Bio:C. W. LaSart

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This is an ISFDB biography page for C. W. LaSart. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of C. W. LaSart. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of C. W. LaSart should be placed on Author:C. W. LaSart.

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C.W. LaSart first started publishing in 2010. Her story Jack and Jill appears in Dark Moon Digest Issue 1. Sirens is published in Dark Moon Digest Issue 4. She made her debut at SNM Horror Mag in the May issue of 2011, taking 3rd place for her story A Wise Woman's Revenge. Her debut anthology, Ad Nauseam: 13 Tales of Extreme Horror, is due to be released by Dark Moon Books in the Fall of 2011. She can be found on her website