Bio:A. M. Matte

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This is an ISFDB biography page for A. M. Matte. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of A. M. Matte. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of A. M. Matte should be placed on Author:A. M. Matte.

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"Trained in journalism and communications, A.M. Matte's favorite form of expression is creative writing, especially playwriting. A produced playwright at the age of 12, she achieved notable attention for Slipping Mind, a play about a family struggling with Alzheimer Disease, which was produced at the National Arts Centre by Productions Nemesis and in North Bay by the Nipissing Stage Company. Her homage to French playwright Molière, Les fourberies de Molière ou Le Molière imaginaire, won a Best of Venue crowd favorite award at the 2004 Ottawa Fringe Festival. Her freelance writing earning her occasional publications and writing prizes, she is inspired to continue her writing endeavors; she is currently working on a novel, a play and her Master's thesis. This one's for Maman. Son of Sun earned A.M. Matte a commendation in the Commonwealth Essay Competition."

-Bio taken from North of Infinity II