Template:Author Image Data/Doc

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Documentation for the template: Author Image Data


This template is to be placed on the image description page of a photograph of a person (author, editor, or the like) used under fair use.


Call this template as:

{{Author Image Data

|Name=<Name of author> (person shown in picture)

|Photographer=<Person who took the picture>

|Source=<source of image>

|Publication=<Where and when was this image published>

|Replaceable=<Why this image can not be repalced by a freely licensed image> (example: "The person is dead.")

|Resolution=<nnn x mmm>



All parameter names have an inital capitol letter. Case is significant in a parameter name. The order of the parameters is not significant, but the order above is suggested, as it is the order of use within the template.

Parameter definitions

Parameter Description Default
Name Should specify the name of the person whose image is being displayed. Required Field
Photographer Should specify the name of the person who took the picture If omitted, defaults to "Unknown".
Source Website or publication where the image was obtained, or name or handle of user who scanned the image. If omitted, defaults to "Unknown".
Publication where and when this iamge was published. If multiple publications are known, specify the first. If omitted, defaults to "Unknown".
Portion what part of the original image was used. Mention any cropping here. Defaults to "The entire image."
Replaceable Statement of why this image could not be repalced with one used with permission or under a free licensce. Defaults to "The image could be replaced by a freely licesened image."
Resolution Should show the dimensions in pixels. If omitted, defaults to "Unknown".
LowRes Should normally be "Yes", to indicate that this is a relatively low-res image. If the value is "Yes" a statement to this effect is displayed. If the value is "No", or if the parameter is ommitted, a warning text will be displayed instead. Values other than "Yes" or "No" will cause the template to malfunction. Defaults to "No"


For a usage example, see the example page.