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ET71: ''Extraordinary Tales'', translated by Anthony Kerrigan; Herder and Herder, 1971. <br />
CB67: ''Cuentos breves y extraordinarios''; Santiago Rueda, 1967.<br />
CB55: ''Cuentos breves y extraordinarios''; Raigal, 1955.<br />
Yes(V)/No(V) Yes or no in the opinion of [[User talk:Vasha77|Vasha]]
===Sources of Information===
* Joaquín Álvarez Barrientos. ''Imposturas literarias españolas'' [https://books.google.com/books?id=OhuHAwAAQBAJ Google Books preview]
* Rebecca DeWald. "Extraordinary Tales of Authenticity and Pseudotranslations. Jorge Luis Borges and Adolfo Bioy Casares’s Cuentos" [http://www.interferenceslitteraires.be/ipaper_download/655 PDF]
* Emilio Carilla. Sobre Menéndez y Pelayo, Borges y la superchería [http://www.iibricrit-conicet.gov.ar/wordpress/ojs/index.php/incipit/article/download/402/ PDF]
==== The Death Sentence / La sentencia ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Wu Ch'eng-en (c. 1505–c.1580).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Wu Ch'eng-en (c. 1505–c.1580)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: uncredited [as by Wu Ch'êng-ên]
==== The Secret Redeemer / El redentor secreto ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Del ''Indian Antiquary'', I (1872).
<br>Credit [ET71]: From the ''Indian Antiquary'', I (1872)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Annihilation of the Ogres / El aniquilación de los ogros ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: De ''Folk Tales of Bengal'' (Londres, 1883), de Lal Behari Day.
<br>Credit [ET71]: From ''Folk Tales of Bengal'' (London, 1883), by Lal Behari Day
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Story of Cecilia / Historia de Cecilia ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Cicerón, ''De divinatione'', I, 46.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Cicero, ''De divinatione'', I, 46
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: Cicero
==== The Encounter / El encuentro ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: (Cuento de la dinastía T'ang, 618–906 a. C.).
<br>Credit [ET71]: A tale from the T'ang Dynasty (618–906 A.D.)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Hard to Please / Difícil de contentar ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Ibn Abd Rabbih, ''Kitabal idq el farid'', tomo III.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Ibn Abd Rabbith, ''Kitabal idq el farid'', III
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Scattered Themes from the Note-Books of Nathaniel Hawthorne / Argumentos anotados por Nathaniel Hawthorne ====
Essay: ?Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Nathaniel Hawthorne, ''Note-books'' (1868).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Nathaniel Hawthorne, ''Note-Books'' (1868)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: Nathaniel Hawthorne
==== The Dream of Chuang Tzu / El sueño de Chuang Tzu ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: De ''Chuang Tzu'' (1889) de Herbert Allen Giles.
<br>Credit [ET71]: From ''Chuang Tzu'' (1889), by Herbert Allen Giles
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: Vasha says: The credit in the book states (though not clearly) that this is from Giles's translation of the works of Chuang Tzu. Some other books that reprint this story give the credit as Chuang Tzu. I think we should do that in this case too, and just put in the notes what the book literally says.
==== The Hidden Deer / El ciervo escondido ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Liehtse (c. 300 a. C.).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Liehtse (c. 300 A.D.)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: 列子 [as by Liehtse]
==== The Brahmins and the Lion / Los brahmanes y el león ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Panchatantra (siglo II a. C.).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Panchatantra (second century A.D.)
<br>Source notes: translation?
<br>DB credit: Vasha says: credit should be "uncredited" -- I disagree with current English credit to Panchatantra which is a book title
==== A Golem / Un golem ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: ''Senhedrin'', 65, b.
<br>Credit [ET71]: ''Sanhedrin'', 65, b.
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: uncredited
==== The Return of the Master / La vuelta del maestro ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Alexandra David-Neel, ''Mystiques et Magiciens du Tibet'' (1929).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Alexandra David-Neel, ''Magic and Mystery in Tibet'' (1929)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== In Fear of Wrath / Temor de la cólera ====
Essay: Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Ah'med el Qalyubi, ''Nanadir''.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Ah'med el Qalyubi, ''Nanadir''
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Andromeda / Andrómeda ====
Essay: ?No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Samuel Butler, ''Note-books''.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Samuel Butler, ''Note-Books'' (London, 1951)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: Samuel Butler
==== The Dream / El sueño ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: O. Henry.
<br>Credit [ET71]: O. Henry
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: O. Henry
==== The King's Promise / La promesa del rey ====
Essay: Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Del capítulo XCI del décimo libro de la ''Heimskringla''.
<br>Credit [ET71]: ''Heimskringla'', 91–92
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Captive's Oath / El juramiento del cautivo ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: De la noche tercera del libro de ''Las Mil y Una Noches''.
<br>Credit [ET71]: From the Third Night of the Book of ''The Thousand and One Nights''
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: uncredited
==== Nosce Te Ipsum / Nosce Te Ipsum ====
Essay: ?No(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB55]: not in this edition
<br>Credit [CB67]: Fergus Nicholson, ''Antología de espejos'' (Edimburgo, 1917).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Fergus Nicholson, ''Antología de espejos''
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Intuitive One / El intuitivo ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Alfonso Reyes, ''El deslinde'' (1944).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Alfonso Reyes, ''El deslinde'' (1944)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: Alfonso Reyes
==== How I Found the Superman / Cómo descubrí al Superhombre ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: G. K. Chesterton.
<br>Credit [ET71]: G. K. Chesterton
<br>Source notes: Google Books confirms that this is from <i>Alarms and Discursions</i> (1911) and has the same title there.
<br>DB credit: G. K. Chesterton
==== The King's Awakening / El despertar del rey ====
Essay: ?No(V)
<br>Nongenre: ?No(V)
<br>Credit [CB55]: not in this edition
<br>Credit [CB67]: H. Desvignes Doolittle, ''Rambling Thoughts on World History'' (Niagara Falls, 1903).
<br>Credit [ET71]: H. Desvignes Doolittle, ''Rambling Thoughts on World History'' (Niagara Falls, 1903)
<br>Source notes: Anthony Kerrigan states in his note on sources that he does not believe that the alleged source book exists.
<br>DB credit:
==== Death of a Chief / Muerte de un jefe ====
Essay: ?Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB55]: not in this edition
