Jules Verne Translations

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Jules Verne's stories have been translated many times. The purpose of this page is to help identify which title a publication should be placed under or if a new title record is required.

If the actual text is available, the first paragraph can be used to identify the translation in one of the tables below. If the title matches, then the link for that title can be used to select the title record page and add a new publication.

If the text matches but there is no matching title, then a new title record should be created. Please copy the translation information in the title note from one of the listed titles to the new title and remember to variant the title back to the original French title record.

If the text is not available, but the translator is known, a match may still be possible using the same approach as for the translation text.

As a final check, some translations are identified by the original publisher. That information has been included to help in such a case.

If a translation cannot be identified, the last entry in the table may be for unidentified translations. The title records here should be used as a base for such publications. They should be migrated to the correct translation / title if the translation is later identified.

The term Translation text is not known has been used in titles where the translator is known, but the text has not been provided. At some future point this may be entered. Publications should only be placed under these titles if the translator matches. The term Publication text is not known has been used for titles that include publications that have given no indication of their translation. This makes them generic 'bit-buckets', useful for sources which do not provide the necessary information to identify the translation.


Autour de la Lune

This book was published as a single part, but billed as the second part of De la Terre à la Lune. It was not published until 4 years later and is generally treated as a separate novel.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Ingrid Hölscher Translation text is not known 1985-00-00 Loeb De reis om de maan
an unknown hand Op het ogenblik toen de vlam van het ontplofte schietkatoenals een onmetelijke pluim ten hemel steeg, werd in geheel Florida gedurende een onberekenbaar kort ogenblik de nacht in heldere dag veranderd. Zelfs op de Atlantische Oceaan werd het lichtverschijnsel waargenomen en in meer dan één scheepsjournaal aangetekend. 1969-00-00 Elsevier De Reis naar de Maan in 28 Dagen en 12 Uren, deel 2
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Lewis Mercier and Eleanor E. King (Preliminary Chapter) During the year 186—, the whole world was greatly excited by a scientific experiment unprecedented in the annals of science. The members of the Gun Club, an circle of artillerymen formed at Baltimore after the American war, conceived the idea of putting themselves in communication with the moon—yes, with the moon,—by sending to her a projectile. 1873-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle Round the Moon
1879-04-30 George Munro Round the Moon (Complete Novel)
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. A Tour of the Moon
2013-06-20 A Word To The Wise A Trip Around It
Edward Roth (Preliminary Chapter) A few years ago the world was suddenly astounded by hearing of an experiment of a most novel and daring nature, altogether unprecedented in the annals of science. The Baltimore Gun Club, a society of artillerymen started in America during the great Civil War, had conceived the idea of nothing less than establishing direct communication with the Moon by means of a projectile! 1876-00-00 The Catholic Publication Society All Around the Moon
1977-03-00 Airmont Books Round the Moon
T. H. Linklater (Preliminary Chapter) During the year 186-, the whole world was greatly excited by a scientific experiment without precedent in the annals of science. The members of the Gun Club-an assembly of artillerists founded at Baltimore-had conceived the idea of placing themselves in communication with the moon-yes, with the moon! 1877-03-00 George Routledge & Sons Round the Moon
an anonymous hand (Preliminary Chapter) During the course of the year 186— the entire world was singularly excited by a scientific experiment without precedent in the annals of science. The members of the Gun Club, a circle of artillerymen established at Baltimore after the American war, had the idea of putting themselves in communication with the moon— yes, with the moon— by sending a bullet to her. 1877-04-00 Ward, Lock and Tyler Round the Moon
Lewis Mercier and Eleanor E. King (edited and abridged by I. O. Evans) (Preliminary Chapter) During the year 186—, the whole world was greatly excited by an unprecedented scientific experiment. The members of the Gun Club, a circle of artillerymen formed at Baltimore after the American war, conceived the idea of putting themselves in communication with the moon!—yes, with the moon—by a projectile. 1959-00-00 Bernard Hanison Round the Moon
Jacqueline Baldick and Robert Baldick (Preliminary Chapter) During the year 186—, the whole world was greatly excited by an experiment unprecedented in the history of science. The members of the Gun Club, an association of artillerymen formed in Baltimore after the American Civil War, had conceived the idea of putting themselves in communication with the moon—yes, with the moon—by means of a projectile. 1970-00-00 E. P. Dutton Around the Moon
Harold Salemson (Preliminary Chapter) During the year 186—, the whole world was greatly excited by a scientific experiment unprecedented in the annals of science. The members of the Gun Club, a circle of artillerymen formed at Baltimore after the American war, conceived the idea of putting themselves in communication with the moon—yes, with the moon—by sending a projectile to her. 1970-00-00 Limited Editions Club Around the Moon
Frederick Paul Walter During the course of the year 186-, a scientific endeavor unprecedented in the annals of science had the whole world unusually excited. Members of the Gun Club, an association of artillerymen formed in Baltimore after the Civil War, had come up with the idea of making contact with the moon-that's right, the mooon-by firing a shell at her. 2010-02-00 Excelsior Editions / State University of New York Press Circling the Moon
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1958-04-00 Crest Book A Trip Around It
1960-00-00 Dover Publications All Around the Moon
1965-00-00 Platt & Munk Around the Moon
1995-03-00 Alan Sutton A Trip Round the Moon
1980-06-00 Nelson Doubleday / SFBC Round the Moon
2002-09-30 Fredonia Books A Tour of the Moon
unknown hands (Preliminary Chapter) During the year 186—, the whole world was greatly excited by a scientific experiment unprecedented in the annals of science. The members of the Gun Club, a circle of artillerymen formed at Baltimore after the American war, conceived the idea of putting themselves in communication with the moon!— yes, with the moon— by sending to her a projectile. 2014-00-00 Osmora Inc. Round the Moon
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand (Vorwort und Rückblick) Im Laufe des Jahres 168.. wurde die ganze Welt durch ein Unternehmen, das in den Annalen der Wissenschaft ohnegleichen war, in außerordentliche Erregung versetzt. Die Mitglieder des Gun-Klubs, eines Vereins von Artilleristen, der sich nach dem amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg in Baltimore gebildet hatte, kamen auf die Idee, sich durch den Abschuß einer Kugel mit dem Mond in Verbindung zu setzen.

(Von zehn Uhr zwanzig bis zehn Uhr vierzig abends) Schlag zehn Uhr verabschiedeten sich Ardan, Barbicane und Nicholl von ihren zahlreichen Freunden auf der Erde. Die beiden Hunde, die das Hundegeschlecht im Mondland einführen und verbreiten sollten, befanden sich bereits im Projektil. Die drei Reisenden näherten sich der Mündung des enormen Laufs, und ein Kran brachte sie bis zur Spitze des Geschosses.

1968-00-00 Neues Leben Reise um den Mond
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Vera Sílvia Camargo Guarnieri Translation text is not known 2018-04-16 Landmark Ao redor da Lua
2018-04-16 Landmark Autour de la Lune
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Aurora Gheorghiță Translation text is not known 1977-00-00 Ion Creangă În jurul Lunii
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Aventures de trois Russes et de trois Anglais dans l'Afrique australe

This was published as a single title.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Ellen E. Frewer On the 27th of January, 1854, two men lay stretched at the foot of an immense weeping willow, chatting, and at the same time watching most attentively the waters of the Orange River. 1873-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle Meridiana: The Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russans in South Africa
1876-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington The Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in Southern Africa
1877-09-24 George Munro Meridiana; or, Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians In South Africa (Complete Novel)
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. Measuring a Meridian or The Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in South Africa
1934-05-00 Teck Publications, Inc. Measuring a Meridian (serialized)
Ellen E. Frewer, edited and abridged by I. O. Evans Translation text is not known 1964-00-00 Arco Publishing (Fitzroy edition) Measuring a Meridian
an anonymous hand On the 22nd of February, 1854, two men, lying at the foot of a large weeping-willow, were busily engaged in conversation, and were watching with earnest attention the waters of the river Orange. 1874-00-00 Henry L. Shepard Adventures in the Land of the Behemoth
Henry Frith On the 27th January, 1854, two men were lying beneath a gigantic weeping willow, and chatting, while they kept a watchful eye upon the River Orange. 1877-00-00 Routledge Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in Southern Africa
an anonymous hand The 27th of February, 1854, two men, stretched out at the foot of a gigantic weeping willow, were talking together, while they watched attentively the waters of the Orange river. 1906-00-00 Hutchinson Adventures in Southern Africa
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2002-09-30 Fredonia Books Measuring a Meridian: The Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in South Africa
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
George B. Rareș Translation text is not known 2010-00-00 Editura ERC PRESS Aventurile a trei ruși și trei englezi în Africa Australă
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Bourses de voyage

This was published as a single title.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Teri J. Hernández "First place, ex aequo, goes to Louis Clodion and Roger Hinsdale," proclaimed the director Julian Ardagh in a resounding voice. The two laureates were welcomed by loud cheers, multiple hurrahs, and a big round of applause. 2013-06-12 Wesleyan University Press Travel Scholarships
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César Cascabel

Published in two parts, sub-titled part 1 and part 2.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
A. Estoclet “Has nobody got any more coppers to give me? Come, children, search your pockets!” “Here you are, father!“ replied the little girl. And she drew out of her pocket a square-cut piece of greenish paper, all crumpled and greasy.” 1890-00-00 Cassell Publishing Company Cæsar Cascabel
1907-00-00 Chatterton-Peck Cascabel the Conjurer
an anonymous hand “Has any one else any money? Now then, children, look about you!” “Here, father!“ the little girl took out of her pocket a square of greenish paper, crumpled and creased.... “ 1891-11-00 Sampson Low, Marston & Company Cesar Cascabel
an anonymous hand (Sampson Low edition) edited by I. O. Evans Translation text is unknown 1966-00-00 Arco Publishing Travelling Circus (part 1)
1966-00-00 Arco Publishing Show on Ice (part 2)
an unknown hand Publication text is not known. 2013-02-19 Kassock Bros. Publishing Co. Cesar Cascabel
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1891-00-00 Herm. J. Meidinger Cäsar Cascabel
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Cinq semaines en ballon

This was originally published as a single title as Cinq semaines en ballon: Voyage de découvertes en Afrique par trois Anglais: Rédigé sur les Notes de docteur Fergusson.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
William Lackland There was a large audience assembled on the 14th of January, 1862, at the session of the Royal Geographical Society, No. 3 Waterloo Place,London. The president, Sir Francis M—, made an important communication to his colleagues, in an address that was frequently interrupted by applause. 1869-00-00 D. Appleton & Company Five Weeks in a Balloon; or, Journeys and Discoveries in Africa by Three Englishmen
2008-11-15 LibriVox Five Weeks in a Balloon
an anonymous hand There have been disputes as to the originator of the great idea of traversing the African continent, in a manner to be independent of its multitudinous and deadly obstructions; but the subjoined narrative will, we cannot doubt, be sufficient to assure the reader that the man who undertook, and in the face of unexampled difficulties carried out the project, conceived it, and stands indebted to no one for the honours now accumulating on the name of Dr. Samuel Fergusson. 1870-00-00 Chapman & Hall Five Weeks in a Balloon: A Voyage of Exploration and Discovery in Central Africa
1974-08-00 New English Library Five Weeks in a Balloon
Frederick Amadeus Malleson There was a large audience, on the 14th of January, 1862, at the sitting of the Royal Geographical Society of London, 3, Waterloo-place. The president, Sir Francis M-, made an important speech to his honourable colleagues, and was frequently interrupted by applause. 1875-00-00 Ward, Lock and Tyler Five Weeks in a Balloon
an anonymous hand “On the 14th of January, 1862, there was a very large attendance of the members of the Royal Geographical Society of London, 3 Waterloo Place. The President, Sir Francis M—, made an important communication to his colleagues in a speech frequently interrupted by applause.”“ 1876-00-00 George Routledge & Sons Five Weeks in a Balloon
1877-09-20 George Munro Five Weeks in a Balloon (Complete Novel)
an anonymous hand At the sitting of the Royal Geographical Society, No. 3, Waterloo Place, on the 14th of January, 1862, the President, Sir Francis M-, made his colleagues an important communication in an address interrupted by frequent applause. 1877-00-00 Goubaud Five Weeks in a Balloon
Arthur Chambers There was a large audience at the meeting of the Royal Geographical Society of London, 3 Waterloo Place, on the 14th of January, 1862. The President, Sir Francis M-, made an important announcement to his honourable colleagues in a speech frequently interrupted by applause. 1926-00-00 J. M. Dent & Sons Five Weeks in a Balloon
I. O. Evans There was a large audience, on the 14th January, 1862, at the session of the Royal Geographical Society of London, 3 Waterloo-Place. The president, Sir Francis M—, made an important speech to his honourable colleagues, and was frequently interrupted by applause. 1958-00-00 Bernard Hanison Five Weeks in a Balloon
Frederick Paul Walter They had a packed house for the Royal Geographical Society's meeting on January 14, 1862, at 3 Waterloo Place, London. Their president, Sir Francis M————, made a major announcement to his distinguished colleagues during a speech that was frequently interrupted by cheering. 2015-06-05 Wesleyan University Press Five Weeks in a Balloon: A Journey of Discovery by Three Englishmen in Africa
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1963-00-00 J. M. Dent & Sons Five Weeks in a Balloon
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1914-00-00 Casa Editrice Bietti Cinque Settimane in Pallone
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Maria Zajączkowska Translation text is not known 1975-00-00 Nasza Księgarnia Pięć tygodni w balonie
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Daniel Aveline Translation text is not known 2018-01-01 Via Leitura Cinco semanas num balão
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Claudius Bombarnac

This was published as a single title.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand Claudius Bombarnac, Special Correspondent, “Twentieth Century,”“ Tiflis, Transcaucasia. Such is the address of the telegram I found on the 13th of May when I arrived at Tiflis. This is what the telegram said,— “As the matters in hand will terminate on the 15th instant Claudius Bombarnac will repair to Uzun Ada, a port on the east coast of the Caspian. There he will take the train by the direct Grand Transasiatic between the European frontier and the capital of the Celestial Empire.”“ 1894-10-00 Sampson Low, Marston & Company Claudius Bombarnac
1894-11-10 Lovell, Coryell & Company The Special Correspondent: or The Adventures of Claudius Bombarnac
2004-02-01 Project Gutenberg Adventures of a Special Correspondent
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2009-01-03 Dodo Press Claudius Bombarnac
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand - א טעלענראמע פאר אייף, מיין הערר! האט געזאגט דער קעלנער און חאט מיר דערלאנגט א פערמאכטע דעפעשע.

איך בין נעווען איבערראשט. איך בין כור וואס אנגעקומען אין טיפליס, דיא חויפט שטאדט פון דיא רוסישע לענדער אויף דעם קויקאז. איך בין אפגעשטיענען אין האטעל סאנקט פעטערסבורג און האב נאף קיין צייט נעהאט מיך איבערצו טאהן, ווען מען האט מיר שוין דערלאננט א דעפעשע. איך האב אנפאננס געמיינט, אז עס איז עפעס א טעות, דאס טעלענראם איז ניט פאר מיך, איך האב א קוק נעטחון אויף דיא אדרעסע און האב געלעזען: "העררן קלאד סען סיר, ספעציאל קאררעספאנדענט פון דער צייטונג: "דאס 20סטע יאחרהונדערט", - טיפליס."

1922-00-00 היבּרו פּאָבּלישינג קאָמפּאני דער בּלינדער פּאססאזשׁיר
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Clovis Dardentor

This was published as a single book.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand When they had both left the train at the Cette railway station—the train from Paris to the Mediterranean—Marcel Lornans, addressing Jean Taconnat, said to him:

"What are you going to do until the boat starts?"

1897-10-00 Sampson Low, Marston & Company Clovis Dardentor
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Tatiana Popescu-Ulmu Când coborâră amândoi în gara Cette, din trenul de Paris — Marea Mediterană, Marcel Lornans zise adresându-se lui Jean Taconnat:

— Spune-mi, te rog, ce-o să facem în așteptarea plecării pachebotului?...

— Nimic, răspunse Jean Taconnat.

— Totuși, dacă te iei după Ghidul călătorului, Cette este un oraș care-ți trezește curiozitatea, cu toate că nu are o vechime prea mare, deoarece a luat ființă după crearea portului său, situat la capătul canalului din Languedoc și datorat lui Ludovic al XIV-lea...

1982-00-00 Ion Creangă Clovis Dardentor
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Comte de Chanteleine

This was only published in serial form. The volume it was intended for was not published.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2011-11-25 BearManor Fiction The Count of Chanteleine: A Tale of the French Revolution
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De la Terre à la Lune

This book was published as a single part. The sequel Autour de la Lune, was not published until 4 years later and is generally treated as a separate novel.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Peter-Koert Translation text is not known 1978-00-00 Het Goede Boek De Reis naar de Maan
Ingrid Hölscher Translation text is not known 1985-00-00 Loeb Van de aarde naar de maan
an anonymous hand Amerika is een groot land, een land van grote dingen: grote steden, grote wildernissen, grote spoorwegen, grote mannen, grote rivieren, grote ondernemingen, grote plannen, grote verenigingen, die in dat grote land clubs worden genoemd. 1969-00-00 Elsevier De Reis naar de Maan in 28 Dagen en 12 Uren, deel 1
an anonymous hand In Baltimore was iets bijzonders gaande geweest. Dat was niet zo iets buitengewoons, want in Baltimore gebeurden wel meer buitengewone dingen. Wat was deze keer echter het geval? Er was een "Vereniging voor Schieten" opgericht! 0000-00-00 Nijco De Reis naar de Maan
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
J. K. Hoyt During the civil war in the United States a new and very influential club was established in the city of Baltimore. We know with what energy the military instinct develops itself among a people composed of shippers, merchants and mechanics. 1869-00-00 Newark Print & Publishing Co. From the Earth to the Moon: Passage Direct in 97 Hours and 20 Minutes
Lewis Mercier and Eleanor E. King During the Federal War [War of the Rebellion] in the United States [During the American war of 1861], a new and influential club was established in the city of Baltimore in the state of Maryland. It is well known with what energy the taste for military matters became developed amongst that nation of shipowners, shopkeepers, and mechanics. 1873-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle From the Earth to the Moon
1876-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington From the Earth to the Moon Direct in 97 Hours 20 Minutes
1877-10-15 George Munro From the Earth to the Moon (Complete Novel)n
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. A Trip from Earth to the Moon
Lewis Mercier and Eleanor E. King, abridged by I. O. Evans During the Federal War in the United States, a new and influential club was founded in the city of Baltimore, Maryland. It is common knowledge how rapidly the taste for military matters grew amongst that nation of ship-owners, shopkeepers, and mechanics. 1959-00-00 Bernard Hanison From the Earth to the Moon
Edward Roth It was during the great Civil War of the United States, that a new and influential club started in Baltimore, Maryland. Every body knows the astonishing energy with which the military instinct suddenly developed itself in that shipbuilding, engineering, and commercial nation. 1874-06-13 King & Baird The Baltimore Gun Club
2009-05-00 Dover Publications From the Earth to the Moon
T. H. Linklater During the American War of Secession a new and very influential club was formed in the city of Baltimore, Maryland. We all know with what rapidity the military instinct developed itself in this people of shipowners, merchants, and mechanics. 1877-03-00 George Routledge & Sons From the Earth to the Moon Direct
an anonymous hand During the Federal War in the United States, a new and very influential club was established in the city of Baltimore, Maryland. It is well known with what energy the military instinct was developed amongst that nation of shipowners, shopkeepers, and mechanics. 1877-04-00 Ward, Lock and Tyler From the Earth to the Moon
Lowell Bair During the Civil War in the United States an influential club was formed in Baltimore. The vigor with which the military instinct developed in that nation of shipowners, merchants, and mechanics is well known. 1967-01-00 Bantam Pathfinder From the Earth to the Moon
Jacqueline Baldick and Robert Baldick During the Civil War in the United States an influential club was founded in the city of Baltimore, Maryland. It is well known how rapidly the military instinct developed in that nation of shipowners, merchants, and mechanics. 1970-00-00 E. P. Dutton From the Earth to the Moon
Harold Salemson During the American Civil War, a new and influential club was established in the city of Baltimore in the state of Maryland. It is well known with what energy the taste for military matters became developed among that nation of ship-owners, shopkeepers, and mechanics. 1970-00-00 Limited Editions Club From the Earth to the Moon
Frederick Paul Walter During the Civil War in the United States, a highly influential new club sprang up in the town of Baltimore in the heart of Maryland. You know how energetically the military spirit spread through this population of shipowners, shopkeepers, and mechanics. 2010-02-00 Excelsior Editions / State University of New York Press From the Earth to the Moon
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1958-04-00 Crest Book From the Earth to the Moon
1978-11-00 Crowell The Annotated Jules Verne: From the Earth to the Moon
2013-06-20 A Word To The Wise From Earth to the Moon
unknown hands During the war of Rebellion, a new and influential club was established in the city of Baltimore in the state of Maryland. It is well known with what energy the taste for military matters became developed among that nation of ship-owners, shopkeepers, and mechanics. 2014-00-00 Osmora Inc. From the Earth to the Moon
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Wilhelm Thal Während des Bruderkrieges der Vereinigten Staaten entstand zu Baltimore im Staat Maryland ein neuer Klub von ziemlicher Bedeutung. Man weiß, mit welcher Energie sich bei diesem Volk von Reedern, Kaufleuten und Ingenieuren militärischer Sinn kundgab. Einfache Geschäftsleute verließen den Ladentisch und wurden Hauptleute, Obersten und Generale, ohne zuvor die Militärschule von Westpoint besucht zu haben. In kurzer Zeit glichen sie in der „Kunst des Krieges“ ihren Berufsgenosse in der Alten Welt, und wie diese siegten sie, indem sie Munition, Geld und Menschenleben massenweise opferten. 1956-00-00 Kinderbuchverlag Von der Erde zum Mond
Joachim Fischer Während des Sezessionskrieges wurde in Baltimore von alten Soldaten ein Club gegründet, der in kurzer Zeit großen Einfluß gewann. Es ist bekannt, daß sich auch der militärische Instinkt bei den Amerikanern, diesem Reeder-, Kaufmanns- und Techniker-Volk, kräftig entwickelt hat, und daß sie in kurzer Zeit von den Kriegskünstlern der Alten Welt gelernt hatten: man siegt am besten, wenn man reichlich Kugel-, Dollar- und Menschenmaterial bereitstellt. 1968-08-00 Fischer Bücherei Von der Erde zum Mond
an anonymous hand Während des amerikanischen Bürgerkrieges bildete sich zu Baltimore in Maryland ein neuer Klub von großer Bedeutung. Es ist bekannt, wie energisch sich bei diesem Volk von Reedern, Kaufleuten und Mechanikern militärischer Instinkt entwickelte. Einfache Kaufleute brauchten nur in ihrem Kontor auf und ab zu schreiten, um unversehens Hauptleute, Obristen, Generäle zu werden, ohne die Militärschule von West Point zu absolvieren; bald standen sie in der »Kriegskunst« ihren Kollegen aus der Alten Welt nicht nach und verstanden gleich diesen, durch Vergeuden von Millionen und Menschenleben Siege zu erringen. 1968-00-00 Neues Leben Von der Erde zum Mond
William Matheson Während des Sezessionskriegs der Vereinigten Staaten wurde in Baltimore in Maryland ein neuer, sehr einflußreicher Club gegründet. Man weiß, wie stark sich damals bei diesem Volk von Reedern, Kaufleuten und Mechanikern der militärische Instinkt entwickelte. Einfache Kaufleute sprangen über den Ladentisch, um unversehens Hauptleute, Obristen, Generäle zu werden – ohne die höhere Militärschule zu West Point durchzumachen; bald standen sie in der ›Kriegskunst‹ ihren Kollegen der Alten Welt nicht nach und verstanden gleich diesen durch Verschwendung von Kugeln, Millionen und Menschen Siege zu erringen. 1971-00-00 Edito-Service Von der Erde zum Mond • Direkte Fahrt in siebenundneunzig Stunden und zwanzig Minuten
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1873-00-00 Fratelli Treves Dalla Terra alla Luna: tragitto in 97 ore e 20 minuti
1875-00-00 D. Salvi Dalla Terra alla Luna
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Maria Alice de A. Sampaio Doria

