Bio:Cynthia Willerth

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Cynthia Willerth. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Cynthia Willerth. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Cynthia Willerth should be placed on Author:Cynthia Willerth.

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Cynthia Willerth wrote short stories, plays, editing newsletters, for years. "A Matter of Honor" is her debut novel in her "Knife of Truth" series. Her series grew from her love of horse stories, historical novels, fantasy and science-fiction. Born in Jamestown, NY, she studied Art Education in Buffalo State Teachers College, married, and raised a family in Western, NY. She produced 20 successful Christmas variety shows put on by Sumner Love-Joy Methodist Church Youth.

Cynthia Willerth teamed up with her daughter Ruth Willerth in co-editing Northside Writers' 2007 edition of "Over Coffee". Cynthia authored SmatteringsBooks first local history title, "Building a Foundation"; a church history commemorating Alden United Methodist Church's 250 plus birthday celebration, which was handed out freely to guests at the 2007 event. Cynthia Willerth does nature and history slide shows for scouts and the Alden's UMW Spring Fling.