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This page is the wiki-page for the publisher or imprint This page may be used for extended notes about the publisher, including alternate names, changes of ownership, associated imprints, locations, etc. The link above leads to the ISFDB publisher record for To discuss what should go on this page, use the talk page.

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At present this publisher is also in ISFDB as Lulu Press .

This is a web based vanity or self print-on-demand publisher located at One unique aspect to Lulu is that they allow people to set up a web-based publishing company where Lulu does the printing for them. Thus Lulu acts as both a publisher (under the Lulu imprint) and as a printer for small-time publishers under their own imprints. Lulu also allows authors to offer their works in eBook format and for authors to post excerpts of their work. For more information see the Wikipedia article at Wikipedia:Lulu (company).