User:Prof beard

Revision as of 05:38, 29 November 2013 by Prof beard (talk | contribs)
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As I've now been here for a few weeks and it looks like I'll probably be fairly active, I thought I'd say a bit about myself.

"Prof beard"? Well it's my usual name on internet communities which are not directly related to my professional activities. "Prof" because I'm UK Professor (actually I now hold the title of "Emeritus Professor" - awarded to me by my University on my -semi- retirement) in what most people would call "eLearning", and "beard" because I have a VERY large beard...

I've been a lifelong SF reader, and have amassed a sizeable collection. I have a particular collector's interest in John Brunner and have some very rare stuff by him.

I'm working my way through all my stuff, verifying, adding and updating. When I get to my reference material, I'll compile a list of it on here...

Reference Material:

  • I have the Locus CD of The Locus Index to Science Fiction (1984-2008) by Charles N. Brown and William G. Contento combined with Index to Science Fiction Anthologies and Collections by William G. Contento and Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index (1890-2007) by Stephen T. Miller and William G. Contento