Bio:Christina Gowans Whyte

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Christina Gowans Whyte. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Christina Gowans Whyte. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Christina Gowans Whyte should be placed on Author:Christina Gowans Whyte.

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Christina Gowans Whyte

A basic biography is in The Bookman, Oct. 1906, p. 8, announcing that journal's £100 Prizes for stories for boys, stories for girls, and stories for children. "Miss Whyte" had won the last two for The Story-Book Girls and The Adventures of Merrywink. See p. 7 for portrait photographs of the winners.

That biography calls her "a native of Helensburgh" (Argyll and Bute, Scotland).

Birthdate and birthplace (Govan, Lanark, Scotland) are from the genealogy pages at Roots Chat.

Year of death is from WorldCat (inside the "Linked Data" tab).

The Literary Year-book (Routledge,1912) notes her Mrs. R. J. Geddes --at Google Books, linked by the Library of Congress (LC).

LC relies on ISFDB as one source; primarily states birthplace "Govan (Glasgow, Scotland)", source not stated.

  • LCCN no2015-109418 Whyte, Christina Gowans, 1869-1961 --a record created 2015, the year of cited visit to ISFDB