Bio:Haley Riordan

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This is an ISFDB biography page for Haley Riordan. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of Haley Riordan. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of Haley Riordan should be placed on Author:Haley Riordan.

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Haley Riordan is the son of American writer Rick Riordan, who is known primarily for the "Percy Jackson" series of mythological fantasy (series Percy Jackson Universe in the database). The first Percy Jackson sub-series, five novels known as Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2005 to 2009), originated as stories for Haley Riordan.

Evidently Haley Riordan was born some time 1994 to 1996. He and Percy Jackson are the same age. They are 16 years old now in Rick Riordan's voice as author of The Demigod Diaries, which was published in August 2012. Rick Riordan introduced Haley, and explained the relationship between Haley and Percy Jackson, in "A Note from Rick Riordan", which immediately precedes Haley's story "Son of Magic" in The Demigod Diaries (2012, first)

According to his father, Haley Riordan originally inspired the Percy Jackson series and he made an essential contribution directly in "Son of Magic".

The note begins, "Percy Jackson began as a bedtime story for my son Haley. In the spring of 2002, when Haley was in the first grade, he began having trouble at school. We soon found out that he had ADHD and dyslexia. ... Percy Jackson, the modern ADHD/dyslexic demigod, [was] inspired by my son's struggle."
It continues, "Over the years, Haley and Percy have grown up together. ...
"At the time of writing, Haley and Percy are the same age—sixteen."

The first Percy Jackson novel, The Lightning Thief (2005) 168675, is dedicated "To Haley, who heard the story first". The second, The Sea of Monsters (2006) 180971, is dedicated "To Patrick Jordan Riordan, the best story-teller in the family".

Secondary heading: Rick Riordan's son, Haley, has dyslexia and ADHD. Aged nine, he refused to read, but loved Greek myths so Rick turned his boy into a latterday hero – Percy Jackson – in a series of bestselling books and now a Hollywood movie
Two quotations of Rick Riordan:
"our youngest son Patrick, who is four years Haley's junior ..."
"Eventually, I ran out of Greek myths and Haley begged me to make one up. And that’s how Percy Jackson was born.
I imagined a summer camp for ­demi-gods, one of whom was a boy called Percy. Haley loved it and told me to write it down.
When I went to write my story, I hit on the idea of turning Percy Jackson into a story about Haley.
So Percy has ADHD and ­dyslexia, but realises they are not a ­weakness, but signs of ­greatness — an ­indicator he is a demi-god."