Publisher:SFBC 1980-1984

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1953-59 1960-64 1965-69 1970-74 1975-79 1980-84 1985-89 1990-93 1994 1995
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015


Year Month Author Title SFBC ID# Gutter Code Notes
1980 January Michael Bishop Transfigurations 3619 J51
1980 January Nancy Springer The White Hart 3620 J51 First hardcover edition
1980 January Wayne Barlowe Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials Alternate selection
1980 January Edmund H. North and Franklin Coen Meteor 3566 J46 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1980 February Brian Daley Han Solo's Revenge 3670 First hardcover edition
1980 February Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, eds. Science Fiction of the Fifties 3671 K03 First hardcover edition
1980 February Poul Anderson The Merman's Children 3635 J50 Alternate selection. Reprinted with code "K27"
1980 February Stephen King The Dead Zone 5243 J49 Alternate selection
1980 February Stephen King Night Shift 2228 Alternate selection
1980 March Doris Piserchia The Spinner 3702 K07 First edition
1980 March Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, eds. The 13 Crimes of Science Fiction 3717 V4
1980 March Arthur C. Clarke Tales from the White Hart 3674 K02 Alternate selection
1980 March Hal Clement Mission of Gravity 3675 K02 Alternate selection
1980 March George Stewart Earth Abides 3676 Alternate selection - Known reprints: "O20" (1984); No Code on reprint with "03676" on back of cover.
1980 March Richard Matheson I Am Legend 3684 Alternate selection
1980 March Philip K. Dick The Man in the High Castle 3686 K02 Alternate selection
1980 April Alan Dean Foster The Black Hole 3705 K07 First hardcover edition
1980 April Thomas M. Disch Triplicity 3816 K10 First edition thus
1980 April Edward L. Ferman, ed. The Magazine of F&SF: A 30-Year Retrospective 3713 K06 Alternate selection. Known reprint codes: "O33" (1984) and "R04" (1987)
1980 April Peter Dickinson The Flight of Dragons None None Alternate selection (trade edition discounted for members)
1980 May Pamela Sargent Watchstar 3778 K14 First hardcover edition
1980 May Larry Niven The Ringworld Engineers 3779 K14 Reprinted in 1981 with code "L33"
1980 May Walter Tevis Mockingbird 3777 Alternate Selection. Trade edition has code "U48"
1980 May David Larkin Giants None None Alternate selection (same as the trade edition)
1980 Spring (May) Gene Roddenberry Star Trek: The Motion Picture 3830 K17 First hardcover edition
1980 Spring (May) C. J. Cherryh Serpent's Reach 3831 K17 First edition
1980 Spring (May) Carol Titelman & George Lucas The Art of Star Wars 3823 Alternate selection. Discounted trade edition (?)
1980 Spring (May) William J. Kaufmann, III Black Holes and Warped Spacetime Alternate selection
1980 June Clifford D. Simak The Visitors 3864 K21
1980 June Robert Silverberg Lord Valentine's Castle 3887 K21
1980 June Isaac Asimov In Joy Still Felt 3718 V16 Alternate selection
1980 June Manly Wade Wellman The Old Gods Waken 3899 K16 Alternate selection
1980 June Jules Verne From the Earth to the Moon / Round the Moon 3870 Alternate selection
1980 June Jules Verne A Journey to the Centre of the Earth 3871 Alternate selection
1980 June Jules Verne Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea 3872 Alternate selection
1980 July Roger Zelazny Changeling 3909 K25 First hardcover edition
1980 July John D. MacDonald Time and Tomorrow 3910 K25 First edition thus
1980 July Chelsea Quinn Yarbro Blood Games 3710 K17 Alternate selection
1980 July Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, eds. Galaxy: Thirty Years of Innovative Science Fiction 3888 V19 Alternate selection
1980 August Joan D. Vinge The Snow Queen 3687 K29
1980 August Donald F. Glut The Empire Strikes Back 3863 K29 Known reprint code: "K34" [1980]
1980 August Marion Zimmer Bradley The House Between the Worlds 3956 Alternate selection. Known reprint code: "Y51"
1980 August Ben Bova & Don Myrus, eds. The Best of Omni Science Fiction 3957 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1980 September Donald A. Wollheim, ed. The 1980 Annual World's Best SF 3997 K32 First hardcover edition
1980 September Alan Dean Foster Cachalot 3998 K32 First hardcover edition. Known reprint code: "K42" (later in 1980)
1980 September Andre Norton Voorloper 3999 K27 Alternate selection. First edition. Known reprint code: "L04" (1981)
1980 September Philip K. Dick The Golden Man 4017 K27 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1980 October Terry Carr, ed. Universe 10 1155 K36
1980 October Frederik Pohl Beyond the Blue Event Horizon 3867 K36 Reprinted with codes "V13" (1980?), "L07", "L50" (both 1981), and "O16", "O44" (both 1984).