<br>Credit [CB67]: León Rivera, ''Bocetos de un asistente'' (La Plata, 1894).
<br>Credit [ET71]: León Rivera, ''Bocetos de un asistente'' (La Plata, 1894)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Announcement / El aviso ====
Essay: ?Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB55]: not in this edition
<br>Credit [CB67]: George V. Brown, ''Gleanings in Caledonian Byways'' (Dunbar, 1901).
<br>Credit [ET71]: George V. Brown, ''Gleanings in Caledonian Byways'' (Dunbar, 1901)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Explanation / La explicación ====
Essay: ?Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: ?No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Edwin Broster, ''Addenda to a History of Freethinking'' (Edinburgh, 1887).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Edwin Broster, ''Addenda to a History of Freethinking'' (Edinburgh, 1887)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== An Alexandrian Myth / Un mito de Alejandro ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Adrienne Bordenave, ''La modification du Passé ou la seule base de la Tradion'' (Pau, 1949).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Adrienne Bordenave, ''La modification du Passé ou la seule base de la Tradion'' (Pau, 1949)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Work and the Poet / La obra y el poeta ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: R. F. Burton, ''Indica'' (1887).
<br>Credit [ET71]: R. F. Burton, ''Indica'' (1887)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Eugenics / Eugenesia ====
Essay: Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: ?Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Drummond, ''Ben Ionsiana'' (c. 1618).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Drummond, ''Ben Ionsiana'' (c. 1618)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Mendicant of Naples / La mendiga de Nápoles ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Max Jacob, ''Le Cornet à Dés'' (1917).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Max Jacob, ''Le Cornet à Dés'' (1917)Le Cornet à Dés
<br>Source notes: A short piece in French titled "La mendiante de Naples" in ''Le cornet à dés'' (1917) (confirmed by online text). Translator of English version unknown.
<br>DB credit:
==== A God Abandons Alexandria / Un dios abandona a Alejandría ====
Essay: ?Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: De ''Las Vidas de los Varones Ilustres'', de Plutarco.
<br>Credit [ET71]: From ''The Parallel Lives of Plutarch''
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Female Disciple / La discípula ====
Essay: ?No(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Herbert Allen Giles: ''Chuang Tzu'' (1889).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Herbert Allen Giles, ''Chuang Tzu'' (1889)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: Vasha says: The credit in the book states (though not clearly) that this is from Giles's translation of the works of Chuang Tzu. I think we should give the credit as Chuang Tzu, and just put in the notes what the book literally says.
==== The Ninth Slave / El noveno esclavo ====
Essay: ?Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Del capítulo LXV del ''Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'', de Gibbon.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Gibbon, ''Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'', Chapter LXV
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== A Victor / Un vencedor ====
Essay: ?Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: De la empresa XCVI de ''Idea de un Príncipe Político-cristiano'' (1640), de Saavedra Fajardo.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Saavedra Fajardo, ''Idea de un Príncipe Político-cristiano'', XCVI (1640)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Dangerous Wonder-Worker / El peligroso taumaturgo ====
Essay: ?Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: M. R. Werner, ''Brigham Young'' (1925).
<br>Credit [ET71]: M. R. Werner, ''Brigham Young'' (1925)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Castle / El castillo ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: De ''Jacques Le Fataliste'' (1773), de Diderot.
<br>Credit [ET71]: From ''Jacques Le Fataliste'' (1773), by Diderot
<br>Source notes: 
<br>DB credit:
==== The Statue / La estatua ====
Essay: Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: ?No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Del noveno párrafo del tratado ''De Isis y Osiris'', de Plutarco.
<br>Credit [ET71]: From the ninth paragraph of the treatise ''Of Isis and Osiris'', by Plutarch
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Warning / La advertencia ====
Essay: ?Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: ?No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: R. F. Burton, ''1001 Nights'', II, 141.
<br>Credit [ET71]:  R. F. Burton, ''1001 Nights'', II, 141
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Prowess of Villena / Las facultades de Villena ====
Essay: Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: De la ''Antología de Poetas Líricos Castellanos'', de Menéndez y Pelayo.
<br>Credit [ET71]: From the ''Antología de Poetas Líricos Castellanos'', Menéndez y Pelayo
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Shadow of the Moves, I / La sombra de las jugadas ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Edwin Morgan, ''The Week-End Companion to Wales and Cornwall'' (Chester, 1929).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Edwin Morgan, ''The Week-End Companion to Wales and Cornwall'' (Chester, 1929)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Shadow of the Moves, II / La sombra de las jugadas ====
Essay: ?No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Celestino Palomeque, ''Cabotaje en Mozambique'' (Porto Alegre, ''sine data'').
<br>Credit [ET71]: Celestino Palomeque, ''Cabotaje en Mozambique'' (Porto Alegre, n.d.)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Culpable Eyes / Los ojos culpables ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Ah'med ech Chiruani, ''H'adiquat el Afrah''.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Ah'med ech Chiruani, ''H'adiquat el Afrah''
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Prophet, the Bird, and the Net / El profeta, el pájaro y la red ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Ah'med et Tortuchi, ''Siradj el Moluk''.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Ah'med et Tortuchi, ''Siradj el Moluk''
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Celestial Deer / Los ciervos celestiales ====
Essay: ?No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: G. Willoughby-Meade, ''Chinese Ghouls and Goblins'' (1928).
<br>Credit [ET71]: G. Willoughby-Meade, ''Chinese Ghouls and Goblins'' (1928)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Cook / El cocinero ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Max Jacob, ''Le Cornet à Dés'' (1917).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Max Jacob, ''Le Cornet à Dés'' (1917)
<br>Source notes: A short piece in French titled "Encore Fantômas" in ''Le Cornet à Dés'' (confirmed by online text). Translator of the English version unknown.
<br>DB credit:
==== Polemicists / Polemistas ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Luis L. Antuñano, ''Cincuenta años en Gorchs'' (Medio siglo en campos de Buenos Aires, Olavarría, 1911).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Luis L. Antuñano, ''"Cincuenta años en Gorchs"'' (''Medio siglo en campos de Buenos Aires'', Olavarría, 1911).
