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This page is the wiki-page for the publication Imaro. This page may be used for bibliographic comments or extended notes about the publication, or discussion on how the publication is to be recorded. The link above leads to the ISFDB publication record for IMRO1981. To discuss what should go on this page, use the talk page.

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DAW originally planned Imaro for an October 1981 release with the cover headline "The Epic Novel of a Black Tarzan" and the cover artist, Ken Kelly, depicted Imaro as Tarzan with a suntan. The estate of Edgar_Rice_Burroughs sued DAW for using their trademark "Tarzan" on the cover which resulted in a one month delay as DAW reprinted the books with a cover that used the subtitle "The Epic Novel of a Jungle Hero." It's not clear if the cover art was also revised. Source: Author interview on [1].

It's possible proof/review copies of the "Black Tarzan" edition were mailed out and the publication exists. It is known that the original cover was using in DAW's marketing sent to book stores.