(adapted by Maria Alice de A. Sampaio Doria)

Translation text is not known 2012-00-00 Melhoramentos Da Terra à Lua by Julio Verne
Vera Sílvia Camargo Guarnieri Translation text is not known 2014-01-31 Landmark Da Terra à Lua by Jules Verne
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Dorina Ghinea Pe vremea războiului de secesiune al Statelor Unite, un nou club cu o foarte mare influență luă naștere în orașul Baltimore, în mijlocul ținutului Mariland. Se știe cu ce vigoare se dezvoltă instinctul militar la acest norod de armatori, de neguțători și mașiniști. Simpli neguțători își părăsiseră tejgheaua pentru a deveni peste noapte căpitani, colonei, generali, fără a mai fi trecut prin școala militară din West-Point; ei îi ajunseră în curând în „arta războiului" pe camarazii lor de pe vechiul continent și chiar dobândiră victorii risipind ghiulele, milioane şi oameni. 1958-00-00 Editura Tineretului De la Pămînt la Lună
Aurora Gheorghiță În timpul războiului de secesiune al Statelor Unite, un nou club foarte influent se întemeie în orașul Baltimore, în plin Maryland. Se știe cu câtă energie s-a dezvoltat instinctul militar la acest popor armatori, comercianți și mecanici. 1977-00-00 Ion Creangă De la Pămînt la Lună
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1963-00-00 Editura pentru literatură De la Pămînt la Lună
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Mauro Armiño Durante la guerra federal de los Estados Unidos, en la ciudad de Baltimore, en pleno Maryland, se estableció un club muy influyente. Ya se sabe con qué energía se desarrolló el instinto militar en ese pueblo de armadores, de mercaderes y de mecánicos. 2004-10-00 Biblioteca Edaf Juvenil De la tierra a la luna
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2005-09-28 Edimat Libros De la tierra a la luna
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Deux ans de vacances

This was originally published in two parts, without renumbering chapters.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand On the night of the 9th of March, 1860, the heavy, lowering clouds, which seemed almost a part of the sea, completely concealed from view even objects that were but a few yards off, as a small vessel with furled sails flew along over the fierce and angry waves, upon which occasional flashes of lightning cast a lurid glare. 1889-02-16 George Munro A Two Years Vacation
an anonymous hand It was the 9th of March, 1860, and eleven o'clock at night. The sea and sky were as one, and the eye could pierce but a few fathoms into the gloom. Through the raging sea, over which the waves broke with a livid light, a little ship was driving under almost bare poles. 1889-11-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington Adrift in the Pacific
an anonymous hand (from Sampson Low, edited by I. O. Evans) Translation text is not available 1965-00-00 Arco Publishing Adrift in the Pacific (Part 1)
1965-00-00 Arco Publishing Second Year Ashore (Part 2)
Olga Marx On the night of March 9, 1860, the clouds scudded so low they seemed to be lying on the ocean. The horizon had narrowed to a few yards. The one-hundred-ton schooner Sloughie bounced about in a howling storm. 1967-00-00 Holt, Rinehart and Winston A Long Vacation
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2003-04-24 Fredonia Books Adrift in the Pacific: Two Years Holiday
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Erika Gebühr In der Nacht des 9 März 1860 hingen die Wolken bis auf das Meer hinunter und beschränkten die Sicht auf wenige Meter. In der entfesselten Brandung, in der sich die fahl schimmernden Wellen brachen, wurde fast segeilos ein Schiff hin- und hergeworfen. 1923-00-00 A. Hartleben Zwei Jahre Ferien
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Face au drapeau

Published in a single part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand The carte de visite received that day, June 15, 189—, by the director of the establishment of Healthful House was a very neat one, and simply bore, without escutcheon or coronet, the name: COUNT D'ARTIGAS.

Below this name, in a corner of the card, the following address was written in lead pencil: “On board the schooner Ebba, anchored off New Berne, Pamlico [sic] Sound.”“

1897-00-00 F. Tennyson Neely Facing the Flag
Mrs. Cashel Hoey A card was handed to the Principal of Healthful House on a certain 15th of June, which bore simply the name, without escutcheon or coronet: COUNT D'ARTIGAS.

Above this name, on a corner of the card, the following address was written in pencil: "On board the schooner Ebba, at anchor at Newburn, Pamlico [sic] Sound."

1897-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston & Company For the Flag
Mrs. Cashel Hoey and edited by I. O. Evans A card received by the Director of Healthful House on 15th June, 1890, bore simply the name, without any armorial crest: LE COUNT D'ARTIGAS.

A few words had been added in pencil: "On board the schooner Ebba, at anchor at Newburn, Pamlico [sic] Sound."

1961-07-00 Arco Publishing For the Flag
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand, revised by Manfred Hoffmann. Am 15. Juni erhielt der Direktor des Sanatoriums Healthful House eine Visitenkarte, auf der außer dem Namen Graf d‘Artigas nichts verzeichnet war, kein Wappen, keine Krone. Nur in einer Ecke der Karte fand sich eine Bleistiftnotiz mit der Adresse »An Bord des Schoners ›Ebba‹ auf der Reede von New Bern, Pamlico Sound«. 1982-00-00 Neues Leben Die Erfindung des Verderbens
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Iulia Soare Translation text is not known 1965-00-00 Editura Tineretului În fața steagului
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First published in two parts with independent chapter numbers.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand We pity the poor creatures who are flying at each other's throats for the sake of a few acres of ice. So said the philosophers at the end of the eighteenth century, referring to Canada, for whose possession the French and English were then at strife. 1889-00-00 John W. Lovell A Family Without a Name
an anonymous hand

edited and abridged by I. O. Evans

(Part 1) Translation text is not known

(Part 2) The affair at Chipogan Farm had far-reaching repercussions. From Laprairie County the news quickly spread through the neighbouring provinces. Public opinion could hardly have found a more favourable opportunity for expressing itself.

1963-00-00 Arco Publishing Leader of the Resistance (part 1)
1963-00-00 Arco Publishing Into the Abyss (part 2)
Edward Baxter What a sorry sight the human race is, remarked the philosophers at the end of the eighteenth century, “cutting each other's throats for the sake of a few ice-covered acres of land.” It was not their wisest observation, for they were referring to Canada, over which the British and French were then at war. 1982-00-00 NC Press Family Without a Name
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2001-07-01 Fredonia Books A Family Without a Name: Leader of the Resistance (part 1)
2001-10-01 Fredonia Books A Family Without a Name: Into the Abyss (part 2)
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand (Einige Thatsachen und einige Daten) »Man beklagt das arme Menschengeschlecht, das sich um einiger Acker Eisfeld willen abschlachtet,« sagten die Philosophen gegen Ende des 18 Jahrhunderts; sie haben damit aber den besten Ausspruch nicht gethan, so weit er Canada betraf, um dessen Besitz die Franzosen damals mit den Soldaten Englands kämpften. 1984-00-00 Pawlak Die Familie ohne Namen: Band 2
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Hector Servadac, voyages et aventures à travers le monde solaire

This was originally published in two parts.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand 'Nee kapitein, ik heb geen zin u de voorrang te geven!' 'Dat spijt mij, graaf, maar uw aanspraken zullen in de mijne geen verandering brengen!' 'Waarlijk?' 'Zeker.'

(second part) De zesendertigste bewoner van Gallia was eindelijk te Nina-Korf aangekomen. De enige, bijna onbegrijpelijke woorden, die hij tot nu toe gesproken had, waren deze: 'Het is mijn komeet, de mijne! Het is mijn komeet!'

1964-00-00 Elsevier Hektor Servadac: De Terugtocht naar de Aarde (Part 1)
1964-00-00 Elsevier Hektor Servadac: De Vulkaanbewoners (Part 2)
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand “No, captain. It does not suit me to give you my place.” “I regret it, count, but your pretensions do not affect mine.”

(second part) The thirty-sixth inhabitant of Gallia had at last just appeared on Hot-Land. The only words, almost incomprehensible, which he had yet uttered were these: “It is my comet, mine! It is my comet!”.

1877-09-00 George Munro Hector Servadac: Travels and Adventures Through the Solar System (Complete Novel)
Ellen E. Frewer “Nothing, sir, can induce me to surrender my claim.” “I am sorry for it, count, but in such a matter your views cannot modify mine.”

(second part) By the return of the expedition, conveying its contribution from Formentera, the known population of Gallia was raised to a total of thirty-six.

[The 1911 omits one chapter. It omits occasional words, as "I am sorry for it" in the second line.]

1878-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington Hector Servadac; or, The Career of a Comet
1878-00-00 Scribner, Armstrong Hector Servadac
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. Off on a Comet or Hector Servadac
1926-04-00 Experimenter Publishing Co. Off on a Comet (serialized)
Ellen E. Frewer, abridged and modernized “Nothing, sir, can induce me to surrender my claim.” “I am sorry for it, count, but in such a matter your views cannot modify mine.”

(second part) By the return of the expedition, conveying its contribution from Formentera, the known population of Gallia was raised to a total of thirty-six. [changes from original not known]

1957-00-00 Ace Books Off on a Comet
Ellen E. Frewer, abridged and edited by I. O. Evans Translation text is not known 1965-00-00 Arco Publishing Anomalous Phenomena (part 1)
1965-00-00 Arco Publishing Homeward Bound (part 2)
Ellen E. Frewer "corrected and expanded" by Ron Miller(?) Chapters I-VI may be identical to the 1911/Gutenberg version of Frewer. 2013-07-00 Baen (Ron Miller) Off on a Comet!
Edward Roth “Captain, it does not suit me to surrender.” “I regret it extremely, my dear Count; for my own cause is exactly similar.” “Your are in earnest?” “Never more in earnest in all my life.” 1878-00-00 Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger To the Sun?: A Journey Through Planetary Space
1960-00-00 Dover Publications To the Sun? / Off on a Comet!
(2nd part) "Gallia's my comet—mine!" What was the meaning of these strange words? In vain had the Captain and Procopius asked themselves this questions every spare moment of the homeward trip." 1878-00-00 Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger Off on a Comet!: A Journey Through Planetary Space
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1929-00-00 Gollancz Hector Servadac
2010-09-06 LibriVox Off on a Comet
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Translation text is not known 1878-00-00 A. Hartleben Reise durch die Sonnenwelt
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Teodora Cristea Translation text is not known 1966-00-00 Editura Tineretului Hector Servadac: călătorii și aventuri în lumea solară
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand (part 1)

.עס איז אונמענליך ! חאט אויסנערופען א שעהנער מאן פון א יאתר עמליבע אונד דרייסיג - .מהוט מיר זייער לייד, הערר נראף ! איך קען אבער ארף ניט אנדערש - .א ך קען אויף ניט אנדערש, האט דער נראף נעזאגט רוחינ - .איך בין אבער פריהער בעקאנט מיט א יאחרו האט דער אנדערער אויפר נערופען -

(part 2)

ווער עס האט אין זיין לעבען ניט נעזעהן א פערפרארענעס מעונר, דער קען זיך נאר ניט פארשמעלען, וואס פאר א טרויריגען איינדרוק דאס מאכט. ווען מען פאהרט אים ווינטער איבער א נעגענד, וועלכע איז בעדעקט מיט שנעע און אייז, זעהט מען וועניגסמענס פון צייט צו צייט א בוים, א הויכעס נראז ארויסשטעקען פון שנעע און עס ווערט איינעם פרעהליכער, ווארימער ביים הער צען, ווייל דאס ציינט איחם, אז ניט אלעס איז מויט, נימ אלעס איז אויסנע שטארבען, דער בוים וושט וויעדער וואקסען, דאס גראז וועט וויעדער בליחען און דיא נאנצע נענענד וועט וויעדער אויפלעבען.

1922-00-00 היבּרו פּאָבּלישינג קאָמפּאני אונבעקאַנטע געגענען
1922-00-00 היבּרו פּאָבּלישינג קאָמפּאני אַ רייזע איבער קאָםעטען
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Originally published in two parts.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
J. C. Curtin It was the 16th of August, and six o'clock in the evening. The Top Hane square, in Constantinople, usually the scene of bustling, busy crowds, was now silent, dismal and deserted. 1883-10-27 J. A. McGee The Headstrong Turk (serialized)
James Cotterell On the 16th of August. at six o'clock in the evening, Top-Hané Square at Constantinople, so full of life at ordinary times with the coming and going of the crowd, was silent, dull, and almost deserted. (part 1)

It will doubtless be remembered that Van Mitten, who had been inconsolable because he had not been able to visit the ruins of Ancient Colchis, had determined to explore the mythological Phasis, which, under the less euphonious name of Rion, is near Poti, of which it forms the little harbor on the shore of the Black Sea. (part 2)

1883-06-28 George Munro The Headstrong Turk (serialized)
Henry Frith At six o'clock in the evening of the 16th of August, in a certain year which need not be particularly specified, the quay of Top-Hane in Constantinople, usually so crowded and full of life, and bustle, was silent—almost deserted. 1884-11-00 Sampson Low Kéraban the Inflexible (Part 1): The Captain of the Guidara
The reader no doubt remembers that Van Mitten, much disappointed at not having been able to visit the ruins of the ancient Colchis, had made up his mind to indemnify himself by exploring the "mythological" Phasis, which, under the less euphonious name of the Rion, now flows into the sea at Poti, where it forms a little harbour in the littoral of the Black Sea. 1885-04-00 Sampson Low Kéraban the Inflexible (Part 2): Scarpante, the Spy
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2002-11-26 Fredonia Books Keraban the Inflexible: Adventures in the Euxine
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La chasse au météore

This was published as a single part. The novel was first written by Jules Verne in 1901 and rewritten shortly before his death. His son, Michel Verne, revised and expanded the novel (from 17 to 21 chapters) prior to publication.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Frederick Lawton There is no reason for hiding from the reader that the town in which this singular story commences is situated in Virginia, United States of America. With his permission, we will call this town Whaston, and we will place it in the east, on the right bank of the Potomac; but we deem it useless to specify the exact whereabouts of Whaston, which does not appear even on the best maps. 1909-00-00 Grant Richards The Chase of the Golden Meteor
I. O. Evans The town in which this strange story begins is situated in Virginia, U.S.A.; it may be called Whaston, on the right bank of the river Potomac; it is useless to specify its exact whereabouts, for it does not appear even on the best maps. 1965-00-00 Arco Publishing The Hunt for the Meteor
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Manfred Hoffmann using former versions. Wir haben nicht den geringsten Grund, den Lesern zu verheimlichen, daß die Stadt, in der diese seltsame Geschichte beginnt, in Virginia, in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, zu suchen ist. Wir wollen sie ganz einfach Whaston nennen und annehmen, sie liege im östlichen Teil des Staates, und zwar am rechten Ufer des Potomac. Ihre Koordinaten zu nennen, halten wir jedoch für überflüssig, denn man würde sie auch auf den besten Landkarten der USA vergeblich suchen. 1983-00-00 Neues Leben Die Jagd auf den Meteor
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Giansiro Ferrata and Mario Spagnol Non v'è alcun motivo per nascondere ai lettori che la città in cui comincia questa bizzarra storia si trova in Virginia, Stati Uniti d'America. Se vogliono saperne di più, possiamo anche chiamarla Whaston, e situarla nel distretto orientale, sulla riva destra del Potomac; ma ci sembra inutile precisare minutamente le coordinate di questa città, che sarebbe vana fatica cercare anche sulle migliori carte d'America. 1970-09-08 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore La caccia al meteorite
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Gellu Naum Translation text is not known 1958-00-00 Editura Tineretului Goana după meteor
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La chasse au météore: Version d'origine

A version was modified by Michel Verne and published under the name of Jules Verne. The original manuscript was discovered and printed in 1986. This section is for translations of that manuscript.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Frederick Paul Walter & Walter James Miller The complications of the following story take place in a town that's located, we may as well admit, in Virginia, U.S.A. With your kind permission, dear reader, we'll dub this town Whaston, and we'll add that is occupies the east side, or right bank, of the Potomac River; but it strikes us as pointless to be more specific than that, so if you want to look for this community on even the best American maps, frankly, you're wasting your time. 2006-10-01 Bison Books The Meteor Hunt
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La Jangada

First published in two parts, both titled La Jangada and sub-titled Huit cents lieues sur l'Amazone.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
James Cotterell “P h y j s l y d d q f d z x g a s g z z q q e h x g k f n d r x u j u g i o c y t d x v k s b x h h u y p o h d v y r y m h u h p u y d k j o x p h e t o z s l e t n p m v f f o v p d p a j x h y y n o j y g g a y m e q y n f u q l n m v l y f g s u z m q i z t l b q g y u g s q e u b v n r c r e d g r u z b l r m x y u h q h p z d r r g c r o h e p q x u f i v v r p l p h o n t h v d d q f h q s n t z h h h n f e p m q k y u u e x k t o g z g k y u u m f v i j d q d p z j q s y k r p l x h x q r y m v k l o h h h o t o z v d k s p p s u v j h d.“

The person who held in his hand the document, of which this medley of letters composed the last paragraph, remained for some moments in a thoughtful attitude after contemplating it attentively.

1881-07-00 George Munro The Jangada; or, Eight Hundred Leagues Over the Amazon (serialized)
W. J. Gordon (Part 1)

"P h y j s l y d d q f d z x g a s g z z q q e h x g k f n d r x u j u g i o c y t d x v k s b x h h u y p o h d v y r y m h u h p u y d k j o x p h e t o z s l e t n p m v f f o v p d p a j x h y y n o j y g g a y m e q y n f u q l n m v l y f g s u z m q i z t l b q g y u g s q e u b v n r c r e d g r u z b l r m x y u h q h p z d r r g c r o h e p q x u f i v v r p l p h o n t h v d d q f h q s n t z h h h n f e p m q k y u u e x k t o g z g k y u u m f v i j d q d p z j q s y k r p l x h x q r y m v k l o h h h o t o z v d k s p p s u v j h d."

The man who held in his hand the document of which this strange assemblage of letters formed the concluding paragraph, remained some moments lost in thought.

(Part 2)

The town of Manaos is in 3°8′4″ south latitude, and 67°27′ west longitude, reckoning from the Paris meridian. It is some four hundred and twenty leagues from Belem, and about ten miles from the embouchure of the Rio Negro.

1881-11-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington The Giant Raft: Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon (Part 1)
1882-05-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington The Giant Raft: The Cryptogram (Part 2)
2009-01-13 Project Gutenberg Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
W. J. Gordon, abridged and edited by I. O. Evans (Part 1)

Translated text is not known

(Part 2)

Scarcely had the pirogue which bore on Joam Garral, or rather Joam Dacosta-to give him his real name-disappeared, than Benito stepped up to Manoel.

1967-00-00 Arco Publishing Down the Amazon (Part 1)
1967-00-00 Arco Publishing The Cryptogram (Part 2)
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2005-09-19 Wildside Press Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Translation text is not known 1883-00-00 A. Hartleben Die Jangada: Achthundert Meilen auf dem Amazonenstrom
an unknown hand revised by Manfred Hoffmann hhtbjuookhihyujjchvggxelepcsuhr


ihrhuppuxhfjtnsqxtjvfhifojiqpfdk …

Ein Buschkapitän hielt dieses Schriftstück mit der scheinbar sinnlosen Buchstabenanhäufung in der Hand, las wieder und wieder und schüttelte schließlich nachdenklich den Kopf.

