Bio:E. J. Rath

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This is an ISFDB biography page for E. J. Rath. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of E. J. Rath. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of E. J. Rath should be placed on Author:E. J. Rath.

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E. J. Rath was the pen name of the husband and wife team of J. Chauncey Corey Brainerd and Edith Rathbone Jacobs Brainerd. J. Chauncey Corey Brainerd (the “J” appears to have been added to his name) was born in New York City on April, 16, 1874 and, at the time of his death, was Chief of the Washington Bureau for the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. Edith Rathbone Jacobs was born in Washington, DC, on April 22, 1884. They married on June 4, 1903 and collaborated on a number of interesting novels and stories until their premature deaths. (Mr. Brainerd was 48. Mrs. Brainerd was 38.) On January 28, 1922, the roof of the theater they were attending in Washington, DC, collapsed during a severe blizzard. And they were included among the nearly one hundred people crushed to death. Dr. Charles G. Waugh