Bio:Tom Hall (1862-1900)

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Tom Hall (1862-1900). It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Tom Hall (1862-1900). Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Tom Hall (1862-1900) should be placed on Author:Tom Hall (1862-1900).

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Thomas Winthrop Hall (aka: Tom Hall) was a cavalry officer, author, and lawyer. He was born in Ogdensburg, NY in 1862. After graduating from West Point in 1887, he served in Arizona as second lieutenant in the 4th and 10th Cavalry at Forts Huachuca and Apache, from September 29, 1887 until January 1, 1889, when he resigned. Reenlisting during the Spanish-American War, he served as first lieutenant and regimental quartermaster for the 1st Volunteer Cavalry from May 2, 1898 until August 1, 1898, when he resigned once more. While serving with the 1st Cavalry, however, he participated in the battle of Las Guasimas, San Juan, and the siege of Santiago. In civilian life, he became a lawyer in IL (1889), a commandant of cadets at two military schools, and an editor for several publications. By 1889 he had started selling poems and short stories to magazines, and, despite his short life, eventually published nine books. At the age of 37, he died of sunstroke in Hannibal, MO, on August 24, 1900. (Dr. Charles G. Waugh)