Talk:Publisher Catalogs and Print Series

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Publisher Namespace

I noticed that the first two "example" publisher pages are using a "flat" namespace model.

A suggestion I'd like to make is to put all of these under a "Publisher" namespace so that the pages are

I actually would like to see namespaces used but believe that requires Al's input. For now we can pretend we have namespaces by prefixing the publisher names with "Publisher:". The advantage of namespaces is from Special:Allpages you could select "Publishers" "Authors" etc. and it would pull up a list of those pages. I'm not sure what happens if we start pretending to have a namespace and later add a real namespace. Marc Kupper (talk) 15:06, 5 Feb 2008 (CST)

Publisher Names

Should there be a standard on publisher names? For example, is it

  • Doubleday
  • Doubleday and Co.
  • Doubleday & Co.
  • Doubleday & Company
  • Doubleday & Company, Inc.
  • Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, New York

My personal vote is for "Doubleday" but then at the top of the page we'd day that the publications state on the title page

Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Garden City, New York

If there were minor changes to the formal name over the years then those could be documented too and they would all be under "Doubleday." Marc Kupper (talk) 15:06, 5 Feb 2008 (CST)

I actually laughed at loud at this suggestion. (Sorry Marc - if it's any consolation it HURT - I'm only up this late as I was at the dentist today and the medication is finally wearing off and it actually hurts to even smile.) I frankly think we CANNOT make it this simple without compromising any sort of bibliographical respect on publisher and imprint names we have. Only today I commented here about how some publishers are now just imprints - "Doubleday" now should probably be listed as "Doubleday, an imprint of Transworld Publishers" - maybe "part of the Random House Group", or "Owned by Bertelsmann". BLongley 18:38, 5 Feb 2008 (CST)
I WOULD, however, like us to record Imprints and Publishers, on the understanding that Imprints change hands, and so do Publishers, and there are now Giant Media companies behind both, and they have Groups as well... I have some hope that we MIGHT be able to sort SOME things out, but frankly we're going to at least need date ranges for when a publisher was a publisher, or an imprint: where and when an imprint was owned and/or used: and I'm sure some British conventions will screw up anything we try anyway even for the past times when things were so simple. Well, it hasn't been simple since the 1970's at least - Bantam and Corgi had a special relationship of some sort even back then. BLongley 18:38, 5 Feb 2008 (CST)
I wonder if Marc realizes that creating "canonical names" and/or a "publishers directory" for publishers is on Al's list of things to do? I am not sure how he is going to attack this can of worms (see Bill's comments above), but it would be probably best to ask him about his plans before starting anything :) Ahasuerus 22:56, 5 Feb 2008 (CST)
While I'm aware of the conglomerates and the the various complicated relationships between publishers the average publication has a fairly easy to read publisher name. You are going to look at the title or copyright page and see that it's a Bantam, Signet, DAW, etc. "Del Rey / Ballantine" can be a puzzle and a few of the imprints have taken on what look like independent lives. FWIW - Many of the "Publisher" fields in ISFDB's publication records contain just a single name too.
What started this thread was I e-mailed a book seller about puzzling statement he had made about a Doubleday book club edition. He wrote back explaining how the printing date is encoded. I wanted to document this on ISFDB, found the Publishers page, and realized that before diving in and adding a page about Doubleday that it would be better to establish a better foundation for the publisher related things. Marc Kupper (talk) 23:09, 5 Feb 2008 (CST)
We can certainly do something with the Wiki (I've already started keeping notes on some British publishers as I find out more about them) and I don't object to a Doubleday page being started. It's how to link all the Imprints with Publishers - e.g. I could index "Corgi 1968-2005" and "Corgi 2005-" and link to a standalone Corgi page and a Transworld page respectively: or we could start with all the top-level companies and list the imprints they own and cross-reference to previous owners. For now I'm just gathering data and waiting to see what Al has in mind - I suspect he'll design in some links from ISFDB to the Wiki, so matching the two at the design stage could help. If people want to start dumping the data somewhere for now, that's fine: we can at least comment on what we should be gathering, e.g. I'm interested in ownership and imprints and ISBN ranges used, but these are all qualified by time. BLongley 13:15, 6 Feb 2008 (CST)

Wiki Conversion Notes

This article is a Wiki conversion of printseries.html

Most links point to non existent wiki pages, but you can get the content that should be there from the above link.

As i started converting some of these pages, i encountered two big issues...

  1. should these pages really be in the wiki, or should they be powered by the DB? (at the moment search by publisher doesn't seem to work)
  2. some of these publisher lists are too big for the wiki... when i tried converting "Orbit" the wiki warned me that many browsers would have dificulty editing and i should break it up, when i tried converting DAW, after my browser had submitted all the data, the wiki churned for about 10 (more) minutes before my browser finally timed out.

That said...

