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  • Family Name - This field is used to build the Author Directory. At the moment, the ISFDB Author Directory is based on the Latin alphabet. For this reason, the value entered in this field should be the most common Latin transliteration of the author's family name. Note that when a new author is added to the ISFDB database, the filing process parses the entered name and tries to guess the author's family name by looking for the last component of the entered name. For example, for "Robert Heinlein" the automatically determined family name will be "Heinlein". The algorithm ignores suffixes like "Jr.", so for "L. E. Modesitt, Jr." the automatically determined family name will be "Modesitt". However, there are cases where the automated parsing algorithm guesses incorrectly, in which case the "Family name" value needs to be corrected manually after the fact. The following scenarios are common:
    • Family names consisting of two or more words. For example, "R. Garcia y Robertson" should be filed in the directory under "Garcia y Robertson", but the software will enter "Robertson" in the "Family name" field. Similarly, "Ursula K. Le Guin" should be filed under "Le Guin", but the software will enter "Guin" in the "Family Name" field.
    • Hungarian, Japanese and other names where the family name appears first. The software will use the last component of the entered names instead.
    • Author names that include non-Latin characters, e.g. Cyrillic or kanji. The value of the "Family field" name will need to be changed to the Latin transliteration of the family name manually.