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Latest revision as of 00:12, 23 September 2014

SFBC Main Page

1953-59 1960-64 1965-69 1970-74 1975-79 1980-84 1985-89 1990-93 1994 1995
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Note: During this period, many SFBC reprints of trade editions retained the ISBN of the original edition. Those that are positively known to carry the trade edition's ISBN are noted with an asterisk (*) in the SFBC ISBN field.


Year Month Author Title SFBC ID# SFBC ISBN Notes
1995 January Sheri S. Tepper Shadows End 06292
1995 January Mike Resnick A Miracle of Rare Design 06296 *
1995 January Gordon R. Dickson The Dragon, the Earl, and the Troll 06309
1995 January Roger MacBride Allen Isaac Asimov's Inferno 06293 * First hardcover edition
1995 January Jack McDevitt The Engines of God 06294
1995 January Datlow & Windling, eds. Black Thorn, White Rose 06295
1995 Collectors (January) Mercedes Lackey By the Sword 06463 First hardcover edition
1995 Collectors (January) Robert A. Heinlein Have Space Suit - Will Travel 06425 *
1995 Collectors (January) Harlan Ellison & Isaac Asimov I, Robot: The Illustrated Screenplay 06445 * First hardcover edition
1995 Collectors (January) Marvin Kaye, ed. Angels of Darkness 03334 1-56865-116-3 First edition
1995 Collectors (January) Lois McMaster Bujold Test of Honor 06426 Reissued edition
1995 Collectors (January) William Horwood The Willows in Winter 06158
1995 February Poul Anderson The Stars Are Also Fire 06470
1995 February Terry Pratchett Soul Music 06541
1995 February Anne Rice Taltos 03237
1995 February Alan Dean Foster Greenthieves 06423 * First hardcover edition
1995 February Diane Duane The Venom Factor 03838
1995 February Stephen R. Lawhead Pendragon 06616
1995 March Terry Goodkind Wizard's First Rule 06471
1995 March Vonda N. McIntyre The Crystal Star 06637 *
1995 March Angus Wells Lords of the Sky 06638 First US hardcover
1995 March Ian McDonald Terminal Café 06694 *
1995 March Greg Egan Quarantine 06578 * First US hardcover
1995 March Jeanne Kalogridis Covenant With the Vampire 05386
1995 April Melanie Rawn The Ruins of Ambrai 06858
1995 April Robert Silverberg The Mountains of Majipoor 06859
1995 April Mercedes Lackey The Eagle and the Nightingales 06860
1995 April Harry Turtledove Worldwar: Tilting the Balance 06908
1995 April Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield Reeves-Stevens Federation 06739
1995 April Dan Simmons Fires of Eden 06173
1995 May Robert Jordan Lord of Chaos 07067
1995 May Neal Stephenson The Diamond Age 06937
1995 May Christopher Stasheff The Secular Wizard 06695
1995 May Isaac Asimov Gold 07068
1995 May Stephen Baxter Flux 07088 * First US hardcover
1995 May Ken Grimwood Into the Deep 06275
1995 May Greg Costikyan One Quest, Hold the Dragons 05891 First hardcover edition
1995 May Sean Russell World Without End 07082 First hardcover edition
1995 May Anne McCaffrey An Exchange of Gifts 07069
1995 May Gregory Benford & Martin H. Greenberg, eds. Hitler Victorious 07119 *
1995 June Orson Scott Card Homecoming: Earth 07184 1-56865-140-6 First edition thus
1995 June Marion Zimmer Bradley Lady of the Trillium 07155
1995 June Walter Jon Williams Metropolitan 07157
1995 June R. A. Salvatore The Sword of Bedwyr 07156
1995 June Margaret Weis & Don Perrin The Nights of the Black Earth 07191
1995 June John Farris Sacrifice 06214
1995 Summer (July) Harry Harrison & John Holm Warriors of the Way 07397 1-56865-146-5 First edition thus
1995 Summer (July) Joel Rosenberg The Road Home 07214