1981-00-00 Neues Leben Die Jangada
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La maison à vapeur

This was originally published in two parts, each part titled "La Maison à vapeur" and sub-titled "Voyage à travers l'Inde septentrionale".


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
James Cotterell

(Part 1)

“A reward of £2,000 is offered to whoever will deliver up dead or alive one of the old chiefs of the revolt of the Sepoys—Nabob Dandou Pant, better known under the name of —.”

(Part 2)

“The incommensurability of the creation.” This grand expression of Hany [sic], the mineralogist, serves to describe the American Andes; and could it not be applied with equal justice to the chain of the Himalaya Mountains, which no man thus far has been able to measure with mathematical precision?

1880-08-00 George Munro The Steam-House; or, A Voyage Across Northern India (Serialized)
Agnes D. Kingston (Volume I - The Demon of Cawnpore): ““A reward of two thousand pounds will be paid to any one who will deliver up, dead or alive, one of the prime movers of the Sepoy revolt, at present known to be in the Bombay presidency, the Nabob Dandou Pant, commonly called ....”“ “ This translation continues

(Volume II - Tigers and Traitors): “Speaking of the great American Andes, the mineralogist Haüy uses a grand expression when he calls them “The incommensurable parts of Creation.”“ These proud words may justly be applied to the Himalayan chain, whose heights no man can measure with any mathematical precision. “

1881-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington The Steam House
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Steam House: The Demon of Cawnpore (Part 1)
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Steam House: Tigers and Traitors (Part 2)
1959-00-00 Ace Books The Demon of Cawnpore (Part 1)
1959-00-00 Ace Books Tigers and Traitors (Part 2)
2003-07-19 Fredonia Books The End of Nana Sahib: The Steam House
Agnes D. Kingston, abridged and edited by I. O. Evans (Part 1) Translation text is not known

(Part 2) Speaking of the great American Andes, the mineralogist Haüy uses a grand expression when he calls them "The incommensurable parts of Creation." These proud words may justly be applied to the Himalayan chain, whose heights no man can measure with any mathematical precision.

1959-00-00 Bernard Hanison The Demon of Cawnpore (Part 1)
1959-00-00 Bernard Hanison Tigers and Traitors (Part 2)
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1979-00-00 Ion Creangă Casa cu aburi: călătorie prin India Septentrională
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L'archipel en feu

First published in a single part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand On the 18th of October, 1827, about five o'clock in the evening, a little Levantine vessel was taking advantage of a fresh breeze in order to reach the port of Vitylo, at the entrance to the Gulf of Coron, before night-fall. 1885-03-14 George Munro The Archipelago on Fire
1885-03-14 George Munro The Archipelago on Fire (Complete Novel)
an anonymous hand On the 18th of October, about five o'clock in the evening, a small Levantine vessel was heading close-hauled for Vitylo, in the Gulf of Koron, endeavouring to reach that port before night-fall. 1885-12-00 Sampson Low, Marston and Rivington The Archipelago on Fire
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L'épave du Cynthia

First published in a single part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand There is probably neither in Europe nor anywhere else a scholar whose face is more universally known than that of Dr. Schwaryencrona, of Stockholm. His portrait appears on the millions of bottles with green seals, which are sent to the confines of the globe. 1885-00-00 George Munro The Waif of the Cynthia
1886-01-23 George Munro Waif of the Cynthia (Complete Novel)
I. O. Evans In all probability there had never been, either in Europe or anywhere else, a scientist whose appearance was better known than that of Dr. Schwaryencrona; his portrait, reproduced by the vendors below his trade-mark on millions of bottles with their green seals, accompanied the bottles even to the ends of the earth. 1964-00-00 Arco Publishing Salvage from the Cynthia: or The Boy on the Buoy
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Le Beau Danube Jaune

This is the original text of Jules Verne's manuscript first published in 1978. The version first published in 1908 ("Le Pilote du Danube") was heavily edited and rewritten by Michel Verne after his father's death.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Kieran M. O'Driscoll Translation text is not known 2014-03-27 BearManor Media Golden Danube
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Le Chancellor

Originally published in one part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
George M. Towle Charleston, September 27th, 1869. — We have just left the Battery wharf, at 3 P.M. The ebb-tide is fast carrying us out to sea. 1875-00-00 James R. Osgood and Co. The Wreck of the Chancellor
Ellen E. Frewer Charleston, September 27, 1898.—It is high tide, and three o'clock in the afternoon when we leave the Battery quay; the ebb carries us off shore, and as Captain Huntly has hoisted both main and top sails, the northerly breeze drives the Chancellor briskly across the bay. 1875-11-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle The Survivors of the Chancellor: Diary of J. R. Kazallon, Passenger
1880-01-24 George Munro Survivors of the Chancellor (Complete Novel)
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Survivors of the Chancellor
Ellen E. Frewer, abridged and edited by I. O. Evans Translation text is not known 1965-00-00 Arco Publishing Chancellor
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1999-04-01 Project Gutenberg The Survivors of the Chancellor
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1877-00-00 A. Hartleben Der Chancellor
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Le château des Carpathes

First published as a single title.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand This story is not fantastic; it is merely romantic. Are we to conclude that it is not true, its unreality being granted? That would be a mistake. We live in times when everything can happen—we might almost say everything has happened. If our story does not seem to be true to-day, it may seem so to-morrow, thanks to the resources of science, which are the wealth of the future. 1893-10-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington The Castle of the Carpathians
an anonymous hand, edited by I. O. Evans This story is not fantastic; it is simply romantic and nobody would think of classing it as legendary. 1963-00-00 Arco Publishing Carpathian Castle
Charlotte Mandell This story is not fantastic; it is only romantic. Should we conclude that it isn't true, given its implausibility? That would be a mistake. We are living in a time when anything can happen - one can almost say, when everything has happened. If our tale is not very likely today, it can be so tomorrow, thanks to the scientific resources that are the lot of the future, so no one should take it into his head to rank it among legends. 2006-05-01 Melville House The Castle in Transylvania
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2018-12-21 Musaicum Books / OK Publishing The Castle of the Carpathians
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Vladimir Colin Povestirea aceasta nu e fantastică, ci numai romanțioasă. Dat fiind că e neverosimilă, trebuie s-o socotim oare și neadevărată? Ar fi o greșeală. Aparținem unei vremi când totul se întâmplă, mai că avem dreptul să spunem: când totul s-a întâmplat. Dacă nu-i de crezut azi, povestirea noastră poate fi verosimilă mâine, grație resurselor științifice care constituie zestrea viitorului, iar atunci nu-i va da nimănui prin minte s-o treacă în rândul legendelor. 1967-00-00 Editura Tineretului Castelul din Carpați
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Le chemin de France

This was first published as a single part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand My name is Natalis Delpierre. I was born in 1761, at Grattepanche, a village in Picardy. My father was a farm labourer. He worked on the estate of the Marquis d'Estrelle. My mother did her best to help him. My sisters and I followed our mother's example. 1888-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington Flight to France
an anonymous hand, abridged and edited by I. O. Evans Translated text is not known 1966-00-00 Arco Publishing Flight to France
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Le désert de glace

This is part 2 of Voyages et aventures du capitaine Hatteras. It was issued immediately after part 1 (Les Anglais au pôle Nord). Each was given a separate title with the Voyages ... as a sub-title. Currently, this is recorded as a separate title, but Les Anglais ... is treated as part of Voyages .... A merging is expected.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand It was a bold project of Hatteras to push this way to the North Pole, and gain for his country the honour and glory of its discovery. 1876-00-00 George Routledge & Sons The Field of Ice
1879-04-24 George Munro The Field of Ice (Complete Novel)
1929-06-00 Experimenter Publishing Co. The Desert of Ice (Serialized)
unknown hands The design which Captain Hatteras had formed of exploring the North, and of giving England the honor of discovering the Pole, was certainly a bold one. 1876-00-00 Porter & Coates The Desert of Ice
an anonymous hand Captain Hatteras's design to reach the North, and so to attribute the glory of discovering the North Pole to England, was a bold one. 1877-00-00 Goubaud & Son The Desert of Ice
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2002-09-30 Fredonia Books The Desert of Ice
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Le pays des fourrures

This novel was first published in two parts, with chapter numbers restarting at 1 for the second part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
N. D'Anvers On the evening of the 17th March 1859, Captain Craventy gave a fête at Fort Reliance. Our readers must not at once imagine a grand entertainment, such as a court ball, or a musical soirée with a fine orchestra. Captain Craventy's reception was a very simple affair, yet he had spared no pains to give it éclat. (part 1)

And so Fort Hope, founded by Lieutenant Hobson on the borders of the Polar Sea, had drifted! Was the courageous agent of the Company to blame for this? No ; any one might have been deceived as he had been. No human prevision could have foreseen such a calamity. (part 2)

1873-11-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle The Fur Country or Seventy Degrees North Latitude
1877-09-00 George Munro The Fur Country (Part 1 of 2) serialized
1877-09-00 George Munro The Fur Country (Part 2 of 2) serialized
Henry Frith On the 17th March, 1859, Captain Craventy gave a party at Fort Reliance. This must not be understood as a grand ball, or a magnificent gala or “rout,”“ or even as a concert. Captain Craventy's reception was much more commonplace, but nevertheless he had done all in his power to make it a success. 1879-03-00 George Routledge & Sons The Fur Country
N. D'Anvers, abridged and edited by I. O. Evans Translated text is not known 1966-00-00 Arco Publishing Sun in Eclipse (Part 1)
1966-00-00 Arco Publishing Through the Behring Straight (Part 2)
Edward Baxter On the evening of March 17, 1859, Captain Craventy gave a party at Fort Reliance. It was not a grand official reception, or a court ball, or a festival complete with orchestra. The captain's party was much more modest, although he had spared no effort to make it as elegant as he could. 1987-00-00 NC Press The Fur Country
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2010-06-07 Forgotten Books The Fur Country
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1875-00-00 Tipografia Editrice Lombarda Il Paese delle Pellicce
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Le Phare du bout du monde

Based on a novel by Jules Verne, this was modified by Michel Verne and the publisher Jules Hetzel. This was first printed in one part. ISFDB does not (yet) distinguish between the two editions.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Cranstoun Metcalfe The sun was setting behind the hills which bounded the view to the west. The weather was fine. On the other side, over the sea, which to the north-east and east was indistinguishable from the sky, a few tiny clouds reflected the sun's last rays, soon to be extinguished in the shades of the twilight, which lasts for a considerable time in this high latitude of the fifty-fifth degree of the southern hemisphere. 1923-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston & Company The Lighthouse at the End of the World
William Butcher The sun was about to sink below the line where sea and sky met, four or five leagues to the west. The weather was fine. To the east, a scattering of small clouds absorbed the last rays, that would soon fade in the long high-latitude twilight, fifty-five degrees south of the equator. 2007-00-00 Bison Books Lighthouse at the End of the World
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Teodora Cristea Soarele scăpata în spatele dealurilor care mărgineau spre vest priveliștea. Timpul era frumos. În zare, deasupra mării, despărțită printr-o linie de cer, înspre nord-est și est, câțiva norișori reflectau ultimele raze care nu vor întârzia să se stingă în umbrele înserării. Amurgul e de lungă durată pe această latitudine de 55 grade a emisferei sudice. În clipa când din discul însângerat nu rămase decât o fășie, se auzi o lovitură de tun de la bordul canonierei Santa-Fe și... 1975-00-00 Ion Creangă Farul de la capătul lumii
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2004-03-00 Cántaro El Faro del Fin del Mundo
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Le pilote du Danube

First published in 1908 in a single part. The novel modified by his son Michel prior to publication. The original version was finally published in 1978 as Le Beau Danube Jaune.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
I. O. Evans On 5th August 1876 a large noisy crowd was gathered in The Angler’s Rest. Songs, shouts, the clatter of glasses, applause, exclamations, all combined to produce a terrible din, regularly punctuated by the loud “Hochs!” which express the summit of Teutonic joy.

The windows opened on to the Danube, where the pleasant little town of Sigmaringen almost dominates its source.

1967-00-00 Arco Publishing The Danube Pilot
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Le rayon vert

This was published in a single part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
M. de Hauteville “Betty!” “Bess!” “Betsy!” One after another these names re-echoed through the hall of Helensburgh; it was the way the brothers Sam and Sib had of summoning their housekeeper. 1883-09-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington The Green Ray
M. de Hauteville, abridged and edited by I. O. Evans The translation text is not known 1965-00-00 Arco Publishing Green Ray
James Cotterell “Bet.” “Bess.“ “Betsey.” “Betty.“ Such were the appellations that were heard successively in the magnificent hall of Helensburgh. It was Brother Sam's and Brother Sib's way of expressing themselves when they desired to call the housekeeper in charge of their establishment. 1883-10-20 George Munro The Green Ray (Complete Novel)
Karen Loukes BET!' 'BETH!' 'Bess!' 'Betsy!' 'Betty!' One after another the names echoed through the magnificent Helensburgh hall. Brother Sam and brother Sib had the odd habit of summoning their housekeeper in this way. 2009-06-01 Luath Press The Green Ray
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Le secret de Wilhelm Storitz

Originally published in one part, this is based on a novel written by Jules Verne, heavily modified by his son Michel Verne. The original was eventually published and the Schulman translation is of that version. This should be updated to reflect that.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
I. O. Evans “And do come as soon as you can my dear Henri; I am waiting impatiently for you. Besides, the country is magnificent, and this district in Lower Hungary is just the thing to interest an engineer. Were it only from that point of view, you would not regret making the journey. Very Heartily Yours, Marc Vidal” Thus ended the letter which I received from my brother on 4th April, 1757.S 1963-00-00 Arco Publishing The Secret of William Storitz
Peter Schulman “... And get here as soon as possible, my dear Henry, I can't wait to see you. By the way this country is magnificent and there's a lot for an engineer to see in the industrial region of Lower-Hungary. You won't regret coming. Yours with all my heart Marc Vidal”. 2011-04-01 University of Nebraska Press The Secret of Wilhelm Storitz
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Tatiana Popescu-Ulmu Translation text is not known 1982-00-00 Ion Creangă Secretul lui Wilhelm Storitz
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Le Sphinx des glaces

A sequel to Edgar Allan Poe's The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, originally published in one part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Franjo Tučan Pripovijest koju sam nazvao "Ledena sfinga", ne će po svojoj prilici nitko smatrati istinitom. Ipak mislim da je valja objaviti bez obzira na to, hoće li joj tko povjerovati ili ne. Za ove bi čudesne i strašne pustolovine teško bilo naći prikladniju polaznu točku od Obale pustoši. 1958-00-00 Epoha Ledena Sfinga
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Mrs. Cashel Hoey No doubt the following narrative will be received with entire incredulity, but I think it well that the public should be put in possession of the facts narrated in “An Antarctic Mystery.”“ The public is free to believe them or not, at its good pleasure. No more appropriate scene for the wonderful and terrible adventures which I am about to relate could be imagined than the Desolation Islands, so called, in 1779, by Captain Cook. 1898-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston & Company An Antarctic Mystery
Cashel Hoey (edited and abridged) No doubt the following narrative will be received with entire incredulity, but I think it well that the public should be put in possession of the facts narrated in “An Antarctic Mystery.“ The public is free to believe them or not, at its good pleasure. I am a Connecticut naturalist possessed of a small independent fortune. In the year 1839 I was engaged in research work among the islands of the far southern ocean. 1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Sphinx of the Ice or An Antarctic Mystery
an anonymous hand, edited by Basil Ashmore The archipelago which lies at 49°45' south and 69°6' east is properly called the Kerguelen Islands, having been discovered by the French explorer of that name in 1772. I assert, however, that the name Desolation Islands, given them in 1779 by Captain Cook, is the only suitable name for this group of islets in the midst of the vast storm-swept Southern Seas. 1961-00-00 Arco Publishing The Sphinx of the Ice-Fields
Frederick Paul Walter Probably nobody's going to put much stock in this yarn entitled The Sphinx of the Ice Realm. Never mind. I still feel it's worth airing in the public. Readers are free to take it or leave it. It would be hard to imagine a more appropriate locale for the start of these wonderful yet dreadful adventures than Desolation Isles - a name given them in 1779 by Captain Cook. 2012-06-28 State University of New York Press The Sphinx of the Ice Realm
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Claudia Fischer and Vasile Chiriţă Translation text is not known 1958-06-10 Editura Tineretului Sfinxul ghețarilor
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Le superbe Orénoque

This was originally published in two parts, with no other subtitles.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Stanford L. Luce “There is not the slightest reason to believe that this discussion can come to an end,” said M. Miguel, who was seeking to intervene between the two fiery discussants. “Well, it won't end,“ answered M. Felipe, “not if it means sacrificing my views to those of M. Varinas!“ “Nor by abandoning my ideas for those of M. Felipe!“ replied M. Varinas. 2003-00-00 Wesleyan University Press The Mighty Orinoco
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1899-00-00 A. Hartleben Der stolze Orinoco
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Le testament d'un excentrique

First published in two parts with no subtitles.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand A stranger arriving in the chief city of Illinois on the morning of the 3rd of April, 1897, would have had good reason for considering himself the most fortunate of travellers. His notebook that day would have had entries enough to yield copy for many sensational articles. 1900-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston & Company The Will of an Eccentric
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand Ein Fremder, der am Morgen des 3. April 1897 in der Hauptstadt von Illinois angekommen wäre, hätte sich mit Recht als einen Günstling des Gottes der Reisenden betrachten können. An diesem Tage hätte sich sein Taschenbuch gewiß mit merkwürdigen Notizen gefüllt, die Stoff für Aufsehen erregende Zeitungsartikel geliefert hätten. 1984-00-00 Pawlak Das Testament eines Exzentrischen: Band 1
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Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours

