Publisher:SFBC 1995-1997

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1953-59 1960-64 1965-69 1970-74 1975-79 1980-84 1985-89 1990-93 1994 1995
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015


Year Month Author Title SFBC ID# SFBC ISBN Notes
1995 January Sheri S. Tepper Shadows End 06292
1995 January Mike Resnick A Miracle of Rare Design 06296
1995 January Gordon R. Dickson The Dragon, the Earl, and the Troll 06309
1995 January Roger MacBride Allen Isaac Asimov's Inferno 06293
1995 January Jack McDevitt The Engines of God 06294
1995 January Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. Black Thorn, White Rose 06295
1995 Collectors (January) Mercedes Lackey By the Sword 06463
1995 Collectors (January) Robert A. Heinlein Have Space Suit - Will Travel 06425
1995 Collectors (January) Harlan Ellison & Isaac Asimov I, Robot: The Illustrated Screenplay 06445 First hardcover edition
1995 Collectors (January) Marvin Kaye, ed. Angels of Darkness 03334 1-56865-116-3 First edition
1995 Collectors (January) Lois McMaster Bujold Test of Honor 06426
1995 Collectors (January) William Horwood The Willows in Winter 06158
1995 February Poul Anderson The Stars Are Also Fire 06470
1995 February Terry Pratchett Soul Music 06541
1995 February Anne Rice Taltos 03237
1995 February Alan Dean Foster Greenthieves 06423
1995 February Diane Duane The Venom Factor 03838
1995 February Stephen R. Lawhead Pendragon 06616
1995 March Terry Goodkind Wizard's First Rule 06471
1995 March Vonda N. McIntyre The Crystal Star 06637
1995 March Angus Wells Lords of the Sky 06638
1995 March Ian McDonald Terminal Café 06694
1995 March Greg Egan Quarantine 06578
1995 March Jeanne Kalogridis Covenant With the Vampire 05386
1995 April Melanie Rawn The Ruins of Ambrai 06858
1995 April Robert Silverberg The Mountains of Majipoor 06859
1995 April Mercedes Lackey The Eagle and the Nightingales 06860
1995 April Harry Turtledove Worldwar: Tilting the Balance 06908
1995 April Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield Reeves-Stevens Federation 06739
1995 April Dan Simmons Fires of Eden 06173
1995 May Robert Jordan Lord of Chaos 07067
1995 May Neal Stephenson The Diamond Age 06937
1995 May Christopher Stasheff The Secular Wizard 06695
1995 May Isaac Asimov Gold 07068
1995 May Stephen Baxter Flux 07088
1995 May Ken Grimwood Into the Deep 06275
1995 May Greg Costikyan One Quest, Hold the Dragons 05891
1995 May Sean Russell World Without End 07082 First hardcover edition
1995 May Anne McCaffrey An Exchange of Gifts 07069
1995 May Gregory Benford & Martin H. Greenberg, eds. Hitler Victorious 07119
1995 June Orson Scott Card Homecoming: Earth 07184 1-56865-140-6 First edition thus
1995 June Marion Zimmer Bradley Lady of the Trillium 07155
1995 June Walter Jon Williams Metropolitan 07157
1995 June R. A. Salvatore The Sword of Bedwyr 07156
1995 June Margaret Weis & Don Perrin The Nights of the Black Earth 07191
1995 June John Farris Sacrifice 06214
1995 Summer (July) Harry Harrison & John Holm Warriors of the Way 07397 1-56865-146-5 First edition thus
1995 Summer (July) Joel Rosenberg The Road Home 07214
1995 Summer (July) K. W. Jeter Warped 07388
1995 Summer (July) L._E._Modesitt,_Jr. The Order War 07415
1995 Summer (July) Fred Saberhagen Merlin's Bones 07390
1995 Summer (July) Charles Sheffield Proteus in the Underworld 07389 First hardcover edition
1995 July C. J. Cherryh Fortress in the Eye of Time 07543
1995 July Anne McCaffrey Freedom's Landing 07483
1995 July Terry Brooks Witches' Brew 07482
1995 July Gordon R. Dickson The Magnificent Wilf 07540
1995 July Linda Nagata The Bohr Maker 07488 First hardcover edition
1995 July Edward E. Kramer, ed. Elric: Tales of the White Wolf 07489
1995 Collectors (August) Frank Herbert Dune 07683
1995 Collectors (August) William Goldman The Princess Bride 07684
1995 Collectors (August) Zenna Henderson Ingathering 07720
