Bio:Jill Bennett

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Jill Bennett. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Jill Bennett. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Jill Bennett should be placed on Author:Jill Bennett.

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Middle name and year of birth from Locus1.

The Library of Congress cites and quotes the British Library:

"BL author letter recd. 29 Apr. 1997 (Jill Rosemary Bennett, resident of Hanworth, Middlesex; requests date of birth not be disclosed)"

It distinguishes her from Jill Bennetts born 1934 and 1950.

[1] LCCN: n79-135262
[2] at WorldCat

The database certainly contains works by at least one other Jill Bennett.

Jill Crawford Bennett, born 1934, primarily a children's book illustrator

[3] LCCN: nb2005-009628
[4] at WorldCat
Jill Bennett (I) is now distinct 2018-07-05. Numerous COVERART and INTERIORART titles have been credited to her; none yet without sources. --Pwendt|talk 17:08, 6 July 2018 (EDT)

LC probably attributes some works to the wrong Jill Bennett; WorldCat certainly does so. There are more than two in the catalog(ue)s.

From the back pages of The Complete Polly and the Wolf (viewed as "Look inside at Amazon"):

Jill Bennett was born in South Africa ...