Bio:Alenikov, Jr.

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Alenikov, Jr.. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Alenikov, Jr.. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Alenikov, Jr. should be placed on Author:Alenikov, Jr..

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My name is Nicolai Alenikov, Nick to my friends or enemies. I was born July 9th, 1959, in Jerusalen, Isreal. It was six months after I was born that we came here to America and until the age of 40, I lived and resided in Southern California. Currently, upper state New York is where I call home. I am a American citizen since 1984 and I still hold both citizenship of US and Isreal. I have been drawing in one form or another for over forty years. First of all, I am an artist first and a writer second, I have been known by many names, some serious and some were very humorous. Alenikov, Junior or JR, NAJ, Filthy McNasty and Nasty. Currently, my artist non de plume is Egore, in honor of my Grandfather's suranme, who perished in the beginnings of World War Two. My current spose suggested that I use Egore for my more adult oriented artwork, on which i am currently selling on Ebay. I have illustrated for many different genre, Space and Time Magazine was one of my favorites to contribute to. Science Fiction, fantasy, childrens stories, superhero, horror. I started in 1973 and have been working Independently of any publisher, under the title of EMERGENCY STUDIOS, since 1980. I have worked with many independent publishers of the years. Worked with alot of great people, people who have disappeared from the scene to people who have gone on to make a name for themselves. Titles that are published under the Emergency Studios banner, Injun Kid, Grimlin, InfoChameleon, Anatomy book, Tales of th Tome.