1995 Collectors (August) Greg Bear Songs of Earth and Power 07690
1995 Collectors (August) L. Ron Hubbard Typewriter in the Sky 07691
1995 Collectors (August) Isaac Asimov The Gods Themselves 07685
1995 August Mercedes Lackey & Larry Dixon The White Gryphon 07827
1995 August Barbara Hambly Children of the Jedi 07692
1995 August Diann Thornley Ganwold's Child 07791
1995 August Nancy A. Collins Midnight Blue 07769
1995 August Robert Conroy 1901 07407
1995 August Andre Norton Mirror of Destiny 07786
1995 August David Eddings The Diamond Throne 07686
1995 August David Eddings The Ruby Knight 07687
1995 August David Eddings The Sapphire Rose 07688
1995 September Gardner Dozois, ed. The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twelfth Annual Collection 07849
1995 September C. J. Cherryh Invader 07873
1995 September David Feintuch Seafort's Hope 07889 1-56865-154-6 First edition thus
1995 September Elizabeth Willey A Sorcerer and a Gentleman 07892
1995 September Theodore Roszak The Memoirs of Elizabeth Frankenstein 07496
1995 September Eve Forward Villains by Necessity 07874
1995 October Greg Bear Legacy 10389
1995 October Anne McCaffrey & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough Power Play 10235
1995 October Nicola Griffith Slow River 10000
1995 October Joel Rosenberg The Fire Duke 10002
1995 October William Shatner The Ashes of Eden 10234
1995 October Fred Saberhagen, ed. An Armory of Swords 10394
1995 November Andre Norton & Mercedes Lackey Elvenblood 10190
1995 November Timothy Zahn Conquerors' Heritage 10251
1995 November Melissa Scott Shadow Man 10191
1995 November David Eddings Belgarath the Sorcerer 10088
1995 November Roger MacBride Allen The Corellian Trilogy 10274 1-56865-156-2 First edition thus
1995 November Scott G. Gier Planetfall 10266 First hardcover edition
1995 November Steven Spruill Rulers of Darkness 07539
1995 November Sean Stewart Resurrection Man 10243
1995 November John Clute Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia none
1995 November Stephen E. Fabian Stephen E. Fabian's Women and Wonders 10174
1995 November James Gurney Dinotopia: The World Underneath none Trade edition
1995 December C. J. Cherryh Rider at the Gate 10468
1995 December Terry Pratchett Lords and Ladies 10467
1995 December Bob Eggleton Alien Horizons none Trade edition
1995 December David Gemmell Legends of the Drenai 10451 1-56865-160-0 First edition thus
1995 December Greg Egan Permutation City 10357
1995 December Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling. eds. The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror: Eighth Annual Collection 10259
1995 December Boris Vallejo Boris Vallejo's 3D Magic none


Year Month Author Title SFBC ID# SFBC ISBN Notes
1996 Winter (January) David Brin Brightness Reef 10516
1996 Winter (January) Martha Wells City of Bones 10657
1996 Winter (January) Newt Gingrich & William R. Forstchen 1945 10503
1996 Winter (January) Esther Friesner, ed. Chicks in Chainmail 10517 First hardcover edition (retains pb ISBN)
1996 Winter (January) Walter Jon Williams Ten Points for Style 10261 1-56865-166-X First edition thus
1996 Winter (January) Kim Newman The Bloody Red Baron 10578
1996 January Mercedes Lackey Storm Rising 10652
1996 January Kevin J. Anderson Darksaber 10655
1996 January Raymond E. Feist Rise of a Merchant Prince 10826
1996 January Diane Duane The Lizard Sanction 10686
1996 January Craig Shaw Gardner Dragon Waking 10809
1996 January Alan Dean Foster Mid-Flinx 10658
1996 January R. L. Stine Superstitious 10023
1996 Collectors (February) Patricia C. Wrede The Enchanted Forest Chronicles 10828 1-56865-173-2 First edition thus
1996 Collectors (February) Anne McCaffrey The Ship Who Sang 10737
1996 Collectors (February) Peter Nicholls & John Clute The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction none Third printing of trade edition
