Bio:Margaret Karmazin

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Margaret Karmazin. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Margaret Karmazin. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Margaret Karmazin should be placed on Author:Margaret Karmazin.

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Margaret Karmazin’s credits include over one hundred stories published in literary and national magazines, including Rosebud, Chrysalis Reader, North Atlantic Review, Potomac Review, Confrontation, Mobius, Absent Willow Review, Pennsylvania Review and Wild Violet. Her stories in The MacGuffin, Eureka Literary Magazine, Licking River Review and Words of Wisdom were nominated for Pushcart awards and Piper’s Ash, Ltd. published a chapbook of her sci-fi, COSMIC WOMEN.  Her story, "The Manly Thing," was nominated for the 2010 Million Writers Award. She helped write the introduction for and has a story included in STILL GOING STRONG, stories in TEN TWISTED TALES, MOTA 9, ZERO GRAVITY, COVER OF DARKNESS and CIRCLING URANUS and a novel, REPLACING FIONA, published by