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(→‎Authors: Added details)
(→‎Common: Removed SQLgetSubmitterName())
(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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* '''SQLgetSubmitterID'''(submitter) - Converts a user name to a user_id.
* '''SQLgetSubmitterID'''(submitter) - Converts a user name to a user_id.
** '''submitter''' - The user's name.
** '''submitter''' - The user's name.
* '''SQLgetSubmitterName'''(submitter) - This appears to be a variant duplicate of SQLgetUserName(). This needs to be cleaned up.
** '''submitter''' - the user ID of the user.
* '''SQLgetUserName'''(userId) - This function returns a plain text user name.
* '''SQLgetUserName'''(userId) - This function returns a plain text user name.
** '''userId''' - the user ID of the user.
** '''userId''' - the user ID of the user.
Line 56: Line 54:
* SQLupdateTitleViews(title_id):
* SQLloadTitlesXBA(aurec, alpha, views, chron):
* '''SQLCollaborators'''(author_id) - Returns an array of title records that the author contributed to, but were cowritten by another author.
* SQLserialTitlesXBA(aurec, alpha, views):
** '''author_id''' - the author ID.
* SQLloadLongTitlesXBA(aurec, alpha, views):
* '''SQLfindReviewedTitle'''(review_id) - Returns the title ID of the title referred to be a review.
* SQLloadAnyTitles(aurec):
** '''review_id''' - record ID of the review.
* SQLloadShortTitlesXBA(aurec, alpha, views):
* '''SQLFindReviewParent'''(title, author) - Given a title name and author name, returns the first title record with a matching title and author that is not a review.
* SQLloadTitlesXBT(recno):
** '''title''' - the target title name.
* SQLloadIntervieweeXBA(author):
** '''author''' - the target author name.
* SQLloadTitle(titlerec):
* '''SQLFindTitles'''(target) - Returns an array of title records whose titles contain the given substring. Results are ordered alphabetically.
* SQLFindTitles(target):
** '''target''' - the title substring.
* SQLCollaborators(author_id):
* '''SQLFindYear'''(target) - Returns an array of title records whose year component of the copyright date matches the target year.
* SQLTitleCollaborators(title_id, author_id):
** '''target''' - the target year. Must be an integer.
* SQLTitleAuthors(title_id):
* '''SQLgetAuthorVariants'''(author_id) - Returns an array of title records that are written by the author and are variants of another title.
* SQLInterviewAuthors(title_id):
** '''author_id''' - the author ID.
* SQLReviewAuthors(title_id):
* '''SQLgetTitle'''(titleId) - Returns the title string associated with the title record.
* SQLFindYear(target):
** '''titleId''' - the title record.
* SQLgetTitle(titleId):
* '''SQLgetTitleVariants'''(title_id) - Returns an array of title records that are variants of the given parent.
* SQLgetTitleVariants(title_id):
** '''title_id''' - the title record of the parent.
* SQLgetSerialsByTitle(title):
* '''SQLgetSerialsByTitle'''(title) - Returns an array of title records where the title types are SERIAL, and the titles contain the given substring, and the titles are not variants.
* SQLFindReviewParent(title, author):
** '''title''' - the title substring.
* SQLloadTitleReviews(title_id):
* '''SQLInterviewAuthors'''(title_id) - Returns the canonical name of the author who conducted an interview.
* SQLfindReviewedTitle(review_id):
** '''title_id''' - the title record of the interview.
* '''SQLloadAnyTitles'''(aurec) - Returns an array of title records that have any association with the author.
** '''aurec''' - author ID.
* '''SQLloadIntervieweeXBA'''(author) - Returns an array of title records that are interviews and the interviewee was the given author.
** '''author''' - the canonical author name.
* '''SQLloadTitleReviews'''(title_id) - Returns an array of review records that reviewed the given title.
** '''title_id''' - the ID of the reviewed title.
* '''SQLloadLongTitlesXBA'''(aurec, alpha, views) - Returns an array of title records, belonging to a particular author, of type NOVEL, COLLECTION, ANTHOLOGY, OMNIBUS, EDITOR, NONFICTION, NONGENRE, INTERIORART, COVERART, or BACKCOVERART.
** '''aurec''' - the author ID.
** '''alpha''' - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in alphabetical order.
** '''views''' - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in order of which titles have been viewed most often.
* '''SQLloadShortTitlesXBA'''(aurec, alpha, views) - Returns an array of title records, belonging to a particular author, of type SHORTFICTION, POEM, ESSAY, REVIEW, or INTERVIEW.
** '''aurec''' - the author ID.
** '''alpha''' - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in alphabetical order.
** '''views''' - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in order of which titles have been viewed most often.
* '''SQLloadTitle'''(titlerec) - Returns the title record associated with the title ID.
** '''titlerec''' - the title ID.
* '''SQLloadTitlesXBA'''(aurec, alpha, views, chron) - Returns an array of title records, belonging to a particular author, that are not variants, and were written by the author.