1980 October Vonda N. McIntyre Fireflood and Other Stories 1187 K31 Alternate selection
1980 October Jeffrey Campbell The Homing 3725 Alternate selection
1980 Fall (October) Robert A. Heinlein A Heinlein Trio 2193 None Reprinted with codes "M32"; "N03"
1980 Fall (October) John Brunner Players at the Game of People 2210 K40 First edition
1980 Fall (October) Walter_M._Miller,_Jr. The Best of Walter M. Miller, Jr. 2065 K35 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1980 Fall (October) Gillian Bradshaw Hawk of May 2254 Alternate selection. Known reprint codes: "L08" (1981), "N31" (1983) and "O44" (1984)
1980 November Philip Jose Farmer The Magic Labyrinth 2585 Known reprint code: "R16"
1980 November Jack Williamson The Humanoid Touch 2654 K43 Known reprint code: "L15"
1980 November Philip Jose Farmer To Your Scattered Bodies Go 2676 K38 Alternate selection. Known reprint code: "L27" (1981) and "O01" (1984)
1980 November Philip Jose Farmer The Fabulous Riverboat 2678 K43 Alternate selection
1980 November Philip Jose Farmer The Dark Design 2679 K43 Alternate selection
1980 November Robert L. Forward Dragon's Egg 2690 K38 Alternate selection. Known reprint code: "N39" (1983)
1980 December John Varley Wizard 3370 K47 Known reprint code: "M42" (1982)
1980 December Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 3439 K47 Known reprint code: "P30" with ID#03439 (1985)
1980 December Tanith Lee Sometimes, After Sunset 3440 K42 Alternate selection. First edition thus. Known reprint code: "L14"
1980 December Brian Daley Han Solo and the Lost Legacy 3398 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition


Year Month Author Title SFBC ID# Gutter Code Notes
1981 January Orson Scott Card Songmaster 3397 K51
1981 January Barry B. Longyear Circus World 5372 K51 First edition
1981 January Robert Holdstock & Malcolm Edwards Tour of the Universe 3143 None Alternate selection. This was the trade edition
1981 January Norman Spinrad Songs from the Stars 5376 K46 Alternate selection. Known reprint code "L19".
1981 February Piers Anthony The Magic of Xanth 5574 L03 First edition thus. Known reprint code "L15"
1981 February Charles L. Harness Firebird 5575 L03 First hardcover edition
1981 February Vic Bulluck & Valerie Hoffman The Art of The Empire Strikes Back 5579 None Alternate selection. This is the trade edition
1981 February Steven Bauer Satyrday 5252 Alternate selection
1981 March Stephen R. Donaldson The Wounded Land L07
1981 March Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, eds. The Seven Deadly Sins of Science Fiction 5837 L07 First hardcover edition
1981 March Brian W. Aldiss The Long Afternoon of Earth 5853 L02 Alternate selection
1981 March Fredric Brown What Mad Universe 5814 L02 Alternate selection
1981 March John Collier Fancies and Goodnights 5749 Alternate selection
1981 March Wilmar H. Shiras Children of the Atom 5855 L02 Alternate selection. Known reprint code "O20".
1981 March Jack Williamson The Humanoids 5748 L02 Alternate selection
1981 April C. J. Cherryh Downbelow Station 5898 L10 First hardcover edition
1981 April Roger Zelazny The Last Defender of Camelot 5908 L10 First trade hardcover edition
1981 April Jim Wynorski, ed. They Came from Outer Space 3851 W4 Alternate selection
1981 April Vincent Di Fate Di Fate's Catalog of Science Fiction Hardware 5753 None Alternate selection (this was the trade edition discounted)
1981 May Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg, eds. The Arbor House Treasury of Great Science Fiction Short Novels 5754 L14