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Perplexities of the Coward / Perplejidades del cobarde ====
Essay: ?No(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Ah'med el Ibelichi, ''Mostratef''.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Ah'med el Ibelichi, ''Mostratef''
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Restitution of the Keys / La restitución de las llaves ====
Essay: ?No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Del capítulo XXIX del tratado ''Taanith'' de la Mishnah.
<br>Credit [ET71]: From the treatise ''Taanith'', of the Mishnah, Ch. XXIX
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Trained Sepulchres / Sepulcros adiestrados ====
Essay: Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Del libro primero de las ''Cuestiones Tusculanas'' de Marco Tulio Cicerón.
<br>Credit [ET71]: From ''Tusculane Disputationes'', by Marcus Tullius Cicero, Bk. 1
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Silence of the Sirens / El silencio de las sirenas ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Franz Kafka.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Franz Kafka (''The Great Wall of China'', trans. by Willa and Edwin Muir, New York, 1948)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: Franz Kafka
==== The Blow / La bofetada ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: De ''Essays in Little'' (1891), de Andrew Lang
<br>Credit [ET71]: From ''Essays in Little'' (1891), by Andrew Lang
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Pattern on the Carpet / El dibujo del tapiz ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: ?Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: De ''The London Adventure'' (1924), de Arthur Machen.
<br>Credit [ET71]: From ''The London Adventure'' (1924), by Arthur Machen
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: Arthur Machen
==== The Story of the Two Kings and the Two Labyrinths / Historia de los dos reyes y de los dos laberintos  ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: De ''The Land of Midian Revisited'', de R. F. Burton.
<br>Credit [ET71]: From ''The Land of Midian Revisited'' (1879), by R. F. Burton
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Confession / La confesión ====
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Manuel Peyrou.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Manuel Peyrou
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Another Version of Faust / Otra versión del Fausto ====
Essay: Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Fra Diavolo, ''Vistazos críticos a los orígenes de nuestro teatro'', Caras y Caretas, 1911.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Fra Diavolo, "Vistazos críticos a los orígenes de nuestro teatro," ''Caras y Caretas'', 1911.
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Treasure / Hallazgo de un tesoro ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Marcial Tamayo (Buenos Aires, julio de 1953).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Marcel Tamayo (Buenos Aires, July 1953)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: Marcial Tamayo
==== The Greater Torment / El mayor tormento ====
Essay: ?Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: El falso Swedenborg, ''Ensueños'' (1873).
<br>Credit [ET71]: The False Swedenborg, ''Dreams'' (1873)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Theology / Teología ====
Essay: ?Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: ?No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: H. Garro, ''Tout lou Mond'', Oloron-Saint-Marie (1918).
<br>Credit [ET71]: H. Garro, ''Tout lou Mond'', Oloron-Saint-Marie (1918)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Magnet / El imán ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Del capítulo XIII de ''The Life of Oscar Wilde'' (1946), de Hesketh Pearson.
<br>Credit [ET71]: From Chapter 13 of ''The Life of Oscar Wilde'', by Hesketh Pearson (London, 1946–1954)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Inextinguishable Race / La raza inextinguible ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Silvina Ocampo.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Silvina Ocampo
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: Silvina Ocampo
==== The Face of Death / El gesto de la Muerte ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: De ''Le Grand Écart'', de Jean Cocteau.
<br>Credit [ET71]: From ''Le Grand Écart'', by Jean Cocteau
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Faith, Half-Faith, and No Faith at All / Fe, alguna fe y ninguna fe  ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: R. L. Stevenson, ''Fables'' (1896).
<br>Credit [ET71]: R. L. Stevenson
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: Robert Louis Stevenson [as by R. L. Stevenson]
==== The Miracle / El milagro ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: W. Somerset Maugham, ''A Writer's Notebook'' (1949).
<br>Credit [ET71]: W. Somerset Maugham, ''A Writer's Notebook'' (London, 1949–1951)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Two Co-eternals / Dos coeternos ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB55]: Not in this edition
<br>Credit [CB67]: Johannes Cambrencis, ''Animadversiones'' (Lichtfield, 1709).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Johannes Cambrencis, ''Animadversiones'' (Lichtfield, 1709)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Social Success / Triunfo social ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Logan Pearsall Smith, ''Trivia'' (1918).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Logan Pearsall Smith, ''Trivia'' (1918)
<br>Source notes: Google Books confirms that the attribution is correct and that the piece had this title in the original.
<br>DB credit: Logan Pearsall Smith
==== The Train / El tren ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Santiago Dabove (1946).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Santiago Dabove (1946)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== A Provocation Punished / Provocación castigada 1955) ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Ah'med el Qalyubi, ''Kitab en Nanadir''.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Ah'med el Qalyubi, ''Kitab en Nanadir''
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Tale / Cuento ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Paul Valéry, ''Histoires Brisées'' (1950).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Paul Valéry, ''Histoires Brisées'' (1950)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Prestigieux, Sans Doute / Prestigieux, sans doute ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Aguirre Acevedo, ''Fantasmagorías'' (1927).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Aguirre Acevedo, ''Fantasmagorías'' (1927)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Ubiquitous One, I / El ubicuo ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: M. Winternitz, ''Indische Literatur'' (1920).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Moriz Winternitz, ''Geschichte der indischen Literatur'' (1920)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Ubiquitous One, II / El ubicuo ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Simao Pereyra, S. J., ''Cuarenta años en el lecho del Ganges'' (Goa, 1887).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Simon Pereyra, S. J., ''Cuarenta años en el lecho del Ganges'' (Goa, 1887)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Oversight / El descuido ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Martin Buber.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Martin Buber