** '''aurec''' - the author ID.
** '''alpha''' - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in alphabetical order.
** '''views''' - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in order of which titles have been viewed most often.
** '''chron''' - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in chronological order.
* '''SQLloadTitlesXBT'''(recno) - Returns an array of titles contained within a particular publication.
** '''recno''' - the publication ID.
* '''SQLReviewAuthors'''(title_id) - Returns the canonical names of the reviewers who wrote a review.
** '''title_id''' - title ID of the review.
* '''SQLserialTitlesXBA'''(aurec, alpha, views) - Returns an array of title records written by a particular author, where the title types are SERIAL, and the titles are not variants.
** '''aurec''' - the author ID.
** '''alpha''' - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in alphabetical order.
** '''views''' - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in order of which titles have been viewed most often.
* '''SQLTitleCollaborators'''(title_id, author_id) - Returns an array of canonical author names who cowrote a particular title, excluding the given author ID.
** '''title_id''' - the title ID.
** '''author_id'' - the excluded author ID.
* '''SQLTitleAuthors'''(title_id) - Returns an array of canonical author names who wrote a particular title.
** '''title_id''' - the title ID.
* '''SQLupdateTitleViews'''(title_id) - Increments the view counter in the title. Returns the current view count to the caller.
** '''title_id''' - the title ID.
* SQLgetShortSeriesData(authorec):
* SQLgetEssaySeriesData(authorec):
* '''SQLFindSeries2(target)''' - returns an array of series tuples (title, id, series number, year, authors) that are present within the target series name. These are sorted by series number and copyright date.
* SQLget1Series(seriesrec):
** '''target''' - the series name.
* SQLgetNCSeriesData(authorec):
* '''SQLFindSeriesChildren(id)''' - returns an array of series id's that are children of the given parent id.
* SQLgetASeriesData(authorec):
** '''id''' - the parent id.
* SQLgetESeriesData(authorec):
* '''SQLFindSeriesId(target)''' - returns the series id associated with the given series name.
* SQLgetNFSeriesData(authorec):
** '''target''' - the series name.
* SQLFindSeries(target):
* '''SQLFindSeriesName(target)''' - returns the series name associated with the given series id.
* SQLFindSeriesChildren(id):
** '''target''' - the series id.
* SQLgetSeriesName(id):
* '''SQLFindSeries(target)''' - returns an array of series records that use the target substring in the series name.
* SQLFindSeriesId(target):
** '''target''' - the series substring.
* SQLFindSeriesName(target):
* '''SQLget1Series(seriesrec)''' - Returns the series record with a matching series id.
* SQLFindSeries2(target):
** '''seriesrec''' - the series id.
* SQLloadTitlesXBS(series):
* '''SQLgetASeriesData(authorec)''' - Returns an array of series records associated with any anthologies written by the given author.
** '''authorrec''' - the author record id.
* '''SQLgetESeriesData(authorec)''' - Returns an array of series records associated with any editor records written by the given author.
** '''authorrec''' - the author record id.
* '''SQLgetEssaySeriesData(authorec)''' - Returns an array of series records associated with any essays written by the given author.
** '''authorrec''' - the author record id.
* '''SQLgetNCSeriesData(authorec)''' - Returns an array of series records associated with any novel, collection, or omnibus written by the given author.
** '''authorrec''' - the author record id.
* '''SQLgetNFSeriesData(authorec)''' - Returns an array of series records associated with any nonfiction written by the given author.
** '''authorrec''' - the author record id.
* '''SQLgetSeriesName(id)''' - appears to be a duplicate of '''SQLFindSeriesName'''().
* '''SQLgetShortSeriesData(authorec)''' - Returns an array of series records associated with any short fiction written by the given author.
** '''authorrec''' - the author record id.
* '''SQLloadTitlesXBS(series)''' - Returns an array of titlerecords associated with the given series name.
** '''series''' - the series name.
* SQLloadTitleFromAward(award_id):
* SQLloadAwardsXBA(author):
* '''SQLloadAwards'''(award_id) - returns the award record associated with the record number.
* SQLloadAwardsXBY(year):
** '''award_id''' - the award record number.
* SQLTitleAwards(title_id):
* '''SQLloadAwardsXBA'''(author) - returns an array of award record whose award_author fields contain the author substring.
* SQLloadAwards(award_id):
** '''author''' - the author substring.
* '''SQLloadAwardsXBY'''(year) - returns an array of award record whose award_year fields match the target year.
** '''year''' - the target year.
* '''SQLloadTitleFromAward'''(award_id) - returns the title record referred to by the award.
** '''award_id''' - the award record number.
* '''SQLTitleAwards'''(title_id) - returns an array of title_award mappings whose title_id field matches the target title.
** '''title_id''' - the title record number.

