Editing:Merging Titles

Revision as of 12:57, 30 August 2008 by Kpulliam (talk | contribs)
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There are two ways to merge title records. The first one is to use the "Titles" link on the Summary Bibliography page (Long Works only, the same link on the Short Works page has problems), check the boxes next to the two titles in question and then hit the "Merge Selected Records" button. Note that this method doesn't work if the titles that you are trying to merge are on two separate pages of the "Title Search" page. This can happen when trying to merge, say, "Axe" and "The Axe" by a prolific author, when the second title record is displayed on the second or even third page of "Title Search".

The second way is to use Advanced Search and search for the title. This method is a little more time consuming, but also much more powerful since you can use various AND/OR/NOT (ANDNOT is currently broken; We apologize for this inconvenience.) combinations, which allows you to merge any titles.

Regardless of how you got to the Title Merge screen, once you hit the "Merge Selected Records" button, you will find yourself on the "Title Merge Results" page, which displays any conflicts/discrepancies between the two records that you are trying to merge. Select the correct choices and hit "Complete Merge".

At this point the software creates a Title Merge submission that will need to be approved by a moderator. Approving the submission merges the two title records and repoints the Publication records that used to point to the dropped Title record to the kept Title record. You can now review and edit these Publication records as appropriate.

Note that when you are adding new Contents items, the software automatically creates new Titles for every content line added. These new title records will then need to be merged with pre-existing title records if applicable.