1996 Collectors (February) David G. Hartwell, ed. Masterpieces of Fantasy and Enchantment 10703 1-56865-174-0 Re-issue
1996 Collectors (February) Phil Farrand The Nitpicker's Guide to Next Generation Trekkers, Volume II 10710 First hardcover edition (retains pb ISBN)
1996 Collectors (February) Arnie Fenner & Cathy Burnett, eds. Spectrum 2 none Trade edition
1996 February Dan Simmons Endymion 11060
1996 February C. S. Friedman Crown of Shadows 10831
1996 February Lois McMaster Bujold Cetaganda 10698
1996 February Gordon R. Dickson The Dragon and the Djinn 11033
1996 February Ian McDonald Evolution's Shore 11008 First US hardcover edition (retains pb ISBN)
1996 February Isaac Asimov Yours, Isaac Asimov 10848
1996 February Bruce Bethke Headcrash 11034 First hardcover edition (retains pb ISBN)
1996 February Jeanne Kalogridis Children of the Vampire 10374
1996 February Marion Zimmer Bradley Ghostlight 10724
1996 February Nancy A. Collins, ed. Dark Love 10405
1996 February Michael Garrett & Jeff Gelb, eds. Stranger By Night First hardcover edition (retains pb ISBN)
1996 March Marion Zimmer Bradley, Andre Norton & Mercedes Lackey Tiger Burning Bright 11252
1996 March Julian May Magnificat 11255
1996 March Michael Jan Friedman Crossover 11061
1996 March R. A. Salvatore Luthien's Gamble 11253
1996 March Mary Stewart The Prince and the Pilgrim 10765
1996 March Gregory Benford, ed. Far Futures 11254
1996 April Terry Goodkind Stone of Tears 11425
1996 April Poul Anderson Harvest the Fire 11413
1996 April Poul Anderson All One Universe 11417
1996 April Charles Sheffield The Ganymede Club 11433
1996 April Harry Turtledove Worldwar: Upsetting the Balance 11404
1996 April Isaac Asimov Magic 11406
1996 April Tanith Lee Darkness, I 11414
1996 April Neil Gaiman The Sandman: The Kindly Ones
1996 May Stephen R. Donaldson The Gap Into Ruin: This Day All Gods Die 11537
1996 May Terry Pratchett Men at Arms 11518
1996 May David Feintuch Seafort's Challenge 11567 1-56865-189-9 First edition thus
1996 May Sharon Shinn The Shape-Changer's Wife 11565 First hardcover edition (retains pb ISBN)
1996 May Robert Asprin & Linda Evans Time Scout 11517 First hardcover edition (retains pb ISBN)
1996 May P. N. Elrod Jonathan Barrett, Gentleman Vampire 11563 1-56865-188-0 First edition thus
1996 June Connie Willis Futures Imperfect 11638 1-56865-186-4 First hardcover edition
1996 June Mercedes Lackey & Larry Dixon The Silver Gryphon 11639
1996 June Orson Scott Card Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus 11686
1996 June Terry Brooks First King of Shannara 11696
1996 June Steven Gould Wildside 11583
1996 June Peter James Host 10715
1996 June James Morrow Bible Stories for Adults 11609
1996 June Charles L. Grant, ed. Gallery of Horror 10936
1996 June William Rotsler Science Fictionisms 11701
1996 Summer (June) C. J. Cherryh Inheritor 11765
1996 Summer (June) Steve Perry Shadows of the Empire 11822
1996 Summer (June) Richard Dreyfuss & Harry Turtledove The Two Georges 11763
1996 Summer (June) Felicity Savage Garden of Salt 11823 1-56865-190-2 First edition thus
1996 Summer (June) Jack McDevitt Ancient Shores 11764
1996 Summer (June) Jonathan Nasaw The World on Blood 10982
1996 Summer (June) Nigel Suckling, Linda Garland & Roger Garland The Book of the Unicorn none First American edition
1996 Summer (June) Diane Duane A Wizard Abroad 11802 1-56865-191-0 First American edition
1996 July Joan D. Vinge Dreamfall 11983
1996 July William Shatner, Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield Reeves-Stevens The Return 11990
1996 July Andre Norton & Mary H. Schaub The Magestone 12043 First hardcover edition (retains pb ISBN)
1996 July Tanith Lee Louisa the Poisoner 12068
1996 July Alan Dean Foster Dinotopia Lost 11985
1996 July Michael F. Flynn Firestar 11984
1996 July Robin Wayne Bailey Shadowdance 12044 First hardcover edition (retains pb ISBN)
1996 August S. P. Somtow The Riverrun Trilogy 12396 1-56865-194-5 First edition thus
