Bio:D. R. Barber

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This is an ISFDB biography page for D. R. Barber. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of D. R. Barber. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of D. R. Barber should be placed on Author:D. R. Barber.

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D. R. (Donald) Barber climaxed his professional career as Superintendent of the Norman Lockyer Observatory of the University of Exeter.

Barber was born in 1901, was educated at St. John's Hospital and Heles schools, Exeter; and graduated with honours in physics (B.Sc.), London University, 1925. Barber held the post of Lecturer in physics at Seale-Hayne Agricultural College, Newton Abbot 1930 to 1936, where he did biological research work for the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Barber became Assistant Astronomer at Norman Lockyer Observatory, Sidmouth in 1936. He worked as Martin Kellogg Fellow in Astronomy at the Lick Observatory of the University of California, 1940-1941. He then worked at Kodak Research Laboratories, Harrow, 1941-1945. Barber returned to the Norman Lockyer Observatory in 1945 as Chief Assistant, and was appointed Superintendent in 1956, retiring in 1961. Barber was a fellow of the Institutes of Physics, of the Royal Astronomy Society, and of the Royal Photographic Society.

Donald Barber died in August 2000. His obituary was puiblished in the online journal Astronomy & Geophysics - The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society.