Bio:Ken Goldman

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Ken Goldman. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Ken Goldman. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Ken Goldman should be placed on Author:Ken Goldman.

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Ken Goldman, former teacher of English and Film Studies at Philadelphia's George Washington High School, is an affiliate member of the Horror Writers Association. He has homes on the Main Line in Pennsylvania and at the Jersey shore  depending upon his mood and the track of the sun.  His stories appear in over 620 independent press publications in the U.S.,  Canada,  the UK,  and Australia with over twenty due for publication in 2012.  Since 1993 Ken’s tales have received seven honorable mentions in The Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror. He has written two books : his book of short stories,  "You Had Me At ARRGH!! : Five Uneasy Pieces by Ken Goldman" (Sam's Dot Publishers), and “a novella, “Desiree” (Damnation books, available in downloadable eBook; print and Kindle editions are available at Ken would be famous except for the fact nobody seems to know who he is, but he looks forward to the day when he and Stephen King are called to the dais and someone asks “Who is that guy standing next to Ken Goldman?”