Bio:Paul I. Wellman

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Paul I. Wellman. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Paul I. Wellman. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Paul I. Wellman should be placed on Author:Paul I. Wellman.

Please observe our policy and guidelines on biographies when editing this page.

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The Library of Congress (linkname "" in the database) full personal name heading for Wellman is "Wellman, Paul I. (Paul Iselin), 1898-1966", with "found in" notes that give birthdate 1895-10-14 and no other, citing the Social Security Death Index as issued by Missouri and also citing IMDb.

Kansas Literature, or Map of Kansas Literature, provides a Wellman "Biography" (linkname "" in the database) that gives birthdate 1895-10-15, along with birthplace and fullnames of his parents.

As of 2016-04-04, both English Wikipedia and the database give 1895-10-15.