Bio:Connery Chappell

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Connery Chappell. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Connery Chappell. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Connery Chappell should be placed on Author:Connery Chappell.

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Chappell studied art before training to be a dancer with Marie Rambert. He became friends with Frederick Ashton and in 1928 they joined Ida Rubinstein's company in Paris. On returning to London he danced with Rambert's Ballet Club and began designing sets and costumes for Ashton. He joined the Vic-Wells Ballet in 1931 and danced with Margot Fonteyn in her first important role in Rio Grande, 1935. His designs for the Company included Cephalus and Procris by de Valois (1931), Ashton's Les Rendezvous (1933) and Les Patineurs (1937) and new decors for Giselle (1935) and Coppèlia (1946).[1] -- 1. ^ From the catalog entry for Chappell in the National Portrait Gallery, which has 10 photographs of him.

From Wikipedia it seems more likely that the above is for William Evelyn Chappell (1907-1994). gives the author as born in 1908 and having died in 1984.--Dirk P Broer 23:41, 9 November 2014 (UTC)