This novel was published originally in a single part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand In het jaar 1872 werd het huis Saville Row 47, Burlington Gardens, waarin Sheridan in 1814 was overleden, bewoond door Phileas Fogg, een der zonderlingste en meest bekende leden van de Reformclub te Londen, ook al deed deze al wat mogelijk was om de aandacht niet op zich te vestigen. 1964-00-00 Elsevier De Reis om de Wereld in 80 Dagen
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1978-00-00 Het Goede Boek De Reis om de Wereld in 80 Dagen
Pieter Verhuist In het jaar 1872 woonde in het huis Saville Row nummer 7, Burlington Gardens - hetzelfde huis waar Sheridan in 1814 overleed - Phileas Fogg, een van de merkwaardigste en opvallendste leden van de Reformclub in Londen, hoewel hij deed wat hij kon om niet de aandacht te trekken. 2006-00-00 Loeb De Reis om de Wereld in 80 Dagen
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
George M. Towle Mr. Phileas Fogg lived, in 1872, at No. 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, the house in which Sheridan died in 1814. He was one of the most noticeable members of the Reform Club, though he seemed always to avoid attracting attention; an enigmatic personage, about whom little was known, except that he was a polished man of the world. 1984-00-00 Castle Books Around the World in Eighty Days
1968-04-00 Avon Camelot Around the World in 80 Days
1874-00-00 James R. Osgood and Co. The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
distinguished from the original Towle translation by the capitilisation of the word Entomologists near the end of the second paragraph as opposed to the original which does not use the capital, and in the ninth paragraph, which opens with Phileas Fogg was not known to have either wife or children and continues with which may happen to the most honest people as opposed to the original which honest folk may surely have. 1874-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle Around the World in Eighty Days
distinguished from the original Towle translation by the shortening of the second paragraph, removing the final sentence: He belonged, in fact, to none of the numerous societies which swarm in the English capital, from teh Harmonic to that of the Entomologists, founded mainly for the purpose of abolishing pernicious insects. 1956-00-00 Avon Around the World in 80 Days
revised and updated by Jacqueline Rogers: Mr. Phileas Fogg lived, in 1872, at No. 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, the house in which Sheridan died in 1814. He was one of the most prominent members of the London Reform Club, though he never did anything to attract attention: an enigmatic character about whom little was known except that he was a polished man of the world. 1994-00-00 Penguin Books Around the World in Eighty Days
Stephen W. White In the year 1872, the house no. 7, saville row, burlington gardens—the house in which sheridan died in 1814—was inhabited by phileas fogg, esq., one of the most singular and most noticed members of the Reform Club of London, although he seemed to take care to do nothing which might attract attention. 1874-00-00 Office of The Evening Telegraph The Tour of the World in Eighty Days
1877-10-00 George Munro A Tour of the World in Eighty Days (Complete Novel)
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. Round the World in Eighty Days
Henry Frith In the year of grace One thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, the house in which Sheridan died in 1816—viz. No 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens—was occupied by Phileas Fogg, Esq., one of the most eccentric members of the Reform Club, though it always appeared as if he were very anxious to avoid remark. 1878-12-00 George Routledge & Sons Round the World in Eighty Days
an anonymous hand In the year 1872 the house, No 7, Savile Row, Burlington Gardens, in which Sheridan died in 1816, was occupied by Phileas Fogg, Esquire, one of the most remarkable members of the Reform Club, though he always appeared very anxious to avoid remark. 1879-00-00 Ward, Lock and Tyler Around the World in Eighty Days
an anonymous hand In the year 1872, No. 7 Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, the house in which Sheridan died in 1814, was inhabited by Phileas Fogg, Esq., one of the most eccentric and noticeable members of the Reform Club, although he seemed to be especially careful to do nothing which could attract anyone's attention. 1893-11-00 Hutchinson Round the World in Eghty Days
P. Desages In the year 1872, No. 7 Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, the house in which Sheridan died in 1816, was occupied by Phileas Fogg, Esq. Of the members of the Reform Club in London few, if any, were more peculiar or more specially noticed than Phileas Fogg, although he seemed to make a point of doing nothing that could draw attention. 1926-00-00 J. M. Dent & Sons Around the World in Eighty Days
Lewis Mercier Mr. Phileas Fogg lived, in 1872, at No. 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens. He was one of the most noticeable members of the Reform Club, though he seemed always to avoid attracting attention. 1961-00-00 Collier Books Around the World in Eighty Days
Irene R. Gibbons In 1872, No. 7 Savile Row, Burlington Gardens—the house where Sheridan died in 1816—was occupied by Phileas Fogg, Esq., one of the oddest and most conspicuous members of the Reform Club of London, although he appeared to make a point of never doing anything that could possibly attract attention. 1965-00-00 Blackie & Son Round the World in Eighty Days
K. E. Lichtenecker In 1872, the house at Number Seven, Saville Row was occupied by Phileas Fogg, Esquire, one of the most remarkable and unusual members of the London Reform Club. It was his habit to avoid everything which could arouse attention. 1965-00-00 Paul Hamlyn Around the World in Eighty Days
I. O. Evans In 1872 No. 7, Savile Row, Burlington Gardens, the former home of Sheridan, was occupied by Mr Phileas Fogg. He belonged to the Reform Club of London, and although he never did anything to attract attention, he was one of its most unusual and conspicuous members. 1967-00-00 Arco Publishing Around the World in Eighty Days
Jacqueline Baldick and Robert Baldick In 1872 No. 7 Savile Row, Burlington Gardens—the house in which Sheridan died in 1816—was occupied by Phileas Fogg, Esq. He belonged to the Reform Club of London, and although he seemed to take care never to do anything which might attract attention, he was one of its strangest and most conspicuous members. 1968-00-00 J. M. Dent & Sons Around the World in Eighty Days
1993-00-00 Diamond Books Around the World in 80 Days
William Butcher In the year 1872, No. 7 Savile Row, Burlington Gardens-the house where Sheridan died in 1814-was occupied by Phileas Fogg, Esq. This gentleman was one of the most remarkable, and indeed most remarked upon, members of the Reform Club, although he seemed to go out of his way to do nothing that might attract attention. 1995-03-00 Oxford University Press Around the World in Eighty Days
Michael Glencross In the year 1872, the house at number 7 Savile Row, Burlington Gardens-the house in which Sheridan died in 1814-was lived in by Phileas Fogg, Esq., one of the oddest and most striking members of the Reform Club, although he seemed determined to avoid doing anything that might draw attention to himself. 2004-02-26 Penguin Books Around the World in Eighty Days
Frederick Paul Walter In the year 1872 the house at 7 Savile Row in Burlington Gardens-the house where Sheridan died in 1816-was the residence of Phileas Fogg, Esq., one of the most distinctive and noteworthy members of the Reform Club in London, though he seemed to shrink from doing anything that might attract attention. 2010-02-00 Excelsior Editions / State University of New York Press Around the World in 80 Days
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1956-05-00 Lion Library Around the World in 80 Days
1929-00-00 Gollancz Around the World in Eighty Days
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Valentín Arias López Translation text is not known 1986-00-00 Edicións Xerais de Galicia A Volta ó Mundo en Oitenta Días
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Gisela Geisler Im Jahre 1872 bewohnte Phileas Fogg die Nr. 7 der Savile Row, Burlington Gardens – dasselbe Haus, in dem Richard B. Sheridan, eines der größten englischen Rednertalente, im Jahre 1816 verschieden war. Phileas Fogg trachtete danach, durch nichts und niemanden aufzufallen; und doch zählten ihn seine Zeitgenossen zu den eigenwilligsten und berühmtesten Mitgliedern des Londoner Reform Club. 2002-00-00 Arena Reise um die Erde in 80 Tagen
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Telekes Béla Ezernyoczszázhetvenkettõben, a Saville-Row, Burlington Garden 7. számú házában, - ott halt meg 1814-ben Sheridan, - Fogg Phileas esq. lakott, a londoni Reform-klub egyik legkiválóbb s legtekintélyesebb tagja, a ki azonban - ugy látszott - kerülni igyekszik minden olyast, a mi a közfigyelmet ráterelhetné. 1902-00-00 Lampel Róbert title not yet entered.
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand Árið 1872 bjó Phileas Fogg, Esq., i húsi því sem Sheridan dó i árið 1816 -- nr. 7, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens. Phileas Fogg var einn af einrænustu meðlimum Framfara-klúbbsins, þó að ávallt virtist svo sem hann gerði sjer far um að komast jhá umtali. 1890-00-00 The Lögberg Printing & Publishing Company Umhverfis jördina á 80 ðögum
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
A. M. da Cunha e Sá Em 1872, a casa número 7 de Saville-Row, Burlington Gardens - casa onde Seridan morreu em 1814 - era habitada por Phileas Fogg, esquire, membro dos mais singulares e digno de reparo do Reform-Club de Londres, apesar de sistematicamente, segundo parecia, evitar nos seus actos tudo o que pudesse de algum modo despertar a atenção dos seus compatriotas. 1974-00-00 Editores Associados A volta ao mundo em 80 dias
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand דעם 29טען סעפטעמבער 1872 אום 2 אוהר נאכמיטאג האט זיך אין לאנויאן פערברייטעט דיא נאכריכט, אז פון דער ענגלישע באנק האט מען אין מיטען העלען טאג ארויסגעגנבעט א פעקעל באנק נאטען פון 55 טויזענד פונט סטערלינג.

דיעזע נאכריכט האט אויפגערעגט דיא וועלט-שטאדט לאנדאן. אין אלע גאסען, אין אלע סקווערס, אין אלע עקען און אין אלע ווינקעלעך האט מען גע. רעדט פון דיעזען זאנדערבארען רויב.

1922-00-00 היבּרו פּאָבּלישינג קאָמפּאני א רייזע ארום דער וועלט אין 80 טעג
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Le village aérien

First published in one part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
I. O. Evans “But an American Congo,”“ asked Max Huber. “Isn't there any question of that?” “What would be the use, my dear Max?” replied John Cort. “Are we in the United States running short of wide open spaces?” 1964-00-00 Arco Publishing The Village in the Treetops
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1902-00-00 A. Hartleben Das Dorf in den Lüften
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Sanda Radian Translation text is not known 1986-00-00 Ion Creangă Satul aerian
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L'école des Robinsons

This was origianlly published in a single part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand “An island for sale, to the highest bidder. For cash!“ shouted Dean Felporg, the auctioneer, over and over again, as he announced the conditions of this singular sale. 1883-01-00 George Munro Robinson's School (Complete Novel)
W. J. Gordon “An island to sell, for cash, to the highest bidder!” said Dean Felporg, the auctioneer, standing behind his rostrum in the room where the conditions of the singular sale were being noisily discussed. 1883-03-00 Sampson Low, Marston & Company Godfrey Morgan: A Californian Mystery
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Robinson Crusoe School or A California Mystery
W. J. Gordon, abridged by I. O. Evans Trnaslation text is not known 1966-00-00 Arco Publishing The School for Crusoes
J. C. Curtin “An island for sale—for cash down—to the highest bidder!” repeated, over and over again, Dean Felporg, the auctioneer, in the room where the conditions of this strange sale were discussed. 1883-10-05 J. A. McGee An American Robinson Crusoe (serialized)
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1887-00-00 A. Hartleben Die Schule der Robinsons
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Les cinq cents millions de la Bégum

This was originally published in a single part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand “These English journals are indeed well conducted,” said the good doctor, turning himself around in his easy arm-chair. 1879-10-23 George Munro The 500 Millions of the Begum (Complete Novel)
W. H. G. Kingston “Really these English newspapers are very well written,” said the worthy doctor to himself, as he leant back in the great leathern easy-chair.

Dr. Sarrasin had all his life been given to soliloquising, one of the many results of absence of mind.

1880-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington The Begum's Fortune
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Five Hundred Millions of the Begum
(Edited by I. O. Evans)

“Really these English newspapers are very well written,” said the worthy doctor to himself, as he leant back in the great leathern easy-chair. All his life, Dr. Sarrasin had been given to soliloquizing, one of the many results of his absence of mind.

1961-00-00 Arco Publishing The Begum's Fortune
Stanford L. Luce “These English newspapers are really quite well written!“ the good doctor murmured to himself as he settled into a large leather armchair. 2005-11-00 Wesleyan University Press The Begum's Millions
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1970-06-30 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore I 500 milioni della Begum
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
George B. Rareș Translation text is not known 1923-00-00 Editura Societății Anonime Socec & Co Lupta pentru milioane
Ion Hobana Translation text is not known 1963-03-15 Știință & Tehnică Cele cinci sute de milioane ale Begumei (serialized)
1968-00-00 Editura Tineretului Cele cinci sute de milioane ale Begumei
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Les enfants du capitaine Grant

This was first published in three parts without subtitles. The first book editions were subtitled Voyage autour du Monde and the three parts further subtitled L'Amérique du Sud, L'Australie and L'Océan pacifique.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Op de 26ste juli 1864 manoeuvreerde bij een sterke noordoostenwind een prachtig stoomjacht met volle kracht op de golven van het Noorder Kanaal. De Engelse vlag wapperde van de gaffel van de bezaansmast en op de top van de grote mast vertoonde een blauwe standaard de letters E. G. met goud geborduurd en gedekt door een hertogskroon. 1964-00-00 Elsevier De Kinderen van Kapitein Grant: Australie
De eerste ogenblikken waren aan de vreugde van het weerzien gewijd. Lord Glenarvan wilde niet, dat het mislukken van hun nasporingen de vreugde in het hart van zijn vrienden zou verminderen. Daarom waren zijn eerste woorden: 'Houdt moed, vrienden! Houdt moed! Kapitein Grant is niet bij ons; maar wij zijn er zeker van dat wij hem zullen redden.' 1964-00-00 Elsevier De Kinderen van Kapitein Grant: De Stille Zuidzee
Zo ooit, dan moesten thans, nu alles hun tegelijk ontviel, de zoekers naar kapitein Grant vel wanhopen, hem weer te zien. In welk deel van de wereld moesten zij nu hun tocht weer beginnen? Hoe konden zij nieuwe landen onderzoeken? 1964-00-00 Elsevier De Kinderen van Kapitein Grant: Zuid-Amerika
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand Part 1 begins: (Chapter 1) On the 26th of July, 1864, under a strong gale from the northeast, a magnificent yacht was steaming at full speed through the waves of the North Channel. The flag of England fluttered at her yard-arm, while at the top of the mainmast floated a blue pennon, bearing the initials E.G., worked in gold and surmounted by a ducal coronet.

Part 2 begins: (Chapter 27) The first moments were consecrated to the happiness of meeting. Lord Glenarvan did not wish the joy in the hearts of his friends to be chilled by tidings of their want of success. his first words, therefore, were,- “Courage, my friends, courage! Captain Grant is not with us, but we are sure to find him.”

Part 3 begins: (Chapter 44) If ever the searchers of Captain Grant had reason to despair of seeing him again, was it not when every hope forsook them at once? To what part of the country should they venture a new expedition? how explore unknown countries?

1873-00-00 J. B. Lippincott In Search of the Castaways: A Romantic Narrative of the Loss of Captain Grant of the Brig Britannia and of the Adventures of his Children and Friends in His Discovery and Rescue
an anonymous hand Part 1 begins: On the 26th of July, 1864, a magnificent yacht was steaming along before a N.E. wind in the North Channel. The English flag floated from her mizenmast; at the extremity of her mainmast hung a blue pendant, with the initials E.G. embroidered in gold, and surmounted by an earl's coronet.

Part 2 begins: For the benefit of those readers who may not have read “The Mysterious Document,”“ of which this is a sequel, we must introduce our characters, and state where they are, and why they are there, when our story opens.

Part 3 begins: If ever those who were seeking Captain Grant might despair of finding him, was it not now, when they were in want of everything? How could they explore a new country?

1876-01-00 Ward, Lock and Tyler The Mysterious Document (Part 1)
1876-01-00 Ward, Lock and Tyler On the Track (Part 2)
1876-03-00 Ward, Lock and Tyler Among the Cannibals (Part 3)
an anonymous hand (see Ward, Lock & Tyler), abridged and edited by I. O. Evans Translation text is not known. 1964 Arco Publishing The Mysterious Document (Part 1)
1964 Arco Publishing Among the Cannibals (Part 2)
an anonymous hand On the 26th of July, 1864, a magnificent yacht was steaming along the North Channel at full speed, with a strong breeze blowing from the N.E. The Union Jack was flying from the mizen-mast, and a blue standard, bearing the initials E.B. embroidered in gold, and surmounted by a ducal coronet, floated from the topgallant head of the mainmast. 1876-04-00 George Routledge & Sons A Voyage Round the World: South America (Part 1)
1877-09-11 George Munro The Castaways: A Voyage Around the World - South America (Part 1)
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. In Search of the Castaways or, The Children of Captain Grant: South America (Part 1)
For the first few moments the joy of reunion completely filled all hearts. Lord Glenarvan had taken care that the ill-success of their expedition should not throw a gloom over the pleasure of meeting, his very first words being: “Cheer up, friends, cheer up! Captain Grant is not with us, but we have a certainty of finding him!“ 1877-00-00 George Routledge & Sons A Voyage Round the World: Australia (Part 2)
1877-09-12 George Munro The Castaways: A Voyage Around the World - Australia (Part 2)
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. In Search of the Castaways or, The Children of Captain Grant: Australia (Part 2)
If ever the searchers after Captain Grant were tempted to despair, surely it was at this moment when all their hopes were destroyed at a blow. Toward what quarter of the world should they direct their endeavors? How were they to explore new countries? 1877-00-00 George Routledge & Sons A Voyage Round the World: New Zealand (Part 3)
1877-09-17 George Munro The Castaways: A Voyage Around the World - New Zealand (Part 3)
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. In Search of the Castaways or, The Children of Captain Grant: New Zealand (Part 3)
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2001-08-01 Fredonia Books On the Track (Part 2)
2009-07-20 Piccadilly Books In Search of the Castaways
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand דעם טען יולי 1864 איז אויפן מעער צווישען ענגלאנד און אירלאנד, אדער אויפן נארד קאנאל, נעשוואומען א שעהנע און רייך פערציערטע שיף. פון'ם ערשטען בליק האט מען נעקענט אורטהיילען, אז דאס איז קיין פאסאושיר שיף, קיין קויפמעני שע פראכט שיף און קיין קריעגס שיף. זיא איז געווען צו קליין און צו עלענאנט פאר א קריענס שיף, צו שעהן און צו רייך פאר א פאסאזשיר שיף. אויפין קליינעם זענעל בוים פון פארנט האט געהאנגען דיא ענגלישע פאהן און אויפן גרויסען זעגעלבוים אין דערמיט האט געוועהט הויך אין דער לופט א דריעקינער בלויער פלאג, אויף וועלכען עס זיינען געווען אויסנענעהט צוויי גרויסע גאלדענע בוכשטאבען .E. G. און אויף זיי דיא קרוין פון אן עננלישען באראנעט. 1922-00-00 היבּרו פּאָבּלישינג קאָמפּאני םענשׁענפרעסער
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Les Frères Kip

This was fist published in two parts without subtitles.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Stanford L. Luce At that time -1885- forty-six years after its occupation by Great Britain, which had made it part of New South Wales, and thirty-two years after its independence from the Crown, New Zealand, now self-governing, was still devoured by gold fever. 2007-05-00 Wesleyan University Press The Kip Brothers
Alun Richards At the time these events took place - 1885 - forty-six years after its occupation by Great Britain, which had made it a part of New South Wales, and thirty-two years after its establishment as a self-governing colony, independent from the Crown, New Zealand was still consumed by an endemic fever for gold. 2019-11-18 Abandoned Bookshop The Kip Brothers -
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Les histoires de Jean-Marie Cabidoulin

This novel wsa first published in a single part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
I. O. Evans “So, Captain Bourcart, it isn't today you'll be sailing?” “No, Monsieur Brunel, and I'm afraid we won't be able to go tomorrow either...and maybe not for a week.” “That's annoying.“ “And what's more, it's disquieting.” Bourcart shook his head. 1967-00-00 Arco Publishing The Sea Serpent
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Ion Hobana Translation text is not known 1969-00-00 Editura Tineretului Șarpele de mare
Sanda Radian — Hei! căpitane Bourcart, plecarea nu are loc azi? — Nu, domnule Brunei, şi mi-e teamă că nu vom putea pleca nici mâine... nici chiar peste opt zile... — Asta-i foarte neplăcut... — Şi mai ales îngrijorător, spuse domnul Bourcart clătinând din cap. 1986-00-00 Ion Creangă Închipuirile lui Jean Marie Cabidoulin
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Les Indes noires

This was originally published in a single part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand 'Aan de heer J. R. Starr, ingenieur. 30 Canongate Str. Edinburgh. 'Indien de heer James Starr zich naar de kolenmijnen van Aberfoyle, groeve Dorchard, put Yarow wil begeven, zal hem een belangrijke mededeling worden gedaan. 1964-00-00 Elsevier Het Zwarte Goud
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand “Mr. J.R. Starr, 30 Canongate, Edinburgh: If Mr. James Starr will present himself to-morrow at the Aberfoyle Coalmines, Dochart Pit, Yarow Well, he will receive a communication of an interesting nature.” 1877-05-00 George Munro The Black-Indies (Complete Novel)
W. H. G. Kingston “To Mr. J.R. Starr, Engineer, 30, Canongate, Edinburgh. If Mr. James Starr will come to-morrow to the Aberfoyle coal-mines, Dochart pit, Yarrow shaft, a communication of an interesting nature will be made to him.” 1877-10-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington The Child of the Cavern; or, Strange Doings Underground
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Underground City or The Black Indies (Sometimes Called The Child of the Cavern)
I. O. Evans (likely from Kingston) Translation text is not known 1961-00-00 Arco Publishing Black Diamonds
Sarah Crozier “Mr J R Starr, Engineer 30 Canongate Edinburgh If Mr James Starr will come tomorrow to the Yarrow Shaft, Dochart Pit, Aberfoyle coalmines, he will be given information of interest to him.” 2005-12-30 Luath Press The Underground City: Set Underneath Loch Katerine: A New Translation of the Complete Text With Illustrations
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2005-01-30 Tantor Media The Underground City
2010-02-22 LibriVox The Underground City or The Black Indies (Sometimes Called The Child of the Cavern)
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1971-02-00 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Le Indie nere
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Ecaterina Micu Translation text is not known 1979-00-00 Ion Creangă Indiile negre
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand שטיל און טרויעריג איז היינט אין דיא גאסען פון'ם קליינעם שטעדטעל (אבערוויל, אין שאטלאנד. מען זעהט ניט קיין לעבעדיגען מענשען אין דיא גא. סען. דיא הייזער זיינען פערמאכט. אין זיי זיינען געבליבען נור אלטע, קראנקע מענער און פרויען, אדער גאנץ קליינע קינדער. דיא קראנקע קרעכצען אויף זייער קראנקען בעט און קיינער קוקט זיך אויף זיי ניט אום. דיא קינדער וויינען, בעטען עסען און קיינער ענטפערט זיי ניט. 1922-00-00 היבּרו פּאָבּלישינג קאָמפּאני שׁווארזע דיאמאנטען
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Les naufragés du Jonathan

This novel was unfinished at Jules Verne's death and was completed by his son Michel. The original text was discovered and printed in the 1980's. The ISFDB record does not (yet) differentiate these texts, and neither do the translations below. Please stay tuned.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
I. O. Evans It was a graceful animal, its neck long and beautifully curved, its legs long and slender, its skin of russet-brown flecked with white, its tail short and bushy. Its local name was the guanaco. 1962-00-00 Arco Publishing The Survivors of the Jonathan: Part 1: The Masterless Man
1962-00-00 Arco Publishing The Unwilling Dictator
Benjamin Ivry It was a graceful animal, with a long neck, elegant curvature, rounded rump, and nervous tapering legs with a tawny, white-speckled red coat, and a short, tufted, thick-haired tail. In the countryside it was called the guanaco, or guanaque. 2002-01-00 Welcome Rain Magellania
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Jean Popescu-Hârșova Translation text is not known 2010-00-00 Editura ERC PRESS Naufragiații de pe Jonathan
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Les tribulations d'un Chinois en Chine

Published originally in a single part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand “It must be admitted that life has some good in it“ said one of the guests, leaning his elbow on the arm of his marble-backed chair, while he sat biting the root of a sugar water-lily. 1879-11-13 George Munro The Tribulations of a Chinaman in China (Complete Novel)
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Tribulations of a Chinaman in China
Virginia Champlin [Grace Virginia Lord] “It must be acknowledged, however, that there is some good in life,“ observed one of the guests, who, leaning his elbow on the arm of his chair with a marble back, sat nibbling a root of a sugar water-lily. 1879-10-00 Lee and Shepard The Tribulations of a Chinaman in China
1889-00-00 Lee and Shepard The Adventures of a Chinaman in China
Ellen E. Frewer “There's some good in life, after all!“ exclaimed one of a party of six, as he rested his elbow upon the arm of a marble-backed seat, and nibbled a fragment of lotus-root. 1880-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington The Tribulations of a Chinaman
Ellen E. Frewer, abridged and edited by I. O. Evans Translation text is not known. 1963-00-00 Arco Publishing Tribulations of a Chinese Gentleman
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L'Étoile du Sud

Originally published as "L'Étoile du Sud", sub-titled "Le pays des diamants" in a single part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand “Speak on, sir. I am listening.“ “Sir, I have the honor of asking you for the hand of your daughter, Miss Watkins!” “The hand of Alice?” “Yes, sir. My request seems to surprise you, but you will excuse me if I say that I am at a loss to understand why it should appear extraordinary. I am twenty-six years old, my name is Cyprien Mere. I am a mining engineer, having graduated from the Polytechnic School, second in my class; my family is honorable, and respected, if they are not rich.” 1885-03-14 George Munro The Southern Star, or, The Diamond Land
1885-03-21 George Munro The Southern Star, or The Diamond Land (Complete Novel)
an anonymous hand “Go on; I am listening.” “I have the honour to ask you for your daughter's hand.” “Alice?“ “Yes. My request seems to surprise you. Perhaps you will forgive me if I have some difficulty understanding why it appears so strange. I am twenty-six years old; my name is Victor Cyprien; I am a mining engineer, and left the Polytechnic as second on the list. My family is honest and respected, if it is not rich.” 1885-10-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington The Vanished Diamond: A Tale of South Africa
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Star of the South or The Vanished Diamond
Abridged and edited by I. O. Evans

Translation text is not known

1966-00-00 Arco Publishing Southern Star Mystery
Stephen Gray “Keep talking, young man. I'm listening.“ “Sir, I have the honour of asking for the hand of Miss Watkins, your daughter.” “The hand of Alice...“ “Yes, sir. My request seems to have taken you by surprise. But please excuse me if I don't grasp why you could find it so daring. I am twenty-six. I am called Cyprien Méré. I am a mining engineer and I left the Polytechnic second in my year. My family is honourable and much respected, even though we aren't rich.” 2003-01-31 Protea Boekhuis Star of the South
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2002-12-17 Fredonia Books The Vanished Diamond: The Star of the South
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand Publication text is not known 1903-00-00 Paulo Carrara La Stella del Sud
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L'étonnante aventure de la mission Barsac

Four chapters and the beginning of a fifth one were written by Jules Verne in 1903-1904. Using this and a planned title, Michel Verne wrote this book, first published in two parts without sub-titles.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
I. O. Evans (Part 1) Certainly the audacious robbery which the press featured as “The Central Bank Business,”“ and which was front-page news for a whole fortnight, has not yet been forgotten.

