Jun15 p230 (none)
v26 Index Jul1 p250 (none); ??; Aug1 329 #1404-10; 348(--); Sep1 364(missing); 402(--); Oct1 473(--); 492(--); Nov1 515(--); ??; Dec1 p666 #1411-1457 (1435 "He" A Companion to "She" 20c, 1446 Allan's Wife by Haggard 20c =also #265 in Lovell's Household Library 25c) (some also in Lovell's International Series 30c) (among 8 Lovell's series); Dec16 684 (--)
v27-28 90 [corrupt]
pp. 5-- 20-- 44-- 120-- 136--* 153-- 184(msg) 205--* 232(msg) 256--* 281-- 309 ; * one or more Lovell's series
v29-30 91

Additions to the Libraries (found? contains Lovell's Library?)

AmBk annual (early next year) and semi-monthly listings compared

Lovell's Library in The American Bookseller
from HathiTrust and ProQuest searches
Year Annual Semi-monthly
1882 #1 to #50 complete
1883 #1-185 known #51-286 complete
1884 #287-317 20-29 36-53 (several unnumbered) 368-428 missing 2 + 6 + some of 14
1885 #618-679 ProQuest -08-15 to -12-15 only
1886 #696-850 #700-27 33-92 823-37
1887 #851-1105 [gap] #838-962 972-94 1000-72 77-93 +1
1888 #1110-1309 #1093-1117 29-51 1153-1309
1889 #1310-1450 +3 #1310-33 35-36 48-1450 +3

Complete except #186 to #695 (510 numbers in ~30 months)

Systematic notes via ProQuest done from 1886