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When displaying an author's bibliography, one of the options at the top of the Web page is "Summary", which leads to a summary view of the author's works. The first section of the page shows speculative fiction works by the displayed author. If the author is also responsible for non-genre titles, they are displayed in the second section. Within each section the sequence of display is:

  1. Fiction series (i.e. series which include at least one book length work)
  2. Novels
  3. Collections
  4. Omnibuses
  5. Magazine series edited by the author
  6. Magazines edited by the author
  7. Anthology series edited by the author
  8. Anthologies edited by the author
  9. Chapbooks
  10. Nonfiction series
  11. Nonfiction
  12. Cover art
  13. Interior art
  14. Short fiction series
  15. Short fiction
  16. Poem series
  17. Poems
  18. Essay series
  19. Essays
  20. Reviews
  21. Interviews conducted by the displayed author
  22. Interviews conducted with the displayed author (this section does not display variant titles)

Within each section, the titles are displayed in chronological order.

The "Summary" bibliography is the default bibliographic display when you click on an author's name.