(Part 2) At the beginning of the century even the most accurate and recent maps represented the Sahara, that immense stretch of nearly 300,000 square miles, only by a blank space.

1960-00-00 Arco Publishing Into the Niger Bend (Part 1)
1960-00-00 Arco Publishing The City in the Sahara (Part 2)
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Dáné Tibor (Part 1) Kétségtelen, hogy zat a vakmerö betörést, amely oly hosszú ideig foglalkoztatta a napisajtót, és amelyet az a ,,megtiszteltets ért, hogy két hétig - A Central Bank kirablása nagybetüs cim alatt - a lapok elsö oldalán jelenhetett meg, még nem felejtette el mindenki; pdeig azóta évek teltek el.

(Part 2) Annak közelében, ahol a 2. fokú nyugati hosszúsági kör a 16. fokú északi szélességi kör vonalát metszi, vagyis valamivel a Niger folyó legészakibb pontja alatt terül el a bal parton Gao-Gao városa.

1978-00-00 Kriterion Könyvkiadó A Barsac~expedíció különös története
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Gellu Naum Translation text is not known 1967-00-00 Editura Tineretului Uimitoarea aventură a misiunii Barsac
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L'île à hélice

This was first published in two parts, without subtitles.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
W. J. Gordon When a journey begins badly it rarely ends well. At least that ought to have been the opinion of the four instrumentalists whose instruments lay on the ground, the carriage in which they were riding having suddenly upset against a mound by the side of the road. 1896-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston & Company The Floating Island
1903-00-00 Hurst and Co. Floating Island: or The Pearl of the Pacific
1961-00-00 Associated Booksellers Propeller Island
Marie-Thérèse Noiset When a trip begins badly, it rarely ends well. At least this is an opinion that the four musicians, whose instruments were lying on the ground, would surely have a right to maintain. Indeed, the carriage they had taken at the final station of the railroad had just tipped over onto the shoulder of the road. 2015-07-01 Bison Books The Self-Propelled Island
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1929-00-00 Gollancz Floating Island
1990-00-00 Kegan Paul International The Floating Island
2002-12-07 Fredonia Books The Floating Island: The Pearl of the Pacific
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Ion Hobana O călătorie care începe rău se sfârșește rareori cu bine. Iată ce ar avea tot dreptul să susțină patru instrumentiști ale căror instrumente s-au împrăștiat care încotro. Trăsura în care fuseseră nevoiți să se urce la ultima stație de cale ferată s-a răsturnat deodată în șanț. 1959-01-15 Știință & Tehnică Insula cu elice (serialized)
1962-00-00 Editura Tineretului Insula cu elice
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L'île mystérieuse

Originally published in three parts, all titled L'Ile mystérieuse, with sub-titles of Les Naufragés de l'air, L'abandonné and Le secret de l'ile.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand (Part 1) 'Stijgen wij?' 'Neen! Integendeel! Wij dalen!' 'Erger nog, mijnheer Cyrus! Wij vallen!' 'Werp dan in 's hemelsnaam elk stuk ballast, dat wij nog hebben, overboord!'

(Part 2) Met de maand juni, die in de zuidpoolstreken gelijk staat met onze maand december, brak de winter aan. De voornaamste bezigheid was het vervaardigen van stevige, warme kleren.

1964-00-00 Elsevier Het Geheimzinnige Eiland: De Luchtschipbreukelingen (Part 1)
1964-00-00 Elsevier Het Geheimzinnige Eiland: De Verlatene (Part 2)
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
An anonymous hand “Are we going up again?“ “No! On the contrary—” “Are we descending?” “Worse than that, captain! we are falling.“ “For God’s sake, throw some ballast overboard!” 1875-00-00 Scribner, Armstrong The Mysterious Island: Wrecked in the Air (Part 1)
W. H. G. Kingston “Are we going up again?“ “No! On the contrary—” “Are we descending?” “Worse than that, captain! we are falling.“ “For Heaven's sake heave out the ballast!” 1875-00-00 Henry L. Shepard Shipwrecked in the Air
1875-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington The Mysterious Island
1877-10-09 George Munro Mysterious Island: Dropped From the Clouds (Part 1 of 3)
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Mysterious Island: Dropped from the Clouds
[Part 2 of 3] It was now exactly seven months since the balloon voyagers had been thrown on Lincoln Island. During that time, notwithstanding the researches they had made, no human being had been discovered. 1875-00-00 Scribner, Armstrong The Mysterious Island: Abandoned
1877-09-19 George Munro Mysterious Island: The Abandoned (Part 2 of 3)
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Mysterious Island: The Abandoned
1924-00-00 J. M. Dent & Sons Abandoned
[Part 3 of 3] It was now two years and a half since the castaways from the balloon had been thrown on Lincoln Island, and during that period there had been no communication between them and their fellow-creatures. 1876-00-00 Scribner, Armstrong The Mysterious Island: The Secret of the Island
1877-10-13 George Munro Mysterious Island: The Secret of the Island (Part 3 of 3)
W. H. G. Kingston, edited and abridged by I. O. Evans (Part 1) “Are we going up again?” “No. On the contrary!” “Are we descending?” “Worse that that, captain, we are falling!” “For God's sake heave out the ballast!”

(Part 2) It was now seven months since the balloon voyagers had been thrown on Lincoln Island. During that time, no human being had been discovered.

(Part 3) It was now two years and a half since the castaways from the balloon had been thrown on Lincoln Island, and there had been no communication between them and their fellow-creatures.

1959-00-00 Bernard Hanison Dropped From the Clouds (Part 1, Part 2)
1959-00-00 Bernard Hanison Secret of the Island (Part 2, Part 3)
Stephen W. White “Are we rising again?” “No. On the contrary; we are going down!” “Worse that that, Mr. Smith, we are falling!” “For God's sake throw over all the ballast!” 1876-00-00 Office of The Evening Telegraph The Mysterious Island: With a Map of the Island and a Full Glossary
Lowell Bair “Are we rising?” “No, we're sinking.” “It's worse than that, Cyrus: we're falling!” “For God's sake, throw out some ballast!” 1970-05-00 Bantam Pathfinder The Mysterious Island
Sidney Kravitz “Are we rising again?” “No! On the contrary! We're going down!” “Worse than that, Mr. Cyrus! We're falling!” “For God's sake, throw out the ballast!” 2002-02-01 Wesleyan University Press The Mysterious Island
Jordan Stump “Are we rising?” “No! Quite the reverse! We're sinking!“ “Worse than that, Mr. Cyrus! We're falling!“ “For the love of God, drop some ballast!” 2004-04-00 Modern Library The Mysterious Island
an unknown hand "Are we rising again? No, on the contrary. Are we descending? Worse than that Captain, we're falling. For heaven's sake, heave out the ballast" 2012-03-21 Audible Studios The Mysterious Island
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1956-00-00 Grosset & Dunlap The Mysterious Island
1999-00-00 Pulp Fictions Abandoned
1999-03-00 Pulp Fictions Dropped from the Clouds
2009-03-01 Wildside Press The Secret of the Island
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand Það var komið undir lok októbermanaðar. Fimm menn sátu i helli einum, og ræddu saman. Menn þessir höfðu farið að likt og spætan, er gerir sjer hreiður inni I ofanverðum trjástofnum. 1916-00-00 Prentsmiðjan Rún Dularfulla Eyjan
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1876-00-00 Tipografia Editrice Lombarda L'Isola Misteriosa
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Madeleine Samitca and Ioana Eșeanu Translation text is not known 1953-00-00 Editura Tineretului Insula misterioasă
Veronica Mihăileanu and Ion Mihăileanu (Part 1)

- Urcăm ? - Nu ! Dimpotrivă ! Coborîm. - Mai rău, domnule Cyrus, ne prăvălim ! - Pentru dumnezeu I Atunci ce așteptați ? Aruncați din lest !

1979-00-00 Ion Creangă Insula misterioasă, Vol. 1
1979-00-00 Ion Creangă Insula misterioasă, Vol. 2
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand (Part 1)

– הויבען מיר זיך צוריק אויף ? – ניין. גראדע פערקעהרט. – שטייגען מיר ארונטער ? – נאף ערגער וויא דאס, קאפיטאן. מיר פאלען !

(Part 2)

עס איז ערשט געווען פונקט זיעבען מאנאטען פון דער צייט ווען דיא ריי־ זענדע אין לופט־באלון זיינען פערווארפען געווארען אויף'ן לינקאלן אינזעל. דורף דער צייט האבען זיי גענוג געפארשט דעם אינזעל.

1922-00-00 היבּרו פּאָבּלישינג קאָמפּאני געהיימניספאלער אינזעל: ערשטער טייל (Part 1)
1922-00-00 היבּרו פּאָבּלישינג קאָמפּאני געהיימניספאלער אינזעל: צווייטער און דריטער טייל (Part 2)
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L'invasion de la mer

This was first published as a single part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Edward Baxter “How much do you know?” “I know what I heard in the port.“ “Were people talking about the ship that's coming to get - coming to take Hadjar away?” “Yes, to Tunis, where he will go on trial.“ “And be sentenced to death?” 2001-00-00 Wesleyan University Press Invasion of the Sea
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Doina Opriță Translation text is not known 1985-00-00 Ion Creangă Invazia mării
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L'oncle Robinson

3 parts were planned, but only the first part was written, in two slightly different versions. This was not published during Verne's lifetime, although written in 1870-1871.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Sidney Kravitz Translations text is not known 2011-04-14 BearManor Fiction Shipwrecked Family: Marooned with Uncle Robinson
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Maître du monde

Published in a single part, this reuses a character from Robur le Conquérant.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Charles F. Horne If I speak of myself in this story, it is because I have been deeply involved in its startling events, events doubtless among the most extraordinary which this twentieth century will witness. 1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Master of the World
1928-02-00 Experimenter Publishing Co. The Master of the World (serialized)
1961-00-00 Ace Books Master of the World
Cranstoun Metcalfe The mountain range parallel to the American Atlantic sea-board, which ploughs through North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York State, bears the double name of Alleghany [sic] Mountains and Apalachee [sic] Mountains. It is formed of two distinct chains: the Cumberland Mountains on the west, and the Blue Ridge on the east.

This work also appeared in The Boy's Own Paper as the Master of the World in individual monthly issues from November 1913 through April 1914, and annual volume 35.

1914-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston & Company The Master of the World: A Tale of Mystery and Marvel
Cranstoun Metcalfe, abridged and edited by I. O. Evans Translation text is not known 1962-00-00 Arco Publishing Master of the World
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2005-10-25 Dodo Press The Master of the World
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Giansiro Ferrata and Mario Spagnol Translation text is not known 1971-12-21 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Padrone del mondo
Barbara Mirò Translation text is not known 1985-04-00 Editrice Nord Padrone del mondo
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Ovidiu Constantinescu Translation text is not known 1964-00-00 Editura Tineretului Stăpînul lumii
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Mathias Sandorf

This was origainlly published in three parts, with no subtitles.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
W. G. Hanna Trieste, the capital of Illyria, consists of two towns of widely dissimilar aspect. One of them—Theresienstadt—is modern and well-to-do, squarely built along the shore of the bay from which the land it occupies has been reclaimed; the other is old, and poor, and irregular, straggling from the Corso up the slopes of the Karst, whose summit is crowned by the picturesque citadel. 1885-10-17 George Munro Mathias Sandorf (serialized)
1886-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington Mathias Sandorf
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Vázsonyi Endre Trieszt, Isztria (a hajdani Illyria) fővárosa két, egymástól lényegesen különbözõ városrészből áll: az egyik a Terézárosnak nevezett gazdag újváros, amelynek szabályos házsorai az öböl medréből elhóditott partsávon húzódnak, a másik a Karszthegységhez tartozó domb lejtője és a Korzó közé ékelt területeken rendetlenül összezsúfolt, szegény óváros. A dombtetőn meredező fellegvár festői látványt nyújt a szemlélőnek. 0000-00-00 Ifjúsági Könyvkiadó Sándor Mátyás
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Michel Strogoff

Originally published in two parts, both sub-titled de Moscou à Irkoutsk.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
W. Joosten Translation text is not known 1957-00-00 De Verkenner Michael Strogoff - De Koerier van de Czaar
an anonymous hand 'Majesteit, alweer een telegram.' 'Waar vandaan?' 'Uit Tomsk.' 'Is de telegraafdraad voorbij de stad gebroken?' 'Hij is sedert gisteren gebroken.' 'Stuur elk uur een telegram naar Tomsk, generaal, en houd mij op de hoogte.' 'Ja, majesteit,' antwoordde generaal Kissoff. 1964-00-00 Elsevier Michael Strogoff: De Koerier van de Tsaar
Peter-Koert's-Gravenhage Translation text is not known 1978-00-00 Het Goede Boek Michael Strogoff, de Koerier van de Tsaar
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
E.G. Walraven “-Sire, a fresh dispatch.” “From what point?” “From Tomsk.” “The wire is cut beyond that village, is it not?” “Cut since yesterday.” “Send a telegraph to Tomsk every hour, general, and keep me informed.“ “Yes sire,“ replied General Kissoff. 1876-10-03 Frank Leslie's Publishing House Michael Strogoff; From Moscow to Irkoutsk
W. H. G. Kingston “Sire, a fresh dispatch.” “Whence?” “From Tomsk.” “Is the wire cut beyond that city?” “Yes, sire, since yesterday.” “Telegraph hourly to Tomsk, General, and let me be kept au courant [posted] [and keep me informed] of all that occurs.” “Sire, it shall be done,” answered General Kissoff. 1876-12-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington Michael Strogoff, the Courier of the Czar
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. Michael Strogoff or The Courier of the Czar
1957-00-00 Pyramid Royal Michael Strogoff
W. H. G. Kingston revised by Julius Chambers Translation text is not known 1877-00-00 Scribner, Armstrong & Company Michael Strogoff: The Courier of the Czar
1877-11-00 George Munro Michael Strogoff; or, The Courier of the Czar (Complete Novel)
W. H. G. Kingston abridged and edited by I. O. Evans Translation text is not known 1959-00-00 Bernard Hanison Michael Strogoff
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1968-00-00 Magnum Books Michael Strogoff
2015-03-03 Skyhorse Publishing Michael Strogoff or The Courier of the Czar
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Eggert Jóhannsson “Nýtt skeyti herra!” “Hvaðan?” “Frá Tomsk”. “Er fréttaþráðurinn högginn þar fyrir handan?” “Já, herra. Var högginn í gær”. 1895-00-00 Heimskringla Mikael Strogoff, eða Síberíu-förin
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Giansiro Ferrata and Mario Spagnol Translation text is not known 1971-05-00 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Michele Strogoff
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1928-00-00 Casa Editrice Bietti Michele Strogoff
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Mirifiques Aventures de Maître Antifer

This was originally published in two parts with no sub-titles.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand It is September 9th, 1831. The captain left his cabin at six o'clock. The sun is rising, or to speak more exactly, its light is illuminating the lower clouds in the east, for its disk is still below the horizon. 1895-12-00 Sampson Low, Marston & Company Captain Antifer
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2001-06-01 Fredonia Books Captain Antifer
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand עס איז דער 9טער סעפטעמבער 1831 גאנץ פריה. אויף דעם מעער פאהרט לאנגזאם א ניט גרויסע, אבער זעהר שעהנע זעגעל שיף.

דאס מעער איז גלאט וויא א שפיגעל. קיין ווינטעלע וועהט, קיין הויך רעגט אויף זיינע וואסערען. דיא זון האט זיך נור וואס געוויעזען אין אסטען און האט מיט איהרע העל־רויטליכע שטראהלען בעלויכטען דיא גרויסע, ברייטע וואסער וויסטע. וויא ווייט דאס אויג קען גרייכען, זעהט עם נור הימעל און וואסער. דער הימעל איז ריין, קלאהר און בלוי, דיא לופט איז שטיל און ווארעם.

1922-00-00 היבּרו פּאָבּלישינג קאָמפּאני דעם פּאשא'ס ירושה
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Mistress Branican

This was originally published in two parts without sub-titles.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
A. Estoclat When you part with friends on the threshold of a long journey, there are at least two chances of your never seeing them again; those whom you leave behind may not be there on your return, and you, who go away, may never come back. Such calculations, however, were far away from the thoughts of the sailors who were preparing to get under sail on board the Franklin, on the morning of the 15th of March, in the year 1875. 1891-11-21 Cassell Publishing Company Mistress Branican
an anonymous hand There are two chances of never again seeing the friends we part with when starting on a long voyage; those we leave may not be here on our return, and those who go may never come back. But little heed of these eventualities were taken by the sailors who were preparing for the departure on board the Franklin in the morning of the 15th of March, 1875. 1892-11-00 Sampson Low, Marston & Company Mistress Branican
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1893-00-00 A. Hartleben Mistreß Branican
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Nord contre Sud

This was originally published in two parts, without subtitles.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Laura E. Kendall Florida, which had been annexed by the great American Republic in 1820, was elevated to the dignity of a sovereign State a few years later. By this annexation, the territory of the United States was increased sixty-seven thousand square miles, but the star of Florida glitters with only a secondary light in the constellation of thirty-eight stars that adorns the flag of the United States. 1887-08-20 George Munro Texar's Vengeance, or North Versus South (Part 1)
an anonymous hand (Part 1) “Florida was annexed to the American federation in 1819; it was organized into a state a few years afterwards. By the annexation the area of the republic was increased by some 67,000 square miles. But the star of Florida shines with second-rate brilliancy in that constellation of thirty-eight which spangle the banner of the United States of America.”“

(Part 2) “Texar!” — such was the well-hated name that Zermah had shouted into the darkness at the moment Mrs. Burbank and Alice reached the bank of Marino Creek.

1887-12-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington North Against South: A Tale of the American Civil War
an unknown hand (see above), abridged and edited by I. O. Evans Part 1) Florida was annexed to the American Federation in 1819 and became a state a few years later. Though by its annexation the Republic's area was increased by some 67,000 square miles, the star of Florida shines only with minor brilliancy in that constellation of thirty-eight which spangle the banner of the United States.

(Part 2) ‘Texar!’ That was the hated name that Zermah had shouted into the darkness just as Mrs. Burbank and Alice reached the bank of Marine Creek. The girl had recognized the detestable Spaniard. There could be no doubt he was personally responsible for the kidnapping, and that he was now supervising it.