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Sect of the White Lotus / La secta del Loto Blanco ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Richard Wilhelm, ''Chinesische Volksmärchen'' (1924).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Richard Wilhelm, ''Chinesische Volksmärchen'' (1924)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Protection Through the Book / La protección por el libro ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: G. Willoughby-Meade, ''Chinese Ghouls and Goblins'' (1928).
<br>Credit [ET71]: G. Willoughby-Meade, ''Chinese Ghouls and Goblins'' (1928)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Meeting / El encuentro ====
Essay: ?Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Louis Prolat, ''La Tarif de Marseille'' (1869).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Louis Prolat, ''La Tarif de Marseille'' (1869)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Water on the Island / Del agua de la isla  ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Del ''Narrative of A. Gordon Pym'' (1838), de Poe.
<br>Credit [ET71]: From the ''Narrative of A. Gordon Pym'' (1838), Edgar Allan Poe (The Works of E. A. Poe, New York, 1900)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: Edgar Allan Poe
==== On Exactitude in Science / Del rigor en la ciencia ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Suárez Miranda, ''Viajes de Varones Prudentes'', libro cuarto, cap. XIV, Lérida, 1658.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Suárez Miranda, ''Viajes de Varones Prudentes'', libro cuarto, cap. XIV (Lérida, 1658)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Dedicated Student / El estudioso ====
Essay: Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Adler-Revon, ''Japanische Literatur''.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Adler-Revon, ''Japanische Literatur''
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Vicissitudes of Consolation / Vicisitudes del consuelo ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: T. M. Chang, ''A Grove of Leisure'' (Shanghai, 1882).
<br>Credit [ET71]: T. M. Chang, ''A Grove of Leisure'' (Shanghai, 1882)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Truth About Sancho Panza / La verdad sobre Sancho Panza ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Franz Kafka.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Franz Kafka
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: Franz Kafka
==== Un doble de Mahoma ====
Essay: ?No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: De ''Vera Christiana Religio'' (1771), de Emanuel Swedenborg.
<br>Credit [ET71]: not in this edition
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Salvation / La salvación ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Adolfo Bioy Casares.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Adolfo Bioy Casares
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: Adolfo Bioy Casares
==== In Insomnia / En el insomnio ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Virgilio Piñera (1946).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Virgilio Piñera (1946)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: Virgilio Piñera
==== Distracted / Distraerse ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Henri Michaux, ''Un Barbare en Asie''.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Henri Michaux, ''Un barbare en Asie''
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Egyptian Temptation / La tentación ====
Essay: ?Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: ?Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Edward William Lane, ''Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians'' (1836).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Edward William Lane, ''Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians'' (1836), Author's Preface
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Retrospective / Un retrospectivo ====
Essay: ?Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Clemente Sosa, ''Informe sobre la conducción de hacienda en pie en balsas entre Villa Constitución y Campana'' (Campana, 1913).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Clemente Sosa, ''Informe sobre la conducción de hacienda en pie en balsas entre Villa Constitución y Campana'' (Campana, 1913)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Accused / El acusado ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Martin Buber.
<br>Credit [ET71]: Martin Buber
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== The Spectator / El espectador ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: José Zorrilla, ''Don Juan Tenorio'' (1844).
<br>Credit [ET71]: José Zorrilla, ''Don Juan Tenorio'' (1844), Act III, Scene 2
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Perils of an Excess of Duty / Peligros del exceso de piedad ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: ?Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: ''Nozhat el Djallas''.
<br>Credit [ET71]: ''Nozhat el Djallas''
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Conclusion for a Fantasy / Final para un cuento fantástico ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: I. A. Ireland, ''Visitations'' (1919).
<br>Credit [ET71]: I. A. Ireland, ''Visitations'' (1919)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Four Reflections / Cuatro reflexiones ====
Essay: No(V) -- this is four short parables
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Franz Kafka, ''Reflexiones sobre el pecado, el dolor, la esperanza y el verdadero camino'' (1917–1919).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Franz Kafka, "Reflections on Sin, Pain, Hope and the True Way" (in ''The Great Wall of China'', trans. by W. and E. Muir, New York, 1948)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Story with Foxes / Historia de zorros ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Niu Chiao, ''Ling kuai lu'' (siglo IX).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Niu Chiao, ''Ling kuai lu'' (ninth century)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Just in Case / Por si acaso ====
Essay: Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: ?Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Beda el Venerable: ''Historia Eclesiástica de la Nación Inglesa'', II, 15.
<br>Credit [ET71]: The Venerable Bede, ''The Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation, II, 15 (trans. by John Stevens and Lionel Jane, London, 1944)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit: Bede
==== Odin / Odin ====
Essay: No(V)
<br>Nongenre: No(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Jorge Luis Borges y Delia Ingenieros, ''Antiguas literaturas germánicas'' (1951).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Jorge Luis Borges y Delia Ingenieros, ''Antiguas literaturas germánicas'' (1951)
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:
==== Aurea Mediocritas / Aurea Mediocritas ====
Essay: Yes(V)
<br>Nongenre: Yes(V)
<br>Credit [CB67/CB55]: Tallemant des Réaux, ''Les Historiettes'' (XXIX).
<br>Credit [ET71]: Tallemant des Réaux, ''Les Historiettes'', XXIX
<br>Source notes:
<br>DB credit:

