Bio:W. L. Alden

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This is an ISFDB biography page for W. L. Alden. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of W. L. Alden. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of W. L. Alden should be placed on Author:W. L. Alden.

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Dates of birth and death need research

William Livingston Alden's birth and death dates need some research. ISFDB originally used 1833-1891 but seems to be the only web site that used these dates. has (1837-1908) which is also found on other sites.

The birthdate of October 9, 1837 is found on a few sites but none of them are reliable sources.

The death date of January 14, 1908 is not found on any sites.

The death date was from. Alden Genealogy. Also from the Series Book Encyclopedia
The question is are there two W. L. Aldens or William Livingston Aldens writing during the same period with the same names?
The other dates (1837-1908) on web search only seem to show on exports of the ISFDB database.[1][2][3]--Ray 06:07, 8 June 2008 (UTC)
Wikipedia cites Alden's obituary in The New York Times 1908-01-16 and links a copy in the public archive at (where it is not dated).
The obituary biographical data including DoB 1837-10-09 and states that he died "in Buffalo last Tuesday", which was 1908-01-14 (if the issue date is correct).
--Pwendt|talk 20:31, 10 November 2016 (UTC)