1981 May Manly Wade Wellman After Dark 6376 K43 Known Reprint Code: 'None'
1981 May Stephen King Firestarter 3992 K48 Alternate selection
1981 May Kirby McCauley, ed. Dark Forces 4064 L03 Alternate selection
1981 May Kenneth Grahame The Wind in the Willows Alternate selection. The trade edition at a discounted price.
1981 Spring (May) Damon Knight The World and Thorinn 1602 L18
1981 Spring (May) Harry Harrison To the Stars 1571 L18 First edition. Known reprint codes: "L42", "P20"
1981 Spring (May) Justin Leiber Beyond Rejection 1607 L13 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1981 June Larry Niven & Steven Barnes Dream Park 2665 L21 First trade hardcover edition
1981 June Mildred Downey Broxon Too Long a Sacrifice 2682 L21 First hardcover edition
1981 June Gillian Bradshaw Kingdom of Summer 2629 Alternate selection
1981 June Orson Scott Card Unaccompanied Sonata and Other Stories 2683 Alternate selection
1981 July J. R. R. Tolkien Unfinished Tales 5671
1981 July Jerry Pournelle King David's Spaceship 5214 L25
1981 July Tabitha King Small World 6087 L12 Alternate selection
1981 July Isaac Asimov Asimov on Science Fiction 5223 Alternate selection
1981 August Donald A. Wollheim, ed. The 1981 Annual World's Best SF 5524 L29 First hardcover edition
1981 August Andre Norton Horn Crown 5525 L29 First hardcover edition
1981 August Chelsea Quinn Yarbro Dead & Buried L24 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1981 August Roger Zelazny The Changing Land 5533 L24 Alternate selection
1981 September Clifford D. Simak Project Pope 5722 L32
1981 September Wayland Drew Dragonslayer 5723 L32 First hardcover edition
1981 September Robert Silverberg A Robert Silverberg Omnibus 5726 L28 Alternate selection
1981 September C. J. Cherryh Sunfall 5728 L28 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1981 October James P. Hogan The Minervan Experiment 5906 L36 First edition thus
1981 October Frederik Pohl The Cool War 5907 L36
1981 October Alan Dean Foster Clash of the Titans 5859 W28 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1981 October Jonathan Swift The Annotated Gulliver's Travels 6080 Alternate selection
1981 Fall (October) Juanita Coulson Tomorrow's Heritage 6099 L40 First hardcover edition
1981 Fall (October) Sydney J. Van Scyoc Sunwaifs 6105 L40 First hardcover edition
1981 Fall (October) Ramsey Campbell The Parasite 2394 L32 Alternate selection
1981 Fall (October) Chelsea Quinn Yarbro Path of the Eclipse 2838 Alternate selection
1981 Fall (October) George R. R. Martin & Lisa Tuttle Windhaven 6110 L35 Alternate selection
1981 November Philip Jose Farmer The World of Tiers, Volumes One and Two 3698 L44 First edition thus
1981 November Tanith Lee The Silver Metal Lover 6429 L44 First edition
1981 November Andre Norton Forerunner 6430 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1981 November Whitley Strieber The Hunger 5917 Alternate selection
1981 December Frank Herbert God Emperor of Dune 1705 L47 Known reprint code: "O30" (1984), "P11" (1985)
1981 December Lin Carter Flashing Swords #5 2012 L47 First hardcover edition
1981 December Harlan Ellison Shatterday 1966 None Alternate selection, second printing trade edition with number line 1098765432; in SFBC jacket
1981 December David Graham Down to a Sunless Sea 5415 Alternate selection


Year Month Author Title SFBC ID# Gutter Code Notes
1982 January Katherine Kurtz Camber the Heretic 3042 L51 First hardcover edition
1982 January C. J. Cherryh The Pride of Chanur 3407 L51 First hardcover edition. Known reprint code: "P40" with ID#03407 (Oct 1985)
1982 January Suzette Haden Elgin The Ozark Trilogy 5358 First edition thus. Alternate selection. Known reprint codes: "M14" (April 1982), "M29" (July 1982), "M39" (Sept. 1982), "N40" (Oct 1983)
1982 February Julian May The Many Colored Land & The Golden Torc 5681 First edition thus. Known reprint codes: "M40" (Oct 1982) "O36" (Sept 1984)