Revision as of 17:24, 5 July 2018


ET71: Extraordinary Tales, translated by Anthony Kerrigan; Herder and Herder, 1971.
CB67: Cuentos breves y extraordinarios; Santiago Rueda, 1967.
CB55: Cuentos breves y extraordinarios; Raigal, 1955.
Yes(V)/No(V) Yes or no in the opinion of Vasha

Sources of Information

  • Joaquín Álvarez Barrientos. Imposturas literarias españolas Google Books preview
  • Rebecca DeWald. "Extraordinary Tales of Authenticity and Pseudotranslations. Jorge Luis Borges and Adolfo Bioy Casares’s Cuentos" PDF
  • Emilio Carilla. Sobre Menéndez y Pelayo, Borges y la superchería PDF


The Death Sentence / La sentencia

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Wu Ch'eng-en (c. 1505–c.1580).
Credit [ET71]: Wu Ch'eng-en (c. 1505–c.1580)
Source notes:
DB credit: uncredited [as by Wu Ch'êng-ên]

The Secret Redeemer / El redentor secreto

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Del Indian Antiquary, I (1872).
Credit [ET71]: From the Indian Antiquary, I (1872)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Annihilation of the Ogres / El aniquilación de los ogros

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: De Folk Tales of Bengal (Londres, 1883), de Lal Behari Day.
Credit [ET71]: From Folk Tales of Bengal (London, 1883), by Lal Behari Day
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Story of Cecilia / Historia de Cecilia

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Cicerón, De divinatione, I, 46.
Credit [ET71]: Cicero, De divinatione, I, 46
Source notes:
DB credit: Cicero

The Encounter / El encuentro

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: (Cuento de la dinastía T'ang, 618–906 a. C.).
Credit [ET71]: A tale from the T'ang Dynasty (618–906 A.D.)
Source notes:
DB credit:

Hard to Please / Difícil de contentar

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Ibn Abd Rabbih, Kitabal idq el farid, tomo III.
Credit [ET71]: Ibn Abd Rabbith, Kitabal idq el farid, III
Source notes:
DB credit:

Scattered Themes from the Note-Books of Nathaniel Hawthorne / Argumentos anotados por Nathaniel Hawthorne

Essay: ?Yes(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Nathaniel Hawthorne, Note-books (1868).
Credit [ET71]: Nathaniel Hawthorne, Note-Books (1868)
Source notes:
DB credit: Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Dream of Chuang Tzu / El sueño de Chuang Tzu

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: De Chuang Tzu (1889) de Herbert Allen Giles.
Credit [ET71]: From Chuang Tzu (1889), by Herbert Allen Giles
Source notes:
DB credit: Vasha says: The credit in the book states (though not clearly) that this is from Giles's translation of the works of Chuang Tzu. Some other books that reprint this story give the credit as Chuang Tzu. I think we should do that in this case too, and just put in the notes what the book literally says.

The Hidden Deer / El ciervo escondido

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Liehtse (c. 300 a. C.).
Credit [ET71]: Liehtse (c. 300 A.D.)
Source notes:
DB credit: 列子 [as by Liehtse]

The Brahmins and the Lion / Los brahmanes y el león

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Panchatantra (siglo II a. C.).
Credit [ET71]: Panchatantra (second century A.D.)
Source notes: translation?
DB credit: Vasha says: credit should be "uncredited" -- I disagree with current English credit to Panchatantra which is a book title

A Golem / Un golem

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Senhedrin, 65, b.
Credit [ET71]: Sanhedrin, 65, b.
Source notes:
DB credit: uncredited

The Return of the Master / La vuelta del maestro

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Alexandra David-Neel, Mystiques et Magiciens du Tibet (1929).
Credit [ET71]: Alexandra David-Neel, Magic and Mystery in Tibet (1929)
Source notes:
DB credit:

In Fear of Wrath / Temor de la cólera

Essay: Yes(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Ah'med el Qalyubi, Nanadir.
Credit [ET71]: Ah'med el Qalyubi, Nanadir
Source notes:
DB credit:

Andromeda / Andrómeda

Essay: ?No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Samuel Butler, Note-books.
Credit [ET71]: Samuel Butler, Note-Books (London, 1951)
Source notes:
DB credit: Samuel Butler

The Dream / El sueño

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: O. Henry.
Credit [ET71]: O. Henry
Source notes:
DB credit: O. Henry

The King's Promise / La promesa del rey

Essay: Yes(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Del capítulo XCI del décimo libro de la Heimskringla.
Credit [ET71]: Heimskringla, 91–92
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Captive's Oath / El juramiento del cautivo

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: De la noche tercera del libro de Las Mil y Una Noches.
Credit [ET71]: From the Third Night of the Book of The Thousand and One Nights
Source notes:
DB credit: uncredited

Nosce Te Ipsum / Nosce Te Ipsum

Essay: ?No(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB55]: not in this edition
Credit [CB67]: Fergus Nicholson, Antología de espejos (Edimburgo, 1917).
Credit [ET71]: Fergus Nicholson, Antología de espejos
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Intuitive One / El intuitivo

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Alfonso Reyes, El deslinde (1944).
Credit [ET71]: Alfonso Reyes, El deslinde (1944)
Source notes:
DB credit: Alfonso Reyes

How I Found the Superman / Cómo descubrí al Superhombre

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: G. K. Chesterton.
Credit [ET71]: G. K. Chesterton
Source notes: Google Books confirms that this is from Alarms and Discursions (1911) and has the same title there.
DB credit: G. K. Chesterton

The King's Awakening / El despertar del rey

Essay: ?No(V)
Nongenre: ?No(V)
Credit [CB55]: not in this edition
Credit [CB67]: H. Desvignes Doolittle, Rambling Thoughts on World History (Niagara Falls, 1903).
Credit [ET71]: H. Desvignes Doolittle, Rambling Thoughts on World History (Niagara Falls, 1903)
Source notes: Anthony Kerrigan states in his note on sources that he does not believe that the alleged source book exists.
DB credit:

