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This page is the wiki-page for the publication Inwazja z Aldebarana. This page may be used for bibliographic comments or extended notes about the publication, or discussion on how the publication is to be recorded. The link above leads to the ISFDB publication record for NWZJZLDBRN1959. To discuss what should go on this page, use the talk page.

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This is the first Polish edition of Inwazja z Aldebarana.


1. A bibliography of Polish editions from Lem's Official Webpage (contents, publisher, date)

2. Second-hand bookshop Humanitas had (on 2007-12-20) a cover and a page count. The style of this cover suggests Daniel Mróz as the artist.

3. A webpage with a private SF collection has (on 2007-12-20) a record with a slightly different page count (308), the artist's name (Daniel Mróz), info on format (hc 12x19 cm in cloth), number of copies printed: 10.000. The date of the first edition is confirmed.

4. On the other hand, Fantasta (a database of SF books) states binding: paperback. No cover, though.