1996 August Timothy Zahn Conquerors' Legacy 12397 First hardcover edition (retains pb ISBN)
1996 August Patricia C. Wrede Book of Enchantments 12456
1996 August David G. Hartwell, ed. Year's Best Science Fiction 12346 First hardcover edition
1996 August Anne McCaffrey Black Horses for the King 12457
1996 August Elizabeth Moon Remnant Population 12398
1996 August Richard Garfinkle Celestial Matters 12425
1996 August Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child Mount Dragon 10945
1996 September Kevin J. Anderson, ed. War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches 13620
1996 September A. A. Attanasio The Dragon and the Unicorn 13589 First hardcover edition (retains pb ISBN)
1996 September Alfred Bester The Demolished Man 13552 Reprints the Vintage trade pb (retains its ISBN)
1996 September Alfred Bester The Stars My Destination 13553 Reprints the Vintage trade pb (retains its ISBN)
1996 September Marion Zimmer Bradley Exile's Song 13727
1996 September P. H. Cannon The Lovecraft Papers 13554 1-56865-202-X First edition thus
1996 September Susan Cooper The Dark Is Rising 13751 1-56865-205-4 First hardcover edition
1996 September L. Sprague de Camp Lest Darkness Fall 13556
1996 September Gardner Dozois, ed. The Year's Best Science Fiction: Thirteenth Annual Collection 13596
1996 September Esther M. Friesner Child of the Eagle 13779 First hardcover edition (retains pb ISBN)
1996 September Michael Moorcock Hawkmoon: The Eternal Champion, Volume 3 12097
1996 September Robin Wilson, ed. Paragons 12098
1996 September Sarah Zettel Reclamation 13559 First hardcover edition (retains pb ISBN)
1996 October Kim Stanley Robinson Blue Mars 13941
1996 October George R. R. Martin A Game of Thrones 13907
1996 October Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta The Rise of the Shadow Academy 13979 1-56865-211-9 First edition thus
1996 October Harry Harrison King and Emperor 13909
1996 October Melissa Scott Night Sky Mine 13942
1996 October J. Gregory Keyes The Waterborn 13590
1996 October Dean Devlin, Roland Emmerich & Stephen Molstad Independence Day 14417
1996 November C. J. Cherryh Cloud's Rider 14103
1996 November Lois McMaster Bujold Memory 14078
1996 November Richard Bachman The Regulators 12345
1996 November Michael Jan Friedman Kahless 14007
1996 November James Morrow Blameless in Abaddon 13978
1996 November Scott G. Gier In the Shadow of the Moon 14128 First hardcover edition
1996 November Robert Asprin & Linda Evans Wagers of Sin 14105 First hardcover edition (retains pb ISBN)
1996 November Stephen King The Bachman Books
1996 November Richard Bachman Thinner
1996 November Katya Reimann Wind from a Foreign Sky 13994
1996 November Anne McCaffrey & John Gregory Betancourt, eds. Serve It Forth 13975 First hardcover edition (retains pb ISBN)
1996 November Cathy Burnett & Arnie Fenner Spectrum 3 none
1996 November Fritz Leiber Ill Met in Lankhmar 13968 1-56865-221-6 First edition thus
1996 December Robert Jordan Crown of Swords 14242
1996 December Bruce Sterling Holy Fire 14280
1996 December C. J. Cherryh Lois & Clark 14188
1996 December Joel Rosenberg The Silver Stone 14243
1996 December Robert J. Sawyer Starplex 14361 First hardcover edition (retains pb ISBN)
1996 December Patricia A. McKillip Winter Rose 14281
1996 December Roger Zelazny Home is the Hangman 13969 1-56865-227-5 First edition thus
1996 Winter (December) Mercedes Lackey Storm Breaking 14437
1996 Winter (December) Kristine Kathryn Rusch The New Rebellion 14441
1996 Winter (December) Harry Harrison The Stainless Steel Rat Goes to Hell 14465
1996 Winter (December) Andre Norton The Warding of Witch World 14378
1996 Winter (December) Jack Vance Night Lamp 14438
1996 Winter (December) Neil Gaiman & Edward E. Kramer, eds. Sandman: Book of Dreams 14246
1996 Winter (December) James_Tiptree,_Jr. Houston, Houston, Do You Read? 13970 1-56865-251-8 First edition thus