Assuming you use this URL to convert pages to wiki syntax, the following perl script is handy for cleaning up the publisher listing pages. Gnome Press and Fantasy Press are good examples

 # use to convert pub pages,
 # then use this to clean them up
 # :TODO: should have one script that uses HTML::WikiConverter and does it all
 use warnings;
 use strict;
 # slurp it in
 undef $/;
 my $w = <>;
 # convert bold years to sub-headings
 $w =~ s/ '''(\d+)'''/\n\n== $1 ==\n/g;
 # get rid of all the horiz rules
 $w =~ s/^\s*?----//mg;
 # any pub link is a bullet
 $w =~ s{(\[}{\n* $1}mg;
 # some pubs don't have links, just a dash
 $w =~ s{ ?\- (\S)}{\n* $1}mg;
 # trim excess newlines
 $w =~ s/\n{2,}/\n\n/g;
 # kill any remaining single newline (followed by optional whitespace)
 $w =~ s{([^\n])\n ?([^\n])}{$1$2}g;
 # get rid of all the excess whitespace
 $w =~ s/ +/ /sg;
 # any line that still starts with whitespace is bad
 $w =~ s/^ +//mg;
 # spit it out
 print $w;

Publisher Naming Standards

OK, I admit I laughed when Marc suggested it but now we've had some time to play around with the new Publisher functionality we're beginning to reduce the number of typos and consolidate some variations. I've mostly been sticking to obvious typos or publishers/imprints I'm familiar with, but there's some obvious rules we could introduce that would reduce the number of variant Publishers a lot further. Here's some questions and some thoughts.

  1. Regularization:
    1. Many publishers have people's names in them. If we apply the same rules to the publishing company we can merge, for instance, "E.P. Dutton" and "E P Dutton" with "E. P. Dutton".
    2. "Co" and "Inc" - should these abbreviations have a period after them or not? If yes, what about when there's both: "Co., Inc." or "Co, Inc."?
    3. Maybe we should just standardise "Company" or "Co.", and "Corp." or "Corporation", and "Limited" or "Ltd."? (Plus all the foreign variations indicating company status.)
    4. Pick one of "&" and "and" and stick with it?
    5. Expand "Pub." or "Pub" to "Publishing" or "Publishers" or whatever, when we know which it is? Or vice versa?
    6. Expand "Pubns" to "Publications"? Or vice versa?
    7. US State Abbreviations, when used to disambiguate publishers - both letters capitalized? With a following period or not? Should we expand them, or contract full state names?
  2. Imprints:
    1. Keep the Imprint only and document the owner(s) in the Publisher notes? Or use "Publisher/Imprint" or "Imprint/Publisher"? If so, with spaces around the "/" or not? (I must admit I've been trying to keep imprint only for UK Publications - multiple imprints are going to be a pain whatever we choose though, e.g. the Panther/Grafton/Granada/Triad books, mercilessly hammered into one by Amazon.)
    2. Are overseas publications Imprints or separate Publishers? (I've avoided amalgamating Penguin US and Australia and NZ for instance.)
  3. Printing Number:
    1. I think this is a failed experiment and printing numbers should be removed from Publisher and go back into notes for now.
    2. But I really want Printing Number as a database field - even though it will be a nightmare for the UK publishers - so IF it's coming soon I can wait a bit so we can move Printing Number directly to that field rather than to Notes and back.
  4. City:
    1. I'm not keen on these being included in the Publisher name although I appreciate that's what Library Catalogues often give you. I've regularized/corrected a few "London:" prefixes already as it's obviously been used for "This is a British Publisher" - we should be able to derive that information from the price field anyway (does anyone else put in a currency symbol alone when price is unknown, to help with that?). However, "London:" was/is being used for Publishers nowhere near London, and sometimes not even in England. (Wait till some Scots get here and complain about "London: Collins" for a Glasgow publisher!) Maybe the "Official" library categorisations can be included in the Publisher notes?
    2. Leave them be for foreign - OK, Non-English-speaking - publishers for now.
  5. Publisher and Publication records themselves: What would you like to see?
    1. I'm still mostly in favour of Imprint AND Publisher being available on a Publication, if we can decide which is which - back-populate the Imprint from the Publisher for now, and suggest mass-updates for individual groups.
    2. For Publisher, I'd like to have Parent Publisher for given date ranges. Or if we only have one field on a publication, then that should be the Imprint and we can track ownership of the Imprint via Imprints recorded as Publishers. E.g. Questar was an Imprint of Popular Library owned by someone else, then skipped the Popular Library step to become Questar owned by Warner. And I think Questar was divided into Science Fiction and Fantasy sub-imprints as well?
    3. A definite Start date for a Publisher/Imprint would be good for spotting inaccurate Clones, etc.
  6. Trust No-One
    1. We have a lot of contaminated data already if we want to preserve imprints. Amazon are listing CURRENT publisher for a lot of publications that were really published by a prior company or under a different imprint.
    2. Library Data is often only to the Publisher level as well.
  7. ISBN
    1. I've been adding known ISBN prefixes to Publisher notes, and been using them to spot misclassified Pubs. However, it might be good to use them the other way round and start creating an ISBN range to possible Publisher table somewhere?
  8. Field Length
    1. "A Bantam Book; Transworld Publishers, a div. of Random House Aus" is a prime example of people trying to cram too much info into one field, IMO. I'd support a REDUCTION in field size at some point. But feel free to argue for increased size if there can be more actual meaning placed into such. (I'm pretty sure Transworld aren't a subsidiary of an Australian publisher though... they're a bit more Global than that surely? (Not that I think we have any publishers publishing on multiple Globes/Planets...)