Bio:Vincent Miskell

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Vincent Miskell. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Vincent Miskell. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Vincent Miskell should be placed on Author:Vincent Miskell.

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ISFDB Page: Vincent_Miskell
Biography: Bio:Vincent_Miskell
Bibliographic Comments: Author:Vincent_Miskell

Vincent Miskell, originally from NJ, has worked in college administration and as a college instructor, technical writer, and instructional designer. He is the co-author (along with his wife Jane) of OVERCOMING ANXIETY AT WORK and MOTIVATION AT WORK.

His short fiction has appeared in ROSEBUD ("Dogs" Autumn/Winter 1995), INTERTEXT, ECLIPSE, and in the SF paperback anthology, the AGE OF WONDER ("Death and Faxes" September 2000). His poetry has appeared in THE LYRIC, POETIC VOICES OF AMERICA, and MOBIUS.

In 2006, his poem "Screen Savior" (FROM THE ASYLUM, May 2005, and TALES FROM THE ASYLUM: YEAR TWO, 2005) was nominated for a Rhysling Award (in THE 2006 RHYSLING ANTHOLOGY) and his poems ("Widow of the Android-Robot Time Wars" and "Forward and Backward Belief") have appeared in ASIMOV'S SF magazine (Sept. and Oct./Nov. 2006). His story "Godspeed Inc." appeared in the Winter 2006 issue of ABYSS & APEX.

He lives in the Miami area of Florida.