Bio:Austin Bierbower

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Austin Bierbower. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Austin Bierbower. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Austin Bierbower should be placed on Author:Austin Bierbower.

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Austin Bierbower, LL.D., graduated from Dickinson College, Carlisle Pennsylvania, in 1864[1]. He studied at the University of Berlin; was European correspondent for the Chicago Tribune and Cincinatti Times; Professor of Greek and Latin at Iowa Wesleyan University; editorial writer for the Chicago News; and contributed to several periodicals[2]. He was a lawyer in Chicago, and wrote a substantial number of books on religious, moral, and ethical themes, including The Socialism of Christ and From Monkeys to Man.


1. ^  Dickinson College Archives.

2. ^  The Chautauquan, Volume 43, July 1906, by The Chautauqua Institution, pp. 446-447, photo on p. 443.