1982 February Roger Zelazny Madwand 5928 M03
1982 February Stephen King Danse Macabre 3309 Alternate selection.
1982 February Philip K. Dick The Divine Invasion 5941 L51 Alternate selection. Known reprint code: "N34" (Aug 1983)
1982 February Poul Anderson The Dark Between the Stars 5944 L51 First hardcover edition. Alternate selection
1982 March Piers Anthony Centaur Aisle 6360 M07 First hardcover edition. Known reprint code: "N13" (March 1983)
1982 March James Morrow The Wine of Violence 6422 M07
1982 March George R. R. Martin Sandkings 6349 First hardcover edition. Alternate selection
1982 March Manly Wade Wellman The Lost and the Lurking 6416 None Alternate selection
1982 April James P. Hogan Voyage from Yesteryear 1801 M11 First edition
1982 April Douglas Adams The Restaurant at the End of the Universe 1859 M11 Known reprint code: "P30" with ID#01859 (July 1985)
1982 April Philip Jose Farmer The Unreasoning Mask 1868 M06 Alternate selection
1982 April Theodore Bugs 6382 Alternate selection
1982 May Marion Zimmer Bradley Children of Hastur 5725 M14 First edition thus. Known reprint code: "N45" (Nov 1983).
1982 May Brian M. Stableford Journey to the Center 5708 M14 First edition
1982 May Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle Oath of Fealty 5698 M10 Alternate selection; Known reprint code: O07 (Feb 1984)
1982 May Terry Carr ed. Fantasy Annual IV 5215 M18 First hardcover edition
1982 Spring Marvin Kaye, Saralee Kaye eds. Ghosts 5905
1982 Spring A. E. van Vogt The Voyage of the Space Beagle 1945
1982 Spring Michael Moorcock The War Hound and the World's Pain 6496 M13 Alternate selection
1982 Spring Isaac Asimov The Sun Shines Bright Alternate selection
1982 June Jessica Amanda Salmonson The Swordswoman 4806 M21 First hardcover edition. Known reprint code: "O26" (June 1984).
1982 June Howard Weinstein The Covenant of the Crown 4808 First hardcover edition. Known reprint code: "M44" (Oct 1982).
1982 June Chelsea Quinn Yarbro Tempting Fate 6407 Alternate selection
1982 July Robert Asprin, ed. Sanctuary 5138 M25 First edition thus
1982 July Roger Zelazny & Fred Saberhagen Coils 5139 First hardcover edition
1982 July Isaac Asimov The Complete Robot 5134 Alternate selection. Known reprint code: "M38" (Sept 1982)
1982 July Ramsey Campbell The Nameless 6393 Alternate selection
1982 July Bruce Galloway Fantasy Wargaming 5140 Alternate selection. Known reprint code: "O06" (Feb 1984)
1982 August Robert Silverberg The Majipoor Chronicles 6475 M29
1982 August Clifford D. Simak Special Deliverance 4724 M29
1982 August Brian W. Aldiss Helliconia Spring 4720 Alternate selection
1982 August Juanita Coulson Outward Bound 4723 M24 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1982 September Donald A. Wollheim, ed. The 1982 Annual World's Best SF 4786 M33 First hardcover edition. Known reprint code: "N47" (Oct 1983)
1982 September C. J. Cherryh Merchanter's Luck 4787 M33 First hardcover edition
1982 September Brian Daley Tron 4792 M28 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1982 September James Kahn Poltergeist 4734 M33 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1982 October Piers Anthony Double Exposure 1395 M36 First edition thus. Known reprint code: "N11" (March 1983)
1982 October Robert Holdstock Where Time Winds Blow 1402 M36 First hardcover edition
1982 Collectors (October) Arthur C. Clarke & George W. Proctor, eds. The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume III 5179 First US hardcover edition
1982 Collectors (October) James Blish A Case of Conscience 1757 M38
1982 Fall (October) Stephen R. Donaldson The One Tree 4731 M40
1982 Fall (October) Harry Harrison The Stainless Steel Rat for President 1871 M40 First edition
1982 Fall (October) Michael Bishop No Enemy But Time 2019 M35 Alternate selection. Known reprint codes: "O13" (March 1984), "P10" (March 1985)
1982 Fall (October) Ursula K. Le Guin The Compass Rose 1403 Alternate selection
1982 Fall (October) Stephen R. Donaldson Gilden-Fire 2044 Alternate selection
1982 November Donald Kingsbury Courtship Rite 3102 M44
