Bio:L. M. Glackens

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This is an ISFDB biography page for L. M. Glackens. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of L. M. Glackens. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of L. M. Glackens should be placed on Author:L. M. Glackens.

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Brother of William Glackens (per Wikipedia), a more famous painter and illustrator not in the database as of September 2016.

Worked for Puck from the 1890s until it was sold in 1914. --per Wikipedia

As of September 2016, Glackens is in the database only as the illustrator of two Water Wagon books by Bert Leston Taylor and W. C. Gibson.

Both Taylor and Gibson were writers for Puck at the time. -- per notice of book 1 forthcoming August 15th, Atlanta Constitution 1905-08-13