Bio:Edward Spencer

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Edward Spencer. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Edward Spencer. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Edward Spencer should be placed on Author:Edward Spencer.

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Edward Spencer (June or July, 1834 – July 17, 1883) was an American writer and editor. Spencer was born in Baltimore, educated there and at Princeton University. For some time he was assistant editor of Baltimore's leading daily newspaper i>The Sun.

US daily newspapers show several short obituaries, at least some derived from the one moderately long obituary in his home newspaper.

  • "Death of Edward Spencer: The Career of a Talented and Well-known Literary Man" The Baltimore Sun 1883-07-18 p1 "completed his 49th year during the past month"

Spencer's will left everything to his wife, deceased 1882. Four children, eldest "about 17" at Edward's death. The Sun 1883-09-06 noted proceedings of Orphan's Court.