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This page is the wiki-page for the publication The Wooden Star. This page may be used for bibliographic comments or extended notes about the publication, or discussion on how the publication is to be recorded. The link above leads to the ISFDB publication record for THWDNSTRZL1971. To discuss what should go on this page, use the talk page.

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A good example of how a US publication can be reprinted abroad. Note the front cover serial number and price being removed, and back cover prices added. US edition on left, UK printing on right.

WDNSTR1968.jpg THWDNSTRZL1971.jpg

Note also that the editing wasn't perfect: it's still "SIX volumes" mentioned on the UK edition even though they've removed one: and BOTH are original publications, not a reprint:

WDNSTR1968reverse.jpg The Wooden Star 1971 Reverse.jpg

And note that the UK edition was printed in Canada but doesn't have a Canadian price: whereas the US edition is (over-)priced for Canada.