1995 Summer (July) K. W. Jeter Warped 07388
1995 Summer (July) L._E._Modesitt,_Jr. The Order War 07415
1995 Summer (July) Fred Saberhagen Merlin's Bones 07390
1995 Summer (July) Charles Sheffield Proteus in the Underworld 07389 * First hardcover edition
1995 July C. J. Cherryh Fortress in the Eye of Time 07543
1995 July Anne McCaffrey Freedom's Landing 07483
1995 July Terry Brooks Witches' Brew 07482
1995 July Gordon R. Dickson The Magnificent Wilf 07540
1995 July Linda Nagata The Bohr Maker 07488 * First hardcover edition
1995 July Edward E. Kramer, ed. Elric: Tales of the White Wolf 07489
1995 Collectors (August) Frank Herbert Dune 07683
1995 Collectors (August) William Goldman The Princess Bride 07684 *
1995 Collectors (August) Zenna Henderson Ingathering 07720
1995 Collectors (August) Greg Bear Songs of Earth and Power 07690
1995 Collectors (August) L. Ron Hubbard Typewriter in the Sky 07691
1995 Collectors (August) Isaac Asimov The Gods Themselves 07685
1995 August Lackey & Dixon The White Gryphon 07827
1995 August Barbara Hambly Children of the Jedi 07692 *
1995 August Diann Thornley Ganwold's Child 07791
1995 August Nancy A. Collins Midnight Blue 07769 First hardcover edition
1995 August Robert Conroy 1901 07407
1995 August Andre Norton Mirror of Destiny 07786 *
1995 August David Eddings The Diamond Throne 07686
1995 August David Eddings The Ruby Knight 07687
1995 August David Eddings The Sapphire Rose 07688
1995 September Gardner Dozois, ed. The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twelfth Annual Collection 07849 *
1995 September C. J. Cherryh Invader 07873 *
1995 September David Feintuch Seafort's Hope 07889 1-56865-154-6 First edition thus
1995 September Elizabeth Willey A Sorcerer and a Gentleman 07892
1995 September Theodore Roszak The Memoirs of Elizabeth Frankenstein 07496
1995 September Eve Forward Villains by Necessity 07874
1995 October Greg Bear Legacy 10389
1995 October McCaffrey & Scarborough Power Play 10235
1995 October Nicola Griffith Slow River 10000
1995 October Joel Rosenberg The Fire Duke 10002
1995 October William Shatner The Ashes of Eden 10234
1995 October Fred Saberhagen, ed. An Armory of Swords 10394
1995 November Norton & Lackey Elvenblood 10190
1995 November Timothy Zahn Conquerors' Heritage 10251 * First hardcover edition
1995 November Melissa Scott Shadow Man 10191
1995 November David Eddings Belgarath the Sorcerer 10088
1995 November Roger MacBride Allen The Corellian Trilogy 10274 1-56865-156-2 First edition thus
1995 November Scott G. Gier Planetfall 10266 First hardcover edition
1995 November Steven Spruill Rulers of Darkness 07539
1995 November Sean Stewart Resurrection Man 10243
1995 November John Clute Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia none
1995 November Stephen E. Fabian Stephen E. Fabian's Women and Wonders 10174
1995 November James Gurney Dinotopia: The World Underneath none Trade edition
1995 December C. J. Cherryh Rider at the Gate 10468 *
1995 December Terry Pratchett Lords and Ladies 10467 First US hardcover
1995 December Bob Eggleton Alien Horizons none Trade edition
1995 December David Gemmell Legends of the Drenai 10451 1-56865-160-0 First edition thus
1995 December Greg Egan Permutation City 10357 * First US hardcover
1995 December Datlow & Windling, eds. The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror: Eighth Annual Collection 10259 *
1995 December Boris Vallejo Boris Vallejo's 3D Magic none

SFBC Main Page

1953-59 1960-64 1965-69 1970-74 1975-79 1980-84 1985-89 1990-93 1994 1995
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015