1965-00-00 Arco Publishing Burbank the Northerner (Part 1)
1965-00-00 Arco Publishing Texar the Southerner (Part 2)
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2001-05-01 Fredonia Books North Against South
2002-12-12 Fredonia Books Texar's Revenge
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Paris au XXe siècle

This story was rejected by Hetzel in 1863, but finally published in 1994. There was one part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Richard Howard On August 13, 1960, a portion of the Parisian populace headed for the many Métro stations from which various local trains would take them to what had once been the Champ-de-Mars. It was Prize Day at the Academic Credit Union, the vast institution of public education, and over this solemn ceremony His Excellency the Minister of Improvement of the City of Paris was to preside. 1996-11-19 Random House Paris in the Twentieth Century
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This was originally published in two parts without subtitles.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand Ireland, which has an area of 31,759 square miles, or 20,326,209 acres, formerly formed part of the insular tract of land now called the United Kingdom. 1895-02-00 Sampson Low, Marston & Company Foundling Mick
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2008-04-00 Royal Irish Academy The Extraordinary Adventures of Foundling Mick
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Robur le Conquérant

Originally published in a single part with no subtitle.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand "Pang!...." "Pang!...." De twee pistoolschoten gingen als het ware tegelijkertijd af. Eene koe, die op een afstand van vijftig passen ongeveer rustig graasde, kreeg een der kogels in de bovenrugwervels. Toch, dat moet erkend worden, had zij aan het geheele geval hoegenaamd geen schuld. De onschuldigen boeten in den regel voor de schuldigen. 1918-00-00 Elsevier Robur de Veroveraar
an anonymous hand 'Pang!... Pang!...' De twee pistoolschoten gingen als het ware tegelijkertijd af. Een vreedzame koe, die op ongeveer vijftig pas afstand rustig graasde, kreeg één der kogels in een rugwervel. En toch moet gezegd worden, dat zij aan het gehele geval hoegenaamd geen schuld had. In de regel zijn het de onschuldigen die voor de schuldigen moeten boeten: geen der beide vechtenden was geraakt. 1964-00-00 Elsevier Robur de Veroveraar
Pieter Verhulst 1985 edition: "Pang!...." "Pang!" De twee pistoolschoten gingen bijna tegelijk af. Een grazende koe, vijftig passen verderop werd geraakt door een van der kogels. Maar toch had het dier er niets mee te maken. Geen van de twee tegenstanders werd geraakt. 1985-00-00 Loeb Robur de veroveraar
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand “Bang! Bang!” The sound of two pistol shots was heard. A cow crossing a field fifty paces distant received a bullet in the spine. The cow was an innocent victim. Like spectators at a riot she had fared worse than the combatants. The contending adversaries were untouched. 1887-00-00 George Munro Robur the Conqueror; or, A Trip Round the World in a Flying Machine
c. 1900 M. A. Donohue & Company A Trip Round the World in a Flying Machine
2002-12-12 Fredonia Books Robur the Conqueror: Master of the World
an anonymous hand “Bang! Bang!“ The pistol-shots were almost simultaneous. A cow peacefully grazing fifty yards away received one of the bullets in her back. She had nothing to do with the quarrel all the same. Neither of the adversaries was hit. 1887-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington The Clipper of the Clouds
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. Robur the Conqueror or The Clipper of the Clouds
2003-03-01 Project Gutenberg Robur the Conqueror
1927-12-00 Experimenter Publishing Co. Robur the Conqueror; or, The Clipper of the Clouds (serialized)
Sampson Low translation, abridged and edited by I. O. Evans Translation text is not known 1962-00-00 Arco Publishing Clipper of the Clouds
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1956-00-00 Scottie Books Clipper of the Clouds
1961-00-00 Ace Books Robur the Conqueror
1978-00-00 Castle Books The Clipper of the Clouds
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Peter Laneus Piff! - Paff! Die beiden Pistolenschüsse gingen beinahe gleichzeitig los. Eine der Kugeln saß im Rückgrat der Kuh, die fünfzig Schritt entfernt vorbeitrottete. Nichtsdestoweniger hatte sie mit der Geschichte nichts zu tun. Die Gegner blieben aber beiden unversehrt. Wer waren die zwei Herren? Das weiß man nicht, obwohl hier fraglos die Gelegenheit gewesen wäre, ihre Namen der Nachwelt zu hinterlassen. 1991-00-00 Diogenes Robur der Eroberer
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Giansiro Ferrata and Mario Spagnol Translation text is not known 1971-08-10 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Robur il conquistatore
Barbara Mirò Translation text is not known 1985-04-00 Editrice Nord Robur il conquistatore
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Ovidiu Constantinescu Translation text is not known 1958-00-00 Editura Tineretului Robur Cuceritorul
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Sans dessus dessous

This was first published as a single part.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand “Then, Mr. Maston, you pretend that a woman has never been able to make mathematical or experimental-science progress?” 1890-00-00 J. S. Ogilivie Topsy-Turvy
1960-00-00 Ace Books The Purchase of the North Pole
an anonymous hand “And so, Mr. Maston, you consider that a woman can do nothing for the advance of the mathematical or experimental sciences?” 1891-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington The Purchase of the North Pole: A Sequel to From the Earth to the Moon
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Purchase of the North Pole or Earth Topsy Turvy
1926-09-00 Experimenter Publishing Co. The Purchase of the North Pole (serialized)
Abridged and edited by I. O. Evans

Translation text is not known

1966-00-00 Arco Publishing The Purchase of the North Pole
Sophie Lewis “So, Mr Maston, you claim that women are incapable of ever advancing either the mathematical or the experimental sciences?“ 2012-06-29 Hesperus Press The Earth Turned Upside Down
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1891-00-00 P. F. Collier The Purchase of the North Pole
2004-11-27 Fredonia Books Barbicane and Company: The Purchase of the North Pole
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Manfred Hoffmann (based on previous versions) "Sie behaupten also, Herr Maston, eine Frau ist noch nie imstande gewesen, zum Fortschritt der mathematischen oder der experimentellen Wissenschaften beizutragen?" "Ich bedaure unendlich, Missis Scorbitt, aber so sehe ich das nun einmal", antwortete J. T. Maston. "Ich gebe zwar gern zu, daß es, vor allem in Rußland, ein paar sehr gute Mathematikerinnen gegeben hat, vielleicht auch heute noch gibt; doch allein das weibliche Gehirn ist schon Hindernis genug, daß eine Frau jemals ein Archimedes oder gar ein Newton werden könnte." "Oh, Herr Maston, da muß ich im Namen unseres Geschlechts heftig widersprechen!" 1983-00-00 Neues Leben Kein Durcheinander
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
A. Ghițulescu Translation text is not known 1955-00-00 Editura Tineretului Întîmplări neobișnuite
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Seconde patrie

This was first published in two parts, without subtitles.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Cranstoun Metcalfe The dry season set in at the beginning of the second week of October. This is the first spring month in the Southern zone. The winter in this nineteenth degree of latitude between the Equator and the tropic of Capricorn had not been very severe. The inhabitants of New Switzerland would soon be able to resume their wonted labours. 1923-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston & Company Their Island Home Part 1.
Night—a pitch-dark night! It was almost impossible to distinguish sky from sea. From the sky, laden with clouds low and heavy, deformed and tattered, lightning flashed every now and then, followed by muffled rolls of thunder. At these flashes the horizon lit up for a moment and showed deserted and melancholy. 1923-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston & Company The Castaways of the Flag: The Final Adventures of the Swiss Family Robinson Part 2
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1924-00-00 Grosset & Dunlap The Castaways of the Flag
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Un billet de loterie

Originally published as a single part with a subtitle of Le numéro 9672. The first French publication in book form also included Frritt-Flacc.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Laura E. Kendall “What time is it?” inquired Dame Hansen, shaking the ashes from her pipe, the fast curling rings from which were slowly disappearing between the stained rafters overhead. 1886-07-28 George Munro Ticket No. 9672: Volume 1
1886-12-03 George Munro Ticket No. 9672: Volume 2
an anonymous hand “What time is it?“ asked Dame Hansen, as she knocked the ashes out of her pipe while the last few whiffs floated off against the painted beams of the ceiling. 1886-08-00 Sampson Low The Lottery Ticket
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Teodora Cristea — Cât e ceasul ? întrebă cucoana Hansen după ce-şi scutură cenușa pipei, pe când ultimele rotocoale de fum se pierdeau între grinzile colorate ale tavanului. 1975-00-00 Ion Creangă Un bilet de loterie
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Un capitaine de quinze ans

Originaly published in two parts with no subtitles.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand On February 2, 1873, the schooner “Pilgrim” was in latitude 43°57' south, and in longitude 165°19' west of the meridian of Greenwich. This vessel, of four hundred tons, fitted out at San Francisco for whale-fishing in the southern seas, belonged to James W. Weldon, a rich Californian ship-owner, who had for several years entrusted the command of it to Captain Hull. 1878-11-00 George Munro Captain at Fifteen (serialized)
1878-00-00 George Munro Dick Sand; or, A Captain at Fifteen
Ellen E. Frewer (Part 1) On the 2nd of February, 1873, the “Pilgrim,”“ a tight little craft of 400 tons burden, lay in lat. 43°57', S. and long. 165°19', W. She was a schooner, the property of James W. Weldon, a wealthy Californian ship-owner who had fitted her out at San Francisco, expressly for the whale-fisheries in the southern seas.

(Part 2) The "slave-trade" is an expression that ought never to have found its way into any human language. After being long practiced at a large profit by such European nations as had possessions beyond the seas, this abominable traffic has now for many years been ostensibly forbidden; yet even in the enlightenment of this nineteenth century, it is still largely carried on, especially in Central Africa, inasmuch as there are sever states, professedly Christian, whose signatures have never been affixed to the deed of abolition

1878-12-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington Dick Sands: The Boy Captain
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. Dick Sands: A Captain at Fifteen (Part 1)
Dick Sands: The Dark Continent (Part 2)
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1879-00-00 Charles Scribner's Sons Dick Sands, the Boy Captain
2002-09-30 Fredonia Books Dick Sands: A Captain at Fifteen (Part 1)
2002-09-30 Fredonia Books Dick Sands: The Dark Continent (Part 2)
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Simona Schileru and Anghel Ghițulescu Translation text is not known 1954-00-00 Editura Tineretului Căpitan la 15 ani
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Игнатий Петров (Ignatiy Petrov) Второго февраля 1873 года шхуна-бриг «Пилигрим» находилась под 43°57' южной широты и 165°19' западной долготы (от Гринвича). Это четырехсоттонное судно было снаряжено в Сан-Франциско для охоты на китов в южных морях.

«Пилигрим» принадлежал богатому калифорнийскому судовладельцу Джемсу Уэлдону; командовал судном в продолжение многих лет капитан Гуль.

1956-00-00 Государственное издательство БССР Пятнадцатилетний капитан
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand (Part 1) איך זאג אייך נאך אמאל, מיסיס וועלדאן, אז איך וואלט געווען פיעל מעחר צופריעדען, ווען איהר זאלט פאהרען מיט .א דאמפף שיף אהיים, האט געזאגט א הויכער, שעהנער, און שטארקער מאן פון א יאהר פיערציג

(Part 2) דער שקלאפען האנדעל, דיא גרעסטע, דיא שרעקליכסטע אונגערעכטינקייט, וועלכע איז בעגאננען געווארען פון איין מענשען גענען אנדערן, איז אבגעשאפט געווארען ערשט נאר ניט לאנג, אונזערע קינדס קינדער וועלען פיעלייכט גאר ניט גלויבען, אז אמאל זיינען דיא מענשען געווען אזוי שלעכט, אזוי ווילד און אזוי אונ בארמהערציג, אז זיי זיינען אנגעפאלען אויף דיא דערפער פון אנדערע מענשען, האבען געטייטעט אלע אלטע, שוואכע און קראנקע און האבען דיא נעזונדע מענער און פרויען אוועקנעשלעפט אויף טויזענדער מייל ווייט פון זייער היים און חאבען ויי פערקויפט .אויפן מארק, וויא מען פערקויפט בהמות

1922-00-00 היבּרו פּאָבּלישינג קאָמפּאני אָנקעל בענעדיקט (Part 1)
1922-00-00 היבּרו פּאָבּלישינג קאָמפּאני די שקלאַפען הענדלער אין אַפריקאַ (Part 2)
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Un Drame en Livonie

This was originally published in a single part with no subtitle.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
I. O. Evans That man was alone in the night, running like a wolf between the masses of ice piled up by the cold of a long winter. His trousers were of double thickness, his cafetan or cowskin jacket, his cap with its ear-flaps, protected him but imperfectly from the attacks of the bitter wind. 1967-00-00 Arco Publishing A Drama in Livonia
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Un prêtre en 1835

This was first published posthumously in 1991.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Danièle Chatelain and George Slusser Translation text is not known 2016-05-12 BearManor Media A Priest in 1835
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Une ville flottante

First published as a single part with no subtitle. The first book publication also included Forceurs de blocus.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand On the 18th of March, 1867, I arrived at Liverpool, intending to take a berth simply as an amateur traveller on board the “Great Eastern,“ which in a few days was to sail for New York. 1874-09-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle A Floating City
an anonymous hand (see Sampson Low 1874), abridged and edited by I. O. Evans Translation text is not known 1958-00-00 Bernard Hanison A Floating City
Henry Frith On the 18th March, 1867, I arrived in Liverpool. The Great Eastern was to sail for New York in a few days, and I came to take my passage in her. A mere traveller for pleasure, a trip across the Atlantic in this gigantic steamship had great attractions for me. 1876-07-00 George Routledge & Sons A Floating City
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1876-00-00 Sampson Low A Floating City
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Doina Opriță Translation text is not known 1985-00-00 Ion Creangă Un oraș plutitor
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Vingt mille lieues sous les mers

The original publication was in two parts, both subtitled Le tour du monde sous-marin, although the sub-titles were dropped for the book publication.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Hans van Cuijlenborg Translation text is not known 2003-10-00 Facet 20.000 mijl onder de wateren
an anonymous hand Nu begint het tweede gedeelde van mijn onderzeese reis. Het eerste eindigt met het aangrijpende toneel op het kerkhof, waarvan ik zo diep onder de indruk geweest was. Zo leefde kapitein Nemo dus in de onmetelijke zee en hij had zich al een graf gekozen in deze ontoegankelijke afgrond. 1964-00-00 Elsevier 20.000 Mijlen Onder Zee: Westelijk Halfrond
Het jaar 1866 werd gekenmerkt door een zonderlinge gebeurtenis, namelijk een onverklaarbare verschijning, die zeker nog door niemand vergeten is. Zonder nog te spreken van de praatjes die de bewoners van de kustplaatsen verontrustten, en over het algemeen hen, die meer in het binnenland woonden, in een opgewonden toestand brachten, waren het vooral de zeelieden die bijzonder in angst verkeerden. 1971-00-00 Elsevier 20.000 Mijlen Onder Zee: Oostelijk Halfrond
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1978-00-00 Het Goede Boek 20.000 Mijlen Onder Zee: Westelijk Halfrond
1978-00-00 Het Goede Boek 20.000 Mijlen Onder Zee: Oostelijk Halfrond
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Lewis Mercier The year 1866 was signalized by a remarkable incident, a mysterious and inexplicable phenomenon, which doubtless no one has yet forgotten. Not to mention rumors which agitated the maritime population, and excited the public mind, even in the interior of continents, seafaring men were particularly excited. 1872-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas
1877-10-03 George Munro 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Complete Novel)
1879-00-00 Donohue, Henneberry & Co.s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
1990-00-00 Russell, Geddes & Grosset 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
2010-01-02 General Books 20,000 Leagues Under the Seas
The year 1866 was marked by a series of strange events revolving around a mysterious and puzzling phenomenon that is doubtless still vivid in the mind of the public. particularly in the coastal communities-but even in the inland areas, peculiar but insistent rumors had spread, stirring up fear and apprehension. (modified and corrected by an unknown hand) 1965-00-00 Platt & Munk Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
The year 1866 was signalised by a remarkable incident, a mysterious and inexplicable phenomenon, which doubtless no one has yet forgotten. Not to mention rumors which agitated the maritime population, and excited the public mind, even in the interior of continents, seafaring men were particularly excited. (edited by Walter James Miller - The first change by Miller breaks the third paragraph and adds a separate paragraph with "Neither Cuvier nor Lacépède, neither Duméril nor Quatrefages would have admitted that such a monster could exist unless they had seen it with their own eyes: the trained eyes of the scientist.") 1976-00-00 Crowell Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
The year 1866 was made notable by a series of bizarre events, a chain of mysterious phenomena which have never been explained, that I am sure no one has forgotten. Rumors of these strange occurrences excited the inhabitants of seaports, the world over, and excited the imaginations of the public throughout all the continents. (modifications and corrections by an unknown hand) 1966-05-00 Pyramid Books 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
1980-00-00 Watermill Press Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Henry Frith The year 1866 was marked by a very strange event, an inexplicable and unexplained phenomenon, which must still be in the recollection of our readers. Without mentioning rumours which agitated the population of the sea-ports, and extended to the interior of various countries, the maritime population were more particularly exercised in their minds. 1876-03-00 George Routledge & Sons Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
1973-00-00 J. M. Dent 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
an anonymous hand In the year 1866 the whole maritime population of Europe and America was excited by a mysterious and inexplicable phenomenon. This excitement was not confined to merchants, common sailors, sea-captains, shippers, and naval officers of all countries, but the governments of many states on the two continents were deeply interested. 1876-05-00 Ward, Lock and Tyler Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
1978-00-00 Octopus Books 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Philip Schuyler Allen The year of grace 1866 was made memorable by a marvelous event which doubtless still lingers in men's minds. No explanation for this strange occurrence was found, and it soon came to be generally regarded as inexplicable. A thousand rumors were current among the population of the seacoasts and stirred the imagination of those millions who dwelt inland far from the shores of an ocean. But of course it was the seafaring men who were the most excited. 1922-00-00 Rand McNally & Company Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
I. O. Evans The year 1866 was remarkable for a mysterious and perplexing incident, which no one has yet forgotten; seafaring men were particularly excited. 1960-00-00 Arco Publishing Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Anthony Bonner The year 1866 was marked by a strange event, an unexplainable occurrence which is undoubtedly still fresh in everyone's memory. Those living in coastal towns or in the interior of continents were aroused by all sorts of rumors; but it was seafaring people who were particularly excited. 1962-00-00 Bantam Books 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Walter James Miller Eighteen sixty-six was marked by a strange occurrence, an amazing phenomenon that probably no one has yet forgotten. People living along the coasts, even people far inland, were disturbed by bizarre rumors. But seafaring men were especially upset. 1965-00-00 Washington Square Press Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Mendor T. Brunetti The year 1866 was marked by a strange occurrence, an unexplained and inexplicable phenomenon that surely no one has forgotten. People living along the coasts, and even far inland, had been perturbed by certain rumors, while seafaring men had been especially alarmed. 1969-00-00 Signet Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
2001-12-00 Signet Classics 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Emanuel J. Mickel The year 1866 was marked by a strange incident, an unexplained and inexplicable phenomenon, which doubtless no one has yet forgotten. Not to mention rumors which disturbed the maritime population and excited the public mind in the interior of continents, but even seafaring men were excited. 1992-03-00 Indiana University Press The Complete 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Walter James Miller and Frederick Paul Walter The year 1866 was marked by a bizarre situation, a phenomenon unexplained and inexplicable that probably no one has yet forgotten. Putting aside those rumors that upset people in the seaports and excited the public mind far inland, the significant fact is that seafaring men were especially agitated. 1993-09-00 Naval Institute Press Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
William Butcher The year 1866 was marked by a strange event, an unexplained and inexplicable occurrence that doubtless no one has yet forgotten. Without mentioning the rumours which agitated the denizens of the ports and whipped up the public's imagination on every continent, seafaring men felt particularly disturbed. 1998-05-14 Oxford University Press Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas
Frederick Paul Walter The year 1866 was marked by a bizarre development, an unexplained and downright inexplicable phenomenon that surely no one has forgotten. Without getting into those rumors that upset civilians in the seaports and deranged the public mind even far inland, it must be said that professional seamen were especially alarmed. (A copyright of 1999 is given to Frederick Paul Walter, but no specific text is identified by Project Gutenberg) 2001-01-01 Project Gutenberg Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas: An Underwater Tour of the World
Frederick Paul Walter The year 1866 was marked by a peculiar development, a baffling, bewildering phenomenon that surely nobody has forgotten. Without getting into those rumors that troubled civilians in the seaports and muddled public thinking even far inland, it must be said that professional seamen were especially alarmed. 2010-01-02 Excelsior Editions / State University of New York Press 20,000 Leagues Under the Seas
James Reeves In the year 1867 I had been on an expedition to collect plants and animals in the bad lands of Nebraska in North America. I was a professor in the Paris Museum of Natural History. 2011-05-05 Vintage (UK) Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
David Coward The year 1866 was marked by a strange occurrence, an unexplained and indeed inexplicable phenomenon which surely no one can have forgotten. Though rumours abounded which alarmed the populations of ports and inflamed public sentient in the interior of every continent, it was seafarng folk who felt the most afraid. 2016-06-30 Penguin Books Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1920-00-00 Charles Scribner's Sons Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
1955-00-00 Fontana 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
2009-06-21 Evertype Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas
0000-00-00 Clarkson N. Potter The Annotated Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Alfred Günther Translation text is not known 1956-00-00 Blüchert 20 000 Meilen unter den Meeren
Joachim Fischer Translation text is not known 1967-00-00 Bärmeier & Nikel 20 000 Meilen unter den Meeren
Gisela Geisler Translation text is not known 1986-00-00 Deutscher Bücherbund 20 000 Meilen unter den Meeren
an anonymous hand Eine seltsame, unerklärliche Naturerscheinung erregte im Jahre 1866 großes Aufsehen. Die Bevölkerung war durch Gerüchte beunruhigt; Matrosen und Kapitäne, Kaufleute und Reeder sowie Offiziere der Kriegsmarine gerieten in Aufregung, ja sogar die Regierungen in Europa und Amerika schalteten sich ein. 1972-00-00 Neues Leben 20000 Meilen unter dem Meer
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1875-00-00 A. Hartleben Zwanzigtausend Meilen unter'm Meer
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Giansiro Ferrata and Mario Spagnol Translation text is not known 1973-01-00 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Ventimila leghe sotto i mari
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1964-12-20 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Ventimila leghe sotto i mari (serialized and subtitled)
0000-00-00 Casa Editrice Bietti Ventimila Leghe Sotto I Mari
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
村上啓夫 (Hiroo Murakami) Translation text is not known 1962-06-00 早川書房 海底二万リーグ
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Bolesław Kielski Translation text is not known 1981-00-00 Nasza Księgarnia 20000 mil podmorskiej żeglugi
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Lucia Donea Sadoveanu and Gelu Naum Translation text is not known 1955-00-00 Editura Tineretului 20.000 de leghe sub mări
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2005-00-00 Agebe 20.000 leguas de viaje submarino
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand אין יאהר 1866 האט זיך בעוויעזען א מערקווירדינע, וואונדערבארע נאטור ערשי ינונג, וועלכע פיעלע האבען וואהרשיינליך ביז יעצט נאף ניט פערנעסען. גאנצע נאציאנען זיינען העכסט איבערראשט געווארען, איבער־ הויפט קויפלייטע און שיפס־אייגענטהימער, קאפיטענע און זעע־רייזענדע פון אייראפא און אמעריקא, אפיציערען וואס נעהערען צו דער קריענס פלאטע פון אלע לענדער און זאגאר די רעגיערונגען פון ביידע וועלט־טהיי לען זיינען אויף דיעזע זעלטענע ערשיינונג זעהר אויפמערקזאם געווארען. 1922-00-00 היבּרו פּאָבּלישינג קאָמפּאני א רייזע אויפ'ן גרונד פון ים: אדער: 20 טויזענד מייל אונטער וואסער
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Volcan d'or

