Bio:Bill Ronalds

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Bill Ronalds. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Bill Ronalds. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Bill Ronalds should be placed on Author:Bill Ronalds.

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What a great 'flash from the past!' Yes, I was the artist of the Ace paperback edition of "the Witches of Karres." It was one of my first attempts with airbrush. I vividly remember the art director, but, right this moment his name escapes me. I do remember it was a Polish-sounding name starting with the letter 'K.' I think, somewhere, I have a copy of the cover. In those days we dry-mounted the actual printed art onto matboard, then laminated the piece for the physical portfolio. Most illustrators carried a 'book' of 10 to 20 images. I also have a slide if the "Witches" art. I stopped active free-lancing in the 80s, when I ran out of Maalox. I went to NYU, then Syracuse Universities, for the Master of Fine Arts degree, which credentialed me to teach in art schools and universities. I recently retired after 30 years of teaching, at St. John's University in New York. I taught drawing, cartoon, and illustration! And they actually paid me money for this! Lately, I have been drawing and making etchings, mostly aquatints, at my home in Maine. The only illustrations I do these days if the local "Lobster Festival!" Your archive is a tremendous resource. Thank you and congratulations for creating it.


Bill Ronalds
Source: E-mail received from the artist March 16 2010. Willem H. 19:43, 16 March 2010 (UTC)