Death of a Chief / Muerte de un jefe

Essay: ?Yes(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB55]: not in this edition
Credit [CB67]: León Rivera, Bocetos de un asistente (La Plata, 1894).
Credit [ET71]: León Rivera, Bocetos de un asistente (La Plata, 1894)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Announcement / El aviso

Essay: ?Yes(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB55]: not in this edition
Credit [CB67]: George V. Brown, Gleanings in Caledonian Byways (Dunbar, 1901).
Credit [ET71]: George V. Brown, Gleanings in Caledonian Byways (Dunbar, 1901)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Explanation / La explicación

Essay: ?Yes(V)
Nongenre: ?No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Edwin Broster, Addenda to a History of Freethinking (Edinburgh, 1887).
Credit [ET71]: Edwin Broster, Addenda to a History of Freethinking (Edinburgh, 1887)
Source notes:
DB credit:

An Alexandrian Myth / Un mito de Alejandro

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Adrienne Bordenave, La modification du Passé ou la seule base de la Tradion (Pau, 1949).
Credit [ET71]: Adrienne Bordenave, La modification du Passé ou la seule base de la Tradion (Pau, 1949)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Work and the Poet / La obra y el poeta

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: R. F. Burton, Indica (1887).
Credit [ET71]: R. F. Burton, Indica (1887)
Source notes:
DB credit:

Eugenics / Eugenesia

Essay: Yes(V)
Nongenre: ?Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Drummond, Ben Ionsiana (c. 1618).
Credit [ET71]: Drummond, Ben Ionsiana (c. 1618)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Mendicant of Naples / La mendiga de Nápoles

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Max Jacob, Le Cornet à Dés (1917).
Credit [ET71]: Max Jacob, Le Cornet à Dés (1917)Le Cornet à Dés
Source notes: A short piece in French titled "La mendiante de Naples" in Le cornet à dés (1917) (confirmed by online text). Translator of English version unknown.
DB credit:

A God Abandons Alexandria / Un dios abandona a Alejandría

Essay: ?Yes(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: De Las Vidas de los Varones Ilustres, de Plutarco.
Credit [ET71]: From The Parallel Lives of Plutarch
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Female Disciple / La discípula

Essay: ?No(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Herbert Allen Giles: Chuang Tzu (1889).
Credit [ET71]: Herbert Allen Giles, Chuang Tzu (1889)
Source notes:
DB credit: Vasha says: The credit in the book states (though not clearly) that this is from Giles's translation of the works of Chuang Tzu. I think we should give the credit as Chuang Tzu, and just put in the notes what the book literally says.

The Ninth Slave / El noveno esclavo

Essay: ?Yes(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Del capítulo LXV del Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, de Gibbon.
Credit [ET71]: Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapter LXV
Source notes:
DB credit:

A Victor / Un vencedor

Essay: ?Yes(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: De la empresa XCVI de Idea de un Príncipe Político-cristiano (1640), de Saavedra Fajardo.
Credit [ET71]: Saavedra Fajardo, Idea de un Príncipe Político-cristiano, XCVI (1640)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Dangerous Wonder-Worker / El peligroso taumaturgo

Essay: ?Yes(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: M. R. Werner, Brigham Young (1925).
Credit [ET71]: M. R. Werner, Brigham Young (1925)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Castle / El castillo

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: De Jacques Le Fataliste (1773), de Diderot.
Credit [ET71]: From Jacques Le Fataliste (1773), by Diderot
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Statue / La estatua

Essay: Yes(V)
Nongenre: ?No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Del noveno párrafo del tratado De Isis y Osiris, de Plutarco.
Credit [ET71]: From the ninth paragraph of the treatise Of Isis and Osiris, by Plutarch
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Warning / La advertencia

Essay: ?Yes(V)
Nongenre: ?No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: R. F. Burton, 1001 Nights, II, 141.
Credit [ET71]: R. F. Burton, 1001 Nights, II, 141
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Prowess of Villena / Las facultades de Villena

Essay: Yes(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: De la Antología de Poetas Líricos Castellanos, de Menéndez y Pelayo.
Credit [ET71]: From the Antología de Poetas Líricos Castellanos, Menéndez y Pelayo
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Shadow of the Moves, I / La sombra de las jugadas

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Edwin Morgan, The Week-End Companion to Wales and Cornwall (Chester, 1929).
Credit [ET71]: Edwin Morgan, The Week-End Companion to Wales and Cornwall (Chester, 1929)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Shadow of the Moves, II / La sombra de las jugadas

Essay: ?No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Celestino Palomeque, Cabotaje en Mozambique (Porto Alegre, sine data).
Credit [ET71]: Celestino Palomeque, Cabotaje en Mozambique (Porto Alegre, n.d.)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Culpable Eyes / Los ojos culpables

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Ah'med ech Chiruani, H'adiquat el Afrah.
Credit [ET71]: Ah'med ech Chiruani, H'adiquat el Afrah
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Prophet, the Bird, and the Net / El profeta, el pájaro y la red

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Ah'med et Tortuchi, Siradj el Moluk.
Credit [ET71]: Ah'med et Tortuchi, Siradj el Moluk
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Celestial Deer / Los ciervos celestiales

Essay: ?No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: G. Willoughby-Meade, Chinese Ghouls and Goblins (1928).
Credit [ET71]: G. Willoughby-Meade, Chinese Ghouls and Goblins (1928)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Cook / El cocinero

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Max Jacob, Le Cornet à Dés (1917).
Credit [ET71]: Max Jacob, Le Cornet à Dés (1917)
Source notes: A short piece in French titled "Encore Fantômas" in Le Cornet à Dés (confirmed by online text). Translator of the English version unknown.
DB credit:

