Author:David Alexander

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This is an ISFDB Bibliographic Comments page for the author (or artist or editor) David Alexander. This page may be used for bibliographic comments or extended notes about the author, or discussion on how to the author's works are to be recorded . The link above leads to the ISFDB summary record for David Alexander. Please use Bio:David Alexander for a biographical sketch of this person. To discuss what should go on this page, use the talk page. For more on this and other header templates, see Header templates.

According to the Library of Congress Online Catalog, "David Alexander (1907-1973)" published at least 18 mysteries and one non-fiction book between 1951 and 1966. He may or may not be the same person as the author of the 1963 story that we currently have listed in the ISFDB. Then there is another David Alexander who writes about special ops, marines, stealth warfare, etc. He may or may not be the same guy who writes the post-apocalyptic stuff. Then there is another half a dozen David Alexanders who write about theater, horses, the Internet, channel morphology, and God knows what else. Ahasuerus 16:40, 25 Dec 2006 (CST)

According to Locus1, this particular David Alexander is the pseudonym used by Lawrence Herskovits (1953-). Chavey 04:37, 19 February 2011 (UTC)