Latest revision as of 07:58, 4 June 2008


  • SQLgetDatabaseStatus() - This function can be called to obtain the current status of the database. 0=offline, 1=online. The value is changed through the moderator cpanel.
  • SQLgetEditingStatus() - This function can be called to obtain the current editing status. 0=offline, 1=public editing, 2=moderator-only editing. The value is changed through the moderator cpanel.
  • SQLgetNotes(note_id) - This function returns text from the notes table.
    • note_id - the record number of the note.
  • SQLgetSchemaVersion() - Returns the current schema version. There is no standard for defining schema versions as yet, so this may be deprecated in the future.
  • SQLgetSubmitterID(submitter) - Converts a user name to a user_id.
    • submitter - The user's name.
  • SQLgetUserName(userId) - This function returns a plain text user name.
    • userId - the user ID of the user.
  • SQLisUserModerator(userId) - This function returns 1 if the user is a moderator, otherwise it returns 0.
    • userId - the user ID of the user.
  • SQLloadXML(recno) - This function loads the XML payload associated with a data submission.
    • recno - record number of the submission.
  • SQLloadState(recno) - This function loads the state of a data submission (N=new, I=integrated, R=rejected).
    • recno - record number of the submission.
  • SQLmarkIntegrated(db, recno, reviewerid) - This function marks a submission record as approved. This probably doesn't need db as an argument.
    • db - database handle
    • recno - the submission number being approved.
    • reviewerid - the user ID of the approver.
  • SQLUpdateQueries() - This function is executed whenever SQLparsing.py is imported. It's not intended for application use.
  • SQLwikiLinkExists(namespace, title) - Returns 1 if the wiki page exists in the wiki area of the database, otherwise returns 0.
    • namespace - namespace of the wiki page. Although wiki pages are not required to use a namespace, all pages that the ISFDB might link to do.
    • title - title of the wiki article.
  • todaysDate() - This should probably be moved elsewhere, as it has nothing to do with the MySQL interface.


  • SQLauthorIsPseudo(au_id) - Returns whether the author is present as a pseudonym in the pseudonym table. Returns 1 if pseudonym, otherwise 0.
    • au_id - the author ID.
  • SQLauthorHasPseudo(au_id) - Returns whether the author is present as a parent author in the pseudonym table. Returns 1 if a pseudonym exists, otherwise 0.
    • au_id - the author ID.
  • SQLbornToday() - Returns an array of author records of authors born on today's date (local time).
  • SQLdiedToday() - Returns an array of author records of authors who died on today's date (local time).
  • SQLFindAuthors(target) - Returns an array of author records of authors whose canonical names contain the target substring.
    • target - the target substring.
  • SQLgetActualFromPseudo(au_id) - Returns the canonical name of the actual author associated with a pseudonym.
    • au_id - author ID of the pseudonym.
  • SQLgetAuthorData(author) - Returns the author record that matches the given author name.
    • author - the author's canonical name.
  • SQLGetInterviews(author_id) - Returns an array of interview records where the author was the interviewee.
    • author_id - author ID of the interviewee.
  • SQLgetPseudoFromActual(au_id) - Returns an array of all pseudonym names used by a particular author.
    • au_id - author ID of the actual author.
  • SQLloadAuthorData(author_id) - Returns the author record that matches the given author ID. Similar to SQLgetAuthorData() except this takes an ID instead of a name.
    • author_id - author ID
  • SQLloadEmails(author_id) - Returns an array of all email addresses associated with the author.
    • author_id - author ID
  • SQLloadWebpages(author_id) - Returns an array of all web pages associated with the author.
    • author_id - author ID
  • SQLupdateViews(author_id) - Increments the authors view counter.
    • author_id - author ID