Polemicists / Polemistas

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Luis L. Antuñano, Cincuenta años en Gorchs (Medio siglo en campos de Buenos Aires, Olavarría, 1911).
Credit [ET71]: Luis L. Antuñano, "Cincuenta años en Gorchs" (Medio siglo en campos de Buenos Aires, Olavarría, 1911).
Source notes:
DB credit:

Perplexities of the Coward / Perplejidades del cobarde

Essay: ?No(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Ah'med el Ibelichi, Mostratef.
Credit [ET71]: Ah'med el Ibelichi, Mostratef
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Restitution of the Keys / La restitución de las llaves

Essay: ?No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Del capítulo XXIX del tratado Taanith de la Mishnah.
Credit [ET71]: From the treatise Taanith, of the Mishnah, Ch. XXIX
Source notes:
DB credit:

Trained Sepulchres / Sepulcros adiestrados

Essay: Yes(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Del libro primero de las Cuestiones Tusculanas de Marco Tulio Cicerón.
Credit [ET71]: From Tusculane Disputationes, by Marcus Tullius Cicero, Bk. 1
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Silence of the Sirens / El silencio de las sirenas

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Franz Kafka.
Credit [ET71]: Franz Kafka (The Great Wall of China, trans. by Willa and Edwin Muir, New York, 1948)
Source notes:
DB credit: Franz Kafka

The Blow / La bofetada

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: De Essays in Little (1891), de Andrew Lang
Credit [ET71]: From Essays in Little (1891), by Andrew Lang
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Pattern on the Carpet / El dibujo del tapiz

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: ?Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: De The London Adventure (1924), de Arthur Machen.
Credit [ET71]: From The London Adventure (1924), by Arthur Machen
Source notes:
DB credit: Arthur Machen

The Story of the Two Kings and the Two Labyrinths / Historia de los dos reyes y de los dos laberintos

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: De The Land of Midian Revisited, de R. F. Burton.
Credit [ET71]: From The Land of Midian Revisited (1879), by R. F. Burton
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Confession / La confesión

Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Manuel Peyrou.
Credit [ET71]: Manuel Peyrou
Source notes:
DB credit:

Another Version of Faust / Otra versión del Fausto

Essay: Yes(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Fra Diavolo, Vistazos críticos a los orígenes de nuestro teatro, Caras y Caretas, 1911.
Credit [ET71]: Fra Diavolo, "Vistazos críticos a los orígenes de nuestro teatro," Caras y Caretas, 1911.
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Treasure / Hallazgo de un tesoro

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Marcial Tamayo (Buenos Aires, julio de 1953).
Credit [ET71]: Marcel Tamayo (Buenos Aires, July 1953)
Source notes:
DB credit: Marcial Tamayo

The Greater Torment / El mayor tormento

Essay: ?Yes(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: El falso Swedenborg, Ensueños (1873).
Credit [ET71]: The False Swedenborg, Dreams (1873)
Source notes:
DB credit:

Theology / Teología

Essay: ?Yes(V)
Nongenre: ?No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: H. Garro, Tout lou Mond, Oloron-Saint-Marie (1918).
Credit [ET71]: H. Garro, Tout lou Mond, Oloron-Saint-Marie (1918)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Magnet / El imán

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Del capítulo XIII de The Life of Oscar Wilde (1946), de Hesketh Pearson.
Credit [ET71]: From Chapter 13 of The Life of Oscar Wilde, by Hesketh Pearson (London, 1946–1954)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Inextinguishable Race / La raza inextinguible

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Silvina Ocampo.
Credit [ET71]: Silvina Ocampo
Source notes:
DB credit: Silvina Ocampo

The Face of Death / El gesto de la Muerte

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: De Le Grand Écart, de Jean Cocteau.
Credit [ET71]: From Le Grand Écart, by Jean Cocteau
Source notes:
DB credit:

Faith, Half-Faith, and No Faith at All / Fe, alguna fe y ninguna fe

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: R. L. Stevenson, Fables (1896).
Credit [ET71]: R. L. Stevenson
Source notes:
DB credit: Robert Louis Stevenson [as by R. L. Stevenson]

The Miracle / El milagro

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: W. Somerset Maugham, A Writer's Notebook (1949).
Credit [ET71]: W. Somerset Maugham, A Writer's Notebook (London, 1949–1951)
Source notes:
DB credit:

Two Co-eternals / Dos coeternos

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB55]: Not in this edition
Credit [CB67]: Johannes Cambrencis, Animadversiones (Lichtfield, 1709).
Credit [ET71]: Johannes Cambrencis, Animadversiones (Lichtfield, 1709)
Source notes:
DB credit:

Social Success / Triunfo social

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Logan Pearsall Smith, Trivia (1918).
Credit [ET71]: Logan Pearsall Smith, Trivia (1918)
Source notes: Google Books confirms that the attribution is correct and that the piece had this title in the original.
DB credit: Logan Pearsall Smith

The Train / El tren

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Santiago Dabove (1946).
Credit [ET71]: Santiago Dabove (1946)
Source notes:
DB credit:

A Provocation Punished / Provocación castigada 1955)

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Ah'med el Qalyubi, Kitab en Nanadir.
Credit [ET71]: Ah'med el Qalyubi, Kitab en Nanadir
Source notes:
DB credit:

Tale / Cuento

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Paul Valéry, Histoires Brisées (1950).
Credit [ET71]: Paul Valéry, Histoires Brisées (1950)
Source notes:
DB credit:

Prestigieux, Sans Doute / Prestigieux, sans doute

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Aguirre Acevedo, Fantasmagorías (1927).
Credit [ET71]: Aguirre Acevedo, Fantasmagorías (1927)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Ubiquitous One, I / El ubicuo

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: M. Winternitz, Indische Literatur (1920).
Credit [ET71]: Moriz Winternitz, Geschichte der indischen Literatur (1920)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Ubiquitous One, II / El ubicuo