Year Month Author Title SFBC ID# SFBC ISBN Notes
1997 January David Brin Infinity's Shore 14540
1997 January Terry Pratchett Feet of Clay 14550
1997 January J. M. Dillard First Contact 14396
1997 January Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman Starshield: Sentinels 14677
1997 January R. A. Salvatore The Dragon King 14659
1997 January Wayne Barlowe Barlowe's Guide to Fantasy Trade edition [?]
1997 January Spider Robinson and Jeanne Robinson Stardance 13971 1-56865-261-5 First edition thus
1997 February Orson Scott Card Children of the Mind 14736
1997 February Roger MacBride Allen Isaac Asimov's Utopia 14692
1997 February Orson Scott Card Ender's War 14799
1997 February Orson Scott Card Xenocide 14801
1997 February Diane Duane The Octopus Agenda 14466
1997 February Gene Wolfe Epiphany of the Long Sun 14536 1-56865-275-5 First edition thus
1997 February Nancy Kress Beggars Ride 14738
1997 February Nancy Springer Fair Peril 14733
1997 February Craig Shaw Gardner Dragon Burning 14634
1997 February Poul Anderson The Saturn Game 13972 1-56865-274-7 First edition thus
1997 Collectors (March) Gardner Dozois, ed. Modern Classics of Fantasy 14775
1997 Collectors (March) Robert A. Heinlein The Moon is a Harsh Mistress 14797
1997 Collectors (March) Poul Anderson Tau Zero 14776 1-56865-278-8
1997 Collectors (March) C. L. Moore Jirel of Joiry 14951
1997 Collectors (March) Nancy A. Collins A Dozen Black Roses 14777
1997 Collectors (March) Harlan Ellison The City on the Edge of Forever 15097
1997 March John Varley Press Enter [] 13973 1-56865-279-8 First edition thus
1997 March Robert J. Sawyer The Terminal Experiment 14726 First hardcover edition
1997 March Anne McCaffrey Dragonseye 15116
1997 March Mercedes Lackey Firebird 15117
1997 March Ian McDowell Mordred's Curse 15124
1997 March Michael P. Kube-McDowell The Black Fleet Crisis 15119 1-56865-292-5 First edition thus
1997 March Harry Turtledove Worldwar: Striking the Balance 15135
1997 March Terri Windling The Wood Wife 15131
1997 March Jeanne Kalogridis Lord of the Vampires 14969
1997 April Kate Elliott King's Dragon 15229
1997 April Arthur C. Clarke 3001: The Final Odyssey 15231
1997 April Arthur C. Clarke 2001: A Space Odyssey 15329
1997 April Arthur C. Clarke 2010: Odyssey Two 15331
1997 April Arthur C. Clarke 2061: Odyssey Three 15332
1997 April Charles Sheffield Tomorrow and Tomorrow 15302
1997 April Margaret Ball Mathemagics 15303 First hardcover edition
1997 April Margaret Weis & Don Perrin Robot Blues 15245
1997 May Terry Goodkind Blood of the Fold 15362
1997 May Gregory Benford Foundation's Fear 15459
1997 May Sarah Zettel Fool's War 15461
1997 May Connie Willis & Cynthia Felice Promised Land 15497
1997 May Alan Dean Foster The Howling Stones 15460
1997 May Melanie Rawn The Mageborn Traitor 15521
1997 May Walter Jon Williams City on Fire 15412
1997 May Dean Koontz Ticktock 14435
1997 June Jack McDevitt Eternity Road 15653
1997 June Charles Sheffield Convergence 15654 First hardcover edition
1997 June Iain M. Banks Excession 15598
1997 June Elizabeth Moon Once a Hero 15657
1997 June Raymond E. Feist Rage of a Demon King 15546
1997 June Barbara Hambly Planet of Twilight 15655
1997 June Eric S. Nylund Dry Water 15599
1997 Summer (July) Marion Zimmer Bradley Lady of Avalon 15808
1997 Summer (July) S. M. Stirling The Ship Avenged 15895
1997 Summer (July) Damien Broderick The White Abacus
1997 Summer (July) Linda Nagata Deception Well 15811 First hardcover edition
1997 Summer (July) J. Gregory Keyes The Blackgod 15813
1997 Summer (July) Daniel Hood A Familiar Dragon 15819 1-56865-343-3 First edition thus
1997 July Anne McCaffrey Freedom's Choice 15896
1997 July Terry Pratchett Interesting Times 16004
1997 July Neil Gaiman Neverwhere 16005
1997 July Greg Egan Distress 16059
1997 July Robert J. Sawyer Frameshift 16003
1997 July Adam Lee The Dark Shore 16034
1997 July Rosemary Edghill The Empty Crown 16058 1-56865-342-5 First edition thus
