Author:C. H. Robinson

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This is an ISFDB Bibliographic Comments page for the author (or artist or editor) C. H. Robinson. This page may be used for bibliographic comments or extended notes about the author, or discussion on how to the author's works are to be recorded . The link above leads to the ISFDB summary record for C. H. Robinson. Please use Bio:C. H. Robinson for a biographical sketch of this person. To discuss what should go on this page, use the talk page. For more on this and other header templates, see Header templates.

The Honorable Charles H. Robinson (1843–1925), Charles Henry

1897 photo portrait (frontispiece viewed at Google Books: [1], one page down)

"Charles H. Robinson was the United States pension agent at Des Moines, Iowa, from the 1st day of September, 1894, to the 1st day of September, 1898."

Thus begins the record of a petition to Congress on his behalf (Congressional Record [... 57th Congress ...] XXXV (1902). Congressional Record – House, 1902 p2053) §

Robinson is not identified (authorized, differentiated) by the Library of Congress, so there is no LCCN for him, although LC Online Catalog covers three of his works, LCCN below. At WorldCat none of his works are among the 20 most-widely-held works works by Charles Robinson undifferentiated.

The entire list of works below suggests that his short story and novel about "the First Fire" may feature the first fire in prehistoric Iowa.

Published works (bold represents fiction, apparently)

  • "Primitive Man of Iowa, and How He Lived", The Annals of Iowa III.3 (Oct 1987) p161-78; with frontispiece portrait of Robinson, p160
  • "The Van-Guard of a New Race", National Magazine 14.6 (Sep 1901) p641-45?
  • "Education at Hard Pan", National Magazine 15.4 (Jan 1902) p428-30?
  • "An Accessory After the Fact", The Red Book Illustrated 1.1 (May 1903)
  • "Did Primitive Man of Iowa Have Manufacturing Plants?", by Hon. Charles H. Robinson, The Annals of Iowa VII.7 (Oct 1906) p538-42
  • "The First Fire", pamphlet (Western Review, 1908) 96-208233
  • Hawk, the Young Osage: A Story of Indian Life and Adventures in the Early Times (L.C. Page, 1913) 13-20584
  • Longhead: The Story of the First Fire (L.C. Page, 1913) 13-17063

Sources for works

Iowa Research Online: Robinson, Charles
The FictionMags Index: Robinson, Charles Henry (1843-1930)
The Cumulative Book Index 16 (1914) p625 [Robinson, Charles Henry, 1843-] §
Alice Marple, Iowa Authors and Their Works: A Contribution Toward a Bibliography (Historical Department of Iowa, 1918) §

§ viewed at Google Books 2014-04-11