1982 November Vonda N. McIntyre Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 3119 M39 First hardcover edition
1982 November Richard Ford Quest for the Faradawn 4748 Alternate selection
1982 November Gillian Bradshaw In Winter's Shadow 1866 Alternate selection
1982 December Michael Moorcock The Nomad of Time 6468 M47 First edition thus. Known reprint codes: "N33" (Aug 1983), "P25" (June 1985)
1982 December Frederik Pohl Starburst 6491
1982 December Isaac Asimov & Alice Laurence, eds. Speculations 6497 M43 Alternate selection
1982 December Thomas H. Block Orbit 1648 M16 Alternate selection


Year Month Author Title SFBC ID# Gutter Code Notes
1983 January Gene Wolfe The Citadel of the Autarch 4944 M51 Known reprint code: "Q37" with ID#04944 (1986)
1983 January Douglas Adams Life, the Universe and Everything 4945 M51 Known reprint code: "P25" with ID#04945 (1985)
1983 January Gene Wolfe The Shadow of the Torturer 4946 M52 Alternate selection. Known reprint code: "P22" with ID#04946 (1985)
1983 January Gene Wolfe The Claw of the Conciliator 4947 M51 Alternate selection. Known reprint codes: "N09" (1983), "Q37" with ID#04947 (1986)
1983 January Gene Wolfe The Sword of the Lictor 4948 Alternate selection. Known reprint codes: "N39" (1983), "Q37" with ID#04948 (1986)
1983 February Harlan Ellison Stalking the Nightmare 1382 N02
1983 February Roger Zelazny Eye of Cat 1390 N02
1983 February Terry Brooks The Elfstones of Shannara 3044 Alternate selection. Known reprint codes: "P040" (1985), "R26" (1987)
1983 February Pauline Gedge Stargate 1404 M51 Alternate Selection
1983 March Jack L. Chalker The Four Lords of the Diamond 3533 N07 First edition thus
1983 March C. J. Cherryh Port Eternity 3535 None First hardcover edition
1983 March Tanith Lee Red as Blood 4006 None Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1983 March Raymond E. Feist Magician 3537 N01 Alternate selection
1983 April Isaac Asimov Foundation's Edge 4863 Known reprint codes: "N42" (1983)
1983 April P. C. Hodgell God Stalk 5035
1983 April George R. R. Martin Fevre Dream 4855 Alternate selection. Known reprint codes: "N32"
1983 April Boris Vallejo Mirage 5036 None Alternate selection: A second printing trade edition in an SFBC jacket.
1983 Collectors (April) Roger Zelazny Lord of Light 5054 N13 Known reprint code: "O21" (1984)
1983 Collectors (April) Mark Clifton and Frank Riley They'd Rather Be Right 5055 N13
1983 May Alan Ryan, ed. Perpetual Light 5082 None First hardcover edition
1983 May Jack Williamson Manseed 5085 None
1983 May Clifford D. Simak Where the Evil Dwells 5084 Alternate selection
1983 May Frank Herbert The White Plague 5789 N11 Alternate selection
1983 Spring (May) Robert A. Heinlein Friday 5468 N19 Other codes: "M23", "M36" (both 1982?), "N34" (1983), and "O27" (1984)
1983 Spring (May) L._E._Modesitt,_Jr. The Fires of Paratime 1869 N19 First hardcover edition
1983 Spring (May) Jean M. Auel The Valley of Horses 4852 Alternate selection
1983 Spring (May) General Sir John Hackett The Third World War: The Untold Story 6175 Y11 Alternate selection
1983 June Randall Garrett Lord Darcy 3918 N23 First edition thus
1983 June Alan Dean Foster The Man Who Used the Universe 4099 N23 First edition
1983 June Roger Zelazny Dilvish, the Damned 5421 Alternate selection
1983 July Poul Anderson Orion Shall Rise 4617 N27 Known reprint code: "N40" (1983)
1983 July Piers Anthony Night Mare 5320 N27 First hardcover edition
1983 July Piers Anthony Ogre, Ogre 6082 N21 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1983 July Michael McDowell Blackwater, Volume I 4803 N07 First edition thus
1983 August Marion Zimmer Bradley The Mists of Avalon 4804 N31 Known reprint code: "O07" (1984)
1983 August James Kahn Return of the Jedi 2144 N31 First hardcover edition
1983 August Chelsea Quinn Yarbro The St. Germain Chronicles 2243 N25 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1983 August Cathleen Jordan, ed. Alfred Hitchcock's Your Share of Fear 4909 Alternate selection
1983 August Peter Straub Floating Dragon 4958 N01 Alternate selection
1983 September Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson The Saga Of Cuckoo 6228 N34 First edition thus