1997 August Gardner Dozois, ed. The Year's Best Science Fiction: Fourteenth Annual Collection 17061
1997 August James Alan Gardner Expendable 17123 1-56865-378-6 First hardcover edition
1997 August Kevin J. Anderson, ed. Star Wars Tales 16087 1-568965-389-1 First edition thus
1997 August Robin Cook Invasion 12063 First hardcover edition
1997 August John E. Stith Reckoning Infinity 17060
1997 August Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. Black Swan, White Raven 17124
1997 August Tanith Lee The Red Unicorn 17019
1997 August A. A. Attanasio The Eagle and the Sword 17023
1997 Collectors (August) John Crowley Little, Big 17464 1-56865-429-4 Exclusive hardcover edition
1997 Collectors (August) Robert A. Heinlein Starship Troopers 17283 1-56865-430-8 Exclusive hardcover edition
1997 Collectors (August) Joe Haldeman The Forever War 17426 Exclusive hardcover edition
1997 Collectors (August) Rudy Rucker Moldies & Meatbops 17425 1-56865-434-0 First edition thus
1997 Collectors (August) George Lucas, Donald F. Glut and James Kahn The Star Wars Trilogy 17284 1-56865-435-9 First hardcover edition
1997 Collectors (August) C. M. Kornbluth His Share of Glory: The Complete Short Science Fiction 17419
1997 Collectors (August) Michael Jan Friedman Batman & Robin
1997 Collectors (August) Norris J. Lacy The New Arthurian Encyclopedia 17424 1-56865-432-4 First hardcover edition
1997 Collectors (August) Michael Moorcock Corum: The Coming of Chaos 17282
1997 September C. J. Cherryh Finity's End 17583
1997 September Ian McDowell Merlin's Gift 17624 First hardcover edition
1997 September William Shatner Avenger 17516
1997 September David G. Hartwell, ed. Year's Best SF: 2 17485 1-56865-438-3 First hardcover edition
1997 September Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman Legacy of the Darksword 17586
1997 September Anne McCaffrey & Margaret Ball Acorna: The Unicorn Girl 17550
1997 September Carl Sagan Contact 17483
1997 October Robert Silverberg Sorcerers of Majipoor 14549
1997 October Dan Simmons The Rise of Endymion 17846
1997 October Marion Zimmer Bradley The Shadow Matrix 17845
1997 October Michael Jan Friedman The Redemption of the Silver Surfer 17923
1997 October Roger Zelazny & Jane Lindskold Donnerjack 17844
1997 October Terry Brooks Running With the Demon 17885
1997 October Peter S. Beagle Giant Bones 17884
1997 October Bram Stoker Dracula 17514 1-56865-473-7
1997 October Tananarive Due My Soul to Keep 17010
1997 October Steven Spruill Daughter of Darkness
1997 November Harry Turtledove How Few Remain 18182
1997 November Terry Pratchett Maskerade 18173
1997 November Kevin J. Anderson X-Files: Antibodies 18264
1997 November John Barnes The Timeline Wars 17848 1-56865-461-8 First edition thus
1997 November Fred Saberhagen Berserker Fury 17916
1997 November Michael Swanwick Jack Faust 18171
1997 November Gordon R. Dickson The Dragon and the Gnarly King 19011
1997 November John Saul The Blackstone Chronicles 15186 1-56865-407-3 First edition thus
1997 November Malcolm Ashman & Joyce Hargreaves Fabulous Beasts none First American hardcover edition
1997 November Cathy Fenner & Arnie Fenner, eds. Spectrum 4 none Trade edition
1997 November Vincent Di Fate, ed. Infinite Worlds none Trade edition
1997 November Marion Zimmer Bradley The Gratitude of Kings 18196
1997 December David Drake Lord of the Isles 18574
1997 December Greg Bear / (Slant) 18384
1997 December David Weber In Enemy Hands
1997 December Melissa Scott Dreaming Metal 18385
1997 December Dave Duncan The Great Game 18295 1-56865-462-6 First edition thus
1997 December Marion Zimmer Bradley Gravelight 17936
1997 December Josepha Sherman & Susan Shwartz Vulcan's Forge 18319

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1953-59 1960-64 1965-69 1970-74 1975-79 1980-84 1985-89 1990-93 1994 1995
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015