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Simao Pereyra, S. J., Cuarenta años en el lecho del Ganges (Goa, 1887).
Credit [ET71]: Simon Pereyra, S. J., Cuarenta años en el lecho del Ganges (Goa, 1887)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Oversight / El descuido

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Martin Buber.
Credit [ET71]: Martin Buber
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Sect of the White Lotus / La secta del Loto Blanco

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Richard Wilhelm, Chinesische Volksmärchen (1924).
Credit [ET71]: Richard Wilhelm, Chinesische Volksmärchen (1924)
Source notes:
DB credit:

Protection Through the Book / La protección por el libro

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: G. Willoughby-Meade, Chinese Ghouls and Goblins (1928).
Credit [ET71]: G. Willoughby-Meade, Chinese Ghouls and Goblins (1928)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Meeting / El encuentro

Essay: ?Yes(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Louis Prolat, La Tarif de Marseille (1869).
Credit [ET71]: Louis Prolat, La Tarif de Marseille (1869)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Water on the Island / Del agua de la isla

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Del Narrative of A. Gordon Pym (1838), de Poe.
Credit [ET71]: From the Narrative of A. Gordon Pym (1838), Edgar Allan Poe (The Works of E. A. Poe, New York, 1900)
Source notes:
DB credit: Edgar Allan Poe

On Exactitude in Science / Del rigor en la ciencia

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Suárez Miranda, Viajes de Varones Prudentes, libro cuarto, cap. XIV, Lérida, 1658.
Credit [ET71]: Suárez Miranda, Viajes de Varones Prudentes, libro cuarto, cap. XIV (Lérida, 1658)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Dedicated Student / El estudioso

Essay: Yes(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Adler-Revon, Japanische Literatur.
Credit [ET71]: Adler-Revon, Japanische Literatur
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Vicissitudes of Consolation / Vicisitudes del consuelo

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: T. M. Chang, A Grove of Leisure (Shanghai, 1882).
Credit [ET71]: T. M. Chang, A Grove of Leisure (Shanghai, 1882)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Truth About Sancho Panza / La verdad sobre Sancho Panza

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Franz Kafka.
Credit [ET71]: Franz Kafka
Source notes:
DB credit: Franz Kafka

Un doble de Mahoma

Essay: ?No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: De Vera Christiana Religio (1771), de Emanuel Swedenborg.
Credit [ET71]: not in this edition
Source notes:
DB credit:

Salvation / La salvación

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Adolfo Bioy Casares.
Credit [ET71]: Adolfo Bioy Casares
Source notes:
DB credit: Adolfo Bioy Casares

In Insomnia / En el insomnio

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Virgilio Piñera (1946).
Credit [ET71]: Virgilio Piñera (1946)
Source notes:
DB credit: Virgilio Piñera

Distracted / Distraerse

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Henri Michaux, Un Barbare en Asie.
Credit [ET71]: Henri Michaux, Un barbare en Asie
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Egyptian Temptation / La tentación

Essay: ?Yes(V)
Nongenre: ?Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Edward William Lane, Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians (1836).
Credit [ET71]: Edward William Lane, Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians (1836), Author's Preface
Source notes:
DB credit:

Retrospective / Un retrospectivo

Essay: ?Yes(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Clemente Sosa, Informe sobre la conducción de hacienda en pie en balsas entre Villa Constitución y Campana (Campana, 1913).
Credit [ET71]: Clemente Sosa, Informe sobre la conducción de hacienda en pie en balsas entre Villa Constitución y Campana (Campana, 1913)
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Accused / El acusado

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Martin Buber.
Credit [ET71]: Martin Buber
Source notes:
DB credit:

The Spectator / El espectador

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: José Zorrilla, Don Juan Tenorio (1844).
Credit [ET71]: José Zorrilla, Don Juan Tenorio (1844), Act III, Scene 2
Source notes:
DB credit:

Perils of an Excess of Duty / Peligros del exceso de piedad

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: ?Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Nozhat el Djallas.
Credit [ET71]: Nozhat el Djallas
Source notes:
DB credit:

Conclusion for a Fantasy / Final para un cuento fantástico

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: I. A. Ireland, Visitations (1919).
Credit [ET71]: I. A. Ireland, Visitations (1919)
Source notes:
DB credit:

Four Reflections / Cuatro reflexiones

Essay: No(V) -- this is four short parables
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Franz Kafka, Reflexiones sobre el pecado, el dolor, la esperanza y el verdadero camino (1917–1919).
Credit [ET71]: Franz Kafka, "Reflections on Sin, Pain, Hope and the True Way" (in The Great Wall of China, trans. by W. and E. Muir, New York, 1948)
Source notes:
DB credit:

Story with Foxes / Historia de zorros

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Niu Chiao, Ling kuai lu (siglo IX).
Credit [ET71]: Niu Chiao, Ling kuai lu (ninth century)
Source notes:
DB credit:

Just in Case / Por si acaso

Essay: Yes(V)
Nongenre: ?Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Beda el Venerable: Historia Eclesiástica de la Nación Inglesa, II, 15.
Credit [ET71]: The Venerable Bede, The Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation, II, 15 (trans. by John Stevens and Lionel Jane, London, 1944)
Source notes:
DB credit: Bede

Odin / Odin

Essay: No(V)
Nongenre: No(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Jorge Luis Borges y Delia Ingenieros, Antiguas literaturas germánicas (1951).
Credit [ET71]: Jorge Luis Borges y Delia Ingenieros, Antiguas literaturas germánicas (1951)
Source notes:
DB credit:

Aurea Mediocritas / Aurea Mediocritas

Essay: Yes(V)
Nongenre: Yes(V)
Credit [CB67/CB55]: Tallemant des Réaux, Les Historiettes (XXIX).
Credit [ET71]: Tallemant des Réaux, Les Historiettes, XXIX
Source notes:
DB credit: