Author:Miranda Seymour

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This is an ISFDB Bibliographic Comments page for the author (or artist or editor) Miranda Seymour. This page may be used for bibliographic comments or extended notes about the author, or discussion on how to the author's works are to be recorded . The link above leads to the ISFDB summary record for Miranda Seymour. Please use Bio:Miranda Seymour for a biographical sketch of this person. To discuss what should go on this page, use the talk page. For more on this and other header templates, see Header templates.

Legal name

Miranda Seymour has been married three times apparently resulting changes to her legal name. Here are notes from potential sources.

Locus1 reports "SEYMOUR, MIRANDA; pseudonym of Miranda Jane Sinclair, (1948- )."

The Miranda Seymour Wikipedia article reports

Miranda Jane Seymour (born August 8, 1948) ... In 1972 she married the novelist and historian Andrew Sinclair and had a son, Merlin; her second marriage, to Anthony Gottlieb, then executive editor of The Economist and author of a history of Western philosophy, ended in 2003. A transatlantic literary room-swap has led to her third marriage, in 2006, to Ted Lynch, a Bostonian. Miranda Seymour divides her time between London and Thrumpton Hall, now dually used by the family and for weddings and corporate

Unfortunately, the Wikipedia article does not cite sources for this nor is it known how long she used the name Miranda Jane Sinclair other than it's likely she started using it in 1972.

Her web site's biography is silent on the subject of her legal name, and marriages, other than she calls herself "Miranda Seymour."

The Gale/Cengage Contemporary Authors database sheds little additional light other than they have a record for "Miranda Seymour Sinclair" and that her marriage to Andrew Sinclair ended in either 1981 or 1984 (depending on which record you look at), her second marriage (to Anthony Gottlieb) was September 29, 1989 to 2003 and that she married Ted Lynch in 2006.

Copyright notices sometimes give the author's legal name. For the notices available on line

  • 2000 - Miranda Seymour.
  • 2004 - Miranda Seymour.
  • 2007 - Miranda Seymour.