Bio:Mark Mellon

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Mark Mellon. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Mark Mellon. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Mark Mellon should be placed on Author:Mark Mellon.

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Mark Mellon is a novelist who supports his family by working as an attorney for the FDIC. His life has been checkered with past experience as a mover, lifeguard/swimming instructor, door-to-door salesman, carpenter's helper, Russian translator, soldier, phone solicitor, collections counselor, and teacher.

Mark's work has appeared in Aberrations; Chasm; Gothic.Net; Terra Incognita; Anthrolations; Albedo One; Black Satellite; Aoife’s Kiss; Hadrosaur Tales; Premonitions; and Whispers From The Shattered Forum. A new short story has just been published by Rope And Wire magazine ([1]). His Western novel, The Pirooters, is published by Sundowners, a division of Treble Heart Books. The book recently won the Books and Authors.Net prize for Best Western of 2008. More information about the novel may be found at: [2]. Also, a novella, Escape From Byzantium, will be published by Withersin ([3]) in the fall. A website featuring Mark's writing may be found at [4].