1983 September Donald A. Wollheim, ed. The 1983 Annual World's Best SF 1251 N34 First hardcover edition. Known reprint code: "05O" (1984)
1983 September Marvin Kaye and Parke Godwin Wintermind 1281 Alternate selection. Known reprint code: "Z1" (1984)
1983 September Alfred Coppel The Burning Mountain 4954 Alternate selection
1983 October Stephen King Christine 4699 N38
1983 October Isaac Asimov The Winds of Change and Other Stories 2883 N38
1983 October Norman Spinrad The Void Captain's Tale 3034 N32 Alternate selection
1983 October Marc Scott Zicree The Twilight Zone Companion 3317 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1983 Fall (November) Stephen R. Donaldson While Gold Wielder 2803 N42
1983 Fall (November) Phillip Mann The Eye of the Queen 1841 N42
1983 Fall (November) Nancy Springer The Book of Vale 2114 N36 Alternate selection. First edition thus
1983 Fall (November) A. C. Crispin Yesterday's Son 2255 N36 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1983 Fall (November) Isaac Asimov The Foundation Trilogy 1932 N40 Alternate selection. New book club edition. Known reprint code: "R21" (May 1987)
1983 November C. J. Cherryh Arafel's Saga 3103 N45 First edition thus
1983 November John Varley Millennium 3173 N45 First hardcover edition. Known reprint codes: "O13" (1984), "P15" (1985)
1983 November Gene Wolfe The Castle of the Otter 3162 N39 Alternate selection
1983 November Norman Mailer Ancient Evenings 2018 Alternate selection
1983 November Michael McDowell Blackwater, Volume II 2578 Alternate selection. First edition thus
1983 Collectors (November) Norman Spinrad Bug Jack Barron 3325 N40
1983 Collectors (November) Poul Anderson Three Hearts and Three Lions 3333 Known reprint code: "R10"
1983 December Marion Zimmer Bradley Oath of the Renunciates 3651 N49 First edition thus
1983 December Philip Jose Farmer Gods of Riverworld 3658 N49
1983 December Joy Chant The High Kings 3507 Alternate selection. This is the trade edition discounted for club members.
1983 December David Bischoff Wargames 3744 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition


Year Month Author Title SFBC ID# Gutter Code Notes
1984 January James P. Hogan Code of the Lifemaker 3606 N53
1984 January Marta Randall The Sword of Winter 3607 N53
1984 January Brian W. Aldiss Helliconia Summer 3623 N47 Alternate selection
1984 January L. Neil Smith Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu 3639 First hardcover edition. Alternate selection
1984 February Robert Silverberg Valentine Pontifex 3546 O04
1984 February Roger Zelazny Unicorn Variations 3555 O04
1984 February Rowena Morrill The Fantastic Art of Rowena Morrill 5999
1984 March John Brunner The Crucible of Time 3282 O08
1984 March Arthur C. Clarke The Sentinel 3289 O08
1984 March Sterling E. Lanier Hiero Desteen 3292 First edition thus. Alternate selection
1984 March Piers Anthony Dragon on a Pedestal 3293 O01 First hardcover edition. Alternate selection
1984 April Isaac Asimov The Robots of Dawn 1965 N51 Known reprint code: "N52" (December 1983), "O11" (March 1984) [This edition was available to other Doubleday clubs before the SFBC.]
1984 April Michael Coney The Celestial Steam Locomotive 3527 O11
1984 April Ian Livingstone Dicing With Dragons 3548 Alternate selection. First hardcover edition
1984 April L. Neil Smith Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon 3588 First hardcover edition. Alternate selection
1984 Collectors (April) Michael Moorcock The Elric Saga: Part I 4019 First edition thus. Known reprint code: "Q29" (1986?)
1984 Collectors (April) J. R. R. Tolkien Smith of Wootton Major & Farmer Giles of Ham 4020 First edition thus
1984 Collectors (April) Robin McKinley The Blue Sword
1984 May Anne McCaffrey Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern 6166 O15 Known reprint code: "O19"
1984 May Terry Pratchett The Colour of Magic 6199 O15
1984 May Poul Anderson Annals of the Time Patrol 6217 O09 First edition thus. Alternate selection. Known reprint codes: "O47" (November, 1984), and 'None' (Post Gutter Code Dates?)