Originally published in two parts with no subtitles just after Jules Verne's death, this was modified by his son Michel. The text as written has been published, but not (yet) recognized as such as ISFDB.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
I. O. Evans An earthquake, admittedly localized, had just convulsed part of the Klondike, along the Forty Mile Creek from the Yukon to the Alaskan frontier. 1962-00-00 Arco Publishing The Claim on Forty Mile Creek: Part One of The Golden Volcano
1962-00-00 Arco Publishing Flood and Flame: Part Two of The Golden Volcano
Edward Baxter On March 16, in the antepenultimate year of this century, the letter carrier whose route included Jacques Cartier Street in Montreal delivred a letter addressed to Mr. Summy Skim, at house number twenty-nine. 2008-05-01 University of Nebraska Press The Golden Volcano
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Voyage à travers l'impossible

This play was performed in 1882, but not published until 1981. Currently classed as a Novel, this is likely to be considered Short Fiction.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Edward Baxter Translation text is not known 2003-05-00 Prometheus Books Journey Through the Impossible
Frank J. Morlock Translation text is not known 2009-06-30 Borgo Press / Wildside Press The Voyage Through the Impossible: A Play in Three Acts
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Voyage au centre de la terre

This was not serialized and appeared as a single part in book form without a subtitle.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Ph. Ch. Stemmer Op Zondag, den 24sten Mei 1863, keerde mijn oom, professor Lidenbrock, haastig terug naar zijn huis, No. 19 van de Koningsstraat, een der oudste straten van een oude wijk te Hamburg. De goede Martha zou bijna gedacht hebben veel te laat te zijn, want het middageten was nauwelijks aan de kook. 1935-00-00 Het Boekhuis In het Hart der Wereld
Mr. W. Joosten Op een zondag - het was de 24e mei 1863 - kwam mijn oom, professor Lidenbrock, in allerijl, vroeger dan gewoonlijk, terug naar huis. Hij woont in een klein huisje aan de Koningsstraat 19, een der oudste straten van Oud-Hamburg. Ik zag hem al in de verte aankomen. 1957-00-00 De Verkenner Naar het Middelpunt der Aarde
Ros van Katmalen 'Daar is meneer Lidenbrock al!' riep Martha geschrokken, terwijl ze naar buiten keek. 'Wat zeg je, Martha?' vroeg ik verwonderd. 'Hij zal toch niet verwachten dat het eten al klaar is? De klok van de Sint-Michaëlskerk heeft net half twee geslagen!' 1968-00-00 Bruna Naar het Middelpunt der Aarde
Peter-Koert van 's-Gravenhage Translation text is not known 1978-00-00 Het Goede Boek Naar het Middelpunt der Aarde
an unknown hand Op zondag 25 mei 1863 keerde mijn oom, professor Lidenbrock haastig terug naar zijn huisje in de Koningsstraat nr. 19, een der oudste straten van de oude wijk te Hamburg. De goede Martha zou bijna gedacht hebben dat zij veel te laat was, want op het fornuis in de keuken was het middageten nauwelijks aan de kook. 1964-00-00 Elsevier Naar het Middelpunt der Aarde
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand Looking back to all that has occurred to me since that eventful day, I am scarcely able to believe in the reality of my adventures. They were truly so wonderful that even now I am bewildered when I think of them. 1871-00-00 Griffith and Farran A Journey to the Centre of the Earth
1877-10-05 George Munro A Journey to the Centre of the Earth (Complete Novel)
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. A Trip to the Center of the Earth
1926-05-00 Experimenter Publishing Co. A Trip to the Center of the Earth (serialized)
1965-10-00 Scholastic Book Services A Journey to the Center of the Earth
1988-00-00 Aerie Journey to the Center of the Earth
anonymous Griffith & Farren, abridged and edited by Nora Kramer Looking back to all that has occurred to me since that eventful day, I am scarcely able to believe in the reality of my adventures. They were truly so wonderful that even now I am bewildered when I think of them. Wording changes appear in the second paragraph. 1973-09-00 Scholastic Book Services Journey to the Center of the Earth
Stephen W. White One Sunday, the 24th of May, 1863, my Uncle, Professor Lidenbrock, returned hurriedly to his little house, situated at No. 19 Konigstrasse, one of the oldest streets of the old quarter of Hamburg. The good Martha thought that she was very much behind time, for the dinner was scarcely commencing to sing on the kitchen stove. 1874-00-00 Office of The Evening Telegraph A Journey to the Centre of the Earth
an anonymous hand It was on Sunday, the 24th of May, 1863, that my uncle, Professor Lidenbrock, came rushing suddenly back to his little house in the old part of Hamburg, No. 19, Koenigstrasse.

Our good Martha could not but think she was very much behindhand with the dinner, for the pot was scarcely beginning to simmer...

1876-00-00 George Routledge & Sons A Journey to the Centre of the Earth
2008-05-06 Pocket Books Journey to the Center of the Earth
2014-04-22 HarperPerennial Classics A Journey to the Center of the Earth
Frederick Amadeus Malleson On the 24th May, 1863, my uncle, Professor Liedenbrock, rushed into his little house, No. 19 Köningstrasse, one of the oldest streets in the oldest portion of the city of Hamburg. Martha must have concluded that she was very much behindhand, for the dinner had only just been put into the oven. 1876-00-00 Ward, Lock A Journey to the Interior of the Earth
2004-01-07 North Books A Journey Into the Interior of the Earth
2007-11-00 Sterling Publishing Journey to the Center of the Earth
2011-11-13 Necropolis Press A Journey to the Center of the Earth
2016-04-12 Fantastic Books A Journey to the Centre of the Earth
an anonymous hand On Sunday, the 24th of May, 1863, my uncle, Professor Lidenbrock, returned to his little dwelling, No. 19 in the Königstrasse, one of the oldest streets in the most ancient part of Hamburg. Martha, the housekeeper, must have fancied she was very much behind her usual time, for she had only just begun to cook the dinner. 1890-10-00 Hutchinson & Co. A Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Isabel C. Fortey On the 24th of May, 1863, which was a Sunday, my uncle Professor Lidenbrock came hastily back to his little house, 19 Königstrasse. This is one of the oldest streets in the ancient quarter of Hamburg. Our good Martha thought she must be behind with the dinner, for it was only just beginning to sizzle in the oven. 1925-03-00 Blackie & Son A Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Willis T. Bradley On Sunday afternoon, May 24, 1863, I watched my Uncle Otto returning in haste along the Königstrasse, one of the oldest streets in the old quarter of Hamburg, toward his little house at Number 19. Poor Martha, our housekeeper, was going to be caught unprepared. The kettle in the kitchen stove was only just beginning to sing. 1956-00-00 Ace Books Journey to the Center of the Earth
I. O. Evans On Sunday, 24th May, 1863, my uncle, Professor Lidenbrock, hurried back to his little house, number 19 in the Königstrasse, one of the oldest streets in the Old Quarter of Hamburg. Our servant, Marthe, must have thought she was very late, for dinner was hardly beginning to sizzle on the kitchen stove. 1961-00-00 Arco Publishing Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Robert Baldick On 24 May 1863, which was a Sunday, my uncle, Professor Lidenbrock, came rushing back towards his little house, No. 19 Königstrasse, one of the oldest streets in the old quarter of Hamburg. Martha must have thought that she was very behindhand, for the dinner was only beginning to sizzle on the kitchen stove. 1965-07-00 Penguin Books Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Lowell Bair On May 24, 1863, a Sunday, my uncle, Professor Otto Lidenbrock, came hurrying back toward his little house at 19 Königstrasse, one of the oldest streets in the old quarter of Hamburg. Our good Martha must have thought she had started cooking dinner very late, because it had only just begun sizzling on the kitchen stove. 1991-11-00 Bantam Books Journey to the Center of the Earth
William Butcher On 24 May 1863, a Sunday, my uncle, Professor Lidenbrock, came rushing back towards his little house at No. 19 Königstrasse, one of the oldest streets in the historic part of Hamburg. Martha the maid must have thought that she was running very late, for dinner had hardly begun to simmer on the kitchen range. 1992-11-00 Oxford University Press Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Frank Wynne On 24th May 1863, a Sunday, my uncle, Professor Lidenbrock, returned in haste to his small house at number 19 Königstrasse, one of the oldest streets of the historic heart of Hamburg

Good Marthe must have thought herself behind schedule, for dinner had barely begun to hum on the kitchen stove.

2009-07-00 Penguin Books Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Frederick Paul Walter On Sunday, May 24, 1863, Professor Lidenbrock, my uncle, came rushing back to his little house at 19 Königstrasse, one of the most venerable streets in Hamburg's historical district. 2010-02-00 Excelsior Editions / State University of New York Press Journey to the Center of the Earth
Joyce Gard Translation text is not known 2011-05-05 Vintage Digital Journey to the Centre of the Earth
an anonymous hand On Sunday, 24 May 1863, my uncle, Professor Lidenbrock, hurried back to his little house at number 19, Königstrasse, one of the oldest streets in the Old Quarter of Hamburg.

Our servant, Marthe, must have thought she was very late, for dinner was hardly beginning to sizzle on the kitchen stove.

2013-07-00 Baen Journey to the Centre of the Earth
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1959-11-00 Permabooks A Journey to the Center of the Earth
1978-00-00 Castle Books Journey to the Center of the Earth
2010-06-30 Arcturus Publishing Journey to the Centre of the Earth
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Eines Sonntags – es war am 24. Mai 1863 – kehrte mein Oheim, Professor Lidenbrock, in aller Eile in sein kleines Haus in der Königstraße Nr. 19, einer der ältesten Straßen Alt-Hamburgs, zurück.

Revision of the translation published in 1901

1954-00-00 Kinderbuchverlag Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde
an unknown hand Am 22. Mai des Jahres 1864 – wie ich mich erinnere, war es ein Sonntag – kam mein Oheim, der Professtor Lidenbrock, in großer Eile heim. Wir wohnten damals in einem kleinen Haus in der Königsstraße 19, einer der ältesten Straßen Hamburgs. Mit seinen langen Beinen nahm er gleich zwei Stufen auf einmal, stürmte durchs Speisezimmer und verschwand hastig in seinem Arbeitskabinett.

Based on an older, revised translation

1986-00-00 Neues Leben Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Bjarni Guðmundsson Þegar ég lít um öxl yfir allt, sem við hefir borið siðan daginn viðburðarika, á ég bágt með að trúa öllum ævintýrum mínum. 1944-00-00 Bókfellsútgáfán Leyndardómar Snæfellsjökuls för í iður jarðar
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Carlo Fruttero and Franco Lucentini Translation text is not known 1977-09-00 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Viaggio al centro della Terra
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Dan Faur La 24 mai 1863, într-o duminică, unchiul meu, profesorul Lidenbrock, se întoarse grăbit la căsuța lui din Königstrasse nr. 19, una din străzile cele mai vechi din vechiul cartier al orașului Hamburg. 1958-00-00 Editura Tineretului O călătorie spre centrul Pămîntului
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 0000-00-00 Editura “Naționala”“ S. Ciornei Spre centrul pământului
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Voyages et aventures du capitaine Hatteras

This was originally serialized in two parts. Part 1 was titled as "Les Anglais au pôle nord" and a sub-title of "Aventures du capitaine Hatteras". A footnote explains this was a double-title ("Sous ce double titre"). Part 2 was titled as "Le Désert de glace" and sub-titled "Aventures du capitaine Hatteras". This entry seems to cover for both the first part and the combination, while the second part stands alone.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand (Part 1) “To-morrow, at the turn of the tide, the brig Forward, K.Z., captain, Richard Shandon, mate, will clear from New Prince's Docks; destination unknown.“ This announcement appeared in the Liverpool Herald of April 5, 1860.

(Part 2) The design which Captain Hatteras had formed of exploring the North, and of giving England the honor of discovering the Pole, was certainly a bold one.

1874-00-00 James R. Osgood and Co. The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras
1876-12-02 Porter & Coates At the North Pole; or, The Adventures of Captain Hatteras (Part 1)
an anonymous hand (Part 1) “To-morrow, at ebb tide, the brig Forward will sail from the New Prince's Docks, captain, K.Z.; chief officer, Richard Shandon; destination unknown.” Such was the announcement which appeared in the Liverpool Herald of April 5, 1860.

(Part 2) It was a bold project of Hatteras to push his way to the North Pole, and gain for his country the honour and glory of its discovery.

1874-10-00 George Routledge & Sons A Journey to the North Pole
1875-00-00 George Routledge & Sons The English at the North Pole
1877-07-21 George Munro The English at the North Pole (Complete Novel)
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. Adventures of Captain Hatteras: The English at the North Pole
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. Adventures of Captain Hatteras: The Desert of Ice
1929-05-00 Experimenter Publishing Co. The English at the North Pole (Part 1) (serialized)
1874 Routledge translation, abridged and edited by I. O. Evans (Part 1) Translation text is not known

(Part 2) It had been a daring project, that of Captain Hatteras; he had meant England to have the glory of discovering the North Pole, and he had done all that juman power could do.

1961-00-00 Arco Publishing At the North Pole (Part 1)
1961-00-00 Arco Publishing Wilderness of Ice (Part 2)
an anonymous hand “The brig Forward, captain K.Z.; Richard Shandon, mate, will leave new prince's dock to-morrow with the first of the ebb—destination unknown.” This was the notice in the Liverpool Herald, of the 5th of April, 1866. 1877-00-00 Goubaud & Son Captain Hatteras; or, the English at the North Pole
an anonymous hand (Part 1) “To-morrow, at low tide, the brig Forward, Captain K.Z-, Richard Shandon mate, will start from New Prince's Docks for an unknown destination.” The foregoing might have been read in the Liverpool Herald of April 5th, 1860.

(Part 2) Captain Hatteras's design was a bold one; he had meant that England should have the glory of the discovery of the world's boreal Pole.

1878-00-00 Ward, Lock and Tyler The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
2007-09-24 Project Gutenberg The English at the North Pole (Part 1)
0000-00-00 Collins Clear-Type Press The English at the North Pole (Parts 1 and 2)
William Butcher “To-morrow, on the ebb tide, the brig the Forward, captain KZ and second-in-command Richard Shandon, will leave New Prince's Docks; destination unknown.” Thus read the Liverpool Herald of 5 April 1860. 2005-07-14 Oxford University Press The Adventures of Captain Hatteras
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2013-11-18 LibriVox The Adventures of Captain Hatteras, Part 1: The English at the North Pole
2014-01-22 LibriVox The Adventures of Captain Hatteras, Part 2: The Field of Ice
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Aventures de la famille Raton


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Pieter Verhulst Er was eens een familie ratten die bestond uit vader Ratton, moeder Ratonne, hun dochter Ratinne en hun neef Raté. Hun bedienden waren de kok Rata en de meid Ratane. 1983-00-00 Loeb De avonturen van de familie Raton
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Evelyn Copeland Once upon a time there was a family of rats: the father, Raton; the mother, Ratonne; their daughter, Ratine; and her cousin, Raté. Their servants were the cook, Rata, and the maid, Ratane. 1993-12-00 Oxford University Press Adventures of the Rat Family
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Sanda Radian Translation text is not known 1975-00-00 Ion Creangă Peripețiile familiei Ronț
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Dix heures en chasse


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
I. O. Evans There are people who don't like huntsmen, and perhaps they're not altogether wrong. Is it because it doesn't disgust these gentry to kill the game with their own hands before they eat it? 1965-00-00 Arco Publishing Ten Hours Hunting
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Sanda Radian Translation text is not known 1975-00-00 Ion Creangă Zece ore de vânătoare
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Frritt. 'Tis the wind! Hark how it lets loose its strength!

Flacc. 'Tis the pelting, rain which falls in torrents! The squall bellows as it sweeps across the sea to bend the trees on the cliff, and then pass by to spend its might fruitlessly against mountain side of Crimna. Along the shrinking shore, the high cliffs are snapped at by the waves of the vast Megalocride.

Freitt. . . . . . Flacc. . . . . .

1885-10-03 The Trinity Tablet Frritt-Flacc
Willis T. Bradley WhOO-OO-OO... The wind is on the rampage. SH-SH-SH... The rain is falling in torrents. The roaring gale bends the trees of the Volsinian coast and smashes against the slopes of the mountains of Crimma. 1957-07-00 Candar Publishing Company The Ordeal of Doctor Trifulgas
I. O. Evans Frritt! That is the wind getting up. Flacc! That is the rain falling in torrents. Its roaring force is bending the trees on the adjacent hills and driving on to break against the slopes of the mountains of Crimma. 1959-11-00 Mercury Press, Inc. Frritt-Flacc
an unknown hand It is a terrible night, the wind is on the rampage and the rain is falling in torrents.

The roaring gale bends the trees of the Volsinian coast and smashes against the slopes of the mountains of Crimma. Along the shore, the rocks are ceaselessly battered by the waves of the vast Megalocride Sea.

1968-00-00 New English Library The Ordeal of Doctor Trifulgas
an anonymous hand Swish! It is the wind, let loose. Swash! It is the rain, falling in torrents. This shrieking squall bends down the trees of the Volsinian coast, and hurries on, flinging itself against the sides of the mountains of Crimma. 1975-10-00 W. H. Allen Dr. Trifulgas
1999-11-00 Phoenix Dr Trifulgas
Alberto Manguel The wind is blowing. The rain is pouring down. The roaring storm bends the trees on the Volsinian shore and crashes against the flanks of the Crimma Mountains. 1983-04-00 Picador The Storm
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Mr. E. Franquinet Loeiende windvlagen - stromende regen. De storm beukt de zeedennen langs de kust van Wolzinië. 1972-04-00 / 1972-06-00 NCSF Een doktersvisite (Part 1 of 2) / Een doktersvisite (Part 2 of 2)
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Л. Дейч / L. Deych Translation text is not known 1992-00-00 Флокс / Floks Фритт-Флакк
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Gil Braltar


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Nikola Popović Bilo ih je najmanje sedam ili osam stotina. Srednjeg rasta, ali snažnih, žustrih, gipkih, građenih tako da su mogli zapanjujuće skakati. Poskakivali su obasjani posljednjim zrakama sunca, krećući se sada preko obronaka planina što su se protezale zapadno od luke. Crvenkasti disk Sunca uskoro će nestati, a tama je već bila pala posred toga bazena okruženog udaljenim planinama Sierra di Sanorre i Ronda i opustošene zemlje Cuerva. 1977-05-05 Vjesnik Gil Braltar
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
I. O. Evans There were seven or eight hundred of them at least. Of medium height, but strong, supple, framed to make prodigious bounds, they gamboled in the last rays of the sun, now setting over the mountains which formed serried ridges westward of the roadstead. 1958-07-00 Mercury Press, Inc. Gil Braltar
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1963-09-00 Editrice Minerva Gil Braltar
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Jédédias Jamet ou l'histoire d'une succession


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Kieran M. O'Driscoll Translation text is not known 2011-03-01 BearManor Fiction Appendix: Jédédias Jamet, or The Tale of an Inheritance: An Unfinished Novel
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La destinée de Jean Morénas


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Pieter Verhulst Op die dag — aan het eind van september, al een hele tijd geleden — hield een fraai rijtuig stil voor het kantoor van de vice-admiraal die de bevelhebber in de stad Toulon was. 1983-00-00 Loeb Het noodlot van Jean Morénas
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
I. O. Evans One day—towards the end of September, a long time ago—a luxurious carriage drew up before the office of the Vice-Admiral Commanding the Port of Toulon. 1965-00-00 Arco Publishing The Fate of Jean Morénas
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2012-04-30 BearManor Fiction The Somber Fate of Jean Morenas
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La journée d'un journaliste américain en 2890

This was written by Michel Verne and published in English. Subsequently, it was modified and published in French by Jules Verne. Posthumously, a further edited version was published by Michel Verne. This final version was translated back into English by I. O. Evans. The edits were relatively minor, so all editions variant to the first French edition, including the original English one.


