Bio:Roy Rockwood

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Roy Rockwood. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Roy Rockwood. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Roy Rockwood should be placed on Author:Roy Rockwood.

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Created by Edward Stratemeyer, who pioneered the method of using teams of writers under a single pen name to create long-running series.

Edward Stratemeyer
Stratemeyer Syndicate

One of the first house pseudonyms. According to L.W. Currey, the first six books of "The Great Marvel Series" were written by Howard R. Garis from plots provided by Edward Stratemeyer. Here we credit them to Garis only.

Update 2022-10-07. For the Great Marvel series we credit Stratemeyer as co-author of the first eight Great Marvel books; that is, 8 of 9, or all that were published during his lifetime.
SFE4 credits single authors, never Stratemeyer, including W. Bert Foster for volume 6, On a Torn-Away World (1913), the only discrepant identification of Stratemeyer's writer.
  • See also the following house Pseudonyms:
Alice B. Emerson
Allen Chapman
Ann Sheldon
Arthur M. Winfield
Captain Quincy Allen
Carolyn Keene
Clarence Young
Dan Scott
Eric Speed
Frances K. Judd
Franklin W. Dixon
Gertrude W. Morrison
Helen Louise Thorndyke
Jack Lancer
James Cody Ferris
Jerry West
Laura Lee Hope
Percy Keese Fitzhugh
Roy Rockwood
Victor Appleton
Victor Appleton II
Tempted just to create a author for the syndicate and link all the above to it. But still doesn't get a true authors out of it. Ray 18:31, 17 April 2008 (UTC)