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This page is a help or manual page for the ISFDB database. It describes standards or methods for entering or maintaining data in the ISFDB database, or otherwise working with the database. Other help pages may be found via the category below. To discuss what should go on this page, use the talk page.

If, after exploring the Help system, you still have a question, please visit the Help desk and let us know. We probably know the answer, but we need your help to know what we left out of the help pages.

If you are new to editing the ISFDB, please see Help:Getting Started.

For more on this and other header templates, see Header templates.

A title may have more than one award associated with it. When an editor wishes to select a particular existing award to select for editing, this screen will appear when the "Edit an Award" link is selected:

 Select an Award to Edit:
 [21437] A Fire Upon the Deep - 1992. Nebula Award, Novel, (Nomination)
 [4587] A Fire Upon the Deep - 1993. John W. Campbell Award, John W. Campbell Memorial Award, (Nomination)
 [5298] A Fire Upon the Deep - 1993. SF Chronicle Award, Novel, (Win)
 [7810] A Fire Upon the Deep - 1993. Hugo Award, Best Novel, (Win)
 [12807] A Fire Upon the Deep - 1993. Locus Poll Award, Best SF Novel, (Place: 4)

The record IDs between the brackets are selectable links. Clicking on a particular link will bring up the awards editor for that awards record.