1984 May Robert R. McCammon Mystery Walk Alternate selection
1984 Spring (June) Robert Lynn Asprin Myth Adventures 5417 O19 First edition thus. Known reprint code: "O38"
1984 Spring (June) Philip Jose Farmer The Classic Philip Jose Farmer, 1952-1964 5451 O19
1984 Spring (June) Trevor Hoyle The Last Gasp 4625 O01 Alternate selection; known reprint code "O12"
1984 Spring (June) Mary Stewart The Wicked Day 2113 N47 Alternate selection
1984 June C. J. Cherryh Forty Thousand in Gehenna 1881 O22
1984 June Joan D. Vinge World's End 2431 O22
1984 June Stephen King Pet Sematary 1480 Alternate selection
1984 June Diane Duane The Wounded Sky 2584 O16 First hardcover edition
1984 July Tanith Lee The Wars of Vis 2717 O26 First edition thus
1984 July Vonda N. McIntyre Star Trek III: The Search for Spock 3722 O23 First hardcover edition
1984 July Anne McCaffrey The Harper Hall of Pern 3678 O29 First edition thus. Alternate selection. Known reprint code: "Q09" (1986)
1984 July Andre Norton 'Ware Hawk 3683 Known reprint code: "P25" (1985)
1984 August Julian May The Nonborn King & The Adversary 1374 O30 First edition thus
1984 August Donald A. Wollheim, ed. The 1984 Annual World's Best SF 1783 O30 First hardcover edition. Known reprint code: "P05" (0985)
1984 August Robert Silverberg The Conglomeroid Cocktail Party 1642 O24 Alternate selection
1984 August Piers Anthony On a Pale Horse 2158 Alternate selection. Known reprint code "P051" (1985)
1984 August Richard M. Powers Spacetimewarp Paintings First edition. Alternate selection
1984 September John Varley Demon 1306 O33
1984 September Larry Niven The Integral Trees 1551 O33
1984 September Michael Moorcock The Elric Saga: Part II 1995 First edition thus. Alternate selection
1984 September Jerry Yulsman Elleander Morning 3504 Alternate selection
1984 October David Gerrold The War Against the Chtorr: Invasion 5607 O37 First edition thus
1984 October David Brin The Practice Effect 6213 O37 First hardcover edition
1984 October Stephen R. Donaldson Daughter of Regals & Other Tales 5935 O31 Alternate selection
1984 October John M. Ford The Dragon Waiting 5909 Alternate selection
1984 Collectors (October) Harlan Ellison Deathbird Stories 1100 Known reprint code: "P025" with ID#01100 (1985)
1984 Collectors (October) Marion Zimmer Bradley Darkover Landfall 1128
1984 Fall (November) J. R. R. Tolkien The Book of Lost Tales, Part One 2005 Z39
1984 Fall (November) Octavia E. Butler Clay's Ark 2742 O41
1984 Fall (November) C. J. Cherryh Voyager in Night 2748 O35 First hardcover edition. Alternate selection
1984 Fall (November) H. Beam Piper Fuzzies and Other People 2759 O35 First hardcover edition. Alternate selection. Known reprint code: "P08" (1985)
1984 November Harry Harrison West of Eden 5263 O44 Known reprint codes: "P032" (1985) and "R02" (1987)
1984 November Frederik Pohl Heechee Rendezvous 3827 O44
1984 November Manuel Mujica Lainez The Wandering Unicorn 3734 Z35 Alternate selection. Known reprint code: "AA48" (1985)
1984 November Alan Lee & David Day Castles Alternate selection. Possibly a trade edition.
1984 December Robert Lynn Asprin & Lynn Abbey Cross-Currents 1934 O48 First edition thus
1984 December Michael Coney Gods of the Greataway 2084 O48
1984 December Michael Reaves The Shattered World 2418 O42 Alternate selection
1984 December Diane Duane My Enemy, My Ally 2590 O42 First hardcover edition. Alternate selection
1984 December Willis E. McNelly, ed. The Dune Encyclopedia 1211 O46 Alternate selection

SFBC Main Page

1953-59 1960-64 1965-69 1970-74 1975-79 1980-84 1985-89 1990-93 1994 1995
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015