Bio:Muriel Hine

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Muriel Hine. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Muriel Hine. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Muriel Hine should be placed on Author:Muriel Hine.

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MURIEL HINE (1873-1949) (married name Coxon, aka Muriel Hine Coxon, aka Mrs. Sydney Coxon, aka Nicholas Bevel) Author of nearly three dozen romantic novels from the 1910s-1950; titles include April Panhasard (1913), The Hidden Valley (1919), The Ladder of Folly (1928), The Door Opens (1935), Man of the House (1940), The Second Wife (1943), and Liar's Progress (1950).--Dirk P Broer 07:04, 16 June 2016 (UTC)

Wikipedia gives date of birth 1874-01-18, without a stated source. (Sources for the entire article include the Hines entry in The Oxford Companion to Edwardian Fiction --online for subscribers only.)
Library of Congress "1873~" (cites some disparate sources)
SFE "circa 1874" "1873" (married name as "Coxson" rather than "Coxon")
FurrowedMiddlebrow "18 Jan 1873" (evidently the 2016 source, above; as "Sydney" rather than "Sidney")
Wikidata gives 1873, citing ISFDB as of 2017-10-09!
--Pwendt 15:52 EDT and Pwendt|talk 16:31, 5 November 2022 (EDT)