  • SQLCollaborators(author_id) - Returns an array of title records that the author contributed to, but were cowritten by another author.
    • author_id - the author ID.
  • SQLfindReviewedTitle(review_id) - Returns the title ID of the title referred to be a review.
    • review_id - record ID of the review.
  • SQLFindReviewParent(title, author) - Given a title name and author name, returns the first title record with a matching title and author that is not a review.
    • title - the target title name.
    • author - the target author name.
  • SQLFindTitles(target) - Returns an array of title records whose titles contain the given substring. Results are ordered alphabetically.
    • target - the title substring.
  • SQLFindYear(target) - Returns an array of title records whose year component of the copyright date matches the target year.
    • target - the target year. Must be an integer.
  • SQLgetAuthorVariants(author_id) - Returns an array of title records that are written by the author and are variants of another title.
    • author_id - the author ID.
  • SQLgetTitle(titleId) - Returns the title string associated with the title record.
    • titleId - the title record.
  • SQLgetTitleVariants(title_id) - Returns an array of title records that are variants of the given parent.
    • title_id - the title record of the parent.
  • SQLgetSerialsByTitle(title) - Returns an array of title records where the title types are SERIAL, and the titles contain the given substring, and the titles are not variants.
    • title - the title substring.
  • SQLInterviewAuthors(title_id) - Returns the canonical name of the author who conducted an interview.
    • title_id - the title record of the interview.
  • SQLloadAnyTitles(aurec) - Returns an array of title records that have any association with the author.
    • aurec - author ID.
  • SQLloadIntervieweeXBA(author) - Returns an array of title records that are interviews and the interviewee was the given author.
    • author - the canonical author name.
  • SQLloadTitleReviews(title_id) - Returns an array of review records that reviewed the given title.
    • title_id - the ID of the reviewed title.
  • SQLloadLongTitlesXBA(aurec, alpha, views) - Returns an array of title records, belonging to a particular author, of type NOVEL, COLLECTION, ANTHOLOGY, OMNIBUS, EDITOR, NONFICTION, NONGENRE, INTERIORART, COVERART, or BACKCOVERART.
    • aurec - the author ID.
    • alpha - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in alphabetical order.
    • views - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in order of which titles have been viewed most often.
  • SQLloadShortTitlesXBA(aurec, alpha, views) - Returns an array of title records, belonging to a particular author, of type SHORTFICTION, POEM, ESSAY, REVIEW, or INTERVIEW.
    • aurec - the author ID.
    • alpha - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in alphabetical order.
    • views - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in order of which titles have been viewed most often.
  • SQLloadTitle(titlerec) - Returns the title record associated with the title ID.
    • titlerec - the title ID.
  • SQLloadTitlesXBA(aurec, alpha, views, chron) - Returns an array of title records, belonging to a particular author, that are not variants, and were written by the author.
    • aurec - the author ID.
    • alpha - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in alphabetical order.
    • views - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in order of which titles have been viewed most often.
    • chron - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in chronological order.
  • SQLloadTitlesXBT(recno) - Returns an array of titles contained within a particular publication.
    • recno - the publication ID.
  • SQLReviewAuthors(title_id) - Returns the canonical names of the reviewers who wrote a review.
    • title_id - title ID of the review.
  • SQLserialTitlesXBA(aurec, alpha, views) - Returns an array of title records written by a particular author, where the title types are SERIAL, and the titles are not variants.
    • aurec - the author ID.
    • alpha - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in alphabetical order.
    • views - If nonzero, the titles will be sorted in order of which titles have been viewed most often.
  • SQLTitleCollaborators(title_id, author_id) - Returns an array of canonical author names who cowrote a particular title, excluding the given author ID.
    • title_id - the title ID.
    • 'author_id - the excluded author ID.
  • SQLTitleAuthors(title_id) - Returns an array of canonical author names who wrote a particular title.
    • title_id - the title ID.
  • SQLupdateTitleViews(title_id) - Increments the view counter in the title. Returns the current view count to the caller.
    • title_id - the title ID.