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Pieter Verhulst De mensen in deze 29e eeuw leven in een voortdurend sprookje, zonder dat ze zich daar ook maar in het minst van bewust zijn. Wonderen zeggen hen niets meer en ze blijven ijskoud onder de vernieuwingen die de vooruitgang ons iedere dag weer brengt. 1983-00-00 Loeb Op bezoek in de toekomst: een dag uit het leven van een Amerikaanse journalist in het jaar 2889
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand, accredited as original English to Michel Verne Little though they seem to think of it, the people of this twenty-ninth century live continually in fairyland. Surfeited as they are with marvels, they are indifferent in presence of each new marvel. To them all seems natural. 1889-02-00 Forum Publishing Co. In the Year 2889
I. O. Evans The men of the twenty-ninth century live in a perpetual fairyland, though they do not seem to realise it. Bored with wonders, they are cold towards everything that progress brings them every day. 1965-00-00 Arco Publishing In the Twentyninth Century: A Day in the Life of an American Journalist in 2889
2002-02-00 Decadent Moon The Day of an American Journalist in 2889
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1983-00-00 Arbor House In the Year 2889
1999-11-00 Phoenix In the Twenty-Ninth Century: The Day of an American Journalist in the Year 2889
2015-09-24 Flame Tree Publishing The Day of an American Journalist in 2889
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Erich Fivian Die Menschen des xxix. Jahrhunderts leben unausgesetzt mitten in einem Märchenland, ohne sich den Anschein zu geben, daß sie sich darüber im klaren sind. Wundern gegenüber sind sie blasiert, besonders angesichts jener, die ihnen der tägliche Fortschritt bringt. Alles scheint ihnen natürlich. Wenn sie ihre Zivilisation mit der Vergangenheit vergleichen würden, wüßten sie die unsrige besser zu schätzen und würden sich klar darüber, welch ein enormer Weg seither zurückgelegt wurde. Um wieviel bewundernswerter würden ihnen unsre modernen Städte vorkommen; unsre Städte mit hundert Meter breiten Fahrstraßen, mit dreihundert Meter hohen Häusern mit ihrer stets gleichbleibenden Temperatur, mit einem von Tausenden von Lufttaxis und Luftbussen durchfurchten Himmel! 1983-00-00 Diogenes Das XXIX. Jahrhundert: Ein Tag aus dem Leben eines amerikanischen Journalisten im Jahre 2889
Adelheid Witt In unserem 29. Jahrhundert leben die Menschen wie in einer Märchenwelt, ohne daß sie es recht zu wissen scheinen. Sie sind übersättigt, und auch über die Wunderwerke, die ihnen der Fortschritt tagtäglich bringt, können sie nicht mehr staunen. Alles erscheint ihnen selbstverständlich. Wenn sie unsere Zivilisation einmal mit der Vergangenheit verglichen, dann wüßten sie sie wohl besser zu würdigen und könnten ermessen, was für ein langer Weg seither zurückgelegt worden ist. Wie wunderbar fänden sie dann unsere modernen Städte, in denen die Straßen hundert Meter breit sind, die Häuser eine Höhe von dreihundert Metern haben, wo die Temperatur stets gleich bleibt und wo Tausende von Aerobussen am Himmel ihre Bahn ziehen! 1985-00-00 Das Neue Berlin m 29. Jahrhundert
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Ion Hobana Translation text is not known 1961-02-15 Știință & Tehnică În secolul XXIX. O zi din viața unui ziarist american în anul 2889
1966-00-00 Editura Tineretului În secolul al XXIX-lea. Ziua unui ziarist american în 2889
2005-00-00 Editura Minerva Ziua unui ziarist american în 2889
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Le Humbug


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Pieter Verhulst In de maan maart van het jaar 1863 ging ik aan boord van de stoomboot Kentucky die de dienst tussen New York en Albany onderhoudt. 1983-00-00 Loeb De Humbug
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Edward Baxter On a March day in 1863 I boarded the steamboat Kentucky, which travels back and forth between New York and Albany. 1996-05-00 Scarecrow Press The Humbug: The American Way of Life
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1991-00-00 The Acadian Press Humbug
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Sanda Radian Translation text is not known 1975-00-00 Ion Creangă Humbug
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Le Siege de Rome


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Edward Baxter Translation text is not known 2013-12-11 BearManor Media The Siege of Rome
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Les Châteaux en Californie ou Pierre qui roule n'amasse pas mousse


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Kieran M. O'Driscoll Translation text is not known 2017-03-06 BearManor Media The Castles of California
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Les Compagnons de la Marjolaine


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Frank Morlock Translation text is not known 2011-06-03 BearManor Fiction The Knights of the Daffodil (The Companions of Marjoram)
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Les forceurs de blocus


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an anonymous hand The Clyde was the first river whose waters were lashed into foam by a steamboat. It was in 1812, when the steamer called the “Comet”“ ran between Glasgow and Greenock, at the speed of six miles an hour. 1874-09-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle The Blockade Runners
Henry Frith The Clyde was the first river that was disturbed by the wheels of a steamer. The time was 1812, the steamer was the Comet, and it performed a regular service between Glasgow and Greenock, at a speed of six miles an hour. 1876-07-00 George Routledge & Sons The Blockade Runners
Karen Loukes Translation text is not known 2011-00-00 Luath Press The Blockade Runners
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Blockade Runners
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1969-08-10 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore I violatori del blocco (serialized)
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Doina Opriță Translation text is not known 1985-00-00 Ion Creangă Spărgătorii blocadei
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Les révoltés de la Bounty


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1880-00-00 J. B. Lippincott The Mutineers of the Bounty
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L'éternel Adam


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Pieter Verhulst De zartog Sofr-Aï-Sr —dat betekent 'de doctor, derde mannelijke representant van de honderd en eerste generatie van het geslacht Sofr'— liep met trage passen door de hoofdstraat van Basidra, de hoofdstad van Hars-Iten-Schu, anders gezegd 'Het Rijk van de Vier Zeeën'. 1983-00-00 Loeb De eeuwige Adam
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Willis T. Bradley The Zartog Sofr-Al-Sr—that is, the learned Doctor Sofr, youngest member of the hundred-and-first generation of his lineage—was making his way at a comfortable pace along the chief street in Basidra, capital of the Hars-Iten-Schu, the Empire (as we would call it) of the Four Seas. 1957-03-00 Candar Publishing Company Eternal Adam
1967-02-01 World Publishing Co. The Eternal Adam
I. O. Evans Zartog Sofr-Aï-Sr—meaning “Doctor, third male representative of the hundred and first generation in the Sofr Family“—was slowly following the principal street of Basidra, the capital of the Hars-Iten-Schu—otherwise known as “The Empire of the Four Seas.” 1965-00-00 Arco Publishing The Eternal Adam
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1999-11-00 Phoenix The Eternal Adam
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Bernhard Thieme Der Zartog Sofr-Aï-Sr – das bedeutet: Doktor und dritter männlicher Vertreter der hundertundersten Generation aus der Familie der Sofr – schritt gemächlich auf der Hauptstraße von Basidra, der Hauptstadt von Hars-Iten-Schu – auch »Reich der Vier Meere« genannt, entlang. Es waren tatsächlich vier Meere – die Tubelone oder Nordmeer, die Ehone oder Südmeer, die Spone oder Ostmeer und die Mérone oder Westmeer –, die das weite Land umschlossen, dessen Form sehr bizarr war und dessen äußerste Punkte vom vierten östlichen zum zweiundsechzigsten westlichen Längengrad und vom vierundfünfzigsten nördlichen zum fünfundfünfzigsten südlichen Breitengrad reichten (um unseren Lesern eine ungefähre Vorstellung zu geben). Die Ausdehnung dieser vier Meere konnte man nur schätzen, denn sie flossen alle ineinander, so daß ein Seemann, der von dem einen Ufer ablegte, nur immerzu geradeaus segeln mußte, um notwendigerweise an dem genau gegenüberliegenden Ufer wieder anzukommen. Denn außer Hars-Iten-Schu gab es kein weiteres Land auf dem weiten Erdenrund. 1987-00-00 Das Neue Berlin Der ewige Adam
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Giorgio Monicelli Translation text is not known 1957-03-00 Casa Editrice Galassia L'eterno Adamo
Sandro Sandrelli Translation text is not known 1965-08-20 Edizioni dell'Albero L'eterno Adamo
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Lima de Freitas Translation text is not known 1965-00-00 Livros do Brasil O Eterno Adão
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Ion Hobana Zartogul Sofr-Aï-Sr – adică „doctorul, al treilea reprezentant bărbat al celei de-a o sută una generaţii din neamul Sofr-ilor” – mergea cu pași înceți pe strada principală din Basidra, capitala lui Hars-Iten-Schu, altfel spus, „Imperiul celor Patru Mări”. Patru mări într-adevăr: Tubélona – marea septentrională, Ehona – australă, Spona – orientală şi Mérona – occidentală, mărgineau acest ținut, de formă foarte neregulată, ale cărui ultime frontiere ajungeau, în longitudine, până la patru grade est și șaizeci și două de grade vest, iar în latitudine, cincizeci și patru de grade nord și cincizeci și cinci de grade sud. 1975-00-00 Editura Minerva Eternul Adam
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Maître Zacharius ou l'horloger qui avait perdu son âme


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
A. L. Alger The city of Geneva lies on the western shore of the lake to which it gives or owes its name. The Rhone, which crosses it on issuing from the lake, divides it into two distinct parts, and is itself divided in the centre of the city, by an island midway between its two shores. 1874-00-00 William F. Gill and Company Master Zachary
George M. Towle (credited) The city of Geneva is situated at the western extremity of the lake to which it gives - or owes - its name. The Rhone, which crosses the city on emerging from the lake, divides it into two distinct quarters, and is itself divided, in the centre of the city, by an island rising between its two banks. Hathitrust 1874-00-00 James R. Osgood and Co. (Boston on copyright) Master Zacharius
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Watch's Soul or Master Zacharius
George M. Towle (per gilead/taves) The city of Geneva lies at the west end of the lake of the same name. The Rhone, which passes through the town at the outlet of the lake, divides it into two sections, and is itself divided in the centre of the city by an island placed in mid-stream. internet archives 1874-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle Master Zacharius
Unspecified but edited by I. O. Evans The city of Geneva lies at the west end of the lake of that name. The Rhone, which splits the town into two sections, is itself divided near its centre by an island. 1964-00-00 Associated Booksellers Master Zacharius or The Clockmaker Who Lost His Soul
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1933-12-00 Teck Publications, Inc. The Watch's Soul
1997-04-00 NTC Publishing Group Master Zacharius -
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1969-04-06 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Mastro Zaccaria: una leggenda ginevrina (serialized)
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Mariage de M. Anselme des Tilleuls


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Edward Baxter Translation text is not known 2011-03-01 BearManor Fiction The marriage of Mr. Anselme des Tilleuls
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Martin Paz


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
George M. Towle The sun had just set behind the snowy peaks of the Cordilleras; but beneath this lovely Peruvian sky the atmosphere, across the transparent veil of night, was impregnated with a luminous freshness. 1875-00-00 James R. Osgood and Co. Martin Paz
Ellen E. Frewer The sun had just sunk behind the snowy peaks of the Cordilleras, and, although the beautiful Peruvian sky was being covered by the veil of night, the atmosphere was clear and refreshing in it balmy coolness. It was just the hour when a European might enjoy the climate, and with open veranda luxuriate in the grateful breeze. 1875-11-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle Martin Paz
1879-05-07 George Munro The Pearl of Lima (Complete Novel)
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Pearl of Lima or Martin Paz
Anne T. Wilbur The sun had disappeared behind the snowy peaks of the Cordilleras; but the beautiful Peruvian sky long retains, through the transparent veil of night, the reflection of his rays; the atmosphere is impregnated with a refreshing coolness, which in these burning latitudes affords freedom of breath; it is the hour in which one can live a European life, and seek without on the verandas some cooling gentle zephyr; it seems as if a metallic roof was then interposed between the sun and the earth, which, retaining the heat and suffering only the light to pass, offers beneath its shelter a reparative repose. 2002-09-26 Fredonia Books The Pearl of Lima
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Monsieur de Chimpanzé


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Frank Morlock Translation text is not known 2011-06-03 BearManor Fiction Mr. Chimpanzee
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Monsieur Ré-Dièze et Mademoiselle Mi-Bémol


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Pieter Verhulst Wij zaten met zo'n dertig kinderen op school in Kalfermatt, een twintigtal jongens tussen de zes en twaalf jaar oud en een tiental meisjes van vier tot negen jaar. 1983-00-00 Loeb Meneer Ré-dièze en juffrouw Mi-bémol
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
I. O. Evans There were about thirty of us children in Kalfermatt School, a score of boys between six and twelve years old, and ten girls between four and nine. 1965-00-00 Arco Publishing Mr. Ray Sharp and Miss Me Flat
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Sanda Radian Translation text is not known 1975-00-00 Ion Creangă Domnul Re-diez și domnișoara Mi-bemol
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Onze jours de siège


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Frank Morlock Translation text is not known 2011-06-03 BearManor Fiction Eleven Days of Siege
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2012-04-30 BearManor Fiction Pierre-Jean
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San Carlos


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Edward Baxter Translation text is not known 2013-12-11 BearManor Media San Carlos
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Un drame au Mexique


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
W. H. G. Kingston On the 18th of October, 1825, the Asia, a high-built Spanish ship, and the Constanzia, a brig of eighteen guns, cast anchor off the island of Guajan, one of the Mariannas. The crews of these vessels, badly fed, ill-paid, and harrassed with fatigue during the six months occupied by their passage from Spain, had been secretly plotting a mutiny. 1876-12-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington The Mutineers: A Romance of Mexico
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Mutineers or A Tragedy of Mexico
W. H. G. Kingston (edited by I. O. Evans) On 18th October, 1825, The Asia, a high-built Spanish ship, and the Constanzia, a brig of eight guns, cast anchor off the isle of Guajan, one of the Mariannas. The crews of these vessels, badly fed, ill-paid, and harrassed with fatigue during their six months voyage for Spain, had been secretly plotting a mutiny. 1964-00-00 Associated Booksellers A Drama in Mexico: The First Ships of the Mexican Navy
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1999-11-00 Phoenix The First Ships of the Mexican Navy
2002-09-26 Fredonia Books The Mutineers
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Un drame dans les airs


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
A. L. Alger In September, 185—, I arrived in Frankfort-on-the-Main. My passage through the chief cities of Germany had been marked by a brilliant series of aerostatic ascensions, but up to this time no native of the Confederation had accompanied me in my car; and the charming Parisian experiences of MM. Green, Eugène Godard, and Poitevin had been powerless to persuade the grave Germans to dare aerial roads. 1874-00-00 William F. Gill and Company A Drama in Mid-Air
George M. Towle In the month of September, 185—, I arrived at Frankfort-on-the-Maine. My passage through the principal German cities had been brilliantly marked by balloon ascents; but as yet no German had accompanied me in my car, and the fine experiments made at Paris by MM. Green, Eugene Godard, and Poitevin had not tempted the grave Teutons to essay aerial voyages. 1874-00-00 James R. Osgood and Co. A Drama in the Air
George M. Towle (edited by I. O. Evans) In the month of September, 185—, I arrived at Frankfort-on-the-Maine. My passage through the principal German cities had been brilliantly marked by balloon ascents; but as yet no German had accompanied me in my car, nor had the successful attempts at Paris tempted the grave Teutons to attempt an aerial voyages 1964-00-00 Associated Booksellers A Drama in the Air
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1874-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle A Drama in the Air
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1969-03-23 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Un dramma in aria (serialized)
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Sanda Radian Translation text is not known 1975-00-00 Ion Creangă O dramă în văzduh
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Un fils adoptif


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Frank Morlock Translation text is not known 2011-06-03 BearManor Fiction The Adoptive Son
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Un hivernage dans les glaces


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
A. L. Alger The priest of the old church in Dunkirk rose at five on the 12th of May, 18—, to say, as was his wont, the first low mass, attended by a few pious fishers only. 1874-00-00 William F. Gill and Company A Winter Among the Ice-Fields
George M. Towle The curé of the ancient church of Dunkirk rose at five o'clock on the 12th of May, 18—, to perform, according to his custom, low mass for the benefit of a few pious sinners. 1874-00-00 James R. Osgood and Co. A Winter Amid the Ice
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. A Winter Amid the Ice or The Cruise of the Jeune Hardie
1933-10-00 Teck Publishing Corp. A Winter Amid the Ice, or The Cruise of the Jeune-Hardie
George M. Towle and edited by I. O. Evans The curé of the ancient church of Dunkirk rose at five in the morning on the 12th of May, 18 , to hold, as was his custom, Low Mass for the benefit of a few pious sinners. 1964-00-00 Associated Booksellers A Winter Amid the Ice
William Struthers The cure of the old church of Dunkirk awoke at five o'clock on the 12th of May, 18--, to say, according to his custom, the first low mass, at which a few pious fishermen assisted. 1874-00-00 Office of The Evening Telegraph A Winter's Sojourn in the Ice
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1874-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle A Winter Amid the Ice
1890-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington A Winter Amid the Ice, or The Cruise of the Jeune-Hardie
2002-09-26 Fredonia Books A Winter in the Ice
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1969-06-01 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Un inverno tra i ghiacci (serialized)
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Sanda Radian Translation text is not known 1975-00-00 Ion Creangă O iarnă printre ghețari
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Un Neveu d'Amérique, ou les Deux Frontignac


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Kieran M. O'Driscoll Translation text is not known 2017-03-06 BearManor Media A Nephew from America
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Une fantaisie du Docteur Ox


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
A. L. Alger If you look for the little town of Quiquendone, on a map of Flanders, ancient or modern, you will probably be unable to find it. Is Quiquendone a buried city? No. 1874-00-00 William F. Gill and Company Dr. Ox's Hobby
George M. Towle If you try to find, on any map of Flanders, ancient or modern, the small town of Quiquendone, probably you will not succeed. Is Quiquendone, then, one of those towns which have disappeared? No. 1874-00-00 James R. Osgood and Co. Doctor Ox's Experiment
1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. Dr. Ox's Experiment
George M. Towle and edited by I. O. Evans If you try to find, on any map of Flanders, ancient or modern, the small town of Quiquendone, you are unlikely to succeed. Is Quiquendone, then, one of those towns which have disappeared? No. 1964-00-00 Associated Booksellers Dr. Ox
Stephen W. White If you look on a map of Flanders, ancient or modern, for the little town of Quiquendone, it is probable that you will not find it there. Is Quiquendone, then, a city that has disappeared? No. 1874-00-00 Office of The Evening Telegraph A Fancy of Doctor Ox
Andrew Brown If you take a map of Flanders, old or new, and start looking for the small town of Quiquendone, it is quite probable you won't find it. So is Quiquendone a vanished town? No. A town of the future? Again, no. 2003-00-00 Hesperus Press A Fantasy of Doctor Ox
2019-04-25 Alma Classics A Fantasy of Dr Ox
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1875-00-00 James R. Osgood and Co. Doctor Ox's Experiment
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Edwin Orthmann Wenn du auf einer flandrischen Karte, gleichviel ob auf einer alten oder neuen, die Kleinstadt Quiquendone suchst, so wirst du sie nicht finden. Quiquendone ist doch nicht etwa eine verschwundene Stadt? Nein! Eine erst entstehende Stadt? Auch nicht! Aller Geographie zum Trotz besteht sie, und zwar seit acht- bis neunhundert Jahren. 1972-00-00 Neues Leben Eine Phantasie des Doktor Ox
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Valentino De Carlo Translation text is not known 1967-03-00 Edizioni dello Scorpione L'esperimento del dr. Ox
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 1968-12-29 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Il dottor Oss
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Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
Sanda Radian De cauți pe o hartă a Flandrei, veche sau modernă, orășelul Quiquendone, e probabil că nu-l vei găsi. Să fie, așadar, un orășel dispărut? Nu. 1975-00-00 Ion Creangă O fantezie a doctorului Ox
Zaharia B. Cosmin Translation text is not known 0000-00-00 Alcalay Doctorul Ox
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Une ville idéale


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
I. O. Evans “Ladies and Gentlemen, Will you permit me to neglect all the duties of a Director of the Academy of Amiens presiding at a public session, by replacing the usual lecture by an account of an adventure which happened to myself?” 1965-00-00 Arco Publishing An Ideal City
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Voyage d'étude


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
an unknown hand Publication text is not known 2012-04-30 BearManor Fiction Fact-Finding Mission
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Histoire des grands voyages et des grands voyageurs

A three part set, generally printed as separate volumes.

Découverte de la Terre


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
James Cotterell The translation text is not known 1879-00-00 George Munro Great Voyages and Great Navigators (serialized)
Dora Leigh The first traveller of whom we have any account in history, is Hanno, who was sent by the Carthaginian senate to colonize some parts of the Western coast of Africa. The account of this expedition was written in the Carthaginian language and afterwards translated into Greek. It is known to us now by the name of the "Periplus of Hanno." At what period this explorer lived, historians are not agreed, but the most probably account assigns the date B.C. 505 to his exploration of the African coast. 1879-10-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington Famous Travels and Travelers
an anonymous hand The first traveler of whom we have any account in history, is Hanno, who was sent by the Carthaginian senate to colonize some parts of the Western coast of Africa. The account of this expedition was written in the Carthaginian language and afterwards translated into Greek. 1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Exploration of the World: The World Outlined
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Les grands navigateurs du XVIIIe siècle


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
James Cotterell The letters and accounts received from Columbus and his companions in reference to the abundance of gold and precious stones found in the recently discovered countries, had inflamed the imagination of a certain number of covetous merchants and a multitude of gentlemen imbued with the love of adventure. 1879-02-24 George Munro Great Voyages and Great Navigators. - Part II
an anonymous hand The letters and narratives of Columbus and his companions, especially those dwelling upon the large quantity of gold and pearls found in the recently discovered countries, had inflamed the imagination of eager traders, and of numbers of gentlemen who loved adventure. 1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Exploration of the World: Seekers and Traders
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Les Voyageurs du XIXe siècle


Translator Translation text (from opening paragraph) Title Information
Date First Publisher Title
N. D'Anvers A sensible diminution in [ ... ] discovery marks the close of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth centuries [...]

[ ... ] already noticed the organization of the Expedition sent in search of La Perouse by the French Republic, and also Captain Baudin's important cruise along the Australian coasts. These are the only instances in which the unrestrained passions and fratricidal struggles of the French nation allowed the government to exhibit interest in geography, a science which is especially favoured by the French.

1881-00-00 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century
an anonymous hand Before we enter upon a recital of the great expeditions of the eighteenth century, we shall do well to chronicle the immense progress made during that period by the sciences. They rectified a crowd of prejudices and established a sold basis for the labors of astronomers and geographers. If we refer solely to the matter before us, they readically modified cartography, and ensured for navigation a security hitherto unknown. 1911-00-00 Vincent Parke and Co. The Exploration of the World: Scientific Exploration
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