Bio:Raymond S. Spears

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Raymond S. Spears. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Raymond S. Spears. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Raymond S. Spears should be placed on Author:Raymond S. Spears.

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Raymond S(miley). Spears was born in Belleview, OH, on August 2, 1876. When he was fifteen, he was diagnosed with a throat ailment and sent to the Adirondack Mountains to recuperate. During his time there, he developed a strong love for fishing, hunting, and trapping. After a stint as a reporter for the New York Sun, he turned to freelancing travel articles. By 1906 he began selling short stories to magazines, a total that eventually exceeded one hundred. In 1913, he started a Q&A column for Hunter-Trader-Trapper on woodcraft, conservation, and outdoor activities. Eventually, in the 1930s, he served as president of the American Trappers' Association. At the age of 73, he died at his home in Inglewood, CA, on January 25, 1950, and is buried in Pacific Crest Cemetery, Redondo Beach, CA. Dr. Charles G. Waugh