  • SQLFindSeries2(target) - returns an array of series tuples (title, id, series number, year, authors) that are present within the target series name. These are sorted by series number and copyright date.
    • target - the series name.
  • SQLFindSeriesChildren(id) - returns an array of series id's that are children of the given parent id.
    • id - the parent id.
  • SQLFindSeriesId(target) - returns the series id associated with the given series name.
    • target - the series name.
  • SQLFindSeriesName(target) - returns the series name associated with the given series id.
    • target - the series id.
  • SQLFindSeries(target) - returns an array of series records that use the target substring in the series name.
    • target - the series substring.
  • SQLget1Series(seriesrec) - Returns the series record with a matching series id.
    • seriesrec - the series id.
  • SQLgetASeriesData(authorec) - Returns an array of series records associated with any anthologies written by the given author.
    • authorrec - the author record id.
  • SQLgetESeriesData(authorec) - Returns an array of series records associated with any editor records written by the given author.
    • authorrec - the author record id.
  • SQLgetEssaySeriesData(authorec) - Returns an array of series records associated with any essays written by the given author.
    • authorrec - the author record id.
  • SQLgetNCSeriesData(authorec) - Returns an array of series records associated with any novel, collection, or omnibus written by the given author.
    • authorrec - the author record id.
  • SQLgetNFSeriesData(authorec) - Returns an array of series records associated with any nonfiction written by the given author.
    • authorrec - the author record id.
  • SQLgetSeriesName(id) - appears to be a duplicate of SQLFindSeriesName().
  • SQLgetShortSeriesData(authorec) - Returns an array of series records associated with any short fiction written by the given author.
    • authorrec - the author record id.
  • SQLloadTitlesXBS(series) - Returns an array of titlerecords associated with the given series name.
    • series - the series name.


  • SQLloadAwards(award_id) - returns the award record associated with the record number.
    • award_id - the award record number.
  • SQLloadAwardsXBA(author) - returns an array of award record whose award_author fields contain the author substring.
    • author - the author substring.
  • SQLloadAwardsXBY(year) - returns an array of award record whose award_year fields match the target year.
    • year - the target year.
  • SQLloadTitleFromAward(award_id) - returns the title record referred to by the award.
    • award_id - the award record number.
  • SQLTitleAwards(title_id) - returns an array of title_award mappings whose title_id field matches the target title.
    • title_id - the title record number.


  • SQLGetForthcoming(month, year, day, all):
  • SQLGetTodaysPubs(month, year, day, limit):
  • SQLGetPubByTag(tag):
  • SQLGetPubById(tag):
  • SQLGetPubsByTitle(titlerec):
  • SQLGetPubsByPublisherYear(publisher_id, year):
  • SQLGetPubsByAuthor(aurec):
  • SQLGetPubsByPublisherYear(publisher_id, year):
  • SQLGetPubContentByAuthor(aurec):
  • SQLFindPubsByIsbn(target):
  • SQLPubAuthors(pub_id):
  • SQLMarqueAuthors(pub_id):
  • SQLgetTitleReferral(pub_id):
  • SQLgetPubTitle(pubId):
  • SQLGetPubContentList(pub_id):
  • SQLRefList():
  • SQLVerificationList(pub_id):


  • SQLGetPublisher(pubrec):
  • SQLFindPublisher(target):
  • SQLGetPublisherYears(publisher_id):
  • SQLgetPublisherName(id):
  • SQLloadPublisherWebpages(publisher_id):

User Tags

  • SQLgetAuthorTags(author_id):
  • SQLgetTitleTags(title_id):
  • SQLgetUserTags(title_id, user_id):
  • SQLGetTagById(tag_id):
  • SQLgetPopularTags():
  • SQLsearchTags(tag):