Talk:Title Regularization

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Sentence Case, capitalization for proper names plus all forms of pronouns that refer to the polite you. One way to solve this will be to add all the possible forms and if a non-language speaking editor sees one of those, it can either be added to a cleanup report for a check (that will be for all that contain one of those) or add it to a list or just ping someone that speaks the language. Any other options?Annie 01:43, 2 November 2018 (EDT)


Is Dutch as regular as "all small letters besides proper nouns? Annie 01:43, 2 November 2018 (EDT)


See Bulgarian. Same situation with the polite you. Annie 01:43, 2 November 2018 (EDT)


Sentence case. Do we have special cases besides proper nouns? Annie 01:43, 2 November 2018 (EDT)

Actually, titles of books and stories use sentence case, BUT titles of magazines and newspapers capitalize all "principal words" (plus the first and last words)

Sentence case

Capitalize the first word and proper names only. This means that some words capitalized in English, like days of the week and names of religions for example, are not capitalized in Spanish.

Exceptions and quirks:

  • titles for people -- señor, señora, profesora, etc -- are not capitalized; however their abbreviations are. So, the translation of Robert Louis Stevensons's novella is written either El extraño caso del doctor Jekyll y el señor Hyde or El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y el Sr. Hyde.
  • in names of places a preceding word like río (river) or calle (street) is only capitalized if it is thought of as being part of the name. So, "El río Amazonas" because the name of the river is "the Amazon" but "el Río Grande" and "el Río de la Plata." "Calle" (example: La estación de la calle Perdido) is practically never capitalized.

Capitalization of Magazine Titles

Capitalize all "principal words." These are all words EXCEPT articles (la, las, le, lo, los, un, una), the conjunctions y and o, and prepositions of four letters or less (the commonest ones are: a, al, con, de, del, en, para, por, sin).

When the magazine title is followed by something like an issue or volume number, the words for "issue" and "volume" are not capitalized. E.g. El Melocotón Mecánico número 4 (The Clockwork Peach Issue 4).