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This page is the wiki-page for the publication The Day of the Triffids. This page may be used for bibliographic comments or extended notes about the publication, or discussion on how the publication is to be recorded. The link above leads to the ISFDB publication record for THDFTHTRFJ0000. To discuss what should go on this page, use the talk page.

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While the printing is not stated this is likely the 7th printing or later. The clues are:

  • The advertising page in the 6th printing covers T1322 to M1399 with nothing in the 1400s or higher. This publication advertises T1659, T1541, T1401, T1619, T1453, T1606, T1486, T1632, and T1567. Fawcett allocated the numbers sequentially. See Publisher:Fawcett Gold Medal#Catalog numbers and price coding.
  • The cover for the 95¢ edition is visible on amazon. It has the logo centered like this publication, but more important is that the cropping of the image is the same as this publication. With the 6th printing it's zoomed in and thus crops off quite a bit that